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November Wrasslin |OT| CM Punk's Countdown to RESPECT

THERE it is.

The one they did on Smackdown the week before was sooo much better but nobody watches smackdown so there probably wont be a gif of it


They did it at HIAC, too. They've done it every show for a month. Awesome every time. Sin Cara is really improving being with Rey.


I would love to see Daniel Bryan wrestle against just about anybody. He can make anyone look like a million bucks. Some Bryan dream matches that have already happened, need to happen, and/or need to happen again.

vs. Punk
vs. Ziggler
vs. Jericho
vs. Tyson Kidd
vs. Barrett
vs. Cena
vs. The Rock
vs. Sin Cara
vs. Sandow
vs. Rhodes
vs. Otunga

...and so on.


Daniel Bryan marks need to pick up a copy of this DVD to get some idea of where he came from in ROH:


Opponents include AJ Styles, Austin Aries, Samoa Joe, Jushin Liger, Christopher Daniels, CM Punk, and other legends. Check it out, gang!


Anyone know some sites where i can purchase/rent like shoots/docus etc. online? not DVDs but buy/rend like VOD/streaming stuff.

Not pirated stuff like actual legit places to rent and watch online


So bros, I was taking a break from WWE 13 because I'm already kind of bored with it (yet I stupidly paid for the DLC, so I feel I have to keep it until the rest of it comes out...stupid me) and popped in NBA 2K11. I was playing the My Player that I started at least a year ago and never actually played any games. My dude is ranked 51, which isn't really the problem. I've never been so frustrated that I lose every game, not because of me making bad plays or missing baskets, but because my ALL STAR level team mates routinely go on 1/15 streaks every single game and apparently don't understand the concept of rebounding.

There is never more than one dude in the paint. Ever. Yet no matter what team I play against, no matter how shitty, they will destroy on the boards and go on 15-1 runs with shitty players. As a PG I can have 30 points, 12 assists, 7 rebounds, and 2 steals and my team still loses because for some reason even dudes with ratings in the 90s can't play better than dudes in the low 80s or 70s. The fuck. Haven't raged as much since the fucking Carnival Night Zone in Sonic 3 that I didn't figure out how to get past until last year.


Watching Bret vs. Undertaker at One Night Only for the championship. Man, The Undertaker used to be in really good shape and could work really well in the ring.

...And NO ONE could make running into the turnbuckles look more devastating than Bret. NO ONE. Guy sold it like a car crash every damn time.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Watching Bret vs. Undertaker at One Night Only for the championship. Man, The Undertaker used to be in really good shape and could work really well in the ring.

His arms are jacked in Ministry era.
I think he's always been a good worker though. Kind of like HBK.


Owen did the turnbuckle bump pretty awesomely, too. Remember when SPIKE started doing it sometime in the 2000s? Looked like it snapped him in half every time. It's hilarious to see how outright fat and bloated Taker got so shortly after returning as the Biker Taker. In 2000 up until Big Evil dude was tubby as fuck.


Bret might sell turnbuckles the best, but Shawn sells kicks the best

I can't find a good gif, but Randy Orton taking the Super Kick is about most awesome selling of a kick possible. Instead, I'll post some funny Randy gifs.


This one definitely needs to get used and the next major BRRRRR




Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Those spots lose all appeal to me when they make no sense. Why was Shelton positioned like that? Was he going to springboard axe handle HBK? That makes no sense. Why is CM Punk jumping with his body vertically in the air for Sheamus to kick him, so on.

At least with something like Mark Henry catching them and doing the world's strongest slam, it makes sense why they might be jumping at them like that.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
It's even worse when you got a guy who NEVER goes to the top rope fighting Randy Orton. GEE! I WONDER WHAT WILL HAPPEN
Those spots lose all appeal to me when they make no sense. Why was Shelton positioned like that? Was he going to springboard axe handle HBK? That makes no sense. Why is CM Punk jumping with his body vertically in the air for Sheamus to kick him, so on.

At least with something like Mark Henry catching them and doing the world's strongest slam, it makes sense why they might be jumping at them like that.

Why does an irish whip cause someone to uncontrollably run to the ropes and bounce back towards the opponent? Wrestling physics.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Why do the bad guys always let the Power rangers transform?

Cause they transform at the command center then warp to the monster/japanese footage DUH.

Don't ask why Rita doesn't just attack the command center when she clearly knows where it is after sending putties there the first episode.


DDP retweeted aload of people but not me, so disappointing. This Jesse Ventura conspiracy book is good so far, reading it in his voice in my head.


Wrestling physics are definitely weird. Any move that requires a dude getting caught in mid air almost never makes sense. Why do guys who get caught with the mid-air OUTTANOWHERE RKO always jump out like they're going to do a Superfly Splash even when Randy is standing up?

Why do guys get worn out so quickly in triple threats and fatal four ways? Or why a basic move will put them out for 10 minutes at a time. Why is that in a Survivor Series match, guys will get put away with moves that sometimes aren't even secondary finishers within 2 minutes of a match, even though that would never happen in a singles match? Why is it that the same guys who wrestle a 30 minute match on a PPV act just as worn out and beaten down in a 8 minute TV match? Why the fuck do guys try to do double axe handles off the top rope to a guy laying on the mat? Why do assholes try to powerbomb Kidman?

And the biggest one of all to me: Why the fuck did Stone Cold do a stunner on top of the announce table? Even by wrestling logic of "any move through a table/on a chair = massive damage", there is no possibly way that doing the stunner on the announce table could inflect any extra damage to the opponent. Instead, it would clearly hurt Austin more than if he did it in the ring. I swear he did it on a chair once, too, which makes even less sense. Even as a kid I knew that a stunner on a table was completely stupid. Then you have Mikey Whipwreck doing it off the top rope through a table. The fuck? You might as well just leg drop the table and forget the other guy.

EDIT: Negative, Mighty. That was in 1995. Owen hit the enziguri, they wrestled for a while, then Shawn collapsed on his own and had a big stretcher job. It was, and still is, a fantastic angle. Everyone was out there and concerned. Even Owen. It was one of the first "this isn't part of the show" moments I remember. King and Vince went dead silent, Earl had no idea what to do, Owen and Corny were just as confused, Vince got up from the booth to check on Shawn. Seemed like a huge deal and I completely bought it. I still do watching it now.
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