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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007


firefoxsux said:
This is not spin.

Playstation = iPod

Playstation have ps1, ps2, ps3, psp
iPod have 1G 2G 3G mini shuffle nano

It is a happy family. ps3 will soar in 2007-2008. iPod launch was expensive and sold less to Creative.

who won the ruler of mp3? :)

firefoxsux said:
This is not spin.

Playstation = iPod

Playstation have ps1, ps2, ps3, psp
iPod have 1G 2G 3G mini shuffle nano

It is a happy family. ps3 will soar in 2007-2008. iPod launch was expensive and sold less to Creative.

who won the ruler of mp3? :)
well. it kinda is spin.

i don't believe apple made a loss on any of their ipods but i don't follow the ipod scene.


Isn't the PS3 ahead of the 360's pace in the US at this point? Either way, they need a price drop like right now. PS3 is a great machine but right now it's not even worth half of that $600 imho.
dark10x said:
It's really not. The GC had quality, but not quantity.

The other platforms have a larger lineup with plenty of potential quality. More so than Wii (for traditional gamers).
I still don't get your point, because right now, there are more games for Wii than there are for PS3, and no, they don't all suck like a lot of people like to proclaim.

Other then that: I think we'll have to wait and see. There are practically any day anouncements of mayor developers who shift more teams to the Wii because of it's potential. I think by the end of 2007, there will be substantially more games announced/released for the Wii than we think right now.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Eteric Rice said:
So they're ugly because they're low res?

Of course not, but the low resolution does detract greatly from their appearance. Resolution is just one small piece of the pie, however...

I still don't get your point, because right now, there are more games for Wii than there are for PS3, and no, they don't all suck like a lot of people like to proclaim.
I wasn't talking about the current lineup, rather, the upcoming 2007 lineup.

I stated that the 360 (ESPECIALLY) and the PS3 have more appealing traditional lineups this year. That's all.
tahrikmili said:
That's perfectly fine, nobody will jail ytou for playing ugly looking low res games, but you may as well stop acting like a higher resolution does not contribute anything to picture quality because that's a blatant lie. That, or you need new glasses.

I'm not saying it contributes nothing to picture quality.

I'm saying it contributes nothing to gameplay.

Which is where your argument that HD makes a difference to games falls down.

Most genuinely good games you are too busy actually playing to notice the graphical details beyond where your avatars at and what hes supposed to be doing.

Now, if you mostly 'play' your games watching someone else play, or looking at screenshots or game videos, then yes, high resolution and prettiness is fundamental to your enjoyment.

If you mostly 'play' your games in a more traditional sense of, you know, [actually playing a game then the only important thing about resolution is how clearly you can see what's happening (eg Dead Rising annoying people with SDTV by having its ingame text too small to be legible).

If you want to argue against the Wiis technical capabiltiies, pick games that do things beyond just the graphical - Dead Rising, Oblivion; these games are fun and they bring things 'to the table' that the Wii can't do, but it is NOTHING to do with what resolution they're in.


Strap on your hooker ...
The Sphinx said:
What he means is, the first 12 months of Wii looks like all the best games of the GameCube's lifespan released in just one year, with the exception of RE4.

That's the only sense I can make of a statement like that.
I'd like to request some of the goggles you are wearing, where can I send payment?

Wii has 4-5 solid games on the semi-immediate horizon, half of which are kinda shaky as to whether they'll make it to shelves this year.

The best games it has right now are a bare-bones party game that wears thin very quickly and an admitted AAA game, but one that's available on another system and therefore does not require a Wii purchase to experience.


Merovingian said:
You waggle for hours? Really. With what games? Really i'm dying to know, because right now the Wii lineup is a piece of shit, so please enlighten me, what great games have you been playing?

Hey, that's a great impression of a total dick right there. Anyway, I've put lots of time into Zelda (duh), WiiSports (I play Wii Boxing in half-hour blocks as part of my exercise routine), Sim City (Virtual Console), and Ice Hockey (Virtual Console).
Eteric Rice said:
They're video games.

