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November Wrasslin' |OT| Survival Season Without The G


So not worth it
Sunflower is gonna love love LOVE this gif!

Amazing. I think the word you are looking for is 'amazing'. Vince McCerny.

Saw this posted on the observer board and thought it was pretty interesting - Bill Watts' 10 Commandments he insisted every employee follow when he was hired to stop WCW hemorrhaging money in 1992;

. Use of the ring barricades and the ringpost is forbidden and will also be cause for an automatic disqualification.
. Wrestling outside the ring is discouraged.
. Absolutely no low blows. First offense is a $1,000 fine, second offense is a $2,500 fine and third offense is a $5,000 fine and will be considered a breach of contract. If a wrestler is hit low, he is to make every effort not to sell the move as a low blow.
. All wrestlers are due in the building one hour before the scheduled starting time of the show, with fines again being implemented for being late of $1,000 for a first offense, $2,500 for a second offense and $5,000 and a breach of contract for a third offense.
. Missing an event except in the case of the most severe injuries is considered a breach of contract. The only excusable exception to this rule is an act of God.
. Wrestlers who are injured and can't perform are still expected to make the town in order to show the fans that WCW will no longer falsely advertising talent. The only exception would be a crippling injury which doesn't allow for traveling.
. Talking over the p.a. during the show is to be discouraged. Lewd hand gestures are prohibited, as is any cursing loud enough for the audience to hear.
. Fraternization (between heels and babyfaces) in public is not acceptable. This includes traveling together to and from the arena, to public appearances, restaurants and even to the gym. This also includes faces and heels socializing together in social situations and the gym.
. No guests are allowed in the dressing room, including family members, media, etc.
. Each wrestler is allowed only two complimentary tickets to each show for friends and family. Any number of tickets above that number must be purchased at face value by the wrestler.


So not worth it
I don't see how anyone can not get extreme satisfaction from Cerny. The man is just so damn pleasant in every way.


The average person didn't really know about him and then he was revealed as the person behind the PS4 and now all these people champion him as some sort of gaming industry genius. Sunflower thinks it's bullshit so actively hates on Cerny out of spite in an attempt to balance things out.

That would be my guess.


Curt Axel sucks. Sucks sucks sucks. He's a goddamn black hole of charisma and entertainment. Looks like the worst WCW Power Plant reject ever. Why they've put a title on this idiot is beyond me.

From what I understand, when both the Rock and Lesnar made their returns, Axel trained the both of them. Axel received rave reviews and was highly put over by both Rock and Lesnar. This could be his reward. He seems technically sound in the ring, he just needs to work on the cadence of his voice during promos (he talks slow and sounds too calm [doesn't have the gruffiness in his voice that most wrestlers have when trying to sound tough]). I think that is what Heyman is for.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't see how anyone can not get extreme satisfaction from Cerny. The man is just so damn pleasant in every way.

First, he is a polar opposite to Vince. The dude is a meek little shit who made shit-ass games. Vince is NOT meek whatsoever - brass balls - and entertains people no matter what shitty Marble Madness niche you are in.

Cerny looks like a creepy pedo or a dude who works at a theme park, dressed in medieval archer gear who tells stories to children. Fortunately a lot of PS4 "supporters" are children who enjoy fantastical tales, so he's a perfect fit for them.

Vince tells you tales of GRIT and hilarity. Vince > Cerny. Go make THAT topic. Vince wins hands down.

Vince is a millionaire who made his fortune by fucking over wrasslers and milking them for all they are worth. Cerny...oh I guess they are similar.


So not worth it
First, he is a polar opposite to Vince. The dude is a meek little shit who made shit-ass games. Vince is NOT meek whatsoever - brass balls - and entertains people no matter what shitty Marble Madness niche you are in.

Cerny looks like a creepy pedo or a dude who works at a theme park, dressed in medieval archer gear who tells stories to children. Fortunately a lot of PS4 "supporters" are children who enjoy fantastical tales, so he's a perfect fit for them.

Vince tells you tales of GRIT and hilarity. Vince > Cerny. Go make THAT topic. Vince wins hands down.

Vince is a millionaire who made his fortune by fucking over wrasslers and milking them for all they are worth. Cerny...oh I guess they are similar.

Vince is also the guy that gives guys like Ric Flair a shitload of money and tells them to not worry about paying him back who is described by talent as "fatherly."

But sure, hard-ass, musclesuits, I get it.

