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November Wrasslin' |OT| flipvember qdl flipvember


Speaking of WCW, let's be real here...

Name your top 5 matches from WCW 94-2001.


I'll start with Sting vs. DDP on Nitro in April '99



Things that amuse me: People on twitter who think Sexy Star is a good wrestler and or the best female in Mexico


Yeah Sting/DDP and Hogan/Goldberg was great.

And just getting it out the way, Guerrero/Mysterio at Halloween Havoc was amazing but we already talk about this match repeatedly. Malenko/Guerrero at Uncensored was dope too. Hell, a lot of Mysterio's matches during the early part of his WCW career pre-Filthy Animals were amazing. I remember he had this nice match with Super Calo once. Just amazing.
welp I think it's safe to say now that Owens was the worst booked champion since Rollins pre-injury


I feel bad for the guy. Owens is the most transitional champion in recent memory. They literally put the belt on him to keep Roman out the title picture a bit longer. I kinda wonder how Finn will fit into this because I just don't see them letting him come back to take the title off Reigns at mania...That's just not happening lol. Finn lucked up to get a clean win on Reigns who was still in the dog house after the whole adderall thing. Vince would never let The Demon King go over The Merchandise at mania would he?


Did you guys see Roman Reigns carry the team of himself, Rollins, Kofi and Xavier in Infinite Warfare?

I strive to be a gamer like Roman.

Rest of the team freaking out but The Guy in the corner calm, cool, and making it happen.

Big Dog shit.

(I always wondered what game would get Roman to finally appear on UUDD beyond randomly showing up in the background. It being COD makes so much sense, I wonder why I didn't think of that before)

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Yoshihashi looks so fucking stupid with his 1950s peasant girl haircut. And he completely failed to capitalize on his 'push'. They should have never put him over Sanada. It'd be like WWE putting Ryder over The Shield because some fans want to cheer the meme wrestler.
Incredible, woke up late, and literally the first thing I see when I turn on njpw is what I assume is the time bomb lol.

To confirm (spoiler tagging in case others streams are lagging, is
Kamatachi coming back from excursion
the bomb?

Jamie OD

I never watched WCW growing up. But in every WCW gif the crowd reaction is 100x more insane than anything I saw in WWF. What happened?

WCW fans were never really into WWF. There was always a different atmosphere between the two with WCW's presentation being closer to a sport while WWF was car crash soap opera. When WCW drove away their fanbase they just stopped watching wrestling and then jumped to UFC when that began to get popular. Only proof I have of that is memories of listening to Sherdog radio when the host would make a WCW reference and then get loads of callers talking about how they used to watch Nitro.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
WCW fans were never really into WWF. There was always a different atmosphere between the two with WCW's presentation being closer to a sport while WWF was car crash soap opera. When WCW drove away their fanbase they just stopped watching wrestling and then jumped to UFC when that began to get popular. Only proof I have of that is memories of listening to Sherdog radio when the host would make a WCW reference and then get loads of callers talking about how they used to watch Nitro.

Another reference, in Dutch Mantell's guest booker for KC he talks about it and says the same thing. What they were trying to do with TNA was get the WCW fans because he said the people that stopped watching when WCW folded didn't go to WWF. They just stopped watching all together.
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