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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


Am I the only one who is a bit puzzled by matches from 2000 being included in the attitude era set? I always thought it kind of dissolved in 1999 with the end of the Ministry, Austin-McMahon and the end of that run of D-X....you know, some of the cornerstones of the attitude era.

Most people consider the end of the attitude era was Wrestlemania 17 where the product peaked because after that the ratings and writing started to decline.

edit: Survivor Series Pay per view:

Four corners match between Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel vs. Epico, Primo, Darren Young and Titus O'Neil
Survivor Series match
Cesaro vs R-Truth
Kaitlyn vs Eve
Big Show vs Sheamus
Punk vs Ryback vs Cena


Some angles more offensive and tasteless than turning King's heart attack into an angle in post Attitude Era WWE:

Katie Vick

HHH's "people like you" angle with Booker T.

King's constant, outright mean spirited comments about Vickie's looks and weight even in the midst of anti-bullying campaigns and her losing 50-60 pounds.

Kurt Angle: Olympic Gold Rapist

Everything relating to Eddie after his death. From Randy saying he was in hell and spiting in his car, to the Rey/Chavo feud over Eddie's love (which also involved Benoit), to worst of all having his widow becoming the longest running top heel in the company who fucks all
the young guys at the top of the card. Also, using his drug issues in pretty much every angle he was in after coming back in 2002...after leaving due to drug issues.

King's constant racist remarks when any minority is in the ring, especially of Hispanic/Latino ancestry.

Undertaker being forced to MURDER PAUL BEARER on PPV. They retconned it, but the intent and purpose was Undertaker literally killing Paul Bearer. And then later, Edge torturing and nearly killing a completely helpless old, obese man while being the FACE in the feud.

All of the Al Wilson/Dawn Marie angle. Dawn Marie fucks Torrie's dad so she can fuck Torrie, gets Torrie to fuck her if she won't marry her dad, then marries him anyway, then he dies after fucking.

Scott Hall's feud with Austin where they have Austin tie him down to a chair, pour alcohol all over him, and leave him in a walk in cooler full of booze. The same guy whose alcohol issues were very well known and after EVERYONE shit all over WCW for using it in an angle. And this was at a time when Hall was on meds that would make him physically ill to be around alcohol.

Cena's stunningly homophobic raps. Seriously, go back to those. Everything was a "ur a fagz lol".

Eric Bischoff sexually assaulting Linda. Eric Bischoff attempting to sexually assault Stephanie. Eric Bischoff and HHH being mean to Eugene just for fun.

Steve Austin giving Stacy Keibler a stunner for not drinking beer with him. To thunderous applause. And announcer's not denouncing it at all. All while having recently been charged with spousal abuse.

Test and Steiner treating Stacy as their slave. Randy Orton breaking up with Stacy by RKOing her.

The current angle with AJ being a whore. The angle at the beginning of the year with Eve being an unrepentant whore to fuck her way to the top. Because all women are whores. Face and heel.

R-Truth: Crazy Black Man

Shelton's Big Black Mamma.

Cryme Tyme, which was clearly not a parody, especially at the beginning.

Everything Vince has done with JR, all the way up to a few months ago.

This is just a list off the top of my head. And doesn't take into account any of the insane stuff in the 90s in all 3 major companies, or on indie promotions this decade, or TNA. Or most promotions in the 80s. Wrestling has ALWAYS been full of amazingly offensive angles. Always. Just on the Jerry Lawler scale of tasteless angles, this isn't even a blip on the radar.

WWE is tasteless entertainment, news at eleven.
Heard some backstage talk that Bootaaay really hares the direction his character is going in GWF. Can anyone confirm?

I feel the lariat per episode ratio needs to improve. Also, it'll be a missed opportunity if the resurrection machine isn't used to resurrect a zombified Bruiser Brody.

Fun show man, can't believe real Kane put Soul over. Also, you guys cracked me up with the chat stream
strobogo: Don't forget Hunico and Camacho and their low riders!

Plus the King thing isn't even an ANGLE. Punk isn't going to ever mention him again. It was just an awesome way to get heat and expertly done by Punk. And frankly I felt like he had gotten too whiny lately, but last night he killed it.


Everything relating to Eddie after his death. From Randy saying he was in hell and spiting in his car, to the Rey/Chavo feud over Eddie's love (which also involved Benoit), to worst of all having his widow becoming the longest running top heel in the company who fucks all
the young guys at the top of the card. Also, using his drug issues in pretty much every angle he was in after coming back in 2002...after leaving due to drug issues.

