Doesn't Dave have a weird rating system anyway? Much like his writing if you don't look at them all the time they may not make complete sense?
All the NJPW matches he gave 5 stars to are singles matches. The last tag team match he gave to that prior to the Dragon Gate match was in 1997. And when you look at teams like Strong BJ, Twin Towers, Happy Motel, Los Traumas, Averno & Chessman, The Revival, whoever else, you can't say a Bucks match deserved it more.
Personally I don't care what he rates stuff. He doesn't watch most the stuff I watch. The issue comes when other people care so much about his ratings and get upset when his ratings don't match up to their opinions. Like it means anything. And a lot of people do it.
Zack will 100% be the heel. How they deal with that... who knows.Excited for the match, know the crowd's going to be weird though.
So as Flipvember's end draws near, I propose our next themed month be...
PN News droppin' them lyrical (power) bombs.
Zack will 100% be the heel. How they deal with that... who knows.
So as Flipvember's end draws near, I propose our next themed month be...
PN News droppin' them lyrical (power) bombs.
Did the shoot an angle for Zack/Marty at Global Wars? Did I miss something? I am aware of the long term storyline but didn't catch the turning point...
holy fuccckk that Exploder was insane. it was like a reverse Uranage or something
A better technical wrestler, for sure, but his body of work absolutely pales in comparison to either Kobashi or Misawa's.
It was after the LIJ/LDRS tag, Marty cut an emotional promo hinting that both he and Zack wouldn't be around as much next year, then they hugged it out and Marty kicked him in the balls and said the LDRS were dead.
That *actually* resulted in boos for once and Zack got some sympy, but the whole thing was weird as the crowd had been booing Zack and cheering Marty throughout the preceding match.
My man.the new Tribe Called Quest album is WCW amazing
Shit, I'm not the one bagging on a man for his opinions about freaking wrestling of all things. So Big Dave didn't like the Obvious MOTY And Bestest Tag Match EVER as much as you guys, huh? Shame.
Who the fuck is bagging him? He asked, I told him. It's a running theme of his reviews in recent years. DoFixer vs Blood Generation isn't even a memorable match in the library of Dragon Gate matches but because Meltzer was there live and because there were lots of spots he'd never seen before, he gave it 5 stars.
A running theme? I would bring up the other three 5* matches from Dave this year, none of which were spotfests, but as they're all NJPW matches I doubt it'll help much
Also, the DG tag totally deserved it at the time because it was a spectacular match and it introduced a whole style not just to Meltzer, but to lots of fans across the world. Sure, there were better DG tags before and since that match, but we're talking degrees of awesomeness here - it's like trying to decide which 90's M-Pro tag is the best.
You guys are adorable.All the NJPW matches he gave 5 stars to are singles matches. The last tag team match he gave to that prior to the Dragon Gate match was in 1997. And when you look at teams like Strong BJ, Twin Towers, Happy Motel, Los Traumas, Averno & Chessman, The Revival, whoever else, you can't say a Bucks match deserved it more. Even the GOD vs Kojima and friend was better than any match the Bucks have put on. Pretty much every Units Disband match has been better than the ROH DG match with hotter crowds.
Personally I don't care what he rates stuff. He doesn't watch most the stuff I watch. The issue comes when other people care so much about his ratings and use it as some sort of principle of their argument. Like it means anything. And a lot of people do it.
So as Flipvember's end draws near, I propose our next themed month be...
PN News droppin' them lyrical (power) bombs.
Read that as RAPECEMBER. Would probably still make sense with Curt Hennig...
The guy's nose just explodes...We've got a whole week of flips yet
Here's a great Owen Hart flip;
I'm thankful for having the most ravishing body in the WWF![]()
I think Marty is going to have to drop all his theatrics in ring and maybe even change his finisher if he truly wants to be a heel. The mixture of his shtick with actual heel shenanigans (choking out Glen, Kris Travis, above stuff with Zack) just makes him a tweener at best. His current act is fine for random indie match #423 but in a program with defined babyface/heel dynamic it's conclusively been proven not to work imo.
Did Austin just low-key debut "What?" against Hugh Morrus of all people?
Having not seen Marty Scurll before...what is his finisher?
The chicken wing: