Jackhammer on RuRu looked shockingly decent. But Bill looked gassed as shit after so /shrug
Vince must have thought highly of Rob Conway in 2005.The fact that Vince keeps picking Rusev for these Legends spots (Rock, Goldberg) means that he probably feels highly of him.
Vince must have thought highly of Rob Conway in 2005.
The fact that Vince keeps picking Rusev for these Legends spots (Rock, Goldberg) means that he probably feels highly of him.
If Rusev got released tomorrow I would not give two shits about it, I have no idea how some of you shit on most of the most popular guys on the main roster but love this generic guy, his matches are boring as fuck, to the point that if you've seen one match of his you've basically seen it all. He's destined to be a midcarder for life and I'm 110% ok with that.
Rusev is the best wrestler on RAW.
It feels like he just stepped out of 80's NWA. Need more guys like him.
Couple things:
1. How was the 1st Raw of Flipvember?
2. TNA just lost their big UK international TV deal. Impact goes from Challenge in January.
I still have bruises on my palms from banging on the ring so hard during Smile/Scrull.
That's wrasslin.
I actually quite like Rusev. I look forward to his matches on the card.
I like the people who obliterate others. The monsters. When he goes full berserker he's a joy to watch.
It's also worth noting, Impact Wrestling is still Challenges highest-rated programme: the episode broadcast on October 23 drew 164,000 viewers.
Either they decided it wasn't worth the money, which there's been no indication of prior, or some contract was breached. Possibly similar deal to their one in India where they're obligated to tour?
Except for when they always make him out to be an 80s villian
Perhaps that's why I like him so much. He's so clearly 80s wrestling heal it's great
I learnt pretty quickly not to wear my ring to wrestling shows until I learn how to clap without bruising my palm with it
Giving up your most successful TV deal because spoilers TNA.txt
TNA gonna be uploading impact to YouTube soon aren't they?
on the one hand it's true
on the other hand if the reason was the real one they'd already have a deal lined up lol
I believe the (in jeopardy) India deal is worth more then ours.
TNA gonna be uploading impact to YouTube soon aren't they?
Comments disabled of course
Just so Dixie keeps her safe space
I mean fuck YouTube comments
That's just "4" matches though. They'll probably throw a Kane vs who cares match in the mix, or actually include him in team SD lol
Or they coulda just hired Riddle and ran Riddle vs Lashley. Or Cobb vs Lashley. Unnff.
They have enough cruiserweights for a 5 vs 5 team TJP vs team Kendrick match, I hope they do one.
No flips
only old meatheads
dude just wants to make himself happy and do flips
i love him
Calling it now, with how much they love the Attitude Era: It's going to be Dallas vs Red Ladder Match for control of the company.
hah, looking through some old wrasslegaf posts, re fear and loathing in a couple weeks:
what's with the billions of iphone notes screenshots when it comes to stories? who takes those? do you not have a computer and/or know how to copy paste text?
Fucking ICW, at least they know exactly what they are I suppose.
Is that the main event?
All the notes come from https://twitter.com/reasonjp who translates interviews with Japanese wrestlers from a variety of sources (gong, njpwworld, Tokyo Sports etc.) He translates them on his iPhone and screenshots the translation, then tweets it out.
I always scroll right past those posts. >_>what's with the billions of iphone notes screenshots when it comes to stories? who takes those? do you not have a computer and/or know how to copy paste text?