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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


It reminded me of how I felt watching the Rock/Austin match at WMXIX. Just really uncomfortable, Austin was clearly in so much pain that it was completely unenjoyable. Jeff's body just seems so beat up and broken down, even if he visibly looks in great shape.


Some angles more offensive and tasteless than turning King's heart attack into an angle in post Attitude Era WWE:

Katie Vick

HHH's "people like you" angle with Booker T.

King's constant, outright mean spirited comments about Vickie's looks and weight even in the midst of anti-bullying campaigns and her losing 50-60 pounds.

Kurt Angle: Olympic Gold Rapist

Everything relating to Eddie after his death. From Randy saying he was in hell and spiting in his car, to the Rey/Chavo feud over Eddie's love (which also involved Benoit), to worst of all having his widow becoming the longest running top heel in the company who fucks all
the young guys at the top of the card. Also, using his drug issues in pretty much every angle he was in after coming back in 2002...after leaving due to drug issues.

King's constant racist remarks when any minority is in the ring, especially of Hispanic/Latino ancestry.

Undertaker being forced to MURDER PAUL BEARER on PPV. They retconned it, but the intent and purpose was Undertaker literally killing Paul Bearer. And then later, Edge torturing and nearly killing a completely helpless old, obese man while being the FACE in the feud.

All of the Al Wilson/Dawn Marie angle. Dawn Marie fucks Torrie's dad so she can fuck Torrie, gets Torrie to fuck her if she won't marry her dad, then marries him anyway, then he dies after fucking.

Scott Hall's feud with Austin where they have Austin tie him down to a chair, pour alcohol all over him, and leave him in a walk in cooler full of booze. The same guy whose alcohol issues were very well known and after EVERYONE shit all over WCW for using it in an angle. And this was at a time when Hall was on meds that would make him physically ill to be around alcohol.

Cena's stunningly homophobic raps. Seriously, go back to those. Everything was a "ur a fagz lol".

Eric Bischoff sexually assaulting Linda. Eric Bischoff attempting to sexually assault Stephanie. Eric Bischoff and HHH being mean to Eugene just for fun.

Steve Austin giving Stacy Keibler a stunner for not drinking beer with him. To thunderous applause. And announcer's not denouncing it at all. All while having recently been charged with spousal abuse.

Test and Steiner treating Stacy as their slave. Randy Orton breaking up with Stacy by RKOing her.

The current angle with AJ being a whore. The angle at the beginning of the year with Eve being an unrepentant whore to fuck her way to the top. Because all women are whores. Face and heel.

R-Truth: Crazy Black Man

Shelton's Big Black Mamma.

Cryme Tyme, which was clearly not a parody, especially at the beginning.

Everything Vince has done with JR, all the way up to a few months ago.

This is just a list off the top of my head. And doesn't take into account any of the insane stuff in the 90s in all 3 major companies, or on indie promotions this decade, or TNA. Or most promotions in the 80s. Wrestling has ALWAYS been full of amazingly offensive angles. Always. Just on the Jerry Lawler scale of tasteless angles, this isn't even a blip on the radar.

i was ready to quit the wwe for the demeaning of Vicki a second time. The first one was when Santino was making the pig noises at her, and what was the second one? Edge? I dont know. this company is awful sometimes. and turning Eve into a slutty character was stupid.


YOU FUCKING [redacted].

I came back here to say how dare you compare some of the fine people here (except Matthew Gallant) to pop-gaf.


What is you name, anyway?

Wait, my real name or do you want to know what my name means? If it's the latter, it just means 'anonymous.'
Anyone have some decent photoshop skills? I need some help in a couple days putting together a poster for an upcoming wrestling show. The event will be titled "The Good, The Bad, and the Golden". I want to take a picture the challenger, my champ, and myself with a western look in an homage to the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly posters naturally.
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