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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT

Can they EVER do a fucking tag match without the double hot tag bullshit

It's so dumb. And it's always the same sequence right after, the good guy clothesline the bad guy twice then knocks the bad guy's partner off the ropes. That entire match was about as generic as you can get. Even had the distraction-from-the-heel-manager ending. That was a house show level match, it shouldn't open Raw.

LOL Ziggles was late.
I liked how the crowd groaned when that happened. Wake up, ziggles.
He should be the tag team GM.
Lets go one better, he's now a renegade who works outside the standard rules, he'll run out on stage and illegally create tag team matches while being pursued by Booker's security team, he'd be like a vigilante...of tag team matches.

I'm so sick of tag team matches outside of the tag team division.

WWE is so creatively bankrupt :(

My interest is at an all time low, all the creativity is clearly being poured into the Cena and AJ saga, I wonder if the saucy vocabulary will increase this week, googly eyes just ain't doing it anymore.


Gee, AJ actually gets a segment in this AJ story? Better get John Cena out there quick in case people start thinking about something other than him.
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