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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007


Wait for "Sony is very pleased with the February results" in....3...2...
Now seriously poor David Karraker :lol if PS2 wasn't selling so well he would probably consider to find an other job :D
Truth is only a 200$ price cut can change Sony's position in a significant way. At this rate they won't reach summer without a price cut because they have to meet certain sales milestones to allow developers to make profits with their games on the platform.

Eteric Rice

pswii60 said:
Looking at the software sales, both here in the UK, and this month's NPD in the US, 360 games sell EXTREMELY well, so things aren't looking bad for HD gaming at all.

How many of those people actually own an HDTV, though? I know a few people who don't. Actually, I probably know more 360 users who don't, than who do. :/
Another thought (that's probably already been stated too): 360 is really looking like it's in great position in the US, launching a year early, good software 2007 lineup, Halo 3 in September maybe...Sony has a real uphill climb in NA I think

Big question: Will Wii ever catch 360 in the US?
squatingyeti said:
Knocked both the Wii and 360 by adding an s to console.

And the stealth troll award goes to..........

Actually, I was talking about the future of the industry there. You really need to read these things through before you quote and respond.

And how in the hell is anything I say "stealth"?


There, is that clear enough?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Ben Sones said:
Your math is a tad off. The Wii outsold the 360 by 100k--at that pace, they wouldn't catch up with the 360 this entire generation. They need to outsell the 360 by more than that to shorten Microsoft's lead.

And they may well do that. After all, Wii sales still seem to be constrained by supply, so we haven't necessarily seen what Nintendo is capable of selling yet. Still, I doubt Micr-osoft is sweating just yet.

Sony, though--that's another story.

Sorry- I meant world wide.
DAMN.........I figured 160K-175K.

But, 127K is an unmitigated disaster.

Wasn't there some stuff a few weeks back about Sony not dropping the price for a couple of years?


Nameless said:
How so? If we outsells 360 and PS3 generation does it matter THAT much? They are going after two totally different markets. Will guys like Epic, Square, Capcom ect.. disgaurd these multi million dollar engines and development tools to focus totally on Wii? No.

Yes, it would matter that much. Throwing good money after bad is what is called sunk cost fallacy and rational firms try to avoid that. Even with investment in the engines and tech, the marginal cost of making a game is still way higher for 360 or PS3. And having a couple of HD games flops would put most publishers in very bad financial situation, if not bankruptcy. If you have a market which is bigger, offers lower risks and lower costs, yes you will see a massive reorientation of the publishers. Not total, but massive. Wii is not quite there yet, but will probably know if it will get there by this December.


Bebpo said:
Here's the main question:

If by adding the blu-ray drive in the PS3, Sony propelled blu-ray to win and take off, and if Sony gets rich (makes more money from movies than they would have from consoles/games) off blu-ray royalties for the next ten years+,

...was that worth throwing the console market for?

The whole thing of propelling blu-ray was that PS3 would sell well and be a dominant force, not sulk in third place. If they didn't make PS3 to take over the gaming world again like they did with PS3, they should have just made a $200 blu-ray player and got it down to $100 asap. That would help blu ray more then sending PS3 out to die ( :lol )


Oblivion said:
PS3 is kicking the GC and Xbox's ass, at least. That's gotta count for something.

'Sales of PS3 compared to Microsoft's Xbox & Nintendo's Gamecube prove that consumers are ready to move into the next generation with Sony' - Sony PR, sometime tomorrow.

Eteric Rice

AltogetherAndrews said:
Actually, I was talking about the future of the industry there. You really need to read these things through before you quote and respond.

And how in the hell is anything I say "stealth"?


There, is that clear enough?

If you want to be at the head of the technology race, buy a PC.


My opinion? USED.
AltogetherAndrews said:
Well, I was going to rant about that as well, but thought better of it. But hey, now I thought worse of it, so here goes. The alternative middle line here is Microsoft. Now, Microsoft pushes this shoddily built console on mainstream appeal, and not much else. There are no real creative risks there, are there? Now combined with its already existing footprints in industries that it does control, I simply do not want MS to lead this industry. MS is the perfect competitor, but it'd be absolutely terrible for everyone if it became the industry leader and without realistic competitors.

And I never said gaming as a whole would be doomed with Nintendo at the helm. Technological progression, on the other hand, would be.


I thought sony was a realistic competitor ? Or are you already writing them off :lol


Killdozer said:
I don't know how anything could be 'wraped up' or 'Sony am doombed!' yet. Launch + 102 days (which means through Feb) PS3 has more than X360 did, and X360 is losing ground to the Wii. Nothing is over, it's just getting started.
The PS3 is BARELY ahead of the 360 at the same point (and tied when you factor out the extra week in this year's Janaury NPD), and it lost ground in February even when you factor in Japan. Think about that. US + Japan < 360 US sales.

