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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007


P90 said:
Mario trumps even bald space marines.

Do you really, really think Mario is going to trump Halo 3 sales this year? Haha, even with my love of Mario I know better than to make a faulty argument such as this.
BobLoblaw said:
I'm sure this has already been posted at some point in this thread, but it looks like Nintendo and Microsoft are getting all the action. Sony has to settle for watching from the sidelines.

Jesuh-sss. :lol
Decent 360 HW sales, well good enough considering only one good release in the month.

Man, if MS brought the Core down to 250 or below and the Premium to 325ish, they would sell soo many more.


super funk said:
Well this is my first ever GAF NPD meltdown thread and I would just like to thank everyone for being great. I hate to get in on the middle of conversations (especially ones that add a new page every 3 minutes) so Im just going to sit back and eat lime jello in my bean bag.

Hah. That's awesome. This is what NPD threads are about. People lazing back and having a good time with the drama that unfolds. The tears, the cries, the cheers, the bans. It's all good.


Zaptruder said:
Seriously. This shit is money flowing out of the PS3, out of the X360, into the Wii.

Publishers will go where the money is.

And what will we get as a result? Probably 4 years of cheap, shit house looking games. That's not what I signed upto this gen for!



PleoMax said:
Nobody is saying it isn't. It's just a reply to the guys saying games will all be moved for the wii and thats it. Thats not true...360 and Ps3 will keep having the same kind of support, the Wii will have its own kind of support, since games have to be different for it.

You realize of course that if a publisher believe that they can sell 300,000 copies on 360 and 200,000 on Wii and developing for Wii costs half of what it does to develop for 360, they are going to develop for Wii.

And as I pointed out in another post, it's is pretty hard to believe that attach rate for 360 will not have a noticeable drop once, say, half of the user base gets a Wii (we don't know how big yet).


elostyle said:
If you want to be selective about it you can prove almost any point.

A GTA game developed originally for a handheld and then ported to a console is FAR different in content and appeal than a GTA developed for a console. Not to mention LCS and VCS use the SAME exact environment as two previous GTA games, so they aren't looked at as being all that 'new', and thus not NEARLY as much interest


Wiitard said:
You realize of course that if a publisher believe that they can sell 300,000 copies on 360 and 200,000 on Wii and developing for Wii costs half of what it does to develop for 360, they are going to develop for Wii.

And as I pointed out in another post, it's is pretty hard to believe that attach rate for 360 will not have a noticeable drop once, say, half of the user base gets a Wii (we don't know how big yet).

You don't understand how attach rates work, do you?
Wiitard said:
And as I pointed out in another post, it's is pretty hard to believe that attach rate for 360 will not have a noticeable drop once, say, half of the user base gets a Wii (we don't know how big yet).

You're assuming 360 people are the one's buying a wii.


rage1973 said:
Another internet tough guy.

Actually, I wasn't the one telling people to shut the **** up. But that's how the interweb is: everyone thinks they're tough and say things to people they'd never say in real life.


Jtyettis said:
Do you really, really think Mario is going to trump Halo 3 sales this year? Haha, even with my love of Mario I know better than to make a faulty argument such as this.

WW, absolutely.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Flyguy said:
It has, but not as well as 360. Zaptruder seemed concerned that Wii's hardware numbers would adversely affect PS3's and 360's publisher support. PS3's software numbers should be enough to scare off publishers.

The Japanese are looking at these number without a doubt.


JB1981 said:
I bet you wouldn't give me that advice if you didn't have the advantage of anonymity, my man. Anyway, looking forward to your ban.

Wow, you actually went the Internet Tough Guy route.

You seem very frustrated and angry in this thread.


I haven't though this until now. Perhaps I should sleep on it, but...

Wii + Mario this Christmas > 360 + Halo this Christmas

If Wii Sports + Zelda can create this immense amount of hw sales for Wii, just think what Mario can do. At Christmas, aiming at the Christmas present market.


