I Wanna Be The Guy
U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
What if Elsworth's title match is him getting added to the match at TLC and he ends up pinning Ambrose for the win?
I expect Ambrose to beat up Ellsworth for mega heel heat and AJ to save him for double turn
A) That needs to happen VERY soon if it does because the shelf life on a gimmick like Ellsworth isn't very long
B) That means the AJ/Ambrose feud will continue to drag on
Remember when Santino almost beat Daniel Bryan for the WHC? I think the tease of a jobber underdog beating the champ is better than him actually becoming champ. Like, the pops when Santino hit the Cobra on Bryan and when Ellsworth hit No Chin Music on Styles were pretty nuts
He's not getting the title but the tease of it will be amazing
I expect Ambrose to beat up Ellsworth for mega heel heat and AJ to save him for double turn
A) That needs to happen VERY soon if it does because the shelf life on a gimmick like Ellsworth isn't very long
B) That means the AJ/Ambrose feud will continue to drag on
And Randy Wyatt is the most 'why is this working so well' angle I can think of in recent memory.
If Santino won at EC 12', the crowd would've loved it.Ellsworth getting the belt would be like Santino or Barry Horowitz getting the belt.
I want none of thisWith Goldberg in the picture for Mania now they are shifting over to Shane vs Dean instead of Shane vs Brock, so AJ/Dean will have to end sharpish.
I want none of this
I'm actually in full agreement with you here. I don't understand why this is working but I'm liking it. Maybe it's because Orton is doing something new/different for the first time since his WM25 feud with HHH
Craziest TV bump of the year from AJ?
God Vince really must find Ellsworth to be absolutely the height of comedy.
I am, as they say, fired up for this card. Set the alarm bright and early. Can't wait for all the indie sleaze and Kento retaining, setting up his eventual loss to Suzuki in the next few months.
Ellsworth getting the belt would be like Bronson Lee being the MVP of WrassleGAF.Ellsworth getting the belt would be like Santino or Barry Horowitz getting the belt.
How about no Shane at WrestleMania.
That was the only match people were looking forward to as well.Shane saved Wrestlemania last year buzz/ticket sales wise sooooooo
Almost forgot, the other day Metlz & Alvarez were discussing how the wwf does these horrible promos where people complain that someone doesn't "look" like a champion (bliss to becky, jbl about zayn)
Alvarez made an analogy that it would be like people complaining that Meltz was a journalist because he looks like superman instead of clark kent. couldn't stop laughing
Ellsworth getting the belt would be like Bronson Lee being the MVP of WrassleGAF.
Zach Ryder won a match?I'm pretty sure Shane/Taker and the Womens match were the only matches I cared about going in to Mania last year. Actually....what else even happened last year? I remember Ryder winning the IC title and Reigns getting booed out of the building. Everything else escapes me.
Ellsworth getting the belt would be like Bronson Lee being the MVP of WrassleGAF.
Even as a part timer I am the MVP
So you're Adrian Peterson?
No I'm Aaron Rodgers before he started sucking
-Full Impact Pro: The Wild West promotion
Gabe, wtf does this mean
Also the answer is Thatcher
Gabe, wtf does this mean
Also the answer is Thatcher
It had better be Hero.
Would Kassius Ohno be a main roster champion by now if he has never been released?
Would he still have let himself go?
Gabe has Entirely too much time on his hands
I wished he was actually in the shield like it was pitched.Would Kassius Ohno be a main roster champion by now if he has never been released?
Would he still have let himself go?
Hero becoming a hoss unlocked his full potential
I wished he was actually in the shield like it was pitched.
true true
Bring back Hero and sign Cobb. Let these fuckers go crazy along with Rusev and Big E.
That's what made it so memorable. It was so surprising in the best way. Had me marking the fuck out. It was all downhill from there.Zach Ryder won a match?
Vince wouldn't know what to do with hero.true true
Bring back Hero and sign Cobb. Let these fuckers go crazy along with Rusev and Big E.
can't forget about Joey Samoey as well.
Don't worry I'm sure regal will show HHH some big japan footage and we will get the World Hoss Classic next year
If I was them, I would absolutely do Undertaker/Aj at 33, and in the time between 33 and 34 have AJ beat Cena a couple more times including for the title. That way Cena finally conquering AJ is even more special and you can have the WM34 main event be him going for a record breaking 17th run.I don't see it with AJ/Cena looking to be the big smackdown mania program.
They'd either have to turn AJ again or have a face vs face match, which vince doesn't really like doing