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(NPD) Current Generation Hardware Sales

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I have no idea why I'm posting this, except that I'm bored and eagerly anticipate the NPD numbers later today, so i thought I'd share my hardware sales spreadsheet with anybody who wants it.

[b]Year /  Period         Playstation 2        Xbox     Gamecube Gameboy Advance  Comment[/b]
2000 / Q4                    1,087,000           0            0             0   PS2 Launch - October 2000
2001 / Q1                    1,007,000           0            0             0
2001 / Q2                      580,865           0            0             0
2001 / 06 (June)               345,135           0            0       880,784   GBA Launch
2001 / 07 (July)               352,780           0            0       364,970
2001 / 08 (August)             322,782           0            0       334,116
2001 / 09 (September)          343,719           0            0       329,366
2001 / 10 (October)            332,117           0            0       290,325
2001 / 11 (November)           919,131     722,177      662,560       928,720   Xbox / Gamecube Launch
2001 / 12 (December)         1,971,318     699,597      573,499     1,618,141
2002 / 01 (January)            360,745     127,939       61,685       170,523
2002 / 02 (February)           416,636     139,123       78,413       411,511
2002 / 03 (March)              362,408     136,388      111,236       504,684
2002 / 04 (April)              204,863      78,142       81,935       310,778
2002 / 05 (May)                523,868     228,914      111,063       309,740   PS2 & Xbox Price Drop (299 -> 199)
2002 / 06 (June)               693,651     264,618      213,100       553,466   Gamecube Price Drop (199->149)
2002 / 07 (July)               435,536     154,204      137,790       323,587
2002 / 08 (August)             454,727     137,277      128,122       267,747
2002 / 09 (September)          535,000     172,748      167,162       280,510
2002 / 10 (October)            535,289     239,085      168,276       314,183   Xbox Sega Bundle
2002 / 11 (November)         1,318,000     468,000      468,000     1,283,000
2002 / 12 (December)         2,733,000   1,033,000      619,000     2,215,000
2003 / 01 (January)            448,000     164,000       81,000       266,000
2003 / 02 (February)           488,934     198,531      165,417       291,112   Gamecube Free Game Giveaway (Started Feb 9)
2003 / 03 (March)              410,704     164,780      165,417       838,402
2003 / 04 (April)              264,273     126,590      101,000       431,981   Free Zelda GC Bundle
2003 / 05 (May)                288,127     123,614       84,408       402,662   PS2, Xbox Price Drop 199 -> 179
2003 / 06 (June)               440,834     166,879      124,080       660,366
2003 / 07 (July)               309,231     137,242      126,767       485,381
2003 / 08 (August)             291,000     146,000      100,000       369,000
2003 / 09 (September)          334,000     172,000      165,000       410,000
2003 / 10 (October)            300,000     176,000      254,000       401,000   Gamecube Price Drop  $149 -> $99
2003 / 11 (November)           849,000     490,000      754,000     1,323,000
2003 / 12 (December)         1,970,000   1,122,000    1,163,000     2,316,000
2004 / 01 (January)            338,000     192,000      131,000       299,000
2004 / 02 (February)           363,000     204,000      137,000       353,000
2004 / 03 (March)              294,437     198,445      163,028       496,614   Xbox price drop $179-$149
2004 / 04 (April)              188,669     297,351       96,050       292,570
2004 / 05 (May)                253,454     216,997       77,827       270,000   PS2 Price Drop (core $179->$149, bundle $199->$149)
2004 / 06 (June)               427,000     262,000      109,000       521,000
[b]Totals                      24,094,233   9,159,641    7,579,835    22,119,125[/b]

Totals as reported by CSFB (June 2004)
Cumulative Installed Base

PS2: 24,128,000
Xbox: 9,165,000
GCN: 7,597,000
GBA: 22,184,000

LTD Tie Ratios

PS2: 8.43
Xbox: 6.88
GCN: 6.55
GBA: 3.60

The CSFB totals show my totals are right on minus GBA, which is a little strange. We've been going off of percentages instead of raw numbers, which probably accounts for it. However, they're all estimates anyway, so I'm ok with it.


