Next gen wrasslin

Next gen wrasslin
It's Cutting Edge materialTalking Smack?
Sting vs Triple H is like the most fun match of the PG era
Foley is really hard to listen to in this.
Can't even imagine what the inside of his head looks like.....
Makes sense kayfabe, he doesn't want to get dropped on his face!Jericho just made the list
the list of people who can't take a pedigree properly. just look at this shit:
How does Renee asking Mick if he'd like to work with Bryan end up with Mick talking about how great Stephanie is for 5 minutes?
Wrestling out here in the Pacific Northwest is a rare, rare thing, so I may head up to one or both of these this weekend.
And that's why Bryan should be thanking WWE for making him retire early.It was difficult to watch....he was rambling all over the place and completely incoherent at times. Can't even imagine what the inside of his head looks like.....
Cancel it anywaysFuck having Roman Reigns came out on top all by himself in that tag match
Fuck that shit so bad, the moment he takes the belt from KO is the moment I'll cancel my network subscription once and for all
It was really weird.I can't believe all the spotlight Stevie Ray gets in 1998 War Games.
It's kind of funny that Hogan probably did the most work in this whole match. Nash gets taken out shortly after coming down, takes a leg drop and just lays down for the rest of the match. Luger comes in, attacks a guy, torture rack, gets slapjacked(lol) then lays down for the rest of the match.
It's hard to put 1999 below 2000. I see what you're saying, but lord Jesus, 2000 had some low lows.I'll never understand the complaints about 2000 or 2001 WCW when 98 and ESPECIALLY 99 WCW exist. 99 is the most like 'just show up for my paycheck' WCW ever was. It's the most boring the company's ever been. Like the match quality goes down in 2000 and 2001 as a whole but at least they're trying something because they're getting their asses kicked. They seem somewhat motivated.
I'm a ex Falcons fan , it part of my DNA to talk shit about them.![]()
I legit have no clue who you root for or why you're randomly trying to talk trash about my Falcons
NJPW Singapore spoilers
Shibata just beat EVIL to regain the NEVER Openweight Championship
What's the logic behind Sasha and Charolette teaming up, or The Club and E&C?
Sting vs Triple H is like the most fun match of the PG era
.On course for Shibata vs Goto at the Dome, their teams are both in the same Tag League block as well, so I guess they'll set it up there
How was Raw?
Fuck having Roman Reigns came out on top all by himself in that tag match
Fuck that shit so bad, the moment he takes the belt from KO is the moment I'll cancel my network subscription once and for all