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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT

Just finished watching the GWF. Holy crap that was entertaining.


In real wrestling news, I went to Anarchy Championship Wrestling's Seventh Annual Lone Star Classic tournament this weekend, live from the Mohawk in Austin, TX. Awesome...AWESOME show.

I've kinda been soft-selling ACW for a while here. Even though I'm very enthusiastic about the product, I haven't told you guys you MUST get a DVD of download when one comes out yet... That changes today. This one is one you'll want to look for at Smartmark Video when it comes out. It was damn good.

Don't think I'll do a full review, since Brandon Stroud already beat me to it, here:


...but I will add these thoughts, as he glossed over some things that occurred.

The main thing to get out of this is that you REALLY REALLY want to see this show, especially the A.C.H. v. Barrett Brown v. JoJo Bravo three-way, the Hardcore Title Match between "The Centerfold" Matthew Palmer and Jason Silver, and the tournament final that led to the crowning of Rachel Summerlyn as the Heavyweight Champion of ACW.

The first match I mentioned featured just amazing work by three young guys that everybody who follows indy wrestling should get to know NOW, (so you can out-cred your buddies) as well as one of the craziest bumps I've ever seen anyone do when A.C.H. did a TOP-SPEED suicide dive through the ropes only to crash and burn into the solid steel staircase that goes to the balcony of the Mohawk. When I say "top-speed," I mean crazy speed--he had to fly about six feet from the ring just to make it to the stairs he crashed into.

"The Centerfold" Matthew Palmer v. Jason Silver Hardcore Championship match was another excellent match by these two guys who have an absolutely uncanny ability not to be able to just kill themselves. Since I've been watching ACW, I've never seen Matthew Palmer have a bad match. Last show's match between him and A.C.H. was awe-inspiring. Similarly, last show, Jason Silver was hung by his neck from the balcony of the Mohawk in a dog collar match, only to climb the wall using the chain wrapped around his neck to beat on his opponent some more.

This time...both guys said "Fuck it...let's REALLY do some crazy spots tonight." Seriously. They did three great hardcore spots that must be seen to be believed. The one Stroud sorta mentions in his review (a slingshot senton over-the-top rope by Silver onto Palmer who was layed out on the concrete floor with a chair laying on top of him) wasn't even the craziest one. And using an old Vizio HDTV as a weapon wasn't even Top Five in this match. And somehow, it wasn't just a spotfest. These guys told a good story.

By the end of the match, the tournament final featuring Rachel Summerlyn v. Evan Gelistico featured the hottest crowd I've personally been part of since I saw Samoa Joe v. Kenta Kobashi in NYC in 2005. The difference between that crowd and this one being that the ROH crowd in New York was already frothing at the mouth to see Joe v. Kobashi. Both guys just needed to just do what they do to murder that crowd. So they went out and had a great match and the crowd went nuts. This match, on the other hand, nobody saw it coming, and quite frankly, nobody really wanted it.

I'm pretty sure everyone wanted to see A.C.H. win the tourney. So him not even being in the Final, after being eliminated in a great storytelling match with Rachel Summerlyn in a match she was not even supposed to be in, in a tournament she wasn't even an entrant in...well, this crowd was not sold on this final as the match started. It was pretty dead at the start, even though Rachel entered the ring with a ladder right off the bat. By the end, though, if there had been a roof on the Mohawk, it would have flown off, the crowd was so hot.

Really, I can't speak highly enough of Rachel's performance all night. I'm now firmly convinced that she's EASILY one of the best female wrestlers on the planet. Yeah, I know... I'm not entirely comfortable saying she's better than Sara Del Rey, but really, I'm not sure if Sara Del Rey could have done what Rachel Summerlyn did here. Consider the following:

*First, she had a three-way Joshi match where she helped elevate Barbi Hayden (the American Joshi champ) to an entirely new level. Also, in this same match, she helped continue an ongoing saga with Jessica James that has been running for about three years now in ACW and is somehow still fresh feeling.