That Xbox price drop really looks like it destroyed Cube sales, though I suspect that it was more because of the lack of compelling GameCube software than anything else.
puck1337 said:
That Xbox price drop really looks like it destroyed Cube sales, though I suspect that it was more because of the lack of compelling GameCube software than anything else.

That's basically it. Their new bundle isn't going to do much to increase the sales considering the game they decided to pack in.


puck1337 said:
That Xbox price drop really looks like it destroyed Cube sales, though I suspect that it was more because of the lack of compelling GameCube software than anything else.

I think they had some software, it's just the severe lack of advertising which hurt them.


Nov/Dec will be Nintendo's worst ever for GameCube.

Prime 2 will not sell consoles, no Resident Evil 4 with an already lacking lineup things dont look pretty.

but DS and GameBoy will do great and will cover up Nintendo's poor performance on the home front.

Deku Tree

Looks to me like the xbox is doing much better than it did in past years and the GC is doing about the same as it did in past years.


Not that it really matters, but since I'm anal...you're missing April 2001. It's moot though because there were no sales across the board (like May 2001). :)


m0dus said:
mmm I doubt that. I've seen more Gamecube commercials than Xbox these days, and that "who are you?" stuff has been EVERYWHERE since the campaign started.

Well, I know Nintendo markets heavily on the WB and Cartoon Network. MS markets more on Fox and Comedy Central (and G4). Guess it depends what channel you turn on, but for the last 3 months, the only GC commercials I've seen have been for MGSTTS, Custom Robo, or Four Swords Adventures. Meanwhile there's been Pokemon Colosseum, Harvest Moon, and Tales of Symphonia.
AniHawk said:
I think they had some software, it's just the severe lack of advertising which hurt them.

Yes they've got games, their problem is that the games they have only appeal to their existing userbase. Unless MP2's multiplayer is extremely good, i'm talking GE level, there's nothing they have this year that's going to bring in any significant new fans.


SolidSnakex said:
That's basically it. Their new bundle isn't going to do much to increase the sales considering the game they decided to pack in.

I think it's Nintendo's version of the Halo bundle - except MP isn't nearly as popular and the sequal, while anticipated, isn't generating the same level of buzz. I don't see it having a major impact on sales. Certainly not to the extent that the XBox price drop/bundle deal did.
AirBrian said:
Not that it really matters, but since I'm anal...you're missing April 2001. It's moot though because there were no sales across the board (like May 2001). :)

That May line should be deleted (I used to have some PS2 numbers in there, but they were incorrect). Before June 2001, the NPD numbers were weekly and I only have a smattering of those sales numbers. CSFB was reporting them and would give quarterly summaries so:

(Oct,Nov,Dec - 2000) are in Q4 - 2000
(Jan,Feb,Mar - 2001) are in Q1 - 2001
(Mar,Apr,May - 2001) are in Q1 - 2001


SolidSnakex said:
Yes they've got games, their problem is that the games they have only appeal to their existing userbase. Unless MP2's multiplayer is extremely good, i'm talking GE level, there's nothing they have this year that's going to bring in any significant new fans.

Advertising is better than not advertising at all, that's my point. Maybe they'd get the anime fans to get behind ToS more than they have been if they'd known it was coming out for GC. Same with Harvest Moon and Pokemon Colosseum (there are 4 million Pokemon RuSa owners, aren't there?). When MS and Sony start pimping their new $150 price tags, it's NOT the time to fall asleep.

So strange, since Nintendo seems to know what it's doing with the Game Boy, but can't figure out how to handle consoles since 1996.


SolidSnakex said:
Yes they've got games, their problem is that the games they have only appeal to their existing userbase. Unless MP2's multiplayer is extremely good, i'm talking GE level, there's nothing they have this year that's going to bring in any significant new fans.

The Cube has and the gaming public have access to Zelda and RE remakes on the Cube, how about a GoldenEye Remake/Remix? Halo killer.
AniHawk said:
Advertising is better than not advertising at all, that's my point. Maybe they'd get the anime fans to get behind ToS more than they have been if they'd known it was coming out for GC. Same with Harvest Moon and Pokemon Colosseum (there are 4 million Pokemon RuSa owners, aren't there?). When MS and Sony start pimping their new $150 price tags, it's NOT the time to fall asleep. .

