If Steins Gate 0 does not end up being my GOTY I will be very surprised. But then I said that about the garbage that is Zero Time Dilemma a few months ago so....
I expect the sequel to one of my favourite games of all time to be good. I expect the sequel to my favourite video game story ever to be good.You expect a video game based off an anime to be good?
Would you rather he lose them to Dean?
#Shoot - I dont understand why people think Overwatch is a GOTY contender
Anyways, Rocket League should be the GOTY every year until they shut down the servers.
#Shoot - I dont understand why people think Overwatch is a GOTY contender
I agree with this.Anyways, Rocket League should be the GOTY every year until they shut down the servers.
If I was them, I would absolutely do Undertaker/Aj at 33, and in the time between 33 and 34 have AJ beat Cena a couple more times including for the title. That way Cena finally conquering AJ is even more special and you can have the WM34 main event be him going for a record breaking 17th run.
You expect a video game based off an anime to be good?
Has Doom been played on UUDD? What about Overwatch? Those are the real questions.
It's not revolutionary its just a damn fun game with a lot of character. It's the game I've put the most time in this year (other than Gundam Breaker 3, but I don't think anybody played thatIt's a good shooter that people say is revolutionary even though Team Fortress 2 did most of that stuff first, has no single player, and has a legitimately disgusting unlock and microtransaction system in place. It isn't even the best shooter of 2016 - Titanfall 2 and Doom are better.
Put an S in front of that game and you'll get what I think about it.You guys need to play hitman
Doom is prob shooter GOTY
Titanfall and its fans I can't take serious, same for the first game
I'm liking Moon alright. Too early to say if it's GOTY, but I'd say nah.Won't be able to call a GOTY until I see what sun/moon are like. Been hearing good things.
Bloodboring tbhBloodborne wins again because of how great the DLC was.
Beef is trash.
Won't be able to call a GOTY until I see what sun/moon are like. Been hearing good things.
Resorting to calling something waifu fortress is about the most 4chan post I've ever seen
if any other studio had made Bloodborne and it was exactly as it is right now, people would say Bloodborne is just an average Dark Souls ripoff and that's a shoot brother
It was the GOTY in 2013 for sure. The Last of Us isn't on its level. Just because it's the first Naughty Dog game to have pretty good gameplay since Crash Team Racing doesn't make it GOTY.GTA V is goty. made more money than your favorite game, too.
this year was the shits for kideo games
Quantum Break is the most disappointing game of the year. Possibly of the decade.
but I thought Alan Wake was also incredibly disappointing compared to Max Payne.
most disappointing is a big category this year dawg
Quantum Break
Mighty No 9
Mirror's edge
Star Fox
most disappointing is a big category this year dawg
Quantum Break
Mighty No 9
Mirror's edge
Star Fox
Bad. I think people try to revise how they felt about it when it came out and say they remembered it fondly now but realize the game is only cool in small chunks. And those small chunks are broken up by nonstop, constant, unncessary cutscenes with a setting that was kind of fresh for the first 30 minutes and then you missed New York.
He animates real well though.