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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT


Steiner is at it again, mock if old:

Scott Steiner filed another lawsuit against TNA today in Nashville Chancery Court, according to The Nashville City Paper.

Steiner, in his latest lawsuit, alleges that TNA allowed a chemically incapacitated Jeff Hardy in the ring during a house show in Mount Pleasant, Michigan "while under the influence of alcohol and possibly drugs" according to the report. This time, Steiner claims TNA allowed wrestler Jeff Hardy to enter the ring during a match last year in Mount Pleasant, Mich., while under the influence of alcohol and possibly drugs.

Steiner, who is claiming nerve damage to his neck and back as well as an injury to his biceps due to Hardy's work while allegedly intoxicated, is alleging that "[TNA] knew or should have known that their agent, employee, representative, and/or servant was too incapacitated, intoxicated and/or under the influence of a controlled substance and should not have been allowed to enter the ring thus endangering the life, health, well being and safety of Scott Rechsteiner."

The Nashville City Paper cites that Hulk Hogan was responsible for "writing and approving the script" of the bout (which sounds off on paper, considering it was a house show).

Steiner is seeking $750,000 in damages.


Rewatching Wrestlemania 14.

Dat Rock/D'lo/Mark Henry/Farooq stable. Though by this time the whole Rock/Farooq split was going on.
I feel like this grave issue is being swept under the rug. I didn't even care about Raw after that point because I just couldn't understand. WHO IS SHE FUCKING?


GWF was freaking amazing. What a show. There will be a special edition of the GAF Observer tomorrow night recapping the debut show from GWF

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
GWF Episode 1 is in the bag! For those of you who missed it, I'll have a link tomorrow (it archives on twitch) and I highly recommend watching it in its entirety. There were a LOT of surprises and if I had been playing, I wouldn't have been able to make that shit up!

Really fun night guys, and I couldn't have done it without you all. Lots of fun. I can't wait for next week.


That's not true!


I can't fault him for Bourne. I mean, when he tagged with Cener he got a pinfall over Edge and Sheamus. He got the pinfall with the SSP. But other than that, really, and Jericho putting him over a few times, they've done nothing for him. Truly dumbfounding, but then again you think why and you see Ryback as a guy getting a big push now. Fuck it.


I'm pretty bored tonight and finished what i started during the GWF broadcast

Tonight was GWF’s debut show is a King of the Ring tourney to crown the first GWF Heavyweight champion. The show starts with the commissioner of GWF, Fightin’ Honest Bootaaay in the ring with his security guards signing a waiver that their death isn’t his fault and that there will be no foul play tonight. Bootaaay announces that the last man standing in the ring will be the GWF chamption. The competitiors for the 8-man tourney were as follows

LaserFrog Thesz

1st match: McNei1y vs Soulplaya
The first match of the night pitted the two strongest men in the tourney against one another in a match that wouldn’t be one of technical finesse. Having seen both of their matches in the indies, I wonder why they put both of these two men together. The booking of the tourney kind of forced their hand here, but this was probably for the best. Match started with the 2 big men trading power moves until McNei1y took over with not one but 2 superplexes. All looked to be going his way until Soulplaya Kane’d out and caught McNei1y with a flurry, leading to a chokeslam and the pin at the 5 minute match. Your winner via pinfall: Soulplaya.

Solid match ** 1/2. Both big men took care not to overexert themselves for the long night they faced until they had. IN the end, Soulplaya’s technical skills were greater than McNei1y’s. The right man won here, since Soulplaya is a bit more seasoned and ready for the monster role push. McNei1y needs a bit more work but should make for a great heel monster when the time comes.

2nd Match: Perspicity vs Sokantish
It’s Raider Nation vs business casual! Any match involving Sokantish is bound to wind up as a wild and crazy brawl and this match did not disappoint. This match was dominated from bell to finish as Sokantish took his brawling style to Persp. The match headed to the outside, where Sokantish continued the brutality as he kept launching Persp into the guard rails. Sokantish followed with an absolutely brutal spear through the ringside barrier that had Persp down for the 10 count at the 6 minute mark. Your winner via countout Sokantish

Avg match *3/4. Was a total squash. Sokantish brawling style was put over here. If anything, make sure to catch the amazing spear spot. Really put Sokantish over with the crowd. Even though he’s probably the smallest person on the roster, theyre putting over how dangerous he is and how little he cares for the rules. They’re slowly building him up and he’ll have a good rest of the year.

3rd match Nocturnowl vs Laserfrog Thesz
Why Laser is maskless for his entrance but masked in the ring has to be the strangest part of the GWF. Im not sure what the deal with that is, but I know they definitely know what they’re doing in the ring with him. Owl and Laser put on a freaking clinic. Back and forth between the two. Very reminiscient of the type of matches they wrestled in GAFkara and Ring of Gaf. Match was full of hard strikes, counters and technical wrestling. The crowd was really into this match. So much happened in this match it is impossible to recap. Owl drew blood at the end while attacking the head and neck of Lazer. Finish came with Laser putting Owl on the top and going for a superplex to the outside. The crowd went fucking wild. Was entirely out of character for Laser and truly a sight to see. Owl fails to get back into the ring at the 11 minute mark Your winner via countout: Laserfrog Thesz

Amazing match. **** ¾. Easily a contender for match of the year. Finish kept both men strong since it took a bump that would kill the average man. You had a feeling that the winner of this match would probably end up in the finals and this match helped legitimize the GWF as the newest and best in the business.

