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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007


Ryudo said:
With their 2007 first party lineup alone you would be mad not to :)

PS: I really am not sure about Halo 3 sales. The system is still very expensive, thats got to affect the sales.

I have huge, huge backlog of games for last gen systems. I am also pretty cheap. I like to keep a gaming budget. I'll get there, just a little slower than most others here.

good night everyone. I'll read the rest of the thread tomorrow.
chriskzoo said:
Let me plays Sony spin machine: "The Wii is not our competition. Nobody is not buying a PS3 because they already have a Wii. 360 is where we need to be focussed and as our releases ratchet up, we have no doubt we will outpace them."

As GAMERS, I think we should ask ourselves this: Would we be happy if both Sony and MS went the Nintendo route and gave us cheap hardware with innovative control schemes?

i would be pissed. i would have to quit gaming or just play some old shit. it´s a shame i didn´t follow NPD threads when sony was taking over.

why is it so orgasmic to fanboys to trash sony because they are ****ed up? was it like that when nintendo was sinking with the gamecube?

as gamers, is it good for us to have sony sinking leaving only nintendo and MS on the table?


Foil said:



NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
software is the important part not hardware sold

Obviously the more hardware then there is more of a base to sell to but people fail to realize that hardware numbers are irrelevant in the big picture. The money is made off of the software


Bulla564 said:
There is value in a $600 PS3 now for some, and there will be value for a $300 PS3 down the road for others. In a few years, when the PS3 hits the magic price for those wanting to play their favorite Playstation franchises (or say... MGS4, FFXIII, DMC4, etc), how much will a slow Feb (because of very few games) matter then?


What happens if those publishers of the games you listed look at the 360 userbase and software attach ratio and move them over?


Wiitard said:
*lots of bad points and bad numbers to support his dream that wii will obliterate the other consoles in support*

I'm sorry but no.

Publisher makes money on 360. They make games for 360.

Publisher makes money on Wii. They make games on Wii.

In the end, publisher makes games on both consoles.

But what games they develop for each console? That depends on the kind of games that sell on each console and what kind of games the console can handle.

I'm done with this arguement, what you are saying, and you have said that alot in other threads, doesn't translate into reality for me. You really have to start checking what's what's, the wii is a console for a kind of market and 360 for another kind of market.
Don't elude yourself into thinking that the Wii will have the next UT and the 360 and Ps3 won't. But look, whatever, keep your dream, just don't try to sell it to me, fact that you would support such a vision makes me puke.


Foil said:
:lol :lol That's awesome, just like this thread. This is the NPD thread: more pics, more drama, more everything. Good show all around.

I'm just curious if March can top this. It'll be hard. :lol
we know the line up of software the 360 has for the rest of the year... we know sony have got some good titles, but most xbot agree it doesn't come close.


Ps3 and 360 line up for the rest of the year are both awesome with a lot exclusives and non exclusives big titles on both sides.
May I believe that nothing can come close to halo 3 ?


Wiitard said:
As for all the blue ocean references, sorry, but that was Nintendo's plan no doubt. But it seems that a very significant part of hardcore gamers got attracted to Wii. Nintendo expected to have a frosty reception from the hardcore at E3 and we all know what happened. So while it's crystal-clear that Wii does not appeal to all hardcore, I think so far the evidence has been consistent with it having appeal to a big chunk of it.

there is a large segment of the "hardcore“ that don't have the money for either a 360, or a ps3, but they are ready for a new console, and theyr'e buying zelda.


Kai said:
In addition to that, the PS3 life cycle is clearly going to be longer than the Wii...
If sales continue along these lines, the PS3's technical abilities will mean nothing to its lifespan.


Well, it looks like it's time for us Sony fans to take the stick up the butt and deal with being in 3rd place for a change. (lol, like, whatever, we kept you dudz for 2 successive genz!)

Anyway, it won't be long now till sony starts hemorrhaging 1st party studios.


MechDX said:
What happens if those publishers of the games you listed look at the 360 userbase and software attach ratio and move them over?

Very few PS3 owners would commit suicide at the thought that these games become multi-platform... the rest could care less.
omg rite said:
sonycowboy, are we going to get the LTD for all the consoles? I thought that was one of the things we were promised when GAF made the deal with NPD.

All you have to do is ask

Platform LTD Numbers
PlayStation 2 37.7M
Game Boy Advance 35.4M
Xbox 14.5M
GameCube 11.7M
Nintendo DS 9.87M
PlayStation Portable 7.03M
Xbox 360 5.05M
Wii 1.85M
PlayStation 3 1.06M
I've always been partial to Nintendo but I hope Sony doesn't suffer this much throughout the next few years. The number one thing I want from Sony is to make BD the game medium standard for the next generation. I do hope we can see more massive games from everyone as a result of that in the future.