Gotta love Cerny though, if you hate Cerny you're just a TERRIBLE PERSON! Like awful. He's so pleasant and nice, probably smells like roses.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Spot the Cool Dudes

Vince is also the guy that gives guys like Ric Flair a shitload of money and tells them to not worry about paying him back who is described by talent as "fatherly."

But sure, hard-ass, musclesuits, I get it.

Gotta love Cerny though, if you hate Cerny you're just a TERRIBLE PERSON! Like awful. He's so pleasant and nice, probably smells like roses.

this is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard from you Aiii! Cerny is a creep. Make sure you pay him your money at the door for your fantastical tale of knights in days of yore.

EDIT: Let's all settle down. Just one gigantic mistake of a .gif is no reason to go ballistic. In a week I'm sure you'll be telling me how wonderful Contrast is. AHAHAHAHA


So not worth it
this is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard from you Aiii! Cerny is a creep. Make sure you pay him your money at the door for your fantastical tale of knights in days of yore.

Cerny could cradly you to sleep as he reads you knight fables. And you'd love it!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Cerny could cradly you to sleep as he reads you knight fables. And you'd love it!

then his dick would try to infiltrate my waistband to get to my asshole! I THINK NOT CERNY-KUN!


Idolizing any company's executives is just weird and creepy. At least the love for Vince usually comes from his onscreen persona.



Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't want to say too much about making viral marketers' jobs easy, but both sides really are making some viral marketers not have to put any effort in.

Nintendo's "grassroots" marketers however...come off a little...desperate. I love Nintendo plenty, but man, the grasping at straws that happens sometimes is just so "awww...how sad" - like that list yesterday that put the Wii U on it's top ten. That was quite a thread.


So not worth it
I don't want to say too much about making viral marketers' jobs easy, but both sides really are making some viral marketers not have to put any effort in.

Nintendo's "grassroots" marketers however...come off a little...desperate. I love Nintendo plenty, but man, the grasping at straws that happens sometimes is just so "awww...how sad" - like that list yesterday that put the Wii U on it's top ten. That was quite a thread.

Real talk to sidetrack: I'd be amazed if Nintendo doesn't go full-handheld in a few years and doesn't release another home console for at least another decade.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
All the WWE guys are staying in the hotel over the road from where I work. I'm half tempted to offer them the chance to have a look around.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Just opened my hotel room's curtains to discover this view of St. James' Park: <a href="https://twitter.com/search?q=%23WWENewcastle&amp;src=hash">#WWENewcastle</a> <a href="http://t.co/PGFdCd1VLe">pic.twitter.com/PGFdCd1VLe</a></p>&mdash; Wade Barrett (@WadeBarrett) <a href="https://twitter.com/WadeBarrett/statuses/400258395208704000">November 12, 2013</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Go make some frands!

Real talk to sidetrack: I'd be amazed if Nintendo doesn't go full-handheld in a few years and doesn't release another home console for at least another decade.

I can see this because it just doesn't feel like anyone should be releasing big consoles without taking a monster risk.
All the WWE guys are staying in the hotel over the road from where I work. I'm half tempted to offer them the chance to have a look around.

Whenever there is a show in NY/NJ they are aleways at my gym. My wife was actually working out when Cena was there. There's even signed pictures on the wall of HHH with Chyna, Tatanka, Steamboat, and Cena, but a shitload of them always workout there. Wrestlemania it was a madhouse there, one of the trainers actually privately worked with Cesaro.
Whenever there is a show in NY/NJ they are aleways at my gym. My wife was actually working out when Cena was there. There's even signed pictures on the wall of HHH with Chyna, Tatanka, Steamboat, and Cena, but a shitload of them always workout there. Wrestlemania it was a madhouse there, one of the trainers actually privately worked with Cesaro.


When they come back in May, I'm going to be prepared and offer them a ground tour. I know there are footie fans on the roster.

Follow CM Punk around and see how long it takes him to punch you.

Please, he'd be following me. Besides, I'd probably mistake him for the greatest Guest Host of all time Hugh Jackman and ask him to reenact scenes from X-Men.


From what I understand, when both the Rock and Lesnar made their returns, Axel trained the both of them. Axel received rave reviews and was highly put over by both Rock and Lesnar. This could be his reward. He seems technically sound in the ring, he just needs to work on the cadence of his voice during promos (he talks slow and sounds too calm [doesn't have the gruffiness in his voice that most wrestlers have when trying to sound tough]). I think that is what Heyman is for.