**Then, she replaced crowd-favorite Jerry Lynn in the tourney (as he was injured) going on to have a great storytelling match with another crowd-favorite, A.C.H. only to beat him, and it was credible. A.C.H. didn't look weak losing either. He looked awesome and didn't take a step back in anyone's eyes due to the loss.

***Then she went on to turn the skeptical crowd around in the final and win the Heavyweight Championship, and nobody in the crowd left the building questioning the fact that a woman is holding the top belt in the company, they were just completely happy. Also, she helped really get Evan Gelistico over as a true heel, whereas before I kinda had him slotted as a guy who does pretty good "Jake the Snake" style promos and had a dastardly move set, but that was about it.

Now surely it wasn't all Rachel Summerlyn's doing. There was really fine booking and really good work by everyone else she worked those matches with, but in the end, there has to be that someone who can take all the ball, run with it, and score, and that's exactly what she did. She clocked three matches in one night, and hit every narrative point, and made every opponent look stronger by having fought her, and made everyone in the crowd go home elated.

If you are familiar with Rachel's past work in Shimmer and are confused as to how I can heap all this praise...I get it. I watched those matches too. I wasn't a fan. Now I've seen her work. I suspected it after her awesome match with Jazz at the Queen of Queens tourney and now I'm convinced--her talent was absolutely wasted in Shimmer. Shimmer had no idea what they had, and fucked it up.

I'll reiterate. I've been hesitant to hard-sell ACW videos in the past, because I don't want to be that guy, but I'm saying this now--if you like indy wrestling, absolutely get this as soon as Smart Mark Video puts it up. Just do it. Some of you have expressed interest in checking out ACW, but don't know where to start. This is where you want to start, even without a few ACW regulars on the card like Portia Perez, and even with one of the first-round three-ways being screwed up by Jerry Lynn's unfortunate injury. It really was quite a night.
My issue with the Punk/Lawler segment actually had nothing to do with anything Punk or Heyman did or said. I wasn't a fan of this video right before that where they enhanced Lawler's wheezing while he had his heart attack and then showed footage of him being worked on backstage.
Beef must apologize for his insult of Big Red Sexy!

Yeah, I'll get right on that.
apperntly Archibald Peck got his start in ACW so they must be doing something right.

Rachel summerlyn and porta perez are 2 of my favorite women wrestlers



CM Punk is a punk music fan. That ain't GnR.

And Fozzy is really nothing like GnR.

Mostly because Fozzy is god awful. Worst than GNR/Axl as their/his worst, which can be absolutely dreadful. I'm talking most of 1991, 2002, and Rock in Rio last year and all of this year. Just some of the worst singing/performing you can imagine. And Fozzy is dramatically worse than Axl at his worst, forgetting lyrics, singing in entirely out of breath falsetto, and singing lyrics to the wrong song like at the Neil Young benefit show a few weeks ago. Fozzy is legimately one of the worst bands I've ever heard.
apperntly Archibald Peck got his start in ACW so they must be doing something right.

Archibald Peck actually works as Robert Evans in ACW, and is still a regular performer there. His current storyline is he's trying to turn Portia back into a heel. ACW is pretty much the only place that Portia works as a babyface.

Rachel summerlyn and porta perez are 2 of my favorite women wrestlers


That shot of them is from ACW. The Big Bird and Cookie Monster dresses were their "evening gowns" for the "Nothing is as Real as a Dream-A Pro Wrestling Prom" event earlier this year. IIRC, that was when Portia's face turn was official. At that event, all the wrestlers have "prom dates" for tag-team partners, and people (including some of the crowd) dress like they're attending a prom. Rachel and A.C.H. were voted prom queen and king.
Given that Botchamania has been one of the most popular wrestling YouTube skits in the last 5 years, you should've known what the reference was that got me a unfair perma/1-monther.


Yeah. I'm not a basketball.

Wrestling ain't that mainstream, brother. And the last few times that it could've been (thanks to Punk), Vince & Co managed to screw the pooch. I never understood why you said that your use of "cunt" came from Botchamania anyways. I can't remember the last time it was even used. Hell, I can't even remember the last episode that I've watched.