On a more positive note, I'm happy that Nintendo is finally back. The company that created Zelda deserves unparalleled successes. I hope Nintendo learns to capitalize on this however. When high capacity drives become cheap, it would be excellent if Nintendo would implement one in its next system. This really does vindicate Nintendo's stance this time around. It looks like cutting edge technology came 3-5 years too early for Sony. I suppose there will be no need for a technological arms race until the next console refresh.


The_Dude said:
If sales continue along these lines, the PS3's technical abilities will mean nothing to its lifespan.

Pretty much. Sales need to pick up first. If it wants a PS2 Like life span not the other way around


Nintendo PR

According to independent sales data released by the NPD Group, the Wii(TM) from Nintendo was America’s best-selling video game console in the U.S. again in February, with consumers snapping up virtually every system available in America totaling more than 335,000 units.
Only one game system sold more in February, the portable Nintendo DS(TM), with sell-through of 485,000 units.
Together, Nintendo systems represented 54 percent of all hardware sales in February, more than those of all other manufacturers combined.
“We’re gratified that the explosive appeal of Wii, in terms of both new players and new ways to play, has created unprecedented demand, substantially beyond supply,” says Reggie Fils-Aime, president, Nintendo of America. “But we also understand that there are hundreds of thousands of consumers still waiting to get their hands on the system so we continue to both ship more units to retail every week and work non-stop to build capacity.”
Reports from households across the country indicate that Wii has become the centerpiece for weekend parties, a new method for improving athletic technique and losing weight, and a landmark product for generating cross-generational fun.
The strength of Wii and Nintendo DS was also apparent in monthly software sales where three of the top four best-selling games for the month (Wii Play(TM) and The Legend of Zelda(R): Twilight Princess for Wii, and Diddy Kong(R) Racing DS for Nintendo DS) play exclusively on Nintendo systems. In addition, so far this year 10 of the top 20 best-selling games are exclusive for Nintendo hardware.
Nintendo press release email
outunderthestars said:
Professor Ladyton, Diddy Kong Racing, FFIII, Dragon Quest Monsters, Super Robot Wars, etc all say hi.

yes, but they are the same third party stuff that always did well on nintendo consoles. the real shift in direction will be when we start seeing activision, take two, EA selling well on the wii. which is not happening right now


Not Banned from OT
seattle6418 said:
i would be pissed. i would have to quit gaming or just play some old shit. it´s a shame i didn´t follow NPD threads when sony was taking over.

why is it so orgasmic to fanboys to trash sony because they are ****ed up? was it like that when nintendo was sinking with the gamecube?

as gamers, is it good for us to have sony sinking leaving only nintendo and MS on the table?

Better than having the price of a new console established at 599 dollars. Sony made their bed when they forced a movie format down gamers throats and are now paying the price. I am so happy the consumers of japan and NA are saying no to sony trying to double the price of consoles in 1 generation. To bad the gamers of europe won't do the same.



I can't help but think back to American Mcgee's comment back in August:

I sense that Nintendo is going to capture the hearts of gamers while Microsoft and Sony stab each other in the neck for market domination. Nintendo is focused on innovation and games. The other guys are focused on making money.

It seems that Microsoft won the knife fight with Sony and is continuing to make their way up the gaming mountain, meanwhile Nintendo takes the more risky but perhaps shorter path to the top :)


Meh. I'm still having fun with my PS3. It hasn't even been 6 months since it was released either.

Wii might be selling a ton, but I can't take the graphics - too much like a PS2.


ComputerNerd said:
So you think Wii will be #3? Wow.

Wii sales are down by 100k, clearly the public is losing interest and it'll settle at a Gamecube level <200k by May at the latest. After the PS3 swings public interest with Home/LBP/Killzone2/MGS4 they'll catch that early lead in no time.

sonycowboy said:
All you have to do is ask

Platform LTD Numbers
PlayStation 2 37.7M
Game Boy Advance 35.4M
Xbox 14.5M
GameCube 11.7M
Nintendo DS 9.87M
PlayStation Portable 7.03M
Xbox 360 5.05M
Wii 1.85M
PlayStation 3 1.06M

DS is retarded.


And even i am moderately surprised
in terms of the "X360 and PS3 going the Wii route" - isn't the X360 in a MUCH better position because of the fact that they ahve a decent installed userbase by virtue of getting out not only before Sony, but before nintendo?

i mentioned it on the cast that MS's strategy seems to have played out incredibly well indeed - but i think in part it was a total fluke. I don't think they fully appreciated that the Wii was going to take off like it did.

Now with Sony playing a MUCH HARDER catch up game, and with MS with good hw figures already on the board (prior to their top game launching) the success of nintendo is most likely going to hurt Sony more than MS.

And with MS looking to be in a way better position to slash the price of the unit, then PS3 could be out in the wilderness until the REALLY big games hit in 2008.

Crazy times ahead.
.dmc said:
Wii sales are down by 100k, clearly the public is losing interest and it'll settle at a Gamecube level <200k by May at the latest. After the PS3 swings public interest with Home/LBP/Killzone2/MGS4 they'll catch that early lead in no time.


