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November Wrasslin' |OT| flipvember qdl flipvember


Scott Armstrong as ref, Brock has Goldberg in a kimura at the ropes, Goldberg reaches out for the ropes, bell rings. Brock leaves, Goldberg spits at Heyman.

Time is a flat circle.

You forgot the part where Goldberg starts doing "TNA" signs with his hands torwards the camera.


HHH is the definitive B+ player. He would be an A- talent, however there's the whole fact that he was basically a mini-boss at best for most of the Attitude Era and then he kind of killed mass interest in WWE once Rock and Austin left. I actually might bump him down to a B or B- player since he's the guy who proposed the Montreal Screwjob.


Cena killed mass interest in wrestling a billion times more than HHH did just a couple of years later, yet he's cool? buncha 2face marks in here


Cena killed mass interest in wrestling a billion times more than HHH did just a couple of years later, yet he's cool? buncha 2face marks in here

there are business metrics to disprove this so i wouldn't continue on this line BUD

ie business did pick up when Cena was the clear cut top guy post reign of terror HHH (with Batista helping as well)


there are business metrics to disprove this so i wouldn't continue on this line BUD

ie business did pick up when Cena was the clear cut top guy post reign of terror HHH (with Batista helping as well)

yeah I guess, but like anecdotally many many people including myself left in 2004-ish. Kids just replaced us, they were the new target demographic

and we all know kids don't count in the real world, eventhough they do count in the ratings. If you can't vote you shouldn't be allowed to watch wrestling, bring back the good old days


I liked Evolution better when it was called the Four Horseman and didn't have HHH in it. And because the Four Horseman actually put people over.



the Four Horseman are compared to Becky, Bayley, Sasha and Charlotte these days. That says a lot about them

That's because one of them is Ric Flair's daughter, because she ended up accomplishing something. HHH's children will probably eat pedigrees some day or get slapped by their mom on national television ;)


imbask is so deep in gimmick I don't know what's work and shoot anymore

Horsemen comment was a work
my love for HHH is a shoot
my hate for 2004 cena is a shoot
my love for current cena is a worked shoot
my F reviewed review gradez are shoots
my hate for Mark Henry is a shoot
my hate for WCW is a work
my love for Dwayne is a shoot
my hate for the 4 ladies is a worked shoot, I just hate Becky the others are fine


Gulak vs. Sabre and Riddle vs. Hero were dope as fuck.

And as a primer, you can check out my extensive pieces on Riddle vs. Hero 1 and Riddle vs. Hero 2: http://wrestlingwiththoughts.tumblr.com.

And Icarus was there, so that's a thing.

That was a good read, I don't remember watching the first Hero/Riddle match so it was a good catchup for me in building context for the series as a whole.

Icarus is the Chikara guy with the bad tattoo right

Horsemen comment was a work
my love for HHH is a shoot
my hate for 2004 cena is a shoot
my love for current cena is a worked shoot
my F reviewed review gradez are shoots
my hate for Mark Henry is a shoot
my hate for WCW is a work
my love for Dwayne is a shoot
my hate for the 4 ladies is a worked shoot, I just hate Becky the others are fine

now you are just being obtuse

thoughts on Vince "Actually killed wrestling" Russo?
That was a good read, I don't remember watching the first Hero/Riddle match so it was a good catchup for me in building context for the series as a whole.

Icarus is the Chikara guy with the bad tattoo right

now you are just being obtuse

thoughts on Vince "Actually killed wrestling" Russo?



So aside from the NES Classic that Nintendo made 50 of, the hottest toy on the market seems to be the newly reduced $79 Nintendo 2DS package with Mario Kart 7. $79 for a 2DS is awesome and I was able to get my wife her own system so she won't have to keep using my 3DS. Thing is though, this was a bastard to find. Gamestop never got them in, Amazon canceled my month long pre-order and gave me a $5 credit on it. I just happened on a lone unit at the local Wal-Mart when I was looking for any straggling NES Classics last night. I've also got Mario Party Star Rush and I have Pokemon Sun & Moon pre-ordered for us. Despite the NES Classic debacle Friday, it's going to be a good Christmas.

Friday night, I panicked on camera during the live broadcast of Evolve 72 on FloSlam when I realized that heel manager, Stokely Hathaway and I would be doing our promo at ringside and not in the ring with ring announcer, Joanna Rose as I had anticipated.

I told Joanna before the show that during my promo with her and Stokely in the ring, I was going to ask her about English tailoring so we could compare my suit with Stokely Hathaway’s suit.