(warning, Wrestlezone link ahead)


Curt Hawkins apparently helped the Rock as well, where in the hell is he? At least his old buddy Ryder is selling merch on RAW.

And then there's this:


Axel sucks. SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that will make me change my opinion about him.


Actually, I think if you just say some things about AJ being a homewrecker and how you love Lita more he'll fight you in under a minute.

Don't forget to mention Beth Phoenix.

And Maria Kanellis...

And Tracy Brooks...

And Daffney...


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Gaming side is clearly getting to you. And, hey, Contrast looks fun! It's free, who can complain about that?

Free* with a paid subscription

*paid subscription required

Actually, I think if you just say some things about AJ being a homewrecker and how you love Lita more he'll fight you in under a minute.

On the plus side, you could easily beat him in a fight. Once a week at a Gracie Jiu-jitsu camp won't do jack shit.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I know we all want next-gen badly, but it sure would benefit from six months delay.

EDIT: Yes, Octodad stops the show, makes it come to a grinding halt. Know what else was a lot of "fun"? Noby Noby Boy. WHAT A MANEUVER, SONY!
I know we all want next-gen badly, but it sure would benefit from six months delay.

EDIT: Yes, Octodad stops the show, makes it come to a grinding halt. Know what else was a lot of "fun"? Noby Noby Boy. WHAT A MANEUVER, SONY!

Eh, blame Sony for that shit. Microsoft should've waited until Spring.

And again, I played it and liked it. The fuck you want from me, hatred?!

I hated Ryse and Knack!

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Eh, blame Sony for that shit. Microsoft should've wait until Spring.

And again, I played it and liked it. The fuck you want from me, hatred?!

I hated Ryse and Knack!


I hate those two also. Knack will never be loved.

So Xbone comes out Black friday? seems crazy.

It is crazy, because it doesn't come out Black Friday. Week befo'.
I hate those two also. Knack will never be loved.

It is crazy, because it doesn't come out Black Friday. Week befo'.

At least Knack was functional. Ryse is totally fucking borked.

IMO Beyond should've been a launch title for PS4. Use Ratchet and Clank in its spot.

And yeah this will basically be the worst three weeks in history for anybody selling these things


So not worth it
I know we all want next-gen badly, but it sure would benefit from six months delay.


It wouldn't be any cheaper. It wouldn't have any other games six months from now. It wouldn't have any other features six months from now. The only difference is you'd have to wait another six months for the exact same end result.

In the end, it doesn't matter if you buy it now and have it sit in the box for six months until you use it. There's definitely no pricedrop for at least a year or two I'd imagine either.

Who buys launch consoles for launch games anyways? Isn't the whole idea behind that that you're buying something for the future? I dunno, that's how I approached it. Might be a gamble, but that's half the fun. (fucking Wii U)
Knack looks like ass in terms of that horrid art direction, but I'll probably try the demo. I mean, Kameo ended up being kinda fun, despite being all kinds of fugly.

Also, am I the only one perfectly happy with the launch line-ups? I'll be getting Killzone, Battlefield, FIFA, Resogun and Contrast on launch day, Ass Creed IV a month or two later and whatever downloadable titles take my fancy. That's better than last gen. The 360 saw me playing nothing but COD2, PDZ & PGR3 for months, while the PS3 had...uh, Resistance, I guess? That awful Genji game. COD3 and Riiiiiiiidge Racer.
Knack looks like ass in terms of that horrid art direction, but I'll probably try the demo. I mean, Kameo ended up being kinda fun, despite being all kinds of fugly.

Also, am I the only one perfectly happy with the launch line-ups? I'll be getting Killzone, Battlefield, FIFA, Resogun and Contrast on launch day, Ass Creed IV a month or two later and whatever downloadable titles take my fancy. That's better than last gen. The 360 saw me playing nothing but COD2, PDZ & PGR3 for months, while the PS3 had...uh, Resistance, I guess? That awful Genji game. COD3 and Riiiiiiiidge Racer.

Bootaay is getting FIFA?! Man, I like football as much as the next British Person, but FIFA looks like shit and plays like a bunch of Canadians have been left to program it.

I'm going


Will get Knack on PS+ for free 3 months later, and Ass Creed IV for £20 preowned a week later.
Bootaay is getting FIFA?! Man, I like football as much as the next British Person, but FIFA looks like shit and plays like a bunch of Canadians have been left to program it.

If Pro Evo didn't continue to be such unmitigated ass, then I wouldn't have to get FIFA, but I need my footy game fix, damnit! This is all Konami's fault, basically.
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