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North Carolina to begin enforcing posted Speed Limits

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It would've gotten better if they just widened the road like people in the area wanted them to. But they opted for the toll roads instead, which not many are going to spring $10 each way for. Why? Because it's an absurd amount of money. And when it doesn't make the revenue they project it to, the people in the area are going to be fitting the bill for their corrupt bullshit.

the insurance is cheap in NC but thats about it.


Trucker Sexologist
?? Highway speeds are already ridiculous and above decent percentage chances of survival.

I see this is a thread where no one knows people who've died on the roads for no good reason.
The problem is that the speeders eventually catch up to the slow pokes and create bumper to bumper traffic even though it's not necessary. If the speeders are able to go ahead then you still get good separation. Speed is rarely the primary factor in an accident.

Overall, I think safe following distance and keeping with the flow of traffic is more important than not going over the speed limit by a small amount.


Holy fuck thats stupid.

In Canada, atleast Ontario, theres a 10kmph buffer. I think Schoolzone is the only exception.

Hell, on the highway you can sometimes drive 30kmph over and it's fine. As long as you are with the flow of traffic. I often see people driving 130kmph.
This is so fucking stupid. This stage gets more and more backwards the longer the Republicans take over.

So does that mean we get to pull over all the cops on capital that do 60 between downtown and 440?


highway speed limits in this country are antiquated at best. This just reeks of "we need more income" rather than a public safety measure.

speed limits are definitively a safety measure. however, being anal about the specific speed limit is not. The cushion is basically to account for the fact that speedometers aren't that precise.

It would've gotten better if they just widened the road like people in the area wanted them to. But they opted for the toll roads instead, which not many are going to spring $10 each way for. Why? Because it's an absurd amount of money. And when it doesn't make the revenue they project it to, the people in the area are going to be fitting the bill for their corrupt bullshit.

Interestingly enough it's been proven adding more road doesn't solve congestion issues, it just creates more congestion.


highway speed limits in this country are antiquated at best. This just reeks of "we need more income" rather than a public safety measure.
Fuck that. These highway speed limits are bullshit anyways. 65mph on a highway in a modern car is ridiculous and an archaic idea of what a safe driving speed is.

Clearly neither of you live in/near San Antonio, Texas. The daily high-speed collisions and accidents are wearing.


I always drive 5 over. You will never see me go faster than that and I have never gotten a speeding ticket. Usually turn on cruise control at that point. But, not everybody has cruise control and it's pretty hard to keep it at the exact limit at all times, that's why a buffer is needed, we are human drivers (for now). Yes some people abuse it, but I don't see a problem with 5 over. Here in Phoenix if you are going only 5 over on the freeway, you are going damn slow sadly.


Widening the roads doesn't do jack shit. It also makes the roads along the popular exits even worse, and then what, are you going to widen those too?


Considering that the bill they passed to get these toll roads approved prevents these adjacent roads from being maintained/widened/changed, no, they can't. But that's against the NC State Constitution as is. But they didn't give a shit even though people raised holy hell about it because they knew what was going on. And if you've seen the exits in the area, you'd know that they already needed to be widened. But instead of doing that, they keep trying these moronic tricks to try and maintain traffic flow (Hint: Not working at all).
Considering that the bill they passed to get these toll roads approved prevents these adjacent roads from being maintained/widened/changed, no, they can't. But that's against the NC State Constitution as is. But they didn't give a shit even though people raised holy hell about it because they knew what was going on. And if you've seen the exits in the area, you'd know that they already needed to be widened. But instead of doing that, they keep trying these moronic tricks to try and maintain traffic flow (Hint: Not working at all).
The only way at this point for every US city to maintain traffic flow would be to remove drivers from the road, which means alternative transportation. It doesn't sound like you're interested in solving the problem for the city as much as for yourself.


Yep. If they want this to be taken seriously they need to kick up the limit to the 85th percentile speed like every traffic engineer with sense already suggests.

Um that's the actual rule from the federally mandated MUTCD, the only way to lower it from that are new speed studies that change 85% speed or a safety concern based off the tracking of crashes on the road. Most roads are designed 10 mph higher than posted speed limit, unless it's a Texas farm to market road.


They just need fucking money but a judge will throw out anything under 5 mph over. This is stupid shit and is a waste of a cops time.


Speeds limits always seemed weird to me. This may have changed since I left, but I remember a lot of freeways in the Chicago suburbs were marked at 55 MPH, yet from my experience traffic was routinely moving at 70-78. Technically you of course could get pulled over going 20 above the limit, but 55 seemed unreasonably slow for these big 4 lane freeways.
No. The laws almost always have exceptions for emergency and public safety vehicles. Which the police fall under.

It was a joke. They cruise out of the police station at 20 miles over the speed limit, but on the other side of downtown love to nail people doing 45 when it drops to 35 whole in the midst of a huge incline.
We are talking about buffer zones and whether they should exist.

Giving people a few mph of leeway isn't going to hurt people in any significant fashion. Just sounds like an excuse for revenue and more reasons to be pulled over.


The only way at this point for every US city to maintain traffic flow would be to remove drivers from the road, which means alternative transportation. It doesn't sound like you're interested in solving the problem for the city as much as for yourself.