4th match Aiii vs Kyoufu
I’ve never seen any of these 2 men, but I’ve heard many things about both. And none of it prepared me for the looks of either 2 men. Both have quite possibly the most bizarre looks I’ve seen in my years of covering wrestling. Match was just as bizarre with the unique offenses of both of them. For his size, Kyoufu has some of the craziest strikes I’ve ever seen. Both men just wailed on each other with strikes. Both men must be big fans of the strong style. Finish came after Kyoufu just delivered a brutal strike that drew bleed and led to his victory at the 4 minute mark. Your winner via pinfall: Kyoufu

Solid match **. Kyoufu has some absolutely brutal strikes. Really put that style over.

2nd round 1st matchup Soulplaya vs Sokantish
This was gonna be an absolute brawl and it did not disappoint in any way. Soulplaya has the complete size advantage over Sok but Sok is quite probably the most insane wrestler of the tourney. Soulplaya had early advantage of the match using his size and power to dominate the smaller man. It didn’t take long for the match to head to the outside where the match really picked up. Both men just took turns beating the crap out of one another. The match slowed down once at the outside, both men doing an amazing job selling the beatings. Finish came when Soulplaya reversed a kick into a chokeslam into the outside. Sok rallied back but was countered into a tombstone piledriver and a pin at the 7 ½ minute mark. Your winner via pinfall: Soulplaya

Good match *** Despite the loss, Sokantish looked amazing taking not only a finisher to the outside, but a piledriver and a brutal kick to the face to put him down. Put him over as a small monster. He can really brawl and just put on a show. Soulplaya continues to dominate as the preeminent big man in wrestling. Great man to have in the finals of the tourney

2nd round 2nd matchup Lazerfrog vs Kyoufu
Two men who can kill each other with strikes. Match escalates very quickly when Laser goes straight for the table and puts Kyoufu on it to serve as a landing pad for an absolutely vicious elbow. After that, the match was purely Laser killing Kyoufu. Laser followed with MMA elbows, vicious kicks to chest and head that drew blood and a spinning heel kick that would mage Lyger jealous. Laser catches Kyoufu in a guillotine choke for the easy submission at the 4 minute mark. Hardly any sweet worked up at all. Your winner via submission: Laserfrog Thesz

Solid match ** ½ One of the funnest squashes I have ever seen. Laserfrog is being built up as a man of all styles similar to what was being done in Ring of Gaf, but far more effective here.

We get a backstage segment where Soulplaya finds a security guard who has been beaten to death. No clues left behind. Quite an omen for the rest of the night activities

King of the Ring Finals for the GWF Title Soulplaya vs Laserfrog
The two most experienced wrestler in the tourney end up in the finals. Match starts with Laser taking it to Soul with some impressive moves on the big man, including a deadlift german and a delayed vertical suplex. Of course, Soul has a bunch of tricks up his sleeve, doing some impressive matwork and strikes on the supposed master. Laser brings things back into control, slowing down the monster and attacking the body hoping for a submission. The Big Red Varsity Monster answers back with his own patented big slams and clotheslines. Soul has it under control until a flurry of strikes leads to Laser taking control and downing the big man. Laser locks in a submission and Soul does his damndest to get out, and after a painful 15 seconds, finally taps out at the 7 minute mark. Your winner, and the 1st GWF chamption, Laserfrog Thesz

Great match *** ½. Match showed off the styles of both tremendously. What a great way to crown the first champ. Really a great night for wrestling and a great first night.

After the coronation, Honest Bootaaay comes out to congratulate his first champion, until he delivers a brutal clothesline to Laser, stating that the last man standing will be champ and declaring himself champion. Great heel turn that sets up the storylines going until the PPV. We head backstage where Soulplaya and Laser are displeased with the recent turn of events, and realize that they must do something about it.

Jamie OD

A funny little moment just happened at the press conference for New Japan's next PPV concerning Low Ki Vs Devitt for the the IWGP Jr Title.

"Kota Ibushi just showed up, pen in hand, ready to sign to face Low Ki. Devitt walks in all confused, taps him on the shoulder and tells him to get lost. Ibushi is escorted out while the officials looked confused. Great stuff."


My wacky wrestling related dream of the night:

I had a tag team match in my grandma's living room. Considering where it was, I'm pretty sure my partner was my cousin. It was pretty much a squash to make us look strong. However, after the match an angle was planned where a new vaguely Arab looking team would come out, attack the jobbers, and then put ranch dressing and lettuce...on their taints. And then cut a promo.