But we're getting off-topic. Luna Vaschon >> AJ Lee
Good morning WrassleGAF. Here's a really cool highlight video of BJW in 2012;



Pristine_Condition said:
In real wrestling news, I went to Anarchy Championship Wrestling's Seventh Annual Lone Star Classic tournament this weekend, live from the Mohawk in Austin, TX. Awesome...AWESOME show.

Great review man, I heard the main event was something else. Really looking forward to watching this when it's released by SMV.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Punk listens to Bouncing Souls, and is friends with Lars Frederiksen.

He's about as punk rock as Billie Joe Armstrong.
Good morning WrassleGAF. Here's a really cool highlight video of BJW in 2012;



Yeah. For some of us it's about bed time. Thanks for haunting my dreams, buddy.

Seriously though, now I've gotta watch this whole match before bed. :)

Great review man, I heard the main event was something else. Really looking forward to watching this when it's released by SMV.

Yeah. It's definitely one to have. Even if the Main Event had never gone off like that, it would be worth it just for the aforementioned three-way, and the Hardcore Title Matches. The Main really sent it over-the-top.

Since you are familiar with ACW, you'll actually appreciate these additional thoughts:

-You know Machiko? (Rachel Summerlyn's former valet, who's recently been doing the same for Darin Childs) The girl that looks kinda like a young Katie Holmes if Katie Holmes had worked in a tattoo parlor and followed screamo bands? Well, she's starting to wrestle now. She had her first two matches in ACW during Fun Fun Funfest, one of the "big three" annual big music festivals in Austin, which has ACW as a sideshow. I didn't see her matches, but apparently she's moving up. In the show this weekend she just got killed, so she must be close to getting folded in to the regular mix. Scot Summers murdered her with his scary AJPW-style high angle brainbuster when she hopped in the ring and stupidly slapped him. And in the next round in the tourney, Evan Gelistico tombstoned her even deader. She took both moves like a champ.

-Stroud spent so much time in his review praising the fact that Angel Blue didn't call him a gay slur that starts with "f" for a change that he neglected to mention that she came out to support JoJo Bravo (who thinks he's Japanese) wearing a short blue kimono. This is why he's a hack writer. There's nothing more awesome than a non-asian heel wrestler wearing a kimono, and him neglecting to mention it is a crime against wrestling fandom everywhere.

-At one point in the main event, while brawling outside, Rachel found someone's leftover hamburger under one of the seats (Mohawk is a straight-up rock and roll bar and doesn't serve food, so people bring their own food to shows often, as the matches start before the time most people have dinner and don't end until past 9:00.) and proceeded to shove it in Evan's face, causing a Ryback chant.
In the show this weekend she just got killed, so she must be close to getting folded in to the regular mix. Scot Summers murdered her with his scary AJPW-style high angle brainbuster when she hopped in the ring and stupidly slapped him. And in the next round in the tourney, Evan Gelistico tombstoned her even deader. She took both moves like a champ.

That's pretty impressive, Summers' brainbuster is nasty looking - I'm kind of warming to Summers. The cinder block bump he took at TOD was dumb as hell, but he has an aura of crazy about him that makes me want to watch his matches.

Pristine_Condition said:
-At one point in the main event, while brawling outside, Rachel found someone's leftover hamburger under one of the seats (Mohawk is a straight-up rock and roll bar and doesn't serve food, so people bring their own food to shows often, as the matches start before the time most people have dinner and don't end until past 9:00.) and proceeded to shove it in Evan's face, causing a Ryback chant.

Haha, awesome - and in regards to what you mentioned earlier about Rachel & SHIMMER, I think that's a problem SHIMMER has with a lot of the wrestlers they use. Because they bring in so many wrestlers, you invariably won't get to see the best of them and, unless they're getting a big push like the Joshis in the past year or so, you're better off hunting down their home promotions. Hailey Hatred is another that hasn't been used all that well in SHIMMER, considering how much she has improved and her career has taken off in Japan.

