Happy day after Survivor Series day
do you live in the past or something?
Happy day after Survivor Series day
I wish SS was during Thanksgiving. That living room pop for GoldBork woulda been something great.
Yeah, it finishing quickly would have made people pop that they can put something that isn't wrestling on the TV.
I'm Mark Henry in the background, watching the ratings for companies, and the amount of companies worldwide, plummet year after year with no end in sight
Ahhh. Thanks.
If he's gotten the Chicken Wing over to where it's getting a face pop, the problem isn't the move. From Klonere's post I thought it was gonna be a 540 Splash or some other such flippery.
OH MY GOD!Since it's Thanksgiving, that means I can post this:
Is that supposed to be humorous? What?
Is that supposed to amuse me? What?
@ Hasney: What?
@ Man God: What?
It's Browny!
Lana learns how to shotput! Right next to Natalya's car!
Yes, yes it is.Stardew Valley is the game of 2016
Sasha vs Charlotte has been going on for five months.
Even for WWE and it's tendency to drag feuds out, this is ridiculous.
i'm off sick today so of course I've decided to watch every Goldberg match from the beginning
you could already tell there's something there from the very first match
by January 1998 he's only like 4-0, but when his music hits the crowd pops huge. when he hits the spear they go crazy. dude is already ridiculously over.
I just watched the infamous Regal match... and I really think WWE tries to push this as the proof that Goldberg can't wrestle. maybe I'm just exposed to too much bad wrestling, but I don't think it was a horrible match at all, nor did it make Goldberg look that bad. the commentary sold it like Regal trying to wrestle with the rookie and get him out of his element, which is true. Goldberg was still getting his offense in with his crazy SHOOT MMA reversals and take downs, which looked surprisingly good coming from Goldberg. even if the execution was a bit sloppy at times. god forbid combat between two men is a little bit sloppy at times.
it all led masterfully into the spear and jackhammer anyways, which the crowd popped huge for. bell to bell the match was like 5 minutes anyways. it was totally fine.
You should actually keep going until the streak ends, it'll be an interesting experiment to see how you feel about the whole saga.
You should actually keep going until the streak ends, it'll be an interesting experiment to see how you feel about the whole saga.
Sasha vs Charlotte has been going on for five months.
Even for WWE and it's tendency to drag feuds out, this is ridiculous.
You should actually keep going until the streak ends, it'll be an interesting experiment to see how you feel about the whole saga.
Mania to Summerslam came off as complete padding until Sasha got the belt, hence why Charlotte just repeatedly feuded with Natalya. I don't know why. I've seen it tossed out that WWE wanted Sasha's big win at 'Mania in a singles match but then Becky's unexpected popularity got her into the match and WWE still wanted Sasha's win to be just against Charlotte so they just padded and padded and the brand split then meant we got the match a month or so earlier. Then Sasha got temporarily injured...and then WWE saw money in Charlotte's PPV streak. And it goes on, and on, and on.It's actually much worse than that
Rumble 2016: Charlotte beat Becky, got beat up by Sasha postmatch
Fastlane and Road Block: Charlotte retained, Sasha and Becky fought for number one contendership
Mania: Charlotte beat Sasha and Becky
Payback and Extreme Rules: Charlotte retained
MITB: Charlotte won tag match vs Becky
Battleground: Charlotte lost tag match vs Sasha
Summerslam: Charlotte beat Sasha
Clash of Champions: Charlotte beat Sasha and Bayley
HIAC: Charlotte beat Sasha
Excluding Survivor Series, there were 4 Raw PPVs this year where a Horsewoman didn't fight Charlotte (Charlotte retained each time), and 3 where Sasha wasn't number one contender (2 she spent the build fighting Becky for that spot). Talk about shit getting stale
Shoot: Charlotte ppv streak is really dumb.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AbYF587T9gYou're not wrong about the Regal thing. That's another WWE 'lol u sux' thing (like Disco Inferno who was more over than any midcarder they've had in decades) that was overblown. Goldberg looked ok in it considering that druggy Regal was being a completely unprofessional ass
Can't argue against that. Wwe us really terrible at booking champs.not as dumb as New Day's still going title reign
When do they break Demolition's record? The end is in sight now surely?not as dumb as New Day's still going title reign
When do they break Demolition's record? The end is in sight now surely?