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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT



Why does his head look photoshopped onto his body?


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Have you ever irish whip a person and they continue to run against their will?


Ok, just back from the Dublin house show, I didn't know any Gaffers were going before I left, as I'm only catching up on the posts now, shame. Anyway, the show was awesome. I had floor seats about fourth row, so I was damn close to the ring, great view of the action and the entrances. No pyro in the whole show, I think the arena isn't equipped for it, it's mainly a theatre rather than an arena, so it's an odd set up.

The arena was packed wall to wall, looked like a sellout, and the crowd was great. They were hot for every match, even the filler ones, all the faces got chants no matter who they were, all the heels got heavy boos (save Punk and Ziggler). Tons of kids, probably 50%, most of them in green Cena merch, but a lot of them also had Bryan, Punk and Ziggler shirts, probably because they're more colourful than the boring black shirts. After Cena, the Bryan shirts were the most common, a lot of adults wearing them, too.

I had Cena kids to my right and my left, but rather than being annoying, their enthusiasm for everything was fun. Row behind me had some smarks, so we got plenty of chants.

It's amazing how different matches feel live, then watching on TV, matches you would have zero interest in watching TV are entertaining and fun live, I wasn't bored during any match. For no one in particular, probably just myself, I'll run down the card, but put it in the quote box to make this post a lot shorter to quote (if such a thing were to happen):

Brodus Clay (with Cameron) vs. Primo (with Rosa Mendes):
Missing one Funkadactyl, for some reason, I have no clue why. Cameron is insanely hot in person, anyway. This was a short but fun opener, a lot of comedy, the crowd really liked Brodus. He won with the splash, and had kids dancing in the ring afterwards.

They showed a video of a Ziggler promo backstage on Cena, got plenty of boos.

Vickie came out and had people vote on Twitter whether to add AJ to the Divas title match for a triple threat. She got incredible heat, it was hard to hear her on the mic over the boos. AJ won the twitter poll by like 95%

Zack Ryder vs Epico (with Rosa Mendes):
This was a surprise, Ryder was on the SD tour so I didn't expect to see him. He got a big pop, too. This was short, as Primo came out soon and caused a DQ, before Brodus made the save, leading to...

Zack Ryder and Brodus Clay vs Primo and Epico:
Fairly standard tag match, the hot crowd made it fun to watch, though. There was one really funny bit where Brodus splashed Epico in the corner, and a huge gob of spit flew out of Epico's mouth, flying out into the crowd, hitting some kid. Ryder won with the Rough Ryder.

Eve vs Layla vs. AJ for the Divas title:
This was actually pretty good, all three women did good work in the ring, and the crowd were in fact hyped up for the match. All three of them ended up getting their buttocks slapped throughout the match. AJ was super over, loads of chants for her, and the adults behind me were very enamoured with Layla. AJ won with a roll-up, which got a massive pop, but Vickie came out during her celebration and reversed the decision, then Eve won with the neckbreaker, massive boos for that.

Also, Layla is crazy sexy in person, and AJ is gorgeous, and absolutely tiny. They definitely know how to move around the ring to incite the males, I can tell you that.

They showed a video of a backstage promo with Bryan and Kane, doing their thing. Really funny stuff as expected.

John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler:
Long, really great match here, the longest and best of the night. The crowd was absolutely wild for this match, Dolph got a great reaction, and Cena got his usual cheer/boo mix, but turned up to 11. Vickie got sent to the back early on, so it was just Dolph and Cena for a good 15, 20 minutes.

Both guys were really on fire, too, Cena even did a standing frankensteiner out of nowhere, which got a pop even from the adult smarks. Loads of nearfalls, and the final stretch was really awesome. Dolph did the HBK tuning up the band taunt before going for the superkick, which Cena countered, before Dolph hit the Zig Zag. As expected, Cena kicked out, which all the adults were calling bullshit on, but then he hit the AA on Dolph out of nowhere, leading to...Dolph kicking out! That got a huge pop, and order was restored. Dolph hit the superkick out of nowhere soon after, and got such a near fall that I almost thought for a second he'd won. After that Vickie came down to interfere, leading to AJ to come down after her. They did a bit where Vickie ended up between AJ and Cena, then feel over and ended up with her face in Cena's crotch as he stood there. Yeah, odd. Vickie ran off, they teased an embrace between Cena and AJ, then AJ turned and accidentally hit Dolph with the MITB case, leading to an AA and a Cena win.

I'm really disappointed this match isn't happening on PPV, now. They really work well together.

Now was the intermission. I ended up buying the Daniel Bryan YES shirt.

Tensai vs Michael McGillicutty:
Tensai came out to big boos, dude is massive in person. Lots of Albert chants, unfortunately. McGillicutty, shockingly, actually got a good pop when he came out, he was acting the face and the crowd ate it up. He's actually pretty good at it, I think, playing to the crowd. This was a standard enough match, but the crowd were solidly into it, cheering for Shah. Unfortunately, me and my brother were the only ones who did the SHAH for McGillicutty's offense, so I didn't do it much. There were "LET'S GO MIKEY" chants at a few points, and at several points in the match they did a spot where McGillicutty tried to scoop slam Tensai, first time Tensai swatted him away, second time he countered into a body slam, but the third time McGillicutty got him up to do the slam, big pop for that. He won with a roll-up, anyway. Fun stuff. Tensai spits a lot when getting hit.

Hell No vs the Rhodes Scholars for the Tag Team titles:

Probably the most enjoyable match of the night. Bryan got possibly the biggest and most even pop of the night (in that it was all cheers, Cena got boos from some adults and Punk got boos from some kids), he is amazingly over, the whole crowd loved him and the YES chant. The match was the standard one they've been having with the Scholars, with Kane and Bryan bickering and nearly getting into fights, while Cody and Sandow are in perfect unison. The crowd was on fire the whole way through, with YES, NO, LET'S GO GOATFACE and HUG IT OUT chants all over the place. There was one hilarious bit where Sandow tried to interfere, but Kane turned around and went to punch him, leading to Sandow emitting a hilariously high pitched girly scream and dove out of the ring.

Bryan won with the No Lock, after tagging himself in, and after the match they had a long skit with Bryan and Kane doing their I AM THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS schtick, which the crowd really ate up. They must have been out there at least 5/6 minutes, with Bryan trying to get the belts from Kane, they even did a "bull and matador" bit with Bryan charging for the belt. Eventually, they hugged it out, before Bryan snatched the belts and ran off backstage laughing his head of, with Kane chasing him. Both Bryan and Kane looked like they were having a great time out there.

Also, in person, Bryan, Cody and Sandow are seriously jacked. Kane is of course huge, but it's surprising how big the other guys are up close.

Main Event, CM Punk vs. Ryback for the WWE title:

Punk got a massive pop, even with some boos from some of the kids, they got drowned out. Heyman also got a big pop, including an E-C-W chant when he was introdued. They're really damn fun to watch live, they seem to be having a ball out there, both Punk and Heyman really ham it up. Punk grabbed the mic to do his thing, but he didn't really go for heat, he didn't insult the crowd or anything, just demanded respect, etc. The crowd were going crazy for him nonstop.

Ryback got a loud pop, the kids really love him, his chants were really loud. But overall, I think Punk got a louder reaction than him.

The match wasn't too long, maybe about 10 minutes, but was a lot better than their HIAC match. Punk ran from Ryback at the start, but generally they had roughly equal offense, with Punk using his quickness to wear down Ryback. It was nice to see Punk not just getting thrashed, they both were in control equally as much. At the end, Punk got nailed with the meathook clothesline and his gum went flying out of his mouth across the ring.

The Rhodes Scholars and Primo/Epico appeared and caused a DQ, Kane came out to help disperse them, then he threw Punk back in the crowd to eat a Shellshock. Show ended with Ryback in the ring, doing his thing, he went around the ringside to the fans as well. Crowd didn't start leaving until Ryback had headed backstage and Justin Roberts thanked everyone for coming and announced RAW would be back here next April

So yeah, really great show, terrific crowd, which really helps since it seemed to put all of the wrestlers in very good moods. I'm definitely going to the Wrestlemania Revenge tour, I'll see if I can even get ringside seats. I think we're in the middle of Impact right now so i don't think this will get read by many, but my head is buzzing with WWE so I had to write it all down. I took a lot of photos, but I'll look through them tomorrow and see if there are any good ones.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Ok, just back from the Dublin house show, I didn't know any Gaffers were going before I left, as I'm only catching up on the posts now, shame. Anyway, the show was awesome. I had floor seats about fourth row, so I was damn close to the ring, great view of the action and the entrances. No pyro in the whole show, I think the arena isn't equipped for it, it's mainly a theatre rather than an arena, so it's an odd set up.