On today's Observer Radio, Dave Meltzer said something I found pretty interesting. When Art Barr (Eddie Guerrero's best friend and tag team partner at the time) died, AAA asked Eddie if it would be ok for them to do an angle involving Art's death. Eddie refused to do any storylines or angles related to his death. Vickie did ok WWE doing stuff about Eddie's death but it does make you wonder how he would have felt about it.
Am I the only one who is a bit puzzled by matches from 2000 being included in the attitude era set? I always thought it kind of dissolved in 1999 with the end of the Ministry, Austin-McMahon and the end of that run of D-X....you know, some of the cornerstones of the attitude era.

I consider the Attitude Era to end after the merge. What was that 2001? After the merge things were certainly different.


Am I the only one who is a bit puzzled by matches from 2000 being included in the attitude era set? I always thought it kind of dissolved in 1999 with the end of the Ministry, Austin-McMahon and the end of that run of D-X....you know, some of the cornerstones of the attitude era.

Nah, not remotely, Rock and HHH were the top guys for 2000, and it was very much the Attitude Era. It's usually seen as ending at WM X-Seven, with the end of the Austin/MacMahon feud at last.




more money than God
Let this be made clear, once and for all. The attitude era ended at WM 17. WM 17, people. WWE and most "wrestling historians" agree on that date. Monday night wars ended, SCSA went heel, and Rock left for hollywood after that.


Why is Kofi on a team?

Also, I'm thinking of fast forwarding through King's speech... am I bad?

And they totally screwed Ziggler over by putting Cena back in the title match.
Why is Kofi on a team?

Also, I'm thinking of fast forwarding through King's speech... am I bad?

And they totally screwed Ziggler over by putting Cena back in the title match.

- Kofi is awesome.

- For the love of God don't.

- It makes sense! For no reason at all! It also makes sense that the IC champ and MITB holder ate the pins for Del Rio and Orton! It all makes SO MUCH SENSE.


Main Event spoilers:

* Josh Mathews interviews Kane & Daniel Bryan about their upcoming match. Bryan is still upset about The Miz. Kane ends up walking away, allowing Team Rhodes Scholars to ambush Bryan.

* A video package for Team Hell No airs.

* Team Hell No b. Team Rhodes Scholars to retain the Tag Team Championships.

* Matt Striker interviews Team Hell No, asking Daniel Bryan how he feels about The Miz. Bryan tries to hug The Miz, but he refuses.

* Michael Cole interviews Dolph Ziggler, asking if he is still confident in his Survivor Series team following Team Rhodes Scholars‘ loss. The Miz interrupts, setting up a match for next week’s Main Event.

* Santino Marella b. David Otunga

Is this leading to Daniel Bryan breaking off from Kane most likely by the Royal Rumble because I'm fine with that if they put him in the main event picture?


Because if Kofi Kingston isn't in some random tag team pairing, things just ain't right in WWE.

I guess this is his usual, short lived solo career.

- Kofi is awesome.

- For the love of God don't.

- It makes sense! For no reason at all! It also makes sense that the IC champ and MITB holder ate the pins for Del Rio and Orton! It all makes SO MUCH SENSE.

I'm not going to skip it lol. Just totally forgot they're going to have a segment about that.

WWE has the worst booking. Currently.

Oh and Ziggler is the man. Give that man all the titles already.

Edit: oh I'm cringing at this voicemail stuff.
They could pair Kofi up with someone out of the Survivor Series match......like The Miz.

No way Miz is gonna fight Punk for the title at the PPV no one cares about between SS and the Rumble. Just a guess.

WWE has the worst booking. Currently.

Oh and Ziggler is the man. Give that man all the titles already.

He did his best to save that segment, but the whole angle is just SO BAD, there's nothing to save it. It's the worst angle since Cena was forced to embrace the hate.

Actually it's worse, because it's obvious it was written for him to feud with Ziggler, and he's not feuding with Ziggler, and the whole thing is STUPID.


Impact Wrestling spoiler for 11/22

* In Gut Check, Wes Brisco defeated Garett Bischoff with the Ranhei (Kofi Kingston’s SOS.) Kurt Angle came out during the match and celebrated with Wes after he won.

* Joey Ryan comes out and says it is Open Fight Night for all the gut check winners. Ryan says he knows all about Gut Check but he doesn’t need it since he was born a star. Hogan says he is trying to tear him and Matt Morgan apart but he can’t do that. He says that he and Matt Morgan are the future tag team champions and calls out Chavo for a match. He says Matt Morgan is big but he says he is a giant while looking down his own tights and says that size matters.

* Chavo Guerrero defeated Joey Ryan by DQ when Matt Morgan came out and chokeslammed Chavo. Hernandez came out for the save and Ryan and Morgan bailed.