One thing for sure is that 360 will not overcome Wii's numbers unless they do a price drop. They cannot add much more software to already scheduled lineup for the next year. The continued success of PS2 and GBA just shows how price sensitive the market is.


krypt0nian said:
You're assuming 360 people are the one's buying a wii.

Absolutely not. I'm, however, assuming that 360 people are pretty hardcore gamers and a very substantial part of them will want to check out what will is all about before the end of the year. Maybe that is wrong. But I would be surprised if in the next 12 month the number of 360 owners who are also Wii owners would be less then 40%.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
sonycowboy said:
GameCube 24,000
Xbox 480

*Source: The NPD Group.

Hot damn! Cube's on roll..

Now much longer now.


Wiitard said:
You realize of course that if a publisher believe that they can sell 300,000 copies on 360 and 200,000 on Wii and developing for Wii costs half of what it does to develop for 360, they are going to develop for Wii.

And as I pointed out in another post, it's is pretty hard to believe that attach rate for 360 will not have a noticeable drop once, say, half of the user base gets a Wii (we don't know how big yet).

You really don't get it do you?

and your last sentence is moronic at best.

Anyway, you also have to account that Publishers make 10$ more on a 360 game, but that's beside the point, Wii and 360 and PS3, if the same game, will allways have different versions.

And Certain developers want to make certain games, only possible on certain consoles. Thing is, Wii will continue to gain more games, more releases, but it will probably be a different scenario of the 360/Ps3 one.

Just because they develop on the wii it doesn't mean they won't be working on the 360/Ps3. Look, this is just rediculous, it's a stupid arguement, they will continue to make profit on the Wii and 360/Ps3. Doesn't matter how you slice it, the 360/Ps3 will never loose say Assassins Creed just so it can be developed on the Wii. That's not how it works, and i'm terribly sorry that you nintendo fans have a hard time understanding this. Just because Wii gains support doesn't mean 360/Ps3 loses.

Wiitard said:
Absolutely not. I'm, however, assuming that 360 people are pretty hardcore gamers and a very substantial part of them will want to check out what will is all about before the end of the year. Maybe that is wrong. But I would be surprised if in the next 12 month the number of 360 owners who are also Wii owners would be less then 40%.



I don't even know what to say. Wiitard yes. Are we forgetting what games we consider Big releases on the WIi? People are talking about Wii health and wii music and Wii play as the Wii killer apps.

I'm gonna take a ****ing wild guess and say, Wii catters to a different market than the 360/Ps3. And developers know it, developers take note of what sells and what doesn't.


pswii60 said:
I haven't though this until now. Perhaps I should sleep on it, but...

Wii + Mario this Christmas > 360 + Halo this Christmas

If Wii Sports + Zelda can create this immense amount of hw sales for Wii, just think what Mario can do. At Christmas, aiming at the Christmas present market.

It isn't going to be mario. It's going to be Wii health pak and Wii music.
Wiitard said:
Absolutely not. I'm, however, assuming that 360 people are pretty hardcore gamers and a very substantial part of them will want to check out what will is all about before the end of the year. Maybe that is wrong. But I would be surprised if in the next 12 month the number of 360 owners who are also Wii owners would be less then 40%.

I'd say you're wrong. Totally different audiences. Blue Ocean tells us otherwise.

The Halo crowd is surely not buying wii Play. :lol


I believe Halo3 will do bigger this year.

Once the marketing kicks in this summer, it'll just snowball until it's release.

when will the marketing for mario begin?


You like me, you really really like me!
Excellent numbers for the 360. A $400+ machine selling over 200k units, amazing.

MS is clearly the next-gen leader, over 10 million units sold and Halo 3 hasn't arrived yet.


My opinion? USED.
Wiitard said:
You realize of course that if a publisher believe that they can sell 300,000 copies on 360 and 200,000 on Wii and developing for Wii costs half of what it does to develop for 360, they are going to develop for Wii.

And as I pointed out in another post, it's is pretty hard to believe that attach rate for 360 will not have a noticeable drop once, say, half of the user base gets a Wii (we don't know how big yet).

