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NPD December 2012 Sales Results [Up2: Xbox 360, All Nintendo Hardware, NSMB Wii U]

Anyone else noticing that people aren't seeming to buy new hardware after they launch anymore? Started with 3DS, then Vita and now Wii U. What are the odds this happens with the next xbox and PS4?

I wonder what this thread will be like when the Playstaion 4 and Xbox 3 also inevitably does sub-500k first month?



Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.

Again, he engineered Nintendo's most successful generation (DS/Wii) and is now presiding over a merely adequate one.

I always laughed at those posts but 3DS and Wii U are disastrous launches and they aren't going to get close to making their projections.


How bad is 460,000? What would an "okay" number have been?

460k is pretty bad but only about 100k more would have turned things from "bad" to "ok-mediocre"

Looking at historical precedent, 460k is bad for numerous reasons. Lack of supply constraint, lower than PS3's first december by a smidge, leading to more insight into the disappointing software sales as well. Of course, there are certainly people overreacting to this number in typical gaf fashion, but it's a pretty disappointing first full month no matter how you shake it.

I am so excited to see december 2013 numbers now though. Not as a fan for any specific platform but just as an enthusiast who enjoys watching sales trends. It's going to be fascinating to see how much the market really has changed since 2006/2007.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
Wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the PS4/Xbox8 sell less than the Wii U at launch. People's expectations are too high. New consoles won't fix everything.


I'll take back my comment about Wii outselling the Wii U. Holy shit. PS2 outsold the PS3 more than 3 to 1.
The PS2 had great games released during Holiday 2006 along with a $129 pricepoint.
Like Final Fantasy XII. And the peak of the Guitar Hero phenomenon with GH2.

Whereas the Wii had... Just Dance 4.


Yeah I don't get it. The 3DS holiday lineup for 2012 was garbage. How did it sell so much?

Well it is down 21.8%, which is something you really don't want to see in your second year.

But yeah, Nintendo handhelds still have sway, especially in the holiday season.


Wouldn't be surprised if at least one of the PS4/Xbox8 sell less than the Wii U at launch. People's expectations are too high. New consoles won't fix everything.

Out of your mind. The core is starving for new hardware. The Wii U is perceived as nothing more than a regurgitation of this gen.


My Member!
Now your erection is justified TheNatural.

You're welcome. I'm not actually happy. Well sorta, just because getting a laugh out of anything with the current direction of the videogame business is one of my favorite past times.

I like Nintendo, I grew up on Nintendo, the only system I even have is the 3DS. I just want to see them drop the fucking gimmicks and get back to old school kick ass Nintendo, just like Amir0x said.

I don't want to see how I can draw fucking platforms in Mario games, or play house with a bunch of big headed created stick figures, or see how many goofy pin the tail on the donkey mini game collections they can pack in one game. MAKE GAMES.



I wonder what this thread will be like when the Playstaion 4 and Xbox 3 also inevitably does sub-500k first month?

They'll sell 350k apiece but be sold out so instant success!!

no I don't really expect them to be that low (though I don't predict anything more than roughly 600K)


Really Really Exciting Member!
Are the Wii U numbers this bad because there isn't enough supply or is it because it's too expensive/not enough interesting games?


Yeah I don't get it. The 3DS holiday lineup for 2012 was garbage. How did it sell so much?

Mario my friend, Mario.

In the UK the mario trilogy has held up really well over the holidays. The 3DS holiday lineup sucked but those mario titles do the job in holiday season.


Anyone else noticing that people aren't seeming to buy new hardware after they launch anymore? Started with 3DS, then Vita and now Wii U. What are the odds this happens with the next xbox and PS4?.
I put the odds of this happening to Durango in the US at 3%. They will sell every single one they can build.


I don't get "joy", but I am also not sad it happened. Wii U has a tremendous amount of problems, and I've felt like the DS and the Wii were awful directions for Nintendo and the company really changed what I loved about them during this time.

I feel sort of like if Nintendo keeps underperforming, that maybe they'll start getting on their toes again and developing games like they did in the Gamecube gen or the SNES gen, with refinements of ideas that made the entire gaming environment better but with significantly fewer gimmicks and a focus more on the very people that brought them where they are instead of casuals.

In the end, I sort of feel like a readjustment to reality for Nintendo will help them be great again, and this does make me happy.

I had a long response typed out dissecting your post sentence by sentence explaining why I think what you had to say was ridiculous.

But then I decided that it's really not worth it. All that matters, is that 3DS is now being sold at a profit, and Wii U is being sold at a profit with software attach rates. I predict that they will make a return to profitability this fiscal year and continue on their path...despite the consistent and gleeful doom mongering.


The kiddies finally transitioning from the DS? How do DS numbers compare to last year?

Xbox 360: 1.4M (-17.6%) ["More than double the amount of the second place console in the U.S. in the month of December."]
3DS: 1.25M (-21.8%)
Wii: 475K (-55.2%)
DS: 470K (-25.4%)
Wii U: 460K [The Wii launch was 604K]

They're all down, but I still think the 3DS is the best holiday kids gift option, especially if you're not the type of person who buys your kids iPads.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
It's probably far too late, but I wonder if Sony and Microsoft adjusted their plans at all in light of the Wii U's launch. I don't think the Wii U is too expensive and the others will almost certainly cost more.

has anyone thought that people are bored of nintendo consoles/games ? we wont really know till the next xbox and playstation but im starting to believe thats the case
If Wii was at 475K and that's down 55% YOY, then that means it was at 864K last year? So Nintendo moved 935K home consoles this year versus 864K last year, or about 8% more units.

Something something Wii family something


The Amiga Brotherhood
WiiU: ouch!!!
Xbox360: solid if not spectacular!
PS3: kinda weak, but no pricedrop will do that. I expect a stromger 2013.
3DS: pretty good, tho will sales explode as it did with the DS? We will see.
Vita: I expect lol.
Are the Wii U numbers this bad because there isn't enough supply or is it because it's too expensive/not enough interesting games?

1. Not enough interesting games
2. Uncertainty towards the platform's future
3. Economy is complete shit right now and people are spending less, looking for cheaper alternatives, leading to
4. Price is a tad high
5. Marketing is awful to non-existent. Awareness of it compared to the original Wii is dramatically worse.
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