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NPD December 2012 Sales Results [Up2: Xbox 360, All Nintendo Hardware, NSMB Wii U]


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Probably Mario Kart?

Maybe, but we just got 7 for 3DS recently. I bet they hold that off until Holiday 2014.

Also, Vita selling greater than 1/10 3DS doesn't tell us much. Does that also mean less than 2/10 3DS bundle?
If New Super Mario Bros U couldn't, nothing else could have.

I don't know. Sure, it's a Mario game, but it looks like the exact same Mario game that people already own on their Wii. If they don't even realize the Wii U is a new system, they sure don't realize that NSMB U is a new game.

Mr Swine

I have a really hard time seeing MS next gen console outselling the 360 this Xmas even with a new Call Of Duty game coming out for it. I also hardly think that COD gamers are going to spend $399+ for a new console too when they can buy it on the 360

Otherwise solid numbers for everyone. I really hope Nintendo straightens their Wii U problems. But it's hard when developers ignore and come up with lame excuses not to make games for the Wii U
I'm beginning to believe the people that think Nintendo really are arrogant. So arrogant that they thought they could release another under-powered console in the US with nothing more than a new gimmick and no real advertising behind it and it would sell like crazy and be the next big thing. Arrogance or incompetence. It's not a good look, either way. The downside being if Nintendo's failure somehow makes Sony/Microsoft think they can delay their new consoles longer.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
On another note- holy fuck at Vita numbers. I mean jesus. That is just..
To put it even more into perspective:

Xbox 360 US Launch (Nov+Dec): 607k
PS3 US Launch (Nov+Dec): 687k
Wii U US Launch (Nov+Dec): 890k

Wii U is not setting the world on fire but some of the reactions in this thread are way overblown.

You could even say Wii U is the best North American launch of a HD console in history.
Nintendo should hire me to do their PR.

Thank you for putting this into perspective. The Wii U is doing quite decently, relatively speaking.

Eric C

To put it even more into perspective:

Xbox 360 US Launch (Nov+Dec): 607k
PS3 US Launch (Nov+Dec): 687k
Wii U US Launch (Nov+Dec): 890k

Wii U is not setting the world on fire but some of the reactions in this thread are way overblown.

You could even say Wii U is the best North American launch of a HD console in history.
Nintendo should hire me to do their PR.

Nintendo PR hire this man.


Spinning it better then there own PR.
With the PS3 and 360 consistently on sale for $250 during the holidays, the Wii U was the most expensive console on the market.

I don't think Nintendo should be disappointed with these numbers. But if they don't trot out any heavy hitters this year (Mario Kart, 3D Mario, Smash, Zelda, Animal Crossing) they'll be in trouble.

Fox Mulder

what does panic mode nintendo even mean? Can they magically pull dev studios out of their ass to eliminate droughts on the 3ds and wiiu? They bailed on the wii years ago and showed the wiiu off at two E3's, they should already have secret good stuff for later this year. Price drop on hardware I already own?

Just showing off games can help out with the WiiU. It's been marketed shitty and they really haven't said much of anything about future games since it launched, which I guess means they're going to hold out until E3.


Vita > 1/10 3DS
cod bundle ~ 70%

oh jesus.

so between 125k and 200k, i guess. after november's numbers, i was thinking there was a chance for maybe 400k in december. this thing is dead here. we'll have to see if it's deader than the wii u during 2013.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I want to be clear--does "Greater than 1/10 3DS" also mean "Less than 2/10 3DS"? Because it's a vague statement without that qualifier.


Found it myself
Wii Dec 2006 - 604,200
PS3 Dec 2006 - 490,700
Wii U Dec 2012 - 460,000
360 Dec 2005 - 281,441

And here are PS2's numbers
PS2 October 2000 (Launch) - 391 245
PS2 November 2000 (second month) - 187 554
PS2 December 2000 (first December) -522 239

To put it even more into perspective:

Xbox 360 US Launch (Nov+Dec): 607k
PS3 US Launch (Nov+Dec): 687k
Wii U US Launch (Nov+Dec): 890k

Wii U is not setting the world on fire but some of the reactions in this thread are way overblown.

You could even say Wii U is the best North American launch of a HD console in history.
Nintendo should hire me to do their PR.

I agree.

I don't get the hate or the doom and gloom.
That is an OK number. Its selling not too far off from the Wii... which did very well incase you never knew. NeoGaf is just a bunch of haters right now that are still butt-hurt that Nintendo didnt give them the hardware beast they wanted. I swear world is a bunch of cynical armchair quarterbacks these days.
I think it is an OK number considering the overpopulation of basic models compared to premiums. The Wii U also had a stronger first-month launch than most consoles. However, this is a warning that the Wii U will not cruise its way to success without more effort from Nintendo.

It is great that the 3DS sales are well in the NA, and a lot of good titles are coming up for that system this year. This means that Nintendo can now focus their concerns for Wii U's future. Expect some major announcements soon.

:/ I don't think wiiU is a winner in any case.
Nintendo will have to put effort this time. Iwata may push the emergency button if they feel that they need a bigger push. Nintendo is not going to let the Wii U fade away like the Gamecube did. The 3DS showed this.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
To put it even more into perspective:

Xbox 360 US Launch (Nov+Dec): 607k
PS3 US Launch (Nov+Dec): 687k
Wii U US Launch (Nov+Dec): 890k

Wii U is not setting the world on fire but some of the reactions in this thread are way overblown.

You could even say Wii U is the best North American launch of a HD console in history.
Nintendo should hire me to do their PR.

OK, that's not too bad actually.

My guess is the next MS system blows those numbers away, though.


so if the 360 was more than double the ps3, it sounds like the ps3 is really dying off. i don't know what it did in 2011, but under 700k doesn't sound very good. they're going to be in a weak position going into next gen.

yeah, its really not good. ps3 december 2011 was 936k.

when the competition is selling more with a future lineup consisting of a prequel game compared to your universally praised "year of the ps3" lineup then i think there's a problem.


Thank you for putting this into perspective. The Wii U is doing quite decently, relatively speaking.

the xbox 360 was super, SUPER supply-constrained. the ps3 was supply-constrained in november and not so much in december. the wii u was the same as the ps3. the thing to note is that the wii u really dropped off week-to-week from november to december. it's going to have a very poor 2013, probably rivaling the ds's 2005 and the ps3's 2007. or worse.
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