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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


The FIFA12/13 reskin for the VITA made me wonder how much developers/publishers give a shit about it.

i feel like Sony should have killed PS3 development and focus on Vita and PS4. Like that Last of US game? that could be two Vita games right there. same goes for the new God of War.
Last of Us totally washed by me, forgot it was released, then saw it on Steam and thought 'Oh, it's been released'. I'm sure I was hyped for it at one point.


Oh I thought that was some japanese word for hot or something.


A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Help I accidentally read a youtube comment

What did Nash do in WWE? he was IC Champion, Tag Team Champion twice, longest reigning WWF World Champion of 1990's, wrestled Undertaker at Wrestlemania & basically ran WWF as a member of the Kliq backstage. Dipshits like you make it just too easy.

Kevin Nash who was more successful then the vanilla midget is jealous of two guys dead before their 41st birthdays one bing a child murderer? while he is alive & healthy working of Hollywood movie sets with likes of Tom Cruise & Catherine Zeta Jones.

How do you guys feel about this one?


I decided to experiment and watched the last ep of impact wrestling.

I'm not sure what to make of it. The ex WWE guys stand out a mile in terms of muscle definition and presence. It just seems like 2 different leagues fighting.

Some of it borders on extreme hillbilly shit....which is what I like...!
Yeah, you're right. I checked after I posted that and it was another survival game I saw on Steam/XBL - I Am Alive. I was hoping no one would notice >.<

I think so. Might just be an EA thing.

I used to get confused those two confused with one another, too. I think it's because I started hearing about both at the same time and never bothered to differentiate them until one was out and the other showed some "gameplay" video of digital Ellen Page "acting".
I used to get confused those two confused with one another, too. I think it's because I started hearing about both at the same time and never bothered to differentiate them until one was out and the other showed some "gameplay" video of digital Ellen Page "acting".

Ellen Page game is Beyond: Two Souls


WCW Thunder 1/6/2000

TLDR: The first Thunder of 2000 sucked a way smaller dick than Nitro.

Link to first post of reviews in case you want to get caught up on the story lines:



Show starts with some recaps of Nitro and the nWo running roughshod. Cameras earlier caught the nWo bringing Arn into the building.

We open up the show with a Cruiserweight Championship match! How exciting, considering there were zero cruisers on Nitro. Oh, but tender your excitement, because Madusa is the Cruiserweight Champion and she's defending the belt against Asya. Well, that makes sense. Why have a women's championship if you can just take one of the men's titles and have women fight over it? Oklahoma is out to call the match. I really can't believe they went along with the JR parody, complete with BBQ and BP face. It seems by this point he had toned that part down, at least. Stinko Malenko, Dean Douglas, and Uranus are also out. They teased a FIVE MAN announce team, but Shane ends up not saying a word. He distracts the ref, Dean distracts Madusa, but Saturn drills Asya from behind, leading to a German suplex win for Alundra Blaze. Saturn wasn't supposed to do that, leading to some squabbling between the Revolution. Madusa screeches on the head set about Oklahoma and TPTB. The Filthy Animals come out, way past cue, and while the camera is focus on the ring/ramp, apparently Oklahoma busted the BBQ bottle over Madusa's head. But you couldn't see it at all, you just heard Tenay screaming and then the aftermath. If there is ever a Cruiserweight Championship DVD, this should definitely make the cut.

Tony really looks like he wants to puke when Tenay talks. This is going to be one of the most wild and out of control Thunder's EVER. We'll have updates on Buff and DDP, Arn and the nWo, Harlem Heat's breakup, a Bunkhouse Brawl for the US Title with Jarrett defending against Norman Smiley(!), David Flair/Crowbar defending against Konnan and Kidman, SHOOT FIGHT RULES The Wall vs Jerry Flynn, and Bam Bam vs Kevin Nash. So they announce all these matches on Thunder, yet NOTHING was announced on Nitro. In fact, they did not once show the brackets for the show long tournament. But they have a full run down of Thunder matches, and they all sound way more awesome than anything on Nitro.