:lol I was going to type up a long response but changed my mind.


I just want to say that between VCU beating Duke(I went to VCU) and these numbers, this might be the greatest night ever. Continue....
.dmc said:
Wii sales are down by 100k, clearly the public is losing interest and it'll settle at a Gamecube level <200k by May at the latest. After the PS3 swings public interest with Home/LBP/Killzone2/MGS4 they'll catch that early lead in no time.


Yeah you'd better hide that smirky giggle, you know goddamn well what these sales numbers mean.

You know what's gonna happen when even more people get their hands on a Wii? Word of mouth will spread faster. It will snowball. In my estimation, we haven't seen anything yet. This holiday season is gonna be an absolute wiiwash.


It really says something when my die-hard Sony fan cousin decided to buy a 360 instead. He's anti social so I haven't been able to ask why he made that decision. Needless to say he's enjoying Xbox Live with us almost daily now :) but playing with him is like playing with bots -- he doesn't even talk:(
This is a 10 year plan guys remember that. Sales will pick in 2 years time. Wii will be a distant memory. And the 360 will be the number 3 console just under the Apple iplay.


aztrex said:
Yeah you'd better hide that smirky giggle, you know goddamn well what these sales numbers mean.

You know what's gonna happen when even more people get their hands on a Wii? Word of mouth will spread faster. It will snowball. In my estimation, we haven't seen anything yet. This holiday season is gonna be an absolute wiiwash.

Hook. Line. And sinker!


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
Cerrius said:
Third party games are doing better on 360, what's your response to that?

"durr, they not make good enuff games for wii.."
Unlike Wii and PS3 that launched at roughly same time, 360 has been on the market much longer. Are you trying to say it's more reasonable for 3rd parties to compare Wii sales to 360 sales over PS3 sales?


PleoMax said:
I'm sorry but no.

Publisher makes money on 360. They make games for 360.

Publisher makes money on Wii. They make games on Wii.

In the end, publisher makes games on both consoles.

And this, sir, as I have demonstrated mathematically, is a fallacy.

For the record: I don't really care very much for 360 games and them coming to Wii (unless you count sports games) and you are too quick to assume what vision I support.


NinSoX said:
It really says something when my die-hard Sony fan cousin decided to buy a 360 instead. He's anti social so I haven't been able to ask why he made that decision. Needless to say he's enjoying Xbox Live with us almost daily now :) but playing with him is like playing with bots -- he doesn't even talk:(

paradigm shift, etc.


speculawyer said:
Remove the EE chip as done in Europe and go with s/w based emulation, make the Blu-Ray drive tray loading, and remove the expensive internal power supply by replacing it with a brick. I mentioned these three ideas months ago. Sony started doing one of them.

Tray loading isn't going to save any money(hell I think slot loading is cheaper, at least it was on those OLD 5 disc magazines VS Regular 5 disc changers) same with the internal power supply, the cost was in designing it in the first place, not the components, I think the X360 monster brick costs more (per unit) than the internal PS3 one
Zaptruder said:
Seriously. This shit is money flowing out of the PS3, out of the X360, into the Wii.

Publishers will go where the money is.

Stop posting this crap . . . here LOOK AT THE SOFTWARE SALES. Yes, publishers will go where the money is . . . . the SOFTWARE money. And it is not so much the Wii. (unless you are Nintendo.)

Official Feb NPD SW Thread (Wedbush coverage - top 3's & Wii/PS3 tie ratio@ post 169) #1


* Source: The NPD Group


More than the price the PS2 is killing the PS3 imo SONY needs to kill off the PS2 soon if they want the PS3 to take off.

With that said these numbers dont surprise me because it was a very very slow month for the PS3, what came out other than VF5?? Next month should be more respectable for the PS3.

All in all it still was a good month for SONY thanks to the PS2. :)
sonycowboy said:
All you have to do is ask

They don't release the PC numbers and charts at the same time, right? A few of us are sort of curious to see how well Supreme Commander fared in its first few weeks.


DCharlie said:
in terms of the "X360 and PS3 going the Wii route" - isn't the X360 in a MUCH better position because of the fact that they ahve a decent installed userbase by virtue of getting out not only before Sony, but before nintendo?

i mentioned it on the cast that MS's strategy seems to have played out incredibly well indeed - but i think in part it was a total fluke. I don't think they fully appreciated that the Wii was going to take off like it did.

Now with Sony playing a MUCH HARDER catch up game, and with MS with good hw figures already on the board (prior to their top game launching) the success of nintendo is most likely going to hurt Sony more than MS.

And with MS looking to be in a way better position to slash the price of the unit, then PS3 could be out in the wilderness until the REALLY big games hit in 2008.

Crazy times ahead.

Picking up from where you left off; I don't think the PS3 is going to bomb completely like the DC or even the GC. But it's definetly looking like the Xbox of this generation.

Without wasting too much effort... I think that probably best sums my outlook of this generation based of extrapolation of these numbers and the market atmosphere at the moment.
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