I think that enziguri might have potatoed Ambrose.
Goddaamn put this in the TLC match
Survivor Series matchup.
Survivor Series matchup.
Did I miss Wade Barrett and Regal or is Vince cockblocking En-gah-land?
A Survivor Series matchup has no place on a Survivor Series PPV.You'd think this would lead to a Survivor Series match. But it won't lol
Every time I'm close to done with WWE some shit like this happens and I'm sucked right back in.
This is the most abusive relationship ever.
I think they probably will end up doing the TenKoji vs Daichi & Mutoh/Otani - we've had KES vs TenKoji a bunch of times already, time to elevate a new team. GBH would be cool, I'm a huge Honma mark so I'd love to see him get some success. There aren't really any other face teams that could win it. Naito and Sombra aren't winning because Naito has his title shot against Okada and Tana's not winning because he's saddled with Captain New Japan.
I really wish he'd just pick a young lion like Watanabe, Captain New Japan is such a waste.
At the moment I'm thinking Okada keeps the belt. Nakamura loses the IC to Tanahashi and then they set up Okada vs Nak for the title and leadership of CHAOS at the big Yokohama show in May. Naito could then feud with Tana for the IC title, which would probably do him some good.
Neat.Former WWE Diva Mickie James is working as a guest trainer this week at the WWE Performance Center. It's the first time James has worked, in any capacity, for WWE since 2010.
James is scheduled to work with talents all week in Orlando.
Triple H has to include himself in whatever the popular wrestlers are doing. The Shield, Orton, Team No H got them all involved with this feud where him and Steph dominate.Sexually?
Pretty good match so far. The Shield have been the all-stars of the WWE in 2013. Too bad their characters have been pretty watered down from their initial mission statement. Working for the Authority doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense based on what they're allegedly about.
Didn't Watanabe just go on his learning excursion? I guess Tanahashi could have chosen either Tanaka or Komatsu, but both still look green as all hell. Might as well pair him with Cappy and watch him job a bunch.
I suppose they could also have a CHAOS team like Iizuka and Yano win due to the Suzuki-Gun feud, but they've fallen so far that nobody would find them legit anymore. If NJPW had some balls they'd have Anderson and Gallows win, but NJPW very rarely does all-gaijin matches so I doubt it.
Rest of the show was complete filler balls, but that ending:
You ever suddenly notice a poster who you've never seen start showing up in every thread you read and taking the wrong stand in the most asshole way possible on every issue? As if they read a thread and post the opposite of what the majority is posting about in the most aggressive way they can? And then you start noticing them everywhere and realize you hate this poster, their posting style, and can't figure out if they're just a troll or sincerely that much of an asshole?
This poster is not a part of Wrasslegaf. Not even Bean Breath annoys me like this poster. I want to send something in to the confessions thread about him, but Ronito said no making confessions about other posters.
You ever suddenly notice a poster who you've never seen start showing up in every thread you read and taking the wrong stand in the most asshole way possible on every issue? As if they read a thread and post the opposite of what the majority is posting about in the most aggressive way they can? And then you start noticing them everywhere and realize you hate this poster, their posting style, and can't figure out if they're just a troll or sincerely that much of an asshole?
This poster is not a part of Wrasslegaf. Not even Bean Breath annoys me like this poster. I want to send something in to the confessions thread about him, but Ronito said no making confessions about other posters.
WWE Booking
- RAW after WrestleMania = the greatest wrestling show of the year
- Next month & PPV = decent spillover shit that didn't make the Mania card
- May & June = new angles get introduced that wear out their welcome without actually going anywhere
- July = Money in the Bank PPV; creative books their one angle of the year that gets people talking but inevitably doesn't deliver; Internet darlings get handed metal briefcases that trigger them to lose every match until they cash it in
- August = Summerfest (Christian gets his one title shot per year before Creative forgets he exists again and has nothing for him)
- September-December = gimmick PPVs and even-steven booking to waste time until the Rumble; Creative goes on vacation because they don't even want to bother trying to compete against football
- January = Royal Rumble; WrassleGAF gets energized due to drawing numbers and hoping they don't get saddled with the likes of The Great Khali or Fandango; Kofi does his one dumbass highlight spot in the match before promptly getting eliminated; this is the best time of year because our dreams of a great meaningful WrestleMania card haven't been dashed yet
- February-Match = we realize that the Mania card is, in fact, actually shit and we get tired of all of the old-timers taking up TV time that could have been used to actually build up someone that's been killing themselves all year; Cena dominates TV time and is put in "ultra ultra protected" mode where he won't even lose 6-on-1 matches by DQ or countout
- WrestleMania = GAF just wants to get the PPV over with; Triple H wrestles a match that is largely underwhelming that the entire roster shamelessly plugs as the greatest of all-time in interview segments for a month; on the bright side, lots of non-WWE promotions book cards around Mania weekend that are both riveting and exciting
This feels hype, big time. It's got a good spark.