DA JUICE and Hypnosis come down to the ring, mic in hand. It's gonna be a juicy night! Tony Jabroni! I think Juvi was trying to tea bag Tony. Da Juice wants Tony to leave so he can call the show. Tony says THE HECK WITH YOU. But then Hypnosis grabs him and sends him on his way. And now Terry Funk is coming down to the ring. LARIATOOOOOO to Hypnosis and then dives over the table to smack the shit out of Juvi, and then powerbombs Hypnosis through the announce table. This was AWESOME. That's what I want out of Terry Funk. He's calling out the nWo. Jeff Jarrett comes out. His mic doesn't work for the first few seconds he's talking. Funk is saying a lot of shit that keeps getting muted. And Jarrett gets muted when he says Funker. Lol. Oh, TBS.

TO THE BACK. Mean Gene interviews The Revolution. The Filthy Animals are like a bunch of son of a bitch COOOCKK.......roaches. Shane lays down the challenge: Six man tag at Souled Out. They will have a mystery man because Shane is hurt (what?). Saturn says the FA will have to be like a midget at a urinal from now until the PPV: On your toes. Remember, people say that WWE made him into a joke character, but the Moppy stuff was a pretty natural progression for what he was doing for the last 6 months of his WCW run. Dean grumbles about Jim Duggan. JUVI now wants Mean Gene's spot. Gene allows Juvi to have it for the night. The nWo are torturing Arn somewhere in the back.

Recap of Harlem Heat falling out of that big yak Midnight. Mean Gene is now in the ring to conduct an interview with Booker T. Man, Book looks so young. I miss his sweet fade. He explains that while Stevie Ray was hurt, he had to bring someone in to watch his back, and that someone was a yak named Midnight. He wants his brother back in his corner. And Midnight. Stevie Ray comes out, looking pissed. Midnight ain't ready, that bum ain't ready, fucking yak. He didn't come tonight to wrassle, but now he wants to wrassle Midnight and he's going to beat her into a conniption. I don't know why Gene and Booker think it is such a big deal, since Stevie and Midnight have already had a match, I think. If Midnight wins, Harlem Heat is Stevie/Booker/Midnight. If Stevie Ray puts that yak in her place, she's gone.

TO THE BACK. David Flair, Crowbar, and Daffney are in the building. The Passion of the Arn continues. They pour "hot coffee" on him, but it sure looks like syrup. Twelve years later, Randy Orton would throw hot coffee on Ricardo as a face and get cheers for it. We get a weird change in mid shot from the live feed to seeing it through a monitor, so we pull back to see David, Crowbar, Daffney watching. I'm pretty sure Daffney has a different shirt on from the last shot she was in, 5 seconds ago.

PG-13/Chavo vs Three Count. I don't know why salesman Chavo is teaming with PG-13. That seems pretty random even for WCW. Especially since he's a face, and PG-13 and 3 Count are heels. Chavo went for a tornado DDT, but Shane hit him in the head with one of the green circles. A solid TWO minute 6 man tag. But now we get a performance from the 3 MAN BAND BABBBBBAAAYYYY. Madusa vs Oklahoma for the Cruiserweight Championship is announced for Souled Out. Makes you realize the Hornswoggle days weren't so bad.

TO THE BACK. David can't watch this shit anymore and storms off. Terry Funk is now attacking his own security staff. Some recap of Jerry Flynn and Tank fighting over the past month.

The Wall vs Jerry Flynn. SHOOT FIGHT RULES. Jerry is wearing a delightful white v-neck. Looks great on him. Tank's music started up, and then cut out. Then started back up as he was half way down the ramp. This SHOOT FIGHT RULES match has a number of Irish whips and a dude in a tie. And the ref giving 5 counts for chokes and guys being on the ropes. Tank is on color. "He's out there in pajamas fighting a beach ball." "Black belts are for pants to hold up, not to, uh, wear around your waist and try to make uh, I don't know what you are, uh, to make a mockery of something sacred." Getting punched in the head is great for you. Tank, wearing a VINTAGE UFC leather jacket, sucker punches Jerry, giving The Beachball a win. And then he beats up the Wall. Then DRILLS DOUG DILLINGER right in the face (chest).

TO THE BACK. David ,still looking for Arn, runs into Funk and it immediately cuts.

Jeff Jarrett vs Norman Smiley in a Bunk House Brawl for the US Championship. This could be fun. Norman is dressed normally tonight. By normal, I mean as a football player. Announcement that Thunder is moving to Wednesdays (due to Smackdown crushing Thunder). JJ dominates until Norman hits a drop toe hold onto a trash can. Norman almost gets a win with a cowbell shot, but a foot on the rope ends it. Then EL KABONG followed by the Stroke. Super short, but your normal Norman plunder match is the most fun thing besides Terry Funk beating the shit out of Juvi and Hypnosis.