Also, on a random ACH tangent, I see AAW have booked ACH vs Silas Young vs Kyle O'Reilly vs BJ Whitmer for their 11/24 show. That's a very strange mix of styles, but I've got a lot of time for Whitmer & Silas, and I'm sure ACH & Kyle will tear it up.

I already edited before you posted, stop living in the past Bootaaay!

Never! That's where all the best wrestling is :p

I may stop watching wrestling when Suzuki retires. He is the most entertaining guy.

I wouldn't go that far, but it would be a sad day for wrestling indeed. There's no one quite like Suzuki - he's a complete bastard, but you can't help but love him for it.


Also, the epic and legendary saga of Suzuki vs Mecha Mummy;




Is there a way, possibly, that we could do without gnarly death match gifs being posted? Shit is worse than Soul's creepy Kane art. I don't think anyone should be forced to see dudes getting powerbombed on beds of nails. Fuck, man.


Is there a way, possibly, that we could do without gnarly death match gifs being posted? Shit is worse than Soul's creepy Kane art. I don't think anyone should be forced to see dudes getting powerbombed on beds of nails. Fuck, man.

Isn't that shit NSFW anyway?
Double main event signed for EVOLVE 18 on December 8th;

  • OPEN THE FREEDOM GATE TITLE MATCH: Johnny Gargano (c) vs. Jon Davis
  • El Generico & Samuray Del Sol vs. Super Smash Brothers

Also appearing are Chuck Taylor, AR Fox, Masada, Sami Callihan, Rich Swann, Jigsaw, Tony Nese and Papadon.

Plus, the second match has been signed for the CHIKARA Season 11 Finale - 'Under the Hood', live via iPPV on December 2nd;

  • Young Lion's Cup Match: Mark 'Mr. Touchdown' Angelosetti (c) vs. ACH


Pre-order now for $14.99; http://smvod.com/premium-video/chikara-under-hood-live-ippv-december-2




Cody Rhodes was injured tonight in a match for WWE's Main Event taped in Cleveland, Ohio.

Not much is known at this time other than Rhodes appeared to have sustained a significant injury to his right shoulder in a spot taking a back drop from Kane.

We're being told Rhodes was taken to the hospital but at the moment no more details are known in terms of injury severity or a recovery timetable.

Source is Wrestlezone so take it with a grain of salt, but Cody may have been injured, which would massively suck ass.


Isn't that shit NSFW anyway?

I have to imagine that most pictures or gifs or even discussions are probably NSFW for most businesses. I'm not worried about that. Probably shouldn't be in a pro wrestling thread on a video game message board while at work to begin with. I'm more worried about, fuck man, a dude getting powerbombed on a bed of nails is something that people should have to go out of their way to see if they would want to see such things. Some warning, at least.


Fine, I edited it :p

YES. So much better. I like how the Vince model in WWE 13 seems to be based on that warped gif.

Source is Wrestlezone so take it with a grain of salt, but Cody may have been injured, which would massively suck ass.

Fucking Kane, being reckless as usual. Big Red Asshole, if you ask me.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
You guys catching up on GWF warms my heart, for real. I'm really glad it's entertaining and the jokes I write are at least amusing. His Achilles Heel!

My computer being dead has really ruined things - I'm going to apply for some more credit and buy a new one I think, even though that's a FUCKING STUPID STUPID STUPID move, it'll let me continue the GWF by next Monday night.

I'm so glad I didnt go to the Smackdown taping last night. From the spoilers it sounds like a horrible show to watch and even worse to sit through.
I'm so glad I didnt go to the Smackdown taping last night. From the spoilers it sounds like a horrible show to watch and even worse to sit through.
Live events are pretty exhausting with all the stuff they tape. They do a pg product but Smackdown won't end till like 11 with the other show tapings. Most kids had to leave before the second hour of Smackdown at the taping I went to.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
So I sat and watched Sunflower's GAF recordings. Just needs some GAF commentary.

I added in the text chat as it goes - considered turning off announcer voices and doing it myself but I'm not a commentator by nature so it's kinda ehhhhhhhhhhhhh
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