Got damn, people...

Yes they are video games, for kids.

It's what i call toy games.

gkrykewy said:
Hey, that's a great impression of a total dick right there. Anyway, I've put lots of time into Zelda (duh), WiiSports (I play Wii Boxing in half-hour blocks as part of my exercise routine), Sim City (Virtual Console), and Ice Hockey (Virtual Console).

Zelda is the only one. Wii sports is a party game, if you play it alone, that's some sad shit. And...sim city..and...wtf man.

I'm bouncing, i guess i'm now facing the mind of the nintendo fan right now, and its too scary for me.
Eteric Rice said:
So they're ugly because they're low res?


This discussion is going places..

Regardless of whether a game's art style may be pleasing or not, reduced resolution will invariably obscure detail, increase aliasing and decrease overall image fidelity. Arguing with that is, IMO, moot. Whether you are content with 480p, I couldn't care less, but the same scene rendered at 720p/1080p is invariably going to be more detailed and more pleaing to the eye than when rendered at 480p.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Most genuinely good games you are too busy actually playing to notice the graphical details beyond where your avatars at and what hes supposed to be doing.
Not even slightly the case for me.

Visuals contribute greatly to the overall feel of a game. I was constantly bothered by the visuals in various Wii games recently and feel that they detract from the game. Same deal for God of War II. My standards are increasing and these last generation visuals no longer cut it.

I'm am constantly aware of the visuals surrounding me. It may not be an issue for some folks, but that doesn't hold true for everyone.
plagiarize said:
well. it kinda is spin.

i don't believe apple made a loss on any of their ipods but i don't follow the ipod scene.

it is not spin.

who won mp3? iPod 3G? 5G? mini? :)

sony made a profit on psp + ps2 + br + spiderman3! :)


Jtyettis said:
Did you even look at the 2.3 million number it's from 2006/2005. The 10 million number you are quoting from MS was from the end of December 2006, 10.4 million to be exact. My point stands.

Cool, so your admitting that Microsoft definately have even more units sitting on shelves then what Sony does.


As I've been saying on here, at some point the vanguard of quality Wii 3rd party titles is going to come rolling in... PS3 has to try and turn the tide before that happens.

Unfortunately for Sony I see things being pretty static until September.


Merovingian said:
the Wii lineup is a piece of shit

This is 2007, i'm sick of fkin mario, what am i? 12?

Super paper mario, i don't even udnerstand the friggin appeal of that damm game

And smash bros, a fighter for kids. Great.

Merovingian said:
Yes they are video games, for kids.

How are you not banned for being such a blatant troll yet?

You don't actually believe Mario, Excite Truck, Smash Bros, and Trauma Center are "kiddy" or "for 12 year olds". No one is REALLY that ignorantly stupid.
MrNyarlathotep said:
I'm not saying it contributes nothing to picture quality.

I'm saying it contributes nothing to gameplay.

Which is where your argument that HD makes a difference to games falls down.

Most genuinely good games you are too busy actually playing to notice the graphical details beyond where your avatars at and what hes supposed to be doing.

Now, if you mostly 'play' your games watching someone else play, or looking at screenshots or game videos, then yes, high resolution and prettiness is fundamental to your enjoyment.

If you mostly 'play' your games in a more traditional sense of, you know, [actually playing a game then the only important thing about resolution is how clearly you can see what's happening (eg Dead Rising annoying people with SDTV by having its ingame text too small to be legible).

If you want to argue against the Wiis technical capabiltiies, pick games that do things beyond just the graphical - Dead Rising, Oblivion; these games are fun and they bring things 'to the table' that the Wii can't do, but it is NOTHING to do with what resolution they're in.
there are some games where better graphics enhance more than just visual pizzazz. graphics can enhance the thrill, and the atmosphere of a game.