The arena was packed wall to wall, looked like a sellout, and the crowd was great. They were hot for every match, even the filler ones, all the faces got chants no matter who they were, all the heels got heavy boos (save Punk and Ziggler). Tons of kids, probably 50%, most of them in green Cena merch, but a lot of them also had Bryan, Punk and Ziggler shirts, probably because they're more colourful than the boring black shirts. After Cena, the Bryan shirts were the most common, a lot of adults wearing them, too.

I had Cena kids to my right and my left, but rather than being annoying, their enthusiasm for everything was fun. Row behind me had some smarks, so we got plenty of chants.

It's amazing how different matches feel live, then watching on TV, matches you would have zero interest in watching TV are entertaining and fun live, I wasn't bored during any match. For no one in particular, probably just myself, I'll run down the card, but put it in the quote box to make this post a lot shorter to quote (if such a thing were to happen):

So yeah, really great show, terrific crowd, which really helps since it seemed to put all of the wrestlers in very good moods. I'm definitely going to the Wrestlemania Revenge tour, I'll see if I can even get ringside seats. I think we're in the middle of Impact right now so i don't think this will get read by many, but my head is buzzing with WWE so I had to write it all down. I took a lot of photos, but I'll look through them tomorrow and see if there are any good ones.


We only care about how many stars would you give the Epico/Ryder match


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
AJ is messing around with Dolph to get back at Vickie and Cena is a smoke screen to cover it up



Watched Bret vs. Stone Cold at WM13 tonight. The match itself actually wasn't all that long, and I didn't think it was all that technically impressive, but the story it told was really good. It made Austin into a major face overnight. Really creative booking by making Austin pass out but not actually say "I quit." Bret became a whiny heel, and Austin became a resilient ass kicker. Good stuff.

Bret vs. British Bulldog at In Your House '95 was also really good. Think it's the only time I've ever seen Bret blade himself.
So did we figure out who's room AJ went into wearing a robe? I assume that was the focus of discussion the last couple of days? Still can't wrap my head around it.


I feel kinda bad seeing stinger in the ring, he looks so very tired.

And Devon is the leader of Aces and Eights?


Devon is the man at arms

luke gallows is the director of chaos.

the leader is still a mystery. i thnk it might be bully tho

luke who?


Jeff's the champ? That's good. (or for wrasslegaf that's bad)

oh and Soulplaya i saw a stupid shirt at Hot Topic today , it was a stick figure drawing of D-Bry and Kane and it said something like hug it out or some shit.
luke who?


Jeff's the champ? That's good. (or for wrasslegaf that's bad)

oh and Soulplaya i saw a stupid shirt at Hot Topic today , it was a stick figure drawing of D-Bry and Kane and it said something like hug it out or some shit.

you may know him as festus or cm punks bodyguard in the straight edge society.

Aries regin was cut short for no reason. having him as a transitional champ is lame


more money than God
luke who?


Jeff's the champ? That's good. (or for wrasslegaf that's bad)

oh and Soulplaya i saw a stupid shirt at Hot Topic today , it was a stick figure drawing of D-Bry and Kane and it said something like hug it out or some shit.
Are you serious? I might actually have to venture there, and buy it.

This one?



you may know him as festus or cm punks bodyguard in the straight edge society.

Aries regin was cut short for no reason. having him as a transitional champ is lame

Oh that's right Aries, that fucking sucks, didn't even give the guy a chance I bet.

Like the nice slow camera pan up of stupid whats her name announcer.

Man...wrestling is giving me a headache, or it might be these awful x-box games I'm playing

gonna watch some good old NWO dvds later to help

edit: Yeah that's it soulplaya.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
This Liger CAW has brainbuster as a regular move AND a finisher instead of running powerbomb as a finisher.

Fuck this CAW
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