Speaking of, Funk is now out in the ring. Terry Funk don't give a shit. He'll fight anyone. David Flair sneaks out, chokes Jarrett with a crowbar, and Funk handcuffs JJ. The nWo has 2 minutes to get out there or David will kill Jarrett. The nWo come out. Slowly strolling, with a shirtless, half pantless, and bleeding Arn. Nash challenges Funk to a match at Souled Out. Funk wins, nWo is gone. Nash wins, he's the new commish. I can't imagine people were pumped to see a Nash/Funk power struggle in 2000. I'd rather see it now than whatever Raw or Impact is doing, though. Funk agrees and then books a match between himself and Bret tonight. This might have been Bret's last match before coming back to WWE. Funk says old fart 3 or 4 times in the course of 30 seconds. Funk made it very clear he didn't give a shit about the title and was leaving it for Sid. So the first thing Bret says is "Let me get this straight, you want to challenge me tonight to a hardcore match for the gold, for everything, for the world championship tonight?" Funk somehow spits out that he just wants to embarrass Bret in front of the world which will destroy the nWo somehow. Awful. Funk rambles and doesn't even make sense most of the time. They make a trade off, but Arn attacks Jarrett in the aisle. Then Bret attacks him with the bat.

TO THE BACK. Tony Marinara and Big Vito send Disco into a store to get some money that is owed to them. Disco gives the guy a Rolex in exchange for the money. Arn, Funk, and David are hanging out trying to find a medic. Stevie Ray runs in to yell something, Funk tells him that he doesn't care, so Stevie says OK and runs out.

Stevie Ray vs Midnight. Apparently he asked for Booker to be banned from ringside. Man vs yak. Stevie Ray always reminded me of a really uncoordinated, puffed up Wesley Snipes. I watched Game of Death recently. It's from 2010. I don't really remember anything about it besides it looking like it was shot in 2 weeks and Wesley looking like a weird zombie now. He's aging...oddly. I think maybe he's getting lighter. Ernie Hudson was also in it as a priest. He really hasn't aged since GB2 besides being doughy in the middle. It's kind of hard to buy Midnight as being super over matched when she was at least as tall as Stevie and looked to be in way better shape. But the moral of the story is, ain't no fucking yak gonna show Stevie Ray up, sucka. Booker comes out once Stevie gets the slapjack out. Midnight is awful, but not awful in the way that David Flair is, which means she's not as fun to watch be terrible. She ends up pinning Stevie Ray after he let his ego get the best of him. YAK WINS YAK WINS YAK WINS! They shake hands and have a group hug. Until Stevie hits both Booker and the yak with a slapjack.

TO THE BACK. Filthy Animals respond to the Revolution challenge and their title shot tonight. I think Konnan said something about jizzing on faces. Juvi comes back with a hot yak to occupy Mean Gene, who squeals with delight. Then an ad for the WCW credit card. Terry Funk is prepping for his match with Bret.

Mean Gene is now in the ring, the yak is at ringside. He's going to fuck the shit out of her after this interview. For real. Fans pop for it, too. DDP comes out to talk about Buff. Hopefully he says SCUM. Gene wants to know what happened with Buff and Kim. Buff ain't doing his wife. BUUUUT, while he was filming Ready to Rumble, Buff was hitting on her daily. DDP talks about Buff cheating on his first wife all the time. The women love Buff, Buff loves Buff, and from what DDP hears, the guys love Buff. Not that there's anything wrong with that. "As far as I'm concerned, in that genre, Buff can stick his stuff anywhere he wants." "Buff's stuff ain't big enough." That was too much for Buff. You can talk about him cheating on his wife, you can talk about him being gay and being in gay porn, but you better not make a pun about his dick. They brawl all over the place. INTENSE, yo. Scum wasn't uttered, sadly.

TO THE BACK. Bret is getting ready for his match with Funk. Vignette for The Artist. I can't believe Prince didn't throw a shit fit over that. If not The Artist himself, at least for the closest to the real thing Jimmy Hart version of any song. Mean Gene in the back with his new yak. They're going to FUCK. Da Juice tries to interview Bam Bam. Kanyon busts a champag ne bottle over his head.