Doom 3 didn't have better gameplay than Quake 2, but it's far superior atmosphere meant that it was a lot more immersive and *scary*.

Racing games get more and more exciting as the sense of speed becomes more and more apparent. Need for Speed on the 3D0... it's gameplay isn't that different to Burnout 3, but Burnout 3 is a lot more *exciting* because you feel much more like you're driving at suicidal speeds thanks to the graphics.

atmosphere, and sense of 'being there' is increased with HD and there absolutely are games (just as there are films) that are made more than just 'prettier' with the increased resolution.


squicken said:
I'm pretty sure the XBOX is still sold at a loss.

Not from a corporate pov. The losses are long written off in the books, so even if they´d sell them for $5, this would mean $5 net profit.


sol_bad said:
Cool, so your admitting that Microsoft definately have even more units sitting on shelves then what Sony does.

:lol :lol :lol

Serious troll dude, did you ever think that they may be letting supply run it's course. Right, oh my goodness dude. 4 million PS3 sitting in warehouses ain't no joke of number and don't try comparing it to 360s supply.
sol_bad said:
Cool, so your admitting that Microsoft definately have even more units sitting on shelves then what Sony does.
which is meaningless while the 360 continues to outsell the PS3 and neither is selling out.
I still enjoy the occasional bout of Wii Sports with the wife, and a few VC titles. And Super Paper Mario excites me to no end. Otherwise Nintendo's machine does scare me a bit now as it will inevitably draw more and more developers back into the past, instead of taking chances and moving visual technology forward.

It it weren't for Microsoft's 1 year head start and substantial installed user base, I would certainly fear a lack of developer and publisher support as it is much cheaper to develop Wii titles with graphics more similar to last gen.

But that 10,000,000+ base will not go unserved, as the already VERY impressive '07 release schedule for the 360 can attest.

I believe the PS3 will likely benefit from the 360's success (at least somewhat) in that ports will be cheap enough for companies to absolutely take advantage of the PS3s that are out there. The problem for Sony (if this trend continues) comes with new IPs developed ground up specifically for the system and existing franchise like DMC and MGS that may have to become multi-platform to make money.

Why would a third party risk the millions it now takes to develop a title exclusively for the PS3 when they could back the 360 as well, or code for the XBOX and then port to Sony's machine?

I'm happy with my PS3 and the handful of titles I have for it (R:FOM, VF5 & MS) along with the Blu-Ray movie playback. But due to the greater support for the 360, it is getting, and will likely continue to get the majority of my HD gaming dollar. It's simple economics both for consumers and the corporations.


Merovingian said:
Zelda is the only one. Wii sports is a party game, if you play it alone, that's some sad shit. And...sim city..and...wtf man.

I'm bouncing, i guess i'm now facing the mind of the nintendo fan right now, and its too scary for me.

You should absolutely get banned, you sad little troll. And for the record, I have a Wii60, not that that's relevant.


dark10x said:
Not even slightly the case for me.

Visuals contribute greatly to the overall feel of a game. I was constantly bothered by the visuals in various Wii games recently and feel that they detract from the game. Same deal for God of War II. My standards are increasing and these last generation visuals no longer cut it.

I'm am constantly aware of the visuals surrounding me. It may not be an issue for some folks, but that doesn't hold true for everyone.

So what you are saying is playing Gear of War once ruins countless games for you afterwards. Maybe what you need is to play everything alway on a very crappy TV.


HokieJoe said:
Why would 360 support dry up? Because of the Wii?

I don't have anything against Nintendo or the Wii, but do not mistake that one of the biggest factors driving Wii sales right now is the price. Yes, it's got waggle, but even without waggle the PS2 is outselling the 360 and PS3. Not everyone is gaming nerd like we NeoGAF denizens. For the casual set, price matters.

