I still don't understand how AJ Styles randomly became a great promo.
He put in extra time in the lab room. He studied really well
I still don't understand how AJ Styles randomly became a great promo.
I still don't understand how AJ Styles randomly became a great promo.
That young kid is in the big leagues now. That pitbull.
I still think the worst moment of AJ's face run/feud with Jericho was Jericho on commentary saying "look at the crispness of that offense"
I cannot remove it from my brain. The "tell people that AJ is good" campaign was obnoxious. Don't think he really got a chance to shine until after WM anyways
Oh you won't applaud huh, is that it Professor Beef? Huh? Is that so? You know what's gonna happen?Well I was going to applaud this post by saying how crisp it was, but now I won't, you JERK
As weird as it sounds, watching random old wrasslin' is the only thing keeping me sane today.
Menome, you rat bastard!
That's it. How many divas do we have to sacrifice to break the Curse of Menome
Settled on it, I'm sticking to OT Community for a while. I gave up on gaming side years ago, and OT is bringing me to near tears right now. There's a lot of groups I'm involved here on this site and I'm gonna need them now more than ever.
Tonight's NXT has been pretty damn good.
Well YOU just made MY list of uh...lame-asses! So HAHAOh you won't applaud huh, is that it Professor Beef? Huh? Is that so? You know what's gonna happen?
Lol. Fucking Breezango on Talking Smack. They are wonderful.
He isn't legit being sent to anger management. Dave implied he needs it not that he's going.
Essex Destroyer!
I'm frankly more impressed that the big base in the backyarder gif was able to flip for the bump.
...... What
The man has lost it.
But hey, let's pull Corbin out of the Survivor Series match for Shane fuckin McMahon and then complain because no young guys want to grab the brass ring.
The man needs to be thrown out of position because he has absolutely lost touch with reality and his fan base.
It was probably because of all the hate Corbin was getting on certain internet forums.
But that means Vince would actually have to listen to fan feedback...
God knows what's up. I like Shane more than Corbin anyway so meh.
King of the Ring 2001Shoot: I never got the love for Shane.
King of the Ring 2001
Shoot: I never got the love for Shane.
King of the Ring 2001
That was the Angle match, right? I'll give him props for that.
That's a great looking ddt.
Does something count as flippy when the flip actually adds to the move?
I always remember that but for the wrong reason
"I think Shane might have been, knocked out"
"Think I broke my tail bone"
"I ruptured a disc which, fragmented, into my, spinal column"
"Yes this is entertainment, but the hazards are real"
"How do you learn to fall off a 20 foot ladder?"
"Trainers, EMT's, referees down"
"He don't have a damn clue where he is"
"Whoever you are"
"Whatever you do"
"Don't try this at home"
it always adds to the move
Ha lord what a shit show. I don't remember the details, might have to revisit on the network.
That's the old "don't try this at home video", not all that stuff happened to shane in one match.
Although thinking back, most of it at one time or another did
Those things used to scare meI always remember that but for the wrong reason
"I think Shane might have been, knocked out"
"Think I broke my tail bone"
"I ruptured a disc which, fragmented, into my, spinal column"
"Yes this is entertainment, but the hazards are real"
"How do you learn to fall off a 20 foot ladder?"
"Trainers, EMT's, referees down"
"He don't have a damn clue where he is"
"Whoever you are"
"Whatever you do"
"Don't try this at home"
Jesus Christ that Michaels' bump.I mean kayfabe adds. As opposed to just aesthetically.
That's the old "don't try this at home video", not all that stuff happened to shane in one match.
Although thinking back, most of it at one time or another did
Idgaf about either but Ziggler can go fuck himself. Has-been.this is... questionable given his voting choices...
Idgaf about either but Ziggler can go fuck himself. Has-been.
this is... questionable given his voting choices...
I liked Ziggy better during that point and with aj and big e.I actually like Ziggler more now than years ago with the whole Vickie Guerrero angle. Hated like all of that...
(Obviously my opinion of him will change if he's being inappropriate in some way)
Sami Zayn too seems like a good egg.
I liked Ziggy better during that point and with aj and big e.
I just enjoyed The Undertaker and Kane. In 2001.
Gotta give credit. At the end of this RAW IS WAR where Triple H challenged Jeff Hardy for the IC title, there are all kinds of shenanigans and after Austin and Triple H destroy the Hardyz, they move their focus to Lita. Stephanie -- who didn't actually detract because she was not at all the focus -- sneaked up from behind Lita and threw her into the ring for Austin/H. And then BAM! Hilarious ROLLIN' ROLLIN' ROLLIN' ROLLIN' and I was like YEEEAH.
I was a tad disappointed that Taker didn't burst out on his dorkcycle, as I feel the urgency would've been more exciting than his and Kane's sauntering (extra points if Kane was riding on the handlebars), but whatevz. It was good. Really enjoyed the segment and now somehow someway look forward to Austin (In 2001.)/Triple H vs. The Undertaker/Kane for the World, IC, and Tag beltz at Backlash.
Day 2 as a minority.
Still alive.