How good will advertising do though for games that aren't that popular? ToS? Seriously it's going to sell 350k at most even with serious advertising. It's just not anything that's going to put up significant sales. Same with Harvest Moon. Pokemon i'm pretty sure it did good, but they're all games that owners of GC's already want. Just look at how HM sold on the PS2. No one outside of the Nintendo fanbase wants that series. None of those games would cause a sales boost in hardware, they need either big 3rd party GC games, and RE is the only one in that category, or simply a 1st or 2nd party game that has appeal outside of Nintendos own fanbase. They haven't figured out how to do that since a little game called Goldeneye.


	Date          PS2              Xbox 	 GCN 	 GBA 

Q4 2000	      1,087,000       	 -   	 -   	 -   
Q1 2001	      1,007,000      	 -   	 -   	 -   
Q2 2001	        580,865        	 -   	 -   	 -   
April 2001		         -   	 -   	 -   
May 2001		         -   	 -   	 202,886 
June 2001       345,135    	 -   	 -   	 880,774
Here's what I had. I was always uncertain about the accuracy of this time period.

Q4 = Oct, Nov, Dec
Q1 = Jan, Feb, Mar
Q2 = Apr, May, Jun

Yet Sony has numbers for Q2 and June. I was thinking that the June should really be included with Q2 and in fact these Q2 numbers only included Apr and May.

Also, I have some GBA numbers in May. What was the launch date?


SSX said:
How good will advertising do though for games that aren't that popular? ToS? Seriously it's going to sell 350k at most even with serious advertising. It's just not anything that's going to put up significant sales. Same with Harvest Moon. Pokemon i'm pretty sure it did good, but they're all games that owners of GC's already want. Just look at how HM sold on the PS2. No one outside of the Nintendo fanbase wants that series. None of those games would cause a sales boost in hardware, they need either big 3rd party GC games, and RE is the only one in that category, or simply a 1st or 2nd party game that has appeal outside of Nintendos own fanbase.

You're missing the point there, skipper. I'm saying they had games to advertise, so they should have at least advertised them so people would know that the Gamecube still exists as all these ads for ESPN, FSW, Ninja Gaiden, etc get airtime. Hence why I said it's like Nintendo fell asleep. At least remind people that the system is still there.
AirBrian said:
	Date          PS2              Xbox 	 GCN 	 GBA 

Q4 2000	      1,087,000       	 -   	 -   	 -   
Q1 2001	      1,007,000      	 -   	 -   	 -   
Q2 2001	        580,865        	 -   	 -   	 -   
April 2001		         -   	 -   	 -   
May 2001		         -   	 -   	 202,886 
June 2001       345,135    	 -   	 -   	 880,774
Here's what I had. I was always uncertain about the accuracy of this time period.

Q4 = Oct, Nov, Dec
Q1 = Jan, Feb, Mar
Q2 = Apr, May, Jun

Yet Sony has numbers for Q2 and June. I was thinking that the June should really be included with Q2 and in fact these Q2 numbers only included Apr and May.

Also, I have some GBA numbers in May.

I think that's based on one of my previous posts, lol.

Since I had both the Q2 2001 & the June 2001, I subtracted out the difference and put it in Q2 so I could add the columns. I did the same for the GBA numbers, but CSFB screwed up a bit there for that month and misprinted the numbers. The GBA didn't launch until June 11th, so I don't think they meant to print any numbers for May. Thus I've revised my spreadsheet to what you seen now.


AirBrian said:
Also, I have some GBA numbers in May. What was the launch date?
It was launched June 11, 2001... though those May figures should be accurate as some stores started selling GBA well before launch date. Nintendo made comments about GBA breaking a million units sold through before June ended iirc.


sonycowboy said:
I think that's based on one of my previous posts, lol.