I had no idea what to say when Stokely Hathaway and I were at ringside about to trade promos and I didn’t have Joanna with us to ask about English tailoring.

I panicked and I did exactly what Gabe Sapolsky told me not to do earlier in the week and made a political joke. The joke included a partial quote from the President-Elect that was meant to mock him and then, in-turn, my scripted nemesis, Stokely Hathaway.

I started the joke and stopped quoting the President-Elect without using the offensive word.

Again, I did not utter the offensive word.

I then turned to Stokely Hathaway and said “the word that I will not use, brings me to you.”

As the veteran, I should have walked through the promo segment with Stokely Hathaway and Joanna Rose before the event so that there was no possibility of me putting myself in that position.

Gabe was justifiably furious at me and thought that I had endangered his relationship with FloSports.

After the event, I looked Gabe in the eye, apologized to him, and as not as to put him in the awkward position of having to fire someone he has known for 20 years, told him to fire me publicly and then shook his hand.

I apologized to Joanna who said she said she wasn’t upset because she knew it was a joke about the President-Elect. It didn’t matter if she was upset or not, therefore I apologized to her again, repeatedly.

I apologized to Jeremy Botter, the representative from FloSlam who was at the event, and he wasn’t upset. It didn’t matter if he was upset or not, therefore I apologized to him again, repeatedly. I also told him that Gabe and EVOLVE had no knowledge of what I was going to say and my actions should not be held against EVOLVE.

I apologized to the locker room and the wrestlers weren’t upset. It didn’t matter if they were upset, therefore I apologized to the wrestlers again, repeatedly.

While apologizing to the wrestlers, I saw that Timothy Thatcher obviously had a very serious concussion.

Timothy Thatcher’s main event opponent, Drew Gulak also recognized that it was a very serious concussion and said that Timothy needed to go to the hospital.

I went to the hospital with Timothy and Larry Dallas. Gabe arrived at the hospital shorty after we did. We were cordial to each other, because I had already apologized to him and he had already fired me publicly. All that we were rightly concerned about by that point was Timothy Thatcher’s condition.

Larry and I stayed at the hospital with Timothy until he was released at 1:30 AM into Larry’s care to recover at Larry’s home in NY until he is well enough to fly home to California.

While at the hospital watching Timothy struggle to regain his memory of what happened and even remember my name, I made the decision to stay quiet about EVOLVE 72 until today so as not to take attention away from EVOLVE on FloSlam on Sunday night.

In summary, I panicked on a live broadcast, ad-libbed by telling bad joke, apologized to Gabe, told him to publicly fire me to protect himself and then apologized sincerely and repeatedly to everybody involved including Joanna Rose, Jeremy Botter from FloSlam and the wrestlers in the EVOLVE locker room.

In conclusion, I’d like to thank FloSlam for editing out the segment from the EVOLVE 72 replay on FloSlam so fans can enjoy the historic event forever without it being marred.

Joey Styles


He didn't need to lose his gig with Evolve over that. It sounded like no one was upset over the joke and he came out in front of it and apologized to everyone for his mistake.

If there was a repeat of it, sure, fire him then, but he did everything right to keep his job, he didn't have to fall on his sword.


ehh, there's a lot of weasling still

"i didn't actually say the word", "well this person wasn't offended" etc

He told a mildly offensive political joke in a heel wrestling promo (which was in fact just quoting the current President of the USA)

what more do you want, a public lapidation? he looks pretty sincere in his apology and shit can happen


He didn't need to lose his gig with Evolve over that. It sounded like no one was upset over the joke and he came out in front of it and apologized to everyone for his mistake.

If there was a repeat of it, sure, fire him then, but he did everything right to keep his job, he didn't have to fall on his sword.

he was a fucking awful commentator who actively ruined the show and i would have hoped, wished and prayed he would have been let go even if he had never made this comment


he was a fucking awful commentator who actively ruined the show and i would have hoped, wished and prayed he would have been let go even if he had never made this comment

I honestly haven't watched Evolve in a while so I don't know how he was doing commentary wise, just commenting on the situation.
He told a mildly offensive political joke in a heel wrestling promo (which was in fact just quoting the current President of the USA)

what more do you want, a public lapidation? he looks pretty sincere in his apology and shit can happen


what he said was tone deaf and shitty, regardless of the fact he'd been specifically asked not to do it.

i'd rather he didn't feel the need to couch and justify it
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