They came out and got half way through making the salad (I don't think they intended to toss the salad, because that would make it a much different dream) and I wouldn't go along with it, interrupted it, and wouldn't go along with their promo either. Then I went to the kitchen and blended up the left over vegetables (mostly carrots) in what seemed to be a Blend Tech. JBL was there. He thought the angle could have been good.

I couldn't handle the idea of another evil Arab team and that whole salad on the taint thing was too much for me. It was really strange.
My wacky wrestling related dream of the night:

I had a tag team match in my grandma's living room. Considering where it was, I'm pretty sure my partner was my cousin. It was pretty much a squash to make us look strong. However, after the match an angle was planned where a new vaguely Arab looking team would come out, attack the jobbers, and then put ranch dressing and lettuce...on their taints. And then cut a promo.

They came out and got half way through making the salad (I don't think they intended to toss the salad, because that would make it a much different dream) and I wouldn't go along with it, interrupted it, and wouldn't go along with their promo either. Then I went to the kitchen and blended up the left over vegetables (mostly carrots) in what seemed to be a Blend Tech. JBL was there. He thought the angle could have been good.

I couldn't handle the idea of another evil Arab team and that whole salad on the taint thing was too much for me. It was really strange.

Pretty weird. But I think I still hold the championship for weirdest wrestling-related dream.
Ways to kill a hot crowd insanely excited to see someone:

Make him lose in a 4 minute match on your 3 hour show.


How many on the fly re-writes is this f**king show going through, what the heck is Vince doing? Actively trying to ruin things? It flys from stupid segment to stupider segment overlapping with no direction, half the time I have no idea what is going on and I'm sitting there watching it every week.
Oh would you look at that, GWF Episode 1 is ALREADY live and archived!

Catch up here!

Oh yeah check out those Owl abs of genuine STEEL!

3rd match Nocturnowl vs Laserfrog Thesz
Why Laser is maskless for his entrance but masked in the ring has to be the strangest part of the GWF. Im not sure what the deal with that is, but I know they definitely know what they’re doing in the ring with him. Owl and Laser put on a freaking clinic. Back and forth between the two. Very reminiscient of the type of matches they wrestled in GAFkara and Ring of Gaf. Match was full of hard strikes, counters and technical wrestling. The crowd was really into this match. So much happened in this match it is impossible to recap. Owl drew blood at the end while attacking the head and neck of Lazer. Finish came with Laser putting Owl on the top and going for a superplex to the outside. The crowd went fucking wild. Was entirely out of character for Laser and truly a sight to see. Owl fails to get back into the ring at the 11 minute mark Your winner via countout: Laserfrog Thesz

Amazing match. **** ¾. Easily a contender for match of the year. Finish kept both men strong since it took a bump that would kill the average man. You had a feeling that the winner of this match would probably end up in the finals and this match helped legitimize the GWF as the newest and best in the business.
That damn Laser wouldn't stay down, did you see that horrific working over of the head I gave the man?! 2 ddts, followed by 2 neckbreakers.

Before this match I said that he couldn't take to the skies and only flee into the depths, well he trespassed in my top rope domain to send me to the depths of the ring exterior, I don't know whether i'm impressed or disgusted!

Pretty weird. But I think I still hold the championship for weirdest wrestling-related dream.
I don't know, the ranch dressing and lettuce part is pretty solid.


Ways to kill a hot crowd insanely excited to see someone:

Make him lose in a 4 minute match on your 3 hour show.


How many on the fly re-writes is this f**king show going through, what the heck is Vince doing? Actively trying to ruin things? It flys from stupid segment to stupider segment overlapping with no direction, half the time I have no idea what is going on and I'm sitting there watching it every week.

He just doesn't want Bryan/Punk/whoever to gain massive momentum because they don't fit his "next big thing" criteria. Ryback is not that over but he doesn't see that.


Barrett addresses the crowd after the show. Must have been one of the best nights of his career.

Good for him to be with a hot crowd before going to back to booking hell.

Sorry if this has been posted already but I just found it lol.


D-Bry is the real greatest man that ever lived.

:lol Amazing.


Wrestlemania 29 seating chart!

Will be my 8th straight Mania but for the first time I won't have to buy any tickets on the onsale date. Locked in a travel package the minute they went on sale for one of the ringside seats in the first four rows. Supposedly the seats are issued based on when you place your order and I had my order in within a minute. Considering they're still available, I'm feeling pretty good about my chances for a front row seat. Won't know until late February/early March though.
Vince sees it. He just doesn't care who we like.

Its really frustraiting, tonight was like a mini-WM. Crowd was going insane for him, having so much fun then the whole arena is CRUSHED into silence in the space of a few moments. And for what? They weren't even allowed to enjoy it for a regular f**king match amount of time. :|

Or like the Raw afterwards where they were gagging for him all night only to finally get what they wanted just so he could job to Sheamus again in a bloody dark match 6man tag where anyone else could have been beaten but nooo.

Vince is jerking off to this shit laughing, I'm sure of it.

Its been 7 months now since you caused this Yes! monster, you can't defeat it!
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