* Sam Shaw comes out and says it is an honor and a privilege to be a Gut Check winner and says he is calling out the first gut check winner: Alex Silva.

* Sam Shaw defeats Alex Silva with a high angle diving leg drop.

* ODB and Eric Young are walking backstage with Hulk Hogan. Eric Young wants to do the turkey challenge tonight. Hogan OKs it and tells them to watch out for Aces & 8′s. When Eric Young walks away Hulk Hogan says “I want to be him when I grow up.”

* Christian York comes out and says for 16 years he has traveled dark roads to get here and today he feels like the luckiest SOB in the world. With luck on his side, he is going to call out someone he respects and admires: Jeff Hardy.

* In a non-title match, Jeff Hardy defeated Christian York. Much more competitive than one would expect, even seeing Christian York hit the twist of fate on Hardy.

* After, the two shook hands and Hardy raised York’s hand before celebrating. Bobby Roode stormed the ring and laid out York with a spinebuster then speared Hardy before yelling in Hardy’s face while holding the belt.

* Eric Young and ODB were seen backstage until the bumped into Tara and Jesse as well as the Robbies. Eric Young called both Robbie E and Jessie out for the turkey challenge. Jessie and Robbie E also traded off saying “sup bro” to each other.

* Taeler Hendrix came out and said that she has worked hard since winning Gut Check and wants to call out her original gutcheck opponent Tara.

* In a non-title match, Tara defeated Taeler Hendrix via the widow’s peak. Taeler had a more competitive match. Tara got in Taeler’s face while she was still laid out from the peak.

* Eric Young defeated Robbie E and Jessie Godderz in a triple threat via a roll up on Jessie, forcing Jessie to put on the turkey suit. Jesse put it on and he and Tara left. After, Aces & 8′s attacked Eric Young. They handcuffed ODB to the turnbuckle as they attacked him with a bat and hammer. Al Snow, Simon Diamond and D’Lo Brown ran down and Aces & 8′s bailed. Eric Young was stretchered out.

* Christopher Daniels and Kazarian came out. Daniels said at Final Resolution it will be him and AJ for one last time. He and Kazarian said they are thankful for the fact that AJ has proved everything that they have said about him being a failure to be true and Kazarian calls out AJ for a match and Daniels goes to the back.

* AJ Styles defeated Kazarian via the Pele.

* Austin Aries comes out and says he came out and said he has been telling everyone that he has big things planned. He said that the deck is being stacked against the greatest man that ever lived. He said there is one name responsible for all of that and that is Hogan. He said that since it is Open Fight Night he wants his ” fake tan bleached blond ugly ass” out here and then specifies he is referring to Brooke. She comes out to the stage and Aries says he is sick and tired of the name Hogan. For the last 25 year, he has only seen Hogan. Aries says that she is probably as sick of it as he is. He says it is probably hard to keep her life private. Says maybe it could have been “Mrs Brooke Trump or Mrs Brooke McMahon” and never thought it would be “Mrs Bully Ray.” She said knowing her dad he won’t let her give her name away and says that it will be “Mrs Bully Ray Hogan.” He shows a clip of the two arguing from two weeks ago then shows the clip of Tara and ODB walking into her office with the two sitting together. Aries says if she was that hungry for love she didn’t have to settle for the turkey because he would have given her all the stuffing she would need. Hogan’s music hits and he walks down to the ring, Bully Ray charges past him and Aries left to ringside and was laughing. Hogan looked at Brooke until Brooke ran away crying. Hogan gave Ray a bad look and walked out as Ray seemed disappointed while Aries continued to laugh and smirk his way to the back.

Man, the feuds in impact are going back to the past.


Yeah. WWE screwed up the booking big time. Punk vs Foley were meant to fight. Cena and Ziggler were meant to fight. Now Cena was given his billionth title shot with Ryback, while in the process of burying AJ's career. Ziggler is just hanging in the void in both storylines and it doesn't make sense anymore.


you should go back and read half the people in this thread getting offended. Its amazing to me that people hated the most pro-wrestling thing they've done in a while.

Oh really? It was the perfect opportunity and they took it! Especially with a Punk and Heyman combo. Definitely worth it.


I figured out who Bootaaay is resurecting next! Its gonna be amazing!

Also, AAA is pushing Samuray del Sol with an interesting storyline as the protege of Octagon. Even though i hate the guy, this will get Samuray over.


The intent is to build him up and repackage him as Octagon jr, which they accidently revealed on one of their released cards. AAA did the right thing (im shocked, really!) and pulled it and are saving the redebut for a big show. It's not as big as a new Mistico, but still, pretty huge considering Octagon has been over for like 20 years
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