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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007

Vyer said:
You don't really believe this stuff you type, do you?

Where does the 360 fit in in this analysis?

The 'OMG gaming is doomed!' rhetoric is some of the worst to come from this generation.

Well, I was going to rant about that as well, but thought better of it. But hey, now I thought worse of it, so here goes. The alternative middle line here is Microsoft. Now, Microsoft pushes this shoddily built console on mainstream appeal, and not much else. There are no real creative risks there, are there? Now combined with its already existing footprints in industries that it does control, I simply do not want MS to lead this industry. MS is the perfect competitor, but it'd be absolutely terrible for everyone if it became the industry leader and without realistic competitors.

And I never said gaming as a whole would be doomed with Nintendo at the helm. Technological progression, on the other hand, would be.


y'all should be ashamed

Huh, that image didn't turn out as well as I hoped. Ah well, you get the idea. :D


CalMcRich said:
Looking at the data, I think that more than anything, PRICE is the determining factor in the console wars. Gaming is a hobby for most people, and Sony shot themselves in the foot by demanding the GDP of Guam for their newest console.

Yep... that's what those of us who remember the 3DO, Neo-Geo, and CD-I have been saying since the price was announced (although PS3 is going to do much better than those).


Sony really messed up by letting GTA go multiplatform and Phil Harrison, although being humble, really made a dumb remark with the ordeal of GTA won't sell enough to profit on PS3. What is that telling other developers? That they better start developing a 360 version because the PS3 won't be profitable enough to make their games exclusive for it? Once GTA drops, 360s are going to fly off of shelves. Why buy a PS3 when you can get a virtually equal 360 version on a console that's 100 or more, assuming the price drop, cheaper. Home and everything is cool, but SHOW THE GAMES. What differentiates you from the 360? Inferior or on par multiplatform ports doesn't do anything for the case of spending $100 minimum more. They said they didn't pay to keep games exclusive, but they better start.

Ben Sones

schuelma said:
Is it just me, or aren't the 360 numbers a tad disappointing? By all accounts Crackdown sold a ton, and it barely broke 200K. Am I being too critical? I mean its not a disaster, but it doesn't look like its going to break above 225K anytime soon. Wii's going to catch it by August at this pace..

Your math is a tad off. The Wii outsold the 360 by 100k--at that pace, they wouldn't catch up with the 360 this entire generation. They need to outsell the 360 by more than that to shorten Microsoft's lead.

And they may well do that. After all, Wii sales still seem to be constrained by supply, so we haven't necessarily seen what Nintendo is capable of selling yet. Still, I doubt Micr-osoft is sweating just yet.

Sony, though--that's another story.
kallisto76 said:
Xbox 360 hw
2005: 607.000
2006: 3.897.000
2007: 522.000
tot: 5.026.000

Are these American totals? Because someone put the 360 at close to 11 million Worldwide, and I don't think it's that popular outside America.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Testicular Sound Express said:
Sonic and Blurs sales are weaker then I expected. they're not there.

Wasn't blur out for like a day?


Crackdown WILL be a million seller, barring some fluke. It's inevitable for a first month's success of that size.


Bebpo said:
Here's the main question:

If by adding the blu-ray drive in the PS3, Sony propelled blu-ray to win and take off, and if Sony gets rich (makes more money from movies than they would have from consoles/games) off blu-ray royalties for the next ten years+,

...was that worth throwing the console market for?

Probably. Im not certain, but I would think the home video market is a lot bigger and more lucrative than the console market. I doubt this is what Sony has set out to do, however :lol


AltogetherAndrews said:
Well, I was going to rant about that as well, but thought better of it. But hey, now I thought worse of it, so here goes. The alternative middle line here is Microsoft. Now, Microsoft pushes this shoddily built console on M appeal, and not much else. Now combined with its already existing footprints in industries that it does control, I simply do not want MS to lead this industry. MS is the perfect competitor, but it'd be absolutely terrible for everyone if it became the industry leader and without realistic competitors.

And I never said gaming as a whole would be doomed with Nintendo at the helm. Technological progression, on the other hand, would be.

Nintendo in charge of the industry again could mean many positive things in the long run such as variety in gaming again rather then halo clones and ww2 clones all the time. Nintendo isnt opposed to powerful consoles. but they are opposed to the 599 dollar idea mentality. Youll probably see a sub 300 Dollars HD system next for Nintendo that will be nice and powerful and do everything people want and still fit nintendos philosophy of not trying to tell people to get 2nd jobs etc.

