When I learned to drive at 21, my coworkers all told me that while it will never work as an excuse and to never tell a cop "I thought I could go 10 over," that up to 10 mph over was generally okay. What I do I is situational here; if I am driving to my daughter's school or wife's work, it is 35mph through the city the whole way there and so I do 40 the whole time. I use my cruise control at all times, even in stop-go traffic. I'll hop on Broad Street with the 35 MPH speed limit and set the cc at 40 and just go. There are some people going faster, a lot doing the same amount, and some doing 30 or less (there's a retirement home nearby with a ton of people living there who still have a license and car, as well as a good number of mopeds on the road since people who lose their license over DUIs/DWIs are still allowed to drive a moped or scooter on pretty much any road and there is apparently a TON of people with DUIs/DWIs around here). If I am driving to Columbia, Myrtle Beach (with the exception of driving through Turbeville, which is a speed trap), Charleston, or Charlotte, I am doing 10 over on the highway (sometimes more on 77 up to Charlotte or on 95 north through SC).
I imagine this won't stick in NC. If it is something they are even going to enforce, it will last a week or so before it goes back to the normal way it is now. If not, I'll keep it in mind next time I go to Charlotte or drive up I-95 through the state to get to VA Beach.