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November 2014 NPD (U.S. Hardware) Predictions - Closes December 9th


[360] 160k
[3DS] 400k
[PS3] 100k
[PS4] 700k
[WIU] 300k
[XB1] 750k

I played too much Danganronpa and didn't give them much thought. It worked last month for whatever reason. 380k for the Unity bundle?
Replacement for NPD more in-line with the no-charge Japanese sales received would be welcome. Replaced with the great black hole of information that is digital sales? Don't know. Maybe that would be reason enough for digital sales holders to start releasing more data?

What incentive would there be to supply digital sales to a third party? It can be argued that the only reason the packaged stuff exists is because retail receives a tangible benefit from "selling" that information to NPD.

I'm guessing it will become a black hole. We'll see I guess.
What incentive would there be to supply digital sales to a third party? It can be argued that the only reason the packaged stuff exists is because retail receives a tangible benefit from "selling" that information to NPD.

I'm guessing it will become a black hole. We'll see I guess.

Therein lies the biggest obstacle to NPD Group's evolution.

They want to move forward with accurate digital information, but it's just *so* hard to convince the Big 3 to actually give them digital sales data.

And trying to go to each publisher to get them to comply...it's really tough. Kudos to the guys at Port Washington who have to deal with that kind of headache.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
[360] 215,000
[3DS] 560,000
[PS3] 113,000
[PS4] 782,000
[WIU] 324,000
[XB1] 837,000
Sorry to ask again - we know this how? I´d love to read up on this.

This I doubt too, but both should be able to buy parts cheaper now than they did a year ago.
I can't be bothered to search, but a long while ago there were threads that broke down the component costs for the PS4 and they were just around the MSRP price, if not a bit less. The same was done for XBO and it was a bit more than PS4's total mainly due to the ESRAM.

As to your other part, yeah both of them can, but ESRAM prices will continue to command a premium for the lifecycle of XBO, whereas GDDR5 costs will become quite a lot cheaper. People saying MS will switch to stacked DDR4 or whatever are a bit out of it imho; that would bring massive compatibility issues with pretty much every XBO game and they'd be wasting money on better RAM that can't be used to any advantage b/c the system has to operate at a certain bandwidth and frequency regardless.

If Xbox One won Microsoft will make a pompous PR with Xbox One sales number.
I don't know about that. Sony's taken it easy on MS by not gloating about actual numbers, just a general, to-the-chase statement. For MS to suddenly turn around and get gloaty for winning one month out of the year is just inviting Sony to start doing the same when they start winning regularly again after the holidays (if they even lose the holidays, that is. We still don't know what's what yet).

They'll probably give some crazy statistics that we're supposed to somehow work with to figure out the numbers, i.e "over $450 million generated over the month of November"..without even saying if that's hardware or software, or whatever.
And trying to go to each publisher to get them to comply...it's really tough.

The only way this will happen with consistency is if NPD offers to "buy" this data from the publishers. But that's the rub. The publishers are the customers. Right now, all the publishers would have to agree to support an initiative in a similar way while not being compensated. Ain't happening.

Then say you get a couple that do participate, and that begin sharing. What about the publishers that don't? Do they see nothing? If so, does this represent anti-competitive behavior?

Some publishers (EA, Activision, Ubi) will have to give much more than they'd get from such an initiative as well. Since they are so advanced in digital sales, DLC, etc. do these results offer some kind of competitive advantage? Why wouldn't a smaller pub offer up its puny data pool in order to figure out where these bigger publishers are making the most money?

The whole idea is destined to fail in a fire.
But "winning" November with less than a gap of 200k on either side will be so meaningless... If one console sells 100k more than the other, it just won't matter at all. Enjoy the bans though I guess?

First, retailers have to scrub and validate their internal data.

Then retail submits that data to NPD.

NPD then has to take in all the disparate retailer feeds, map each data point from each feed for each SKU to its own master table.

New products have to be created with new mapping.

Then those totals have to be scrubbed and validated.

If there are data errors they then have to go back to the appropriate retailer to correct.

Then the totals have to be summed to ensure everything still makes sense.

The data is then uploaded for distribution to NPD customers, and all of that has to work.

You try doing all of that in less than two weeks buddy.

On the one hand, I agree...it's a ton of coordination and hard work to get it all done in a two-week time.

On the other hand, that's why The NPD Group has 1,300+ employees.

GfK is much larger (13,000+ employees), but they manage weekly data throughout Europe.

So do the Japanese trackers....and PC Data did in the USA as well before they were acquired by NPD.

So it is possible. But I don't know enough about how the company operates to know how feasible it might be to switch over to a weekly system.