Eteric Rice

Nameless said:
Looks like 360 has the next generation war wrapped up. I honestly didn't expect the PS3 to sell below 200k this soon. Good Wii numbers, but I still think part of is people who wanted one during the holidays finally getting systems.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
PS3 is kicking the GC and Xbox's ass, at least. That's gotta count for something.


AltogetherAndrews said:
And I never said gaming as a whole would be doomed with Nintendo at the helm. Technological progression, on the other hand, would be.

How so? If we outsells 360 and PS3 generation does it matter THAT much? They are going after two totally different markets. Will guys like Epic, Square, Capcom ect.. disgaurd these multi million dollar engines and development tools to focus totally on Wii? No.


lix2k3 said:
I dont think these exclusives are going to sell systems. But, a low price will. Just ask Nintendo.

Wii Sports + Zelda + huge buzz + low price is what is selling Wii, not low price alone.

W/ people wondering why Crackdown didn't cause an explosion of 360 sales.. you should have picked up on the trend shown by GRAW/Oblivion/Dead Rising/Lost Planet by now, they sell huge because they cater extremely well to the 360 market, but they don't necessarily bring people in that were sitting on the outside before. Most of the titles I listed just aren't system sellers, even though they have a mass appeal to people who already own 360s.
travisbickle said:
Are these American totals? Because someone put the 360 at close to 11 million Worldwide, and I don't think it's that popular outside America.

yes those are usa totals sold. (npd source)
Bebpo said:
Here's the main question:

If by adding the blu-ray drive in the PS3, Sony propelled blu-ray to win and take off, and if Sony gets rich (makes more money from movies than they would have from consoles/games) off blu-ray royalties for the next ten years+,

...was that worth throwing the console market for?
I said this over a year and half ago. Sony stands to make more off of Blu Ray than their gaming division ever could provide. By binding the fate of the Playstation brand with Blu Ray, they could be pretty well off as a company in the long term, but that comes at the cost having such a high price tag in the short term that the PS platform would be relegated to last place this gen.

PC Gaijin

CountZeroInt said:
Dude Where's Raistlin/Onix, he gave me hard time for years during the PS2 versus DC battles on this very board (no I'm not *** ***).

What the...Onix is Raistlin? I'm usually pretty good at recognizing people when they change their usernames, but I have been wondering what happened to Raistlin for awhile now. He's completely changed his old "OMGWTFBBQ" style of posting of old if Onix is who he is now. :lol Cue that old Saturnman pic of Raistlin "playing" his PS2 (which isn't even plugged in) with a look of complete ecstasy on his face. :D

I hardly ever post in these sales threads, but this month is pretty damn funny. I do have to admit to a certain degree of schadenfreude in seeing Sony get its comeuppance though. Not because I hate Sony, but because every group of fanboys needs a beatdown occasionally.

CountZeroInt said:
I think people are overreacting a little bit, it's only Feb. If they don't sell more than 130K per month through the summer, THEN they are in serious trouble in the US. It will become like PC Engine or Saturn, a system very popular in Japan that bombed in the US.

Is is even selling at a rate to attain PCE or Saturn levels of success in Japan? Plus, there wasn't the gulf between PCE/Saturn and their contemporaries vis-a-vis hardware capabilities and development costs as compared to the Wii and PS3.


I don't think it's 8 days for Crackdown, since January was a 5 week month, this month probably finished on the 3rd/4th of March. Still even for 12 days it's huge.


non-sanctioned troll
AltogetherAndrews said:
The low numbers of the Ps3 don't bother me half as much as the high numbers for Wii. It's a price point thing, but it's still disturbing that a system like that could be this appealing to people. If this trend continues, say goodbye to advancements in AV and physics technologies, and welcome back Nintendo of old. Sony pushed the envelope and pushed to the market a solidly built and very powerful console, and the price is just too high. But the alternative, budget priced consoles with marginal power gap over the previous generation... ugh, that's a nasty vision of the future of the industry right there.

Hopefully this shit can be turned around with a price drop and good games.

Knocked both the Wii and 360 by adding an s to console.

And the stealth troll award goes to..........


Bebpo said:
Here's the main question:

If by adding the blu-ray drive in the PS3, Sony propelled blu-ray to win and take off, and if Sony gets rich (makes more money from movies than they would have from consoles/games) off blu-ray royalties for the next ten years+,

...was that worth throwing the console market for?

