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Now Playing - 08/08/04


Gladius - on the second time through using Valen's expert quest. Great SRPG that rewards actual tactics instead of just power leveling.

Mario Sunshine - about 50+ shines so far and counting.

Scared - been using a dual weld hybred Seraphim. A nice change of pace, but having trouble to get motivated to finish the single player game.

Metroid prime - first time through, just made it to MP and got my ass kicked. I'll Probably finish it tonight.

On Deck: Tales of Symphonia just picked it up last night. Best Buy had one copy left. :)


Has problems recognising girls
Tales of Symphonia - About 30+ hours in on some very low level of 34 or something, just regained my Rheiards and have to fight a few silly bosses. Haven't played for a few days though because of this - I call it the "get to boss, get arse creamed, cbf playing*cough*levelling*vomit* for a few days" syndrome.

Pro Evolution Soccer 3 - Constantly playing this but I've slowed down somewhat. My master league is on season 6, I rarely get any points i.e. money on each league win (due to having what I have mustered as the "dream team") and I have just achieved my undefeated season in season 5; Arsenal style. Lately getting the girlfriend to play against me which is cool.

Soul Blazer - Recently just started again, whatever happened to Quintet? I guess Granstream Saga killed them. Anyway, I can see myself not playing this after a few more days.

Contemplating on starting up Snatcher again. As well as FFX since I'm upto Yunalesca but am getting to the point where Tidus' and Yuna's voice actors are killing me and the whole usual FF garbage.


GC: Rockman X: Command Mission

GBA: Megaman Xtreme 2


Unconfirmed Member
Street Fighter III: Third Strike

Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter

Doom 3

One of these days I'll get back into FF XI for real...
Mashing said:
I stopped reading when you said ToS was too "cute". That's a pretty damn superficial reason to stop playing a game and I knew from that point on that I don't care what you have to say.

You should have kept reading. I give a good two or three more reasons why I don't like the game. All I meant to say with that comment was that TOS's art style is just cute and doesn't have anything interesting or cool going for it in my eyes. So, I'm really saying that it being cute is one of its good points. :p


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
PS2 - Sly Cooper. Very good game though I can tell from being at 33% already that it's not very long. Hopefully the sequel improves in that area.
Xbox - ESPN NFL 2K5. I want to start franchise mode but I've read the roster update won't be released until September 7th. Even after a hostile takeover by Sammy, SEGA continues to fuck me.
PC - Doom III. I'm in the Central Processing lab. I think I'm almost done. This game was a dissapointment. Nice engine, run of the mill gameplay.


Scary Euro Man
Tales of Symphonia. I need a new GBA game to keep me going on the journey to and from work - Lunar Legends didn't last long, and I'm fast polishing off my list of almost-finished games.
Just started to noodle around DreamCast games: Metal Slug 1 and 2,MegMan 1-3,Sega Smash Pack Plus on DreamCast.

RallySport2,playing the Super Rally Mode. And Christ olmighty....I haven't been able to earn enough points to qualify for the next event. This is pretty much the one game I'm focussed on right now-this is the last mode i need to finish.

Viewtiful Joe-just recently started the game,seems like a pretty good game. Need to come back to it later when I'm able to put more time into the game.

MVP BaseBall. Playing with my future Ace for the Mets-Scott Kazmir,booooooo :(
I'm playing Tales of Symphonia and have just switched to disk 2 (aprox. 42 h for the first disc). I'm loving it and am very glad I bought it. The other game I tried playing is Sudeki, but it was not able to capture me and make me continue play (6 hours in). I'll try to go on as soon as I finish TOS.


Final Fantasy XI: Online (PS2) :: Just started this up again a few days ago, after taking July off. I've already grabbed my Yukata, toyed around with the goofy and ultra-useless goldfish mini-game (the prizes suck!), and am only a few battles from hitting Level 30. Once that comes, plan on getting all the Advanced Jobs, activating Mentor status, and hopefully get my RSE soon after.

Tales of Symphonia (GC) :: Almost at the end of this at 42 hours in. I've mainly just been going around wrapping up sidequests, and right now (out of what's available), I only have the Arena to finish. Unfortunately,
Meredy, Farah, and Garr keep kicking my ass
, so I'll have to come back to this later. Outside of that and fetching some outfits, I probably only have around 5~ hours left, so I should be done within the next few days. "Wahoo!"

That's it for now. :)
PC - Counter-Strike: Condition Zero. Counter-Strike has always been my twitch fps of choice, and cz made it more enjoyable to just hop on, play 6 or 7 rounds, and sign off. The bot AI is very good (for CS bots) and usually make better teammates than any pubber. I love the new skins, this is the upgrade that has brought me back to Counter-Strike. Can't wait for Source.

PC - Dark Ages of Camelot: Platinum Pack with New Frontiers. I played DAoC for a month back when it came out, and while I saw the potential in the game and enjoyed what little I played, I couldn't put forth the time to make the subscription fee worth it. Now there are the battlegrounds, where low level characters can RvR and level up. This is where the game shines, RvR is definately one of the best multiplayer experience I've ever had. I'd suggest this MMORPG to anyone.

GBA - Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3. Classic, and the save feature makes it possible to load it up and play a few levels and make progress. The new sound effects are annoying, and I'm torn on whether I like the upgraded graphics. The gameplay is all there though and this game is a 10 in that area.
Mashing said:
I stopped reading when you said ToS was too "cute". That's a pretty damn superficial reason to stop playing a game and I knew from that point on that I don't care what you have to say.

well he is right I feel the same way
Ikaruga. I wonder if I'll ever beat this game. At least I have a blast just trying. I've made it up to the 5th level but always died soon after.


Winning Eleven 8 - Currently taking Real Madrid through a season. I'm so impressed by all the improvements. Quite easily the best WE/PES yet. Wonderful, wonderful game.

Final Fantasy Tactics - Not at all a pick up n' play game, so I haven't touched it since getting WE8. Hope to go back soon, tho. Great stuff.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Fire Emblem - Beat the tutorial campaign, moving on to playing with Eliwood. Finished the first mission with him, and then decided that'd be a good place to take a break as I should have Legend of Stafy 3 in my hands in a day or two and I'm going to plow through that one ASAP.


Currently playing the following:
1) Doom 3
2) TOS
3) Galleon
4) UT2K4 - always in rotation, my pick up and play game
City of Heroes.....yet the super recent spike in lag, noobs who can't apprently read a manual or a Coh realted site, AND the recent strecth of shitty TF teams, my intrest is severly begining to fall
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