Since I had both the Q2 2001 & the June 2001, I subtracted out the difference and put it in Q2 so I could add the columns. I did the same for the GBA numbers, but CSFB screwed up a bit there for that month and misprinted the numbers. The GBA didn't launch until June 19th, so I don't think they meant to print any numbers for May. Thus I've revised my spreadsheet to what you seen now.
:lol I love how circular everything is. I've had these off of the Yahoo group forever, which you probably put there. :)
AirBrian said:
:lol I love how circular everything is. I've had these off of the Yahoo group forever, which you probably put there. :)


The damn database thing on there sucks and doesn't allow editing even though it says it does. Otherwise, I'd have to delete all the entries and start over.


Queen of Denmark
P90 said:
We have Zelda and RE remakes on the Cube, how about a GoldenEye Remake/Remix? Halo killer.
It'd be logistically tough -- Nintendo owns the Goldeneye code, but EA has the Bond license. They would have to come to some kind of agreement to release a Goldeneye remake, or even a simple emulated version.

A bunch of us (including yours truly) were saying that there should be a preorder campaign for the GC version of Goldeneye 2 involving a Goldeneye bonus disk, but unless Nintendo and EA can work an arrangement out (I'm not even sure how it would work, exactly) the chances seem pretty slim.
AniHawk said:
You're missing the point there, skipper. I'm saying they had games to advertise, so they should have at least advertised them so people would know that the Gamecube still exists as all these ads for ESPN, FSW, Ninja Gaiden, etc get airtime. Hence why I said it's like Nintendo fell asleep. At least remind people that the system is still there.

I see your point, and they have advertised some (Pokemon, 4 Swords, and Custom Robo all had decent campaigns). They're also doing GC specific Madden ads. The point i'm making is even if they let people know those games exist, who outside of people that already own the system are even going to care (and in the case of Madden, who's going to buy a GC over a PS2 or Xbox to play it)? It'd increase the sales of the games possibly, but doubtful on the system. Baten Kaitos, technically would be a much better game to push with an ad campaign considering the CG. Both NAMCO and Nintendo should consider pushing it. All CG ads can make a come back. :p

RE4 and Zelda are really the only 2 games they have coming up that are going to cause a sales boost. And those aren't even coming out this year.


AniHawk said:
"We." :|

And he's talking about this year, spanky.

I meant we as meaning gamers, but I'll change the wordage to "the Cube" or "the gaming public" as some may assume that I am identifying my personal self or the GAF with a platform.


human5892 said:
It'd be logistically tough -- Nintendo owns the Goldeneye code, but EA has the Bond license. They would have to come to some kind of agreement to release a Goldeneye remake, or even a simple emulated version.

A bunch of us (including yours truly) were saying that there should be a preorder campaign for the GC version of Goldeneye 2 involving a Goldeneye bonus disk, but unless Nintendo and EA can work an arrangement out (I'm not even sure how it would work, exactly) the chances seem pretty slim.

Yeah. I'm just brainstorming. Would be cool, though.

Would there still be a Klobb?


SolidSnakex said:
I see your point, and they have advertised some (Pokemon, 4 Swords, and Custom Robo all had decent campaigns). They're also doing GC specific Madden ads. The point i'm making is even if they let people know those games exist, who outside of people that already own the system are even going to care (and in the case of Madden, who's going to buy a GC over a PS2 or Xbox to play it)? It'd increase the sales of the games possibly, but doubtful on the system. Baten Kaitos, technically would be a much better game to push with an ad campaign considering the CG. Both NAMCO and Nintendo should consider pushing it. All CG ads can make a come back. :p

RE4 and Zelda are really the only 2 games they have coming up that are going to cause a sales boost. And those aren't even coming out this year.

Maybe Nintendo is throwing in the towel, to to some degree, with pushing the Cube. The focus for a bit will be the DS, maybe, thus hurting the potential sales of the PSP. Established user base>>>> potential user base.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Nintendo should just push the hell out of Donkey Konga this holiday season. Its the one game in their lineup that really offers something new that everyone (even the non-Nintendo people) can enjoy. I played it at TRU and it was a lot of fun (more than I expected it to be). Paper Mario 2 and Metroid Prime 2 will be big games as well and they should advertise them accordingly, but Donkey Konga is their best hope to sell systems.