So none of this can be streamlined or automated? Modern day technology allows processing/analyzing of TRILLIONS of transactions in minutes. I'm pretty sure most retailers are already monitoring their sales in real-time nationwide. Them passing the info to NPD and then NPD doing processing/analysis is still not a legitimate excuse for taking such a long time in the year 2014 and soon to be 2015. How is this acceptable to major corporations?

DOH... my post was intended to be a response to CosmicQueso.

Edit 2:


Sony doesn't make PR about NPD, only a short statement without any sales number.

If Xbox One won Microsoft will make a pompous PR with Xbox One sales number.

It would be funny if Sony did release worldwide sales tomorrow though. It would fuck with people's heads like it did in March.
How is this acceptable to major corporations?

NPD has an effective monopoly on this service. It's not acceptable, but there's no competitive service to go with.

As to your other points, the largest US retailer for games doesn't have EDI. Its transactions are not transmitted using modern day technology. Take them out of the picture, and the turnaround could be accelerated.

Oh... the delays are also accepted because digital is becoming more and more important, which isn't even included, and every company does internal sales reporting covering the company's own products. NPD is just used for calculating share, maybe taking a peek at hardware sales. But no day to day decisions are ever driven by NPD. Not many people really care about it at major publishers anymore to be honest. It becomes less and less relevant to the business every month.


ESRAM prices will continue to command a premium for the lifecycle of XBO, whereas GDDR5 costs will become quite a lot cheaper. People saying MS will switch to stacked DDR4 or whatever are a bit out of it imho; that would bring massive compatibility issues with pretty much every XBO game and they'd be wasting money on better RAM that can't be used to any advantage b/c the system has to operate at a certain bandwidth and frequency regardless.
Both memory types are on their way out and will likely get more expensive as their market shrinks. In the graphics market, GDDR5 will be replaced by HBM (HMC for NVidia) and in the PC market, DDR3 is being replaced by DDR4.

At some point, it will become cheaper to switch than stay with the current memory type. As you mentioned, game compatibility is a concern that might make a switch difficult.


Both memory types are on their way out and will likely get more expensive as their market shrinks. In the graphics market, GDDR5 will be replaced by HBM (HMC for NVidia) and in the PC market, DDR3 is being replaced by DDR4.

At some point, it will become cheaper to switch than stay with the current memory type. As you mentioned, game compatibility is a concern that might make a switch difficult.

That point being the next console cycle.


That point being the next console cycle.
Sony said that they designed the PS4 with cost-cutting in mind. There is [thread=689845]a 2013 patent from them[/thread] describing a CPU using stacked wide I/O memory, back then speculated to be for a PS3 refresh. But it is something which fits the description of HBM as well. A switch to stacked memory in this console generation would not surprise me.
It's now 8:01 PM. The deadline for predicting November 2014 NPD sales was 8:00 PM. All predictions after this post will no longer be counted.


I can't be bothered to search, but a long while ago there were threads that broke down the component costs for the PS4 and they were just around the MSRP price, if not a bit less. The same was done for XBO and it was a bit more than PS4's total mainly due to the ESRAM.
ESRAM isn't a component. It is a part of the SoC and takes up die space. A cheaper process node would make it cheaper while DDR3 and GDDR5 depend on demand. I think it scales well, that makes sense for memory which is just a blob.

The PS4 SoC is smaller, but I don't think we know the yield. All i know is that the PS4 has two redundant CUs (GPU related) to aid yield and runs at a slower clock speed. I dunno if the extra cooling in the XB1 is beneficial to yield.

With a bigger chip, external PSU and equally priced RAM it does make sense for the XB1 to be the most expensive.


Maybe MS wants to change their approach to NPD? Even if they win in November and December they probably expect not to keep outselling PS4 especially when this Holiday bundle will get discontinued. So them boasting about it now while early next year they'll start losing again will only make them look stupid. Be more humble may be the new PR strategy with NPD results compared to the days of 360.
Unless tomorrow they'll release some crazy ass PR lol.


Maybe MS wants to change their approach to NPD? Even if they win in November and December they probably expect not to keep outselling PS4 especially when this Holiday bundle will get discontinued. So them boasting about it now while early next year they'll start losing again will only make them look stupid. Be more humble may be the new PR strategy with NPD results compared to the days of 360.
Unless tomorrow they'll release some crazy ass PR lol.

Lol, u so funny..

Major, Aaron, Mehdi and crew will be shouting from the mountain tops at about 6:30 pm Thurs. ... It can only help promote their brand and their amazing victory, lol. Dis gonna be fun, lol


What black friday deal was this? Because the best Walmart BF deal I saw was $329 for XB1 kinectless + Halo MCC + $30 GC

Valuing the digital DL of Halo MCC at $60, puts the XB1 at $239

You probably mean the target deal and are valuing a digital DL of AC Black Flag at greater than $20 for this to be true

Slight mistake, it was Target, not Walmart.