Possibly. But that's assuming Blu-Ray can hit DVD-like numbers.

If HD discs don't take off with Joe Consumer, or the generation is clipped short by digital distribution, then it might not be the windfall Sony's hoping for.


AltogetherAndrews said:
Well, I was going to rant about that as well, but thought better of it. But hey, now I thought worse of it, so here goes. The alternative middle line here is Microsoft. Now, Microsoft pushes this shoddily built console on M appeal, and not much else. Now combined with its already existing footprints in industries that it does control, I simply do not want MS to lead this industry. MS is the perfect competitor, but it'd be absolutely terrible for everyone if it became the industry leader and without realistic competitors.

And I never said gaming as a whole would be doomed with Nintendo at the helm. Technological progression, on the other hand, would be.

So, to simplify:

I only like Sony to win.

The only good thing for the industry is for Sony to lead.

I am mad.

Because that's what your points are boiling down to. And that isn't going to be taken very seriously.


Gold Member
I don't know how anything could be 'wraped up' or 'Sony am doombed!' yet. Launch + 102 days (which means through Feb) PS3 has more than X360 did, and X360 is losing ground to the Wii. Nothing is over, it's just getting started.


Testicular Sound Express said:
Sonic and Blurs sales are weaker then I expected. they're not there.

SSX Blur came out at the same time the February NPD period ended. Sonic and the Secret Rings was only tracked for a week and sold slightly over 80,000
more than any PS3 game


It's not that bad for Sony. Why, PS3 sold almost 1:1 with GBA, and GBA of course was the best-selling system of last generation other than Sony's own PS2--so, in other words, GBA is Nintendo's equivalent of PS2, and since PS3 sold almost 1:1 with GBA, one might say it's selling almost 1:1 with PS2.

But to say something serious and logical, those DS sales are awesome. Looks like a great beginning to the North American shift away from GBA, which is unusual since Pokemon hasn't hit yet--hope Nintendo can get out enough DS Lites for when that time comes.


ziran said:
February totals for Japan + US + Canada:

Wii 660k
360 259k
PS3 219k

Would be funny if you would add Europe...Wii and 360 numbers would double and PS3 would stay the same :lol :lol :lol


Killdozer said:
I don't know how anything could be 'wraped up' or 'Sony am doombed!' yet. Launch + 102 days (which means through Feb) PS3 has more than X360 did, and X360 is losing ground to the Wii. Nothing is over, it's just getting started.



*drowns in jizz*
AltogetherAndrews said:
The low numbers of the Ps3 don't bother me half as much as the high numbers for Wii. It's a price point thing, but it's still disturbing that a system like that could be this appealing to people. If this trend continues, say goodbye to advancements in AV and physics technologies, and welcome back Nintendo of old. Sony pushed the envelope and pushed to the market a solidly built and very powerful console, and the price is just too high. But the alternative, budget priced consoles with marginal power gap over the previous generation... ugh, that's a nasty vision of the future of the industry right there.

Hopefully this shit can be turned around with a price drop and good games.



Killdozer said:
I don't know how anything could be 'wraped up' or 'Sony am doombed!' yet. Launch + 102 days (which means through Feb) PS3 has more than X360 did, and X360 is losing ground to the Wii. Nothing is over, it's just getting started.


The only thing that will jump start the PS3 is a price drop.

Eteric Rice

It's like they're trying to leave the gaming market to head the video market.

Which I guess is a good thing for them, but the Playstation itself?



Wiitard said:
PS3 is the boring story. The question is this: what does it tell us about the demand for HD gaming.

If we compare supply-constrained Wii vs. 360+PS3 it looks bad, put not hopeless. If we, however, choose Wii + PS2 vs 360+PS3 and remember that US is the most HD hungry place in the world right now (unless Europe pulls a huge surprise) things look absolutely terrible for HD gaming. So which one of those is the right comparison?

Looking at the software sales, both here in the UK, and this month's NPD in the US, 360 games sell EXTREMELY well, so things aren't looking bad for HD gaming at all.


Killdozer said:
I don't know how anything could be 'wraped up' or 'Sony am doombed!' yet. Launch + 102 days (which means through Feb) PS3 has more than X360 did, and X360 is losing ground to the Wii.

So the PS3 isn't losing ground to Wii & 360 then? :lol
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