So Emmalina next week then...
Best for businessIs Cole turning into a heel again?
I can dig it!Can you imagine if New Day lost this and then started another 400+ title reign next week.
Me coming to save OwensIsNow after you beat him up.Blue 5'8 500 lbs
DM 6'0 120lbs soak and wet.
R. I. P
Can a man tear his shoulder 29 times in an hour?goldberg should throw 29 pieces of trash over the top rope
You and Hogan have a lot in common 😒Me coming to save OwensIsNow after you beat him up.
The New Day is the most stale shit ever at this point.
The problem is that this "break the record" bullshit has turned it into nonsense where they never do anything but win for no reason.
You know we make fun of Ton Schiavone but fuck is he literally better than everyone at the booth other than Mauro and maybe Corey Graves.
GOAT announce team:
Doubtful.They are the longest reigning champions.
They're also probably the champions with the worst win/loss record in history.
GOAT announce team:
Dusty Rhodes sucked and 3 person commentary teams suck, though.GOAT announce team:
Anderson deserves so much better.
Gee shock shock. Boring Day won. who would have thought.
He enjoys Bayley, he can blow smoke!NEW
He trash talks... if people liked the guy he was against they'd boo him.
Again nothing is Owens fault here.
You're essentially asking the only entertaining guys to be less entertaining for no good reason.
Friend PsychoRaven, pls.Ugh. That was beyond awful. I want my brain cells back that I lost watching that.
It's disgoostin she didn't rip the cage door at HIAC.Nia Jax run in??
Flair.Nia Jax run in??
Yes. They'll have broken the record in 2 weeks, a few days before they pass the demolition record by roadblock?