wild wild rice
AJ's head has been smacking off the floor way too often.
The cream of the crop rises to the top.I don't know if I'm alone but I think guys like Hogan and Savage peaked promo wise in the '80s.
They're not bad in WCW but their promos feel too reserved.
was bored, wrote up an early Mania 33 card for fun. Please criticize.
Raw's title match will be Ko v balor. Obviously isn't going to be the main event because it's not worthy of the spot.was bored, wrote up an early Mania 33 card for fun. Please criticize.
RAW TITLE MATCH (Brock/Goldberg)
DREAM MATCH (Cena/Shane)
GRUDGE MATCH (Owens/Jericho)
WOMENS TITLE MATCH RAW (Sasha/Charlotte/Bayley)
RAW LADDER MATCH (Balor/Joe/Reigns/Zayn/Rusev)
SMACKDOWN LADDER MATCH (Miz/Ziggler/Wyatt/Orton/Nakamura)
CW LADDER MATCH (TJP/Kendrick/Kalisto/Neville/Cedric Alexander/Gran Metallik)
ANDRE BATTLE ROYALE (20 man, Stroman dominates)
SMACKDOWN TAG (American Alpha vs. Usos)
RAW TAG (New Day vs. Cesaro/Sheamus)
13 matches total. 64 Workers on Card.
Last year had 11 matches, but with the brand split and CW division I had a really hard time keeping the card to only 11 matches. Pretty much no filler here, and you could EASILY break out those Raw/Smackdown ladder matches into singles matches. While they should make the matches shorter, WWE will probably add two hours to the show.
Let me know if I'm missing anything/anyone obvious.
Unrealistic because Roman isn't in a title match
Dave no selling Alvarez is the greatestAlmost forgot, the other day Metlz & Alvarez were discussing how the wwf does these horrible promos where people complain that someone doesn't "look" like a champion (bliss to becky, jbl about zayn)
Alvarez made an analogy that it would be like people complaining that Meltz was a journalist because he looks like superman instead of clark kent. couldn't stop laughing
Dave no selling Alvarez is the greatest
WCW Macho Man was a punk who was always Miss Elizabeth's bitch.
The best thing about WCW Hulk Hogan was that Bobby Heenan was proven right after all those years.
That was honestly the best thing about the nWo to me. Heenan stayed heel, but he still hated Hogan.
I liked that when it came to the nWo, both faces and heels hated them. It gave the nWo basically a "final boss" feel
WHAT'S REDDIT DOING IN THE TWITTER ZONE!People on wrestling twitter advocating for a 1 week Ellsworth run with the title.
The best thing about WCW Hulk Hogan was that Bobby Heenan was proven right after all those years.
It made Hogan's turn seem more real. I especially loved the Taskmaster's take on Hogan's turn to the nWo. I wish they could have explored the WCW heel vs nWo heel angle a bit more.
I remember a discussion about how Heenan shouldn'tve said anything suspicious when Hogan came out at the Bash, but in my mind it makes perfect sense
People on wrestling twitter advocating for a 1 week Ellsworth run with the title.
WCW Macho Man was a punk who was always Miss Elizabeth's bitch.
Also, it's fake.
exactly, so there is actually nothing wrong with Ellsworth winning the title then
The entire point of pro wrestling, before it was about making gifs, is that it's supposed to be believable and look real. Even though it's fake. So it doesn't really matter how much wrestling training you've had, ESPECIALLY in the WWE, as long as you look convincing as a character and as a wrestler.
What's the long term goal with Ellsworth? He's just going to keep weaseling out and barely winning since he's Dean's little buddy? Like that shit's not already stale?
he makes Vince laugh a lot so he's on TV and the writing staff are doing their best with him I guess????
I mean
Boogeyman made Vince laugh a lot too and he was used pretty well. Should he have gotten the title?
I mean
Boogeyman made Vince laugh a lot too and he was used pretty well. Should he have gotten the title?