Effective $179 value. Even if we only value Black Flag at $20, it's a $199 value, so still holds true.
What black friday deal was this? Because the best Walmart BF deal I saw was $329 for XB1 kinectless + Halo MCC + $30 GC

Valuing the digital DL of Halo MCC at $60, puts the XB1 at $239

You probably mean the target deal and are valuing a digital DL of AC Black Flag at greater than $20 for this to be true

He is probably confused with target...

X1 +ACU + AC4 + $50GC = $329

ACU = $60 value
AC4 = ~$20 value

So $329 - $60 - $20 - $50GC = $199 for the console itself.

EDIT: Beaten
Also, HOLY CRAP at those Unity Prices! $12??


Maybe MS wants to change their approach to NPD? Even if they win in November and December they probably expect not to keep outselling PS4 especially when this Holiday bundle will get discontinued. So them boasting about it now while early next year they'll start losing again will only make them look stupid. Be more humble may be the new PR strategy with NPD results compared to the days of 360.
Unless tomorrow they'll release some crazy ass PR lol.

If you don't think Yusuf Mehdi will put out the most condescending PR statement imaginable when they win then I got a nice bridge to sell you.


I would say effective value is around $200 and won't argue about under/over as that seems pointless

Regardless the target deal was incredible for a one year old console

Great deal for consumers, certainly. Also one if not the largest value drop in history for 1y in a new console :)


eBay gives you only the resale value for a game. In addition you can't really use the post-BF prices because they will come under pressure from all the people selling the bundled download codes.
If you don't think Yusuf Mehdi will put out the most condescending PR statement imaginable when they win then I got a nice bridge to sell you.

Condescending is quite strong.

I imagine we will get "best selling" or something along those lines, but that is hardly putting down anyone else.
If you don't think Yusuf Mehdi will put out the most condescending PR statement imaginable when they win then I got a nice bridge to sell you.
Yeah, and I'd want to get as far away from PSX as possible. Sites were still writing articles about it today. The X1 victory PR statement is coming, probably tomorrow.
Sony said that they designed the PS4 with cost-cutting in mind. There is [thread=689845]a 2013 patent from them[/thread] describing a CPU using stacked wide I/O memory, back then speculated to be for a PS3 refresh. But it is something which fits the description of HBM as well. A switch to stacked memory in this console generation would not surprise me.
Well assuming Sony does that, is there a way they can ensure game compatibility? You're still talking about a different memory type and it still has to be locked at a certain bandwidth to whatever the motherboard was originally designed in mind with. And even then, if there are bandwidth gains from that memory type they won't be put to use would they?

What makes HBM and DDR4 so different that Sony could design their system around switching to that but MS can't do so with theirs? Or is there something about DDR memory I'm missing?

ESRAM isn't a component. It is a part of the SoC and takes up die space. A cheaper process node would make it cheaper while DDR3 and GDDR5 depend on demand. I think it scales well, that makes sense for memory which is just a blob.

The PS4 SoC is smaller, but I don't think we know the yield. All i know is that the PS4 has two redundant CUs (GPU related) to aid yield and runs at a slower clock speed. I dunno if the extra cooling in the XB1 is beneficial to yield.

With a bigger chip, external PSU and equally priced RAM it does make sense for the XB1 to be the most expensive.
Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying.


Well assuming Sony does that, is there a way they can ensure game compatibility? You're still talking about a different memory type and it still has to be locked at a certain bandwidth to whatever the motherboard was originally designed in mind with. And even then, if there are bandwidth gains from that memory type they won't be put to use would they?
If Sony designed the PS4 with HBM already in mind, they could have added restrictions for things that GDDR5 does better than HBM (e.g. 32 bit vs 256 bit access granularity).

What makes HBM and DDR4 so different that Sony could design their system around switching to that but MS can't do so with theirs? Or is there something about DDR memory I'm missing?
Who told you that? Going from DDR3 to DDR4 should be as easy if not easier. Mostly a matter of buying the memory controller IP block from AMD.


Great deal for consumers, certainly. Also one if not the largest value drop in history for 1y in a new console :)

Yea dropping 3/5ths of your cost in under a year has to be some sort of record. That's just absolutely insane.

If Ms doesn't win US sales selling the console at a value of $200 with bundled software that's pretty much all she wrote at that point. I mean what else could you possibly do?
I have a gut feeling that PS4 and Xbox One sales are very close with PS4 outselling Xbox One sales by a margin less than 50K. Like others have said, I think there is no PR statement yet is because it might be too close for call.


Im not ashamed, if xbox had been price/bundled like this a year ago I would have gotten it.

It wasnt though, so im in the PS4 camp like i have been for the last 4 generations (except i was more a GC fan than PS2).

I seriously want MS to do well here, they deserve it. They have made a HUGE push this month. I would be shocked if they did not win.
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