At this point, it's a waste of time trying to find ways of expanding their userbase. I'm guessing that Nintendo is looking more at not letting the system's software taper off like the N64 so they can keep more consumer as they go into the next generation. Any huge userbase push they are planning will mostly involve the DS.
P90 said:
Maybe Nintendo is throwing in the towel, to to some degree, with pushing the Cube. The focus for a bit will be the DS, maybe, thus hurting the potential sales of the PSP. Established user base>>>> potential user base.

That'd make sense and would be a smart move. Save all your advertising muscle for the DS, RE4 and Zelda.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
ge-man said:
At this point, it's a waste of time trying to find ways of expanding their userbase. I'm guessing that Nintendo is looking more at not letting the system's software taper off like the N64 so they can keep more consumer as they go into the next generation. Any huge userbase push they are planning will mostly involve the DS.

Its never a waste of time. Nintendo has to keep trying. If they slack off then people will notice and they will remember when it comes time to choose from a new batch of systems next gen.


ge-man said:
At this point, it's a waste of time trying to find ways of expanding their userbase. I'm guessing that Nintendo is looking more at not letting the system's software taper off like the N64 so they can keep more consumer as they go into the next generation. Any huge userbase push they are planning will mostly involve the DS.
Yep... N64 had a very abrupt end (as have Saturn and Dreamcast) which didn't sit well with consumers. Backwards compatability gives them another incentive to keep pushing GameCube content also, with an easier transition.


PS2: 24,128,000
Xbox: 9,165,000
GCN: 7,597,000
GBA: 22,184,000

Very sad Xbox and GCN totals. I'm amazed how well the GBA has sold.


Lisa Lashes said:
Very sad Xbox and GCN totals. I'm amazed how well the GBA has sold.

Hardware wise... but software sales are something to be desired. GameBoys are like the de facto present for boys. "Get 'em a GameBoy for his birthday"...

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
CrimsonSkies said:
The Xbox numbers for a newcomer are outstanding. However, they'll have to do better next gen.

?? i dunno.. sony's ps1 number were outstanding for a newcomer.. the xbox is just okay.. have they reaches n64 numbers yet? i think the perception is that they are doing much better than they really are.


quadriplegicjon said:
?? i dunno.. sony's ps1 number were outstanding for a newcomer.. the xbox is just okay.. have they reaches n64 numbers yet? i think the perception is that they are doing much better than they really are.
N64 sold 20 million in the US alone... XBox isn't even half that yet.
quadriplegicjon said:
?? i dunno.. sony's ps1 number were outstanding for a newcomer.. the xbox is just okay.. have they reaches n64 numbers yet? i think the perception is that they are doing much better than they really are.

The situation is totally different...which is something everyone who says what you just did fails to mention. PS1 VS. craptastically executed Saturn launch (post 32X/Segafan killin' fiasco) and N64 the following year-to-year-and-a-half later. Competition is much more focused this time around...of course, it didn't help that PS2 had a long time into the market all by itself, rode in on a world-winning first console the gen before, and that MS was competing directly with both while not having a shred of street cred amongst the console gaming population...not to mention the curse of having all the baggage that the MS name has... Totally different.


MightyHedgehog said:
The situation is totally different...which is something everyone who says what you just did fails to mention. PS1 VS. craptastically executed Saturn launch (post 32X/Segafan killin' fiasco) and N64 the following year-to-year-and-a-half later. Competition is much more focused this time around...of course, it didn't help that PS2 had a long time into the market all by itself, rode in on a world-winning first console the gen before, and that MS was competing directly with both while not having a shred of street cred amongst the console gaming population...not to mention the curse of having all the baggage that the MS name has... Totally different.
Yep... Sony also didn't have $5 billion to blow with little return.


Yes, but one thing Xbox had/has going is practically unlimited pockets, something most other gaming companies can only dream of.


MightyHedgehog said:
I'm saying your statement about MS and its money, compared to Sony and Nintendo, is largely irrelevant.
How exactly? Do you think Microsoft could have done as well if they were forced to stick with a profitable business model? What if Sony and Nintendo had each had $5B to throw away?
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