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November Wrasslin' |OT| flipvember qdl flipvember

Well, two hours of sleep and going to class in a fog has no dulled this intense, irrational feeling of personal failure over the election. I've dealt with depression since I was a tweener and this is easily the worst I've felt in years. I'm definitely going to keep posting here, because you all fucking rock and even with this extraordinary feeling of shittiness, little things like this.

Same friend, hope you get better.

I have a final presentation in two hours about forests, environment and quality of life, I do not feel like talking about that at the moment.

MC Safety

Today has been interesting.

I really picked the wrong day to call into the cable company with a complaint.

As another non-wrestling aside, both President-elect Trump and Hillary Clinton both gave excellent post-election speeches. I hope we can build something wonderful off of their foundation.

America should not be us v. them. It should always be we.

(Also, I love soda. Water is fine, but I'm unable to give up Mexican Cokes. You know, the real sugar and glass bottles...)





To help put that in perspective, here are the #s for the last month or so:

10/04/2016 2,316,000
10/11/2016 2,448,000
10/18/2016 2,405,000
10/25/2016 2,127,000
11/1/2016 2,187,000
11/8/2016 1,921,000

Not a huuuge drop.
Yeah, the pop the crowd would make would be matched by the pop his hips would make

The crowd would pop harder if Hogan hulked out after taking an AA from Cena
I agree, I would. I wouldn't be surprised if they book him and Cena for 33.

Blue, let it go brother. Hogan's done
Fuck Hulkogan

Holy shit, I'd have an aneurysm from rolling my eyes so hard.
Rofl! Ten year old me would've been confused.
Only silver lining is that maybe we'll get a good Cornette rant about the last 24 hrs.
I'm saving all of my laughs for that. I can't wait.
My mother was watching arrow earlier when I spied TNA legend Cody the rhodes Runnels in a role more prominent than his last 2 years of WWE.
Absolutely nothing wrong with seeking comfort in a group of friends for a while.

The evening after Brexit, my fiancee her friend and I got together, got trashed, and commiserated together. I think that was the best thing we could have done.

Tomorrow I'm off to the graps, and forget about the shit for a little.


Absolutely nothing wrong with seeking comfort in a group of friends for a while.

The evening after Brexit, my fiancee and her friend got together, got trashed, and commiserated together. I think that was the best thing we could have done.

Tomorrow I'm off to the graps, and forget about the shit for a little.

As shit as it sounds, I'd prefer Brexit over this.


Kinda hoping someone like Darren Young just grabs a mic and goes into business for themselves by going off about this election. But then I don't cause I don't wanna see anyone fired.


I feel a little better about life after randomly guitar-a-singing "Hey Jude".

Naaaaa naaa naaa na na na naaa, na na naaa naaaaa, Hey Datooo!


In the middle of the night
In the middle of the night I call your name
Ooooh, Daaatooo!
Ooooh, Daaatooo!
My love will turn you on!
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