Kevin Nash vs Bam Bam. Bammer is still out in the back, so Steiner and Jarrett wake him up. By beating him with a bat. Jarrett gets him to the ring via wheel barrow. And he struggled with it. Nash attacks with a bat anyway. Bam Bam wins. Nash jobbed twice in a row. First to David Flair and now to Bam Bam. And people say Nash never put anyone over.

A promo for Souled Out says "the WCW World Heavyweight Belt", which seemed odd. Not title or championship, but belt.

Konnan/Kidman vs David Flair/Crowbar for the WCW World Tag Team Belts. Rey is with them. Carrying a crutch. Not walking on it, just carrying it. He had an injured knee I believe and Eddie was out with an injured elbow. So we got Konnan and Kidman. Konnan vs David Flair would probably be a classic. Two dudes in jeans, one in cut offs, and one in I assume Dickies. Not a single person wearing wrasslin boots. Crowbar makes the mistake of trying to powerbomb Kidman. Fucking idiot. Arn hobbles out. Still shirtless, with one pant leg shredded to the balls, and no shoes. Arn hits Konnan with the crowbar to give David the win. The Revolution ambushes the Filthy Animals. The FA eventually get the better of them, but Rey is hurt.

TO THE BACK. Terry Funk and Bret hobble around the back.

Bret Hart vs Terry Funk Hardcore match. Bret is wearing his black jorts with his shirt tucked in, of course. I really thought that Ants Marching was Funk's intro for a second. If only. God, Bret looks like such a nerd in his long black jorts, knee pads, tucked in nWo shirt, elbow pads, soccer mom shoes and high socks. It makes him look short and fat. Funk throwing chairs around in between getting knocked around. Bret with a pretty rough unprotected chair shot to Funk's head. I really hope Bret doesn't take one of those. Well, he almost does, but kind of got his hands up. The "Power Plant Elite" were in the front row again. They're the future of WCW, fans. I can't believe they are actually kind of setting up the NBTs in advance. Funk pushes Bret around in a clothes basket full of plundah, and then dumps him out right on the back of his head. Ick. Funk missed a moonsault. I think he hit as many as Kurt Angle has. Disgusting unprotected chair shot to Funk. Jesus, Bret. Dude was like 60. Modified Pillmanizer, but with the second rope elbow. To which Funk immediately gets up and walks around. That's how you sell a leg injury. Cut to Arn putting on a ref shirt for 2 minutes, then David does it and locks Arn in the locker room. No shots of the match at all during this. A full minute at least. The nWo come out after a ref bump to beat up Funk. David Flair comes out in a ref shirt, but is stopped half way to the ring by Nash. Then thrown into the ring and beaten up. Crowbar and Daffney also get some. Nash then powerbombs Funk through the Thunder stage.

Well, it wasn't as bad. It wasn't good, but at least there were clear stories that (mostly) made sense. TNA suffers from the same thing as this period of WCW did, which is there always has to be SOMETHING going on at all times. There can never be a breather. Always something going on. I didn't hate it. It was just kind of noise to be on.

The current card for Souled Out is as follows:

Bret Hart vs Sid for the WCW World Heavyweight Belt
Chris Benoit vs Jeff Jarrett for the WCW US Heavyweight Belt in a Triple Threat Theater
Series match
Kevin Nash vs Terry Funk for the WCW Commissionership Belt
The Filthy Animals vs The Revolution 6 Man Tag
Oklahoma vs Madusa for the WCW Cruiserweight Belt
Tank Abbott vs Jerry Flynn in THE BLOCK
Buff Bagwell vs DDP in a Last Man Standing Match

TLDR: The first Thunder of 2000 sucked a way smaller dick than Nitro
Now this should interest Wrestle-Gaf The 50 most beautiful people in sports-entertainment history

#49 CM Punk

CM Punk doesn’t fit the archetypal definition of a handsome guy. He’s a little too rough around the edges, a little too unwashed. But he doesn’t fit the archetypal definition of a WWE Champion either — and that’s exactly his appeal.

#44 Triple H

By the turn of the millennium, Triple H unleashed a previously unseen rage on WWE. Decked out in leather and denim that showcased his increasingly muscular physique, The Cerebral Assassin’s surly bad boy image drove women wild as he racked up 13 World Championships.

#35 John Cena

Love him or hate him, it’s hard to ignore the piercing female shriek that tears through arenas whenever the Cenation leader pulls his shirt off. Come to think of it, maybe that’s why all those 20-something males in the WWE Universe can’t stop booing the guy.
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