Yeah, they will develop the proper next gen version for the 360 and then port an engine from the ps2 as a base for the wii version right ?
Systems_id said:
Yeah there has to be a price cut for the PS3 or it's pretty much all over for Sony in NA.

Wow, talk about overreacting. The PS3 has only been out a cople of moths, and the big games haven't even begun hitting. Sales will only get better from now on, and by christmas they'll be at least a solid number two, behind Microsoft.
Man Wii+Mario+whatever games coming= great year for Nintendo. Microsoft will have a very good summer/fall, they need something for when things start cooling down though(not sure what). Sony is going to be the wild card, with heavenly sword and more coming I'm really excited and almost have enough money for a 60gb PS3...but that's the problem, almost. I already have money put aside for my Wii and now I play Gamecube while waiting to get PS3. Even 150 would help me Sony.

Nintendo is going to take off world wide, that's for sure. Sony can make a come back though.


P90 said:
WW, absolutely.
Yup. It's just like Zelda, worldwide will outsell Gears, but that one will be close.

BTW, how close are Zelda(BOTH platforms GC/Wii) and Gears? It has to be REALLY close.


Flyguy said:
You don't understand how attach rates work, do you?

Sorry, I obviously meant the flow, not the stock. Which is exactly what the publishers care about - how many games are you buying right now.
rage1973 said:
more like Gamecube
I believe GameCube had a higher total by the end of its first December.
Bearillusion said:
As a Sony fan I welcome these numbers as it should mean that my Christmas present will surely receive a price drop.
As a Nintendo fan I was glad to eventually buy a Virtual Boy for $30, but things could've gone a bit better.
pswii60 said:
In other news, Gamecube sales are still doing pretty well considering IMO.
I was thinking the same. Not that they're really good, but GameCube is not a stranger to sub-100K months, and it's holding on compared to last year a bit better than I'd have guessed. I guess mostly it's the original Xbox making it look good.
CountZeroInt said:
What was 360's lowest month up until now? What was 360's Feb last year?
One and the same: 161K.
Grecco said:
If on a regular month DS does this good. I cant wait for Pokemonth :p Thats gonna be cracy
I wouldn't quite consider this a regular month. It looks like most of the people who couldn't find one last month did this month.
schuelma said:
Is it just me, or aren't the 360 numbers a tad disappointing? By all accounts Crackdown sold a ton, and it barely broke 200K. Am I being too critical? I mean its not a disaster, but it doesn't look like its going to break above 225K anytime soon. Wii's going to catch it by August at this pace..
If Wii consistently does, say... 44% better than X360, it still won't catch up until they're both at around 12 million. Plenty of time until that happens, and at that point they'd both be getting ready to pass where GCN and Xbox peaked.
krypt0nian said:
That's why 360, and by default PS3 will have no 3rd party support problems IMO. Software BOOMS on 360, and the PS3 ports are the obvious benefit.
Well, that's never a sure thing. There were plenty of PS2/Xbox/PC games that never went to GameCube. Xbox had an advantage there in that it was so similar to a PC.
PleoMax said:
****ing PSP games. Nobody cares.

They ain't even marketed right.

No, the PSP wasn't built well for portable gaming, and its games are poorly designed for portable gaming.

I would love to see data on the average length of playing session for a GTA, Metal Gear, God of War etc type of epic console game. These type of games simply do not work for the majority of portable gamers. That is why God Of War PSP will be another under performing PSP game. The games simply do not work well in a portable setting.

You take a system that was built from the ground up as a jack of all trades, master of none, combine it with high price point, games that fail to grasp the concept of portable gaming, easy ps2 portability to ensure a flood of crappy ps2 ports, and you have a great recipe for a failure.

You can tell a system is failing when people fall back on the "it's just marketed poorly" defense. For more information on this, please see Game Cube sales threads.

When sony goes back to making game machines instead of shitty multimedia devices their sales numbers will come back. How a company with so many great franchises can run itself into the ground so quickly amazes me.
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