All that said, when the PS3/360 drop in price, increased sales will follow IMO.
I don't think it's going to dry up, I was replying to Merovingian's fear of Wii becoming the standard. SW is selling very well on 360 so support will continue.

Wii is selling because of new controls, to the extent if Wii didn't have motion controls it would be selling less than PS3. Its price is important, but isn't the most important factor. Wii is also supply constrained, to the extent people are still lined-up to buy one in February, 3 months after launch, and still went home empty handed even though Nintendo shipped over 300k to retail.

PS3 and 360 sales will definitely increase when they have a price drop, what's in question is will they be able to grab the mainstream if Wii continues to sell as well as it is doing, and motion controllers and simple, fun gaming, become more and more important factors.
I should post in this thread. First assessment- Sony will point to March as their target month in terms of meeting demand and having strong software available (VF5 and Motorstorm) so I don't really see this as too significant. It certainly won't be enough for Sony to announce a price drop anytime soon.
MrNyarlathotep said:
I'm not saying it contributes nothing to picture quality.

I'm saying it contributes nothing to gameplay.

Which is where your argument that HD makes a difference to games falls down.

Most genuinely good games you are too busy actually playing to notice the graphical details beyond where your avatars at and what hes supposed to be doing.

Now, if you mostly 'play' your games watching someone else play, or looking at screenshots or game videos, then yes, high resolution and prettiness is fundamental to your enjoyment.

If you mostly 'play' your games in a more traditional sense of, you know, [actually playing a game then the only important thing about resolution is how clearly you can see what's happening (eg Dead Rising annoying people with SDTV by having its ingame text too small to be legible).

If you want to argue against the Wiis technical capabiltiies, pick games that do things beyond just the graphical - Dead Rising, Oblivion; these games are fun and they bring things 'to the table' that the Wii can't do, but it is NOTHING to do with what resolution they're in.

Look graphics matter. Animation and detail, the better they are the more immersive the game is....you wanna tell a story in your game too? Having those characters display some sort of emotion will actually make you care for them.

How about world size? World complexity, Artificial Inteligence, physics, special effects that will allow you to be in awe in the middle of a battle scene. High Rez alone allows you to have a ton more detail in the textures...

The horsepower of these machines allow a game world to really evolve to the next level. Take for example what Lionhead is trying to do with Fable 2, or what Ninja Theory is trying to make with Heavenlly sword, or Bioware with Mass effect, etc
Games that need power...that need horsepower to be realized. They don't need a new controller, they need horsepower.

New controller allows new kind of experiences, but i'll tell you what, you will never see a game like Mass effect or Mgs4 on the Wii. And that's what we are talking about, graphics matter.

TheGreatDave said:

You can say Wow all you want, its plain harsh truth.

360 and Ps3 is home to the big games, the blockbusters that can have amazing production values. Wii is the instant fun platform.

Wii is the blowjob machine, 360/Ps3 are the whole act.

omg rite said:
How are you not banned for being such a blatant troll yet?

You don't actually believe Mario, Excite Truck, Smash Bros, and Trauma Center are "kiddy" or "for 12 year olds". No one is REALLY that ignorantly stupid.

Troll? It's my beliefs. How is it trollish to say that, but saying graphics don't matter and stuff like that isn't?

This is not trolling, its my view on it, it's my honest opinion. Trolling would be to come into a thread about Mario and saying Mario is a piece of shit, we are talking about a thread that involves sales and at the sametime the future of this industry.

Sorry if you are to sensitive to read me write what most people that aren't nintendo fans think, those games you just mentioned...are games for kids. Now i'm not saying games for kids can't be enjoyed by grown ups, i can go see Cars or Bambi with my sister, and i will enjoy the movie. However it doesn't take away the fact that it is meant for kids.


dark10x said:
Quite the opposite, really.

Ignoring sales, Microsoft (especially) and Sony have FAR more appealing software lineups scheduled for 2007. Nintendo has a Gamecube-like lineup this year...