It sounds to me like you have no interest in learning how the area in question is growing and how it can't handle any more traffic on the roads despite them continuing to expand.
Considering that the bill they passed to get these toll roads approved prevents these adjacent roads from being maintained/widened/changed, no, they can't. But that's against the NC State Constitution as is. But they didn't give a shit even though people raised holy hell about it because they knew what was going on. And if you've seen the exits in the area, you'd know that they already needed to be widened. But instead of doing that, they keep trying these moronic tricks to try and maintain traffic flow (Hint: Not working at all).

I keep waiting for the traffic lights on 540 to fix the issues with flow from merging. That would fix a lot of the problem.
So stupid, the reason you have buffers in place is because its impossible to constantly do the exact speed posted unless you have a vehicle with cruise control that you use liberally


Speedometers on cars aren't entirely accurate to begin with. That's why most cities allow an unspoken of cushion - because drivers can't accurately figure their speed to the exact mile, and because cops can't accurately figure the speed of a moving car to the mile. There is a fuzzy discretion used.

I suspect anybody ticketed for going 1-3 over the speedlimit would be able to fight their ticket rather easily.


Speeds limits always seemed weird to me. This may have changed since I left, but I remember a lot of freeways in the Chicago suburbs were marked at 55 MPH, yet from my experience traffic was routinely moving at 70-78. Technically you of course could get pulled over going 20 above the limit, but 55 seemed unreasonably slow for these big 4 lane freeways.

Slower speeds means you follow closer which increases vehicle density which then makes your capacity higher which makes your roadway more effective. Also has to due with the amount on entries and exits which cause weaving movements.
It sounds to me like you have no interest in learning how the area in question is growing and how it can't handle any more traffic on the roads despite them continuing to expand.
So, alternative transportation?

Aren't you the one arguing for widening the road? Yet "can't handle any more traffic on the roads despite them continuing to expand."
What's the point of a limit of you have a buffer?

They're typically designed with the understanding that people will go a little over.

So they say "ok this road is safest at 60 MPH, so since people will go 10 over we'll put it at 50 and they can feel like they're getting away with something while still driving safely."


Gold Member
Wyoming bumped their interstate speed limits to 80mph and they let everyone know that with that concession, they aren't fucking around with it. People so far are fine with that agreement.


Capital at rush hour has never been faster than the speed limit.

I remember my first time on 440, heading to North Hills, posted speed limit was 60 and I had to drive almost 80 to feel like I wasn't going to cause an accident by going too slow.


They're typically designed with the understanding that people will go a little over.

So they say "ok this road is safest at 60 MPH, so since people will go 10 over we'll put it at 50 and they can feel like they're getting away with something while still driving safely."
Yeah um no... it's the 85th percentile of speed. 85% of drivers go that speed or less.


What's the point of a limit of you have a buffer?

Speedometers aren't accurate, just close enough to give you a good idea. Your speedometer may say 75 mph but you're actually going 78. That's why you can't have hard limits.

Your speedometer has a bit of "fuzz" due to the fact that it's readout depends on various conditions and your car tires being inflated exactly to spec, which is near impossible.

Wyoming bumped their interstate speed limits to 80mph and they let everyone know that with that concession, they aren't fucking around with it. People so far are fine with that agreement.

Wyoming has fuck all nothing and wide open roads with good visibility, so they can do that. 80mph wouldn't work for a lot of in-city highways where the curve of ramps would be too sharp for a car going 80 to safely use or have merges/hazards where 80mph gives you too little of time to react.


There will always be a cushion, speedometers and radar guns are not always exact. There is a lot at play here, age of the vehicle, size of the tires compared to the original, rear differential gearing, and I'm certain vehicle manufacturers clock the speedometer slightly faster than your actual MPH in order to stray away from lawsuits. So if you just bought a brand new car and your gauge says you're going 70 MPH, you might just be going 68-69 MPH. I don't have any proof but that's what I've heard.


Wyoming bumped their interstate speed limits to 80mph and they let everyone know that with that concession, they aren't fucking around with it. People so far are fine with that agreement.

What do you mean by this? Because I noticed this last year when I drove through there and I still went like 95 the whole way through the state.
So, alternative transportation?

Aren't you the one arguing for widening the road? Yet "can't handle any more traffic on the roads despite them continuing to expand."

Charlotte area is growing, outside of charlotte area is ruralas in basically farm and cows. Public transportation here is almost nonexistant. I believe uptown the metropolitan part has a light rail that only goes east. The areas with the most traffic are suburbs north of charlotte where the major interstate only has two lanes.


My piece of garbage 1991 Cherokee that struggled to even hit highway speed limits (70-75 here) had it so I'm going to say it's safe to assume the vast majority have cruise control.

You do realise how ridiculous this sounds right? I mean besides the fact that it's purely anecdotal, I have to wonder how many other cars you've even driven.


Would be ridiculous if they did it around here. Posted speed limits on the highways in the city are 55 .. When it's empty you'll get your ass run off the road if you're not going 65-70+.

I've seen cops flash their lights at people to go faster.
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