Ignoring sales... :lol Ignoring sales is ignoring what tons of other people think are "FAR more appealing software."

I've said this before... Nintendo's Wii line-up right now is geared with the casual and mainstream person in mind, not your hardcore ZOMG TEH BALD ARMORED GUYS WITH GUNS or tap-X-to-continue-after-hour-long-cutscenes LOLI gamer. To a good 150,000 people out there (probably), something like Tiger Woods on Wii is what they've been waiting for for years. Nobody on this site gives any credit to something like Mario Party 8, but that's an instant 1.5 million seller at least worldwide.

And even if the Wii has a similar second year compared to the GCN, the Wii is riding high right now and is what's on everybody's minds. Super Mario Galaxy will be more popular than Super Mario Sunshine simply because the Wii is seen in a much more positive light than the GCN, not to mention the Mario franchise has been on a roll since then.

It just seems kind of selfish to neglect everybody elses side of things. You people act like we aren't getting Super Paper Mario in less than a month or something.


Andokuky said:
Isn't the PS3 ahead of the 360's pace in the US at this point? Either way, they need a price drop like right now. PS3 is a great machine but right now it's not even worth half of that $600 imho.

If it is ahead, it's barely ahead. And Feb. definitely set the PS3 back. But the key here is that the 360 was hard to come by even past April. The PS3 has been openly available.
Merovingian said:
Look graphics matter. Animation and detail, the better they are the more immersive the game is....you wanna tell a story in your game too? Having those characters display some sort of emotion will actually make you care for them.

God, I'd love it if games stopped trying to be something I had to watch.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Wiitard said:
So what you are saying is playing Gear of War once ruins countless games for you afterwards. Maybe what you need is to play everything alway on a very crappy TV.
Not exactly, but Gears certainly did have an impact. Gears itself was elevated greatly by its visuals while Zelda was damaged by its lack of fidelity. I enjoyed both, but the poor audio/visual presentation of Zelda detracted from the experience.

Ignoring sales is ignoring what tons of other people think are "FAR more appealing software
Ah yes.

I enjoyed Shadow of the Colossus more than Madden in 2005. I must be crazy.


Merovingian said:
You can say Wow all you want, its plain harsh truth.

360 and Ps3 is home to the big games, the blockbusters that can have amazing production values. Wii is the instant fun platform.

Wii is the blowjob machine, 360/Ps3 are the whole act.

Isn't the point to have fun? And what's wrong with blowjobs?
As much as I'm currently enjoying my 360, I should note that it took a sick holiday bundle (360 Premium + Dead Rising + Test Drive Unlimited + Saints Row...for $460), essentially a $100 price drop, in order to get me to take the plunge.

There are probably over 1 million 360 owners in the same boat from last fall.

$400 simply isn't in the range of reason for most gamers that I know, myself included...the most I'd paid for a console in the past was $200 for my launch N64, launch GCN, and 2003 Xbox.

People thinking that "Game X will boost PS3 sales" or "Mystery Online Service Pack 3" will jump-start the 360 are living in a dream world at this point. To say the 360 has no system sellers is wrong...all of the games up to this point, going back to the original GRAW, are the only things keeping the sales at or above 200k per month. If the 360 had a draught similar to what the Wii and PS3 are seeing now, it would probably sell 150k or less.

MS seems content with their current pricepoint because they're selling tons of software, LIVE subscriptions are healthy, and they aren't bleeding money like crazy on the machine. I think they'd be more than willing to stave off a price drop for 6 months, losing 600k-1000k marketshare to Nintendo in the process (in NA), if it meant saving them 100 million dollars.

Sony doesn't have that luxury. If the PS3 doesn't pick up in the next 6 months, sales of big holiday games will be atrocious, and their 'comeback' year of 2008 will suffer accordingly.

The PS3 needs to be $399 or less by November or Sony will never have any significant marketshare.
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