And this is Sony. You know, the reigning champ from the last two generations. It's going to take something dramatic to change the trend.
Killdozer said:
I don't know how anything could be 'wraped up' or 'Sony am doombed!' yet. Launch + 102 days (which means through Feb) PS3 has more than X360 did, and X360 is losing ground to the Wii. Nothing is over, it's just getting started.
So, what will change Sony's fortunes in NA? I don't see shit for the system that'll do much for, at least, another year. Assuming a $100 price drop this year for PS3 and X360, MS still has the upper hand in price and starts to compete with Wii's pricepoint as Ninty would be foolish to drop the Wii in price this year. MS also has the single strongest lineup for software this year with a combined force of killer highly anticipated first party stuff as well as having the best proven third party titles in their stable, as well. It's been said before, but it's absolutely true that this industry is momentum based and very, very rarely are shifts an occurance mid-gen. Sony pretty much has until the Fall of this year to make some changes or they risk an unturnable tide of momentum.


Killdozer said:
I don't know how anything could be 'wraped up' or 'Sony am doombed!' yet. Launch + 102 days (which means through Feb) PS3 has more than X360 did, and X360 is losing ground to the Wii. Nothing is over, it's just getting started.
But if march numbers are bad sony will be in a bad position


Eteric Rice said:

Whats so funny. If you MS's supply so that about half of the people who bought 360s over the holidays got one, and spread the other half out over the first couple of months of this year you would see MS with a similar sales trend.

If 2 million people wanted Wiis, I doubt they would suddenly STOP wanting them.


pilonv1 said:
So the PS3 isn't losing ground to Wii & 360 then? :lol
You can't lose ground if you start last. You either gain ground fast or you gain it slower... /sonylogic

Killdozer said:
Either that...or...some...GAMES
Last I checked, games still cost money. More money spent, on top of a larger price to begin with, isn't something that'd "save" them.

A price drop would help them far more.


Killdozer said:
Either that...or...some...GAMES


It needs a price drop of like 200 bucks ASAP.

Look at Xbox 360.

The system has some stellar software sales, yet hardware stays at 55K/week steady because of the hardware price.


Wiitard said:
Yes, it would matter that much. Throwing good money after bad is what is called sunk cost fallacy and rational firms try to avoid that. Even with investment in the engines and tech, the marginal cost of making a game is still way higher for 360 or PS3. And having a couple of HD games flops would put most publishers in very bad financial situation, if not bankruptcy. If you have a market which is bigger, offers lower risks and lower costs, yes you will see a massive reorientation of the publishers. Not total, but massive. Wii is not quite there yet, but will probably know if it will get there by this December.

I could see your point, but have you see 360's software numbers. Hardware numbers matter least for Microsoft because their base buys a lot of games. The original Xbox had a steady stream of content despite getting trounced by Sony and being in a perpetual dogfight with the Gamecube--the GC on the other hand didn't.


rollin' in the gutter
AltogetherAndrews said:
Actually, I was talking about the future of the industry there. You really need to read these things through before you quote and respond.

And how in the hell is anything I say "stealth"?


There, is that clear enough?

Industry growth is bad news? That's news to me.
I'm doomthinking here, but man, I really hope Sony pulls through. I doubt that MS alone would be better for gamers.

And more realistically speaking: drop the damn price, Sony!!


AltogetherAndrews said:
Actually, I was talking about the future of the industry there. You really need to read these things through before you quote and respond.

And how in the hell is anything I say "stealth"?


There, is that clear enough?

they spinnin nigga they spinnin


Lord Helmet said:
Can't wait to see what happens when Nintendo cranks up the production and the Wii is actually in stores.

Ah...they'll pass MS in the HW race? I dunno...seems the obvious answer here that your looking for.


GitarooMan said:
Another thought (that's probably already been stated too): 360 is really looking like it's in great position in the US, launching a year early, good software 2007 lineup, Halo 3 in September maybe...Sony has a real uphill climb in NA I think

Big question: Will Wii ever catch 360 in the US?

They'll close the gap to within a couple million by fall, hard to project past since we don't know what both sides have up their sleeves.


Gold Member
GhaleonEB said:
The PS3 is BARELY ahead of the 360 at the same point (and tied when you factor out the extra week in this year's Janaury NPD)

So then X360 launch = failure as epic as PS3? or just wait and see?
I am going to admit something embarrassing. I was sitting at the predictions thread for about an hour, waiting for the numbers. I just realised that the thread wasn't active and nobody had posted anything, and thought let me check the main page, to find the acual numbers have been here for a while now.

I was getting really pissed of as well. I thought, dam its taking forever.
I missed everything, all the rush and everyone going OMFG. There are going to be some pissed of gods today.


$499-$599 is the LEAST of Sony's problems right NOW. They need 1 game(say Killzone 2 2005) to show that the system is FAR superior to the 360, failing that they are going to need MASSIVE price cuts, to keep competitive. The FIRST rule about getting out of a hole is to stop digging...


pswii60 said:
Looking at the software sales, both here in the UK, and this month's NPD in the US, 360 games sell EXTREMELY well, so things aren't looking bad for HD gaming at all.

Even if you factor PS2 software in? What is PS2 share of the software market? And isn't not UK's Wii supply worse then US?

But I agree that probably the real hope for HD gaming is the attach rate, not hw sales.


Nintendo DS 485,000
Wii 335,000
PlayStation 2 295,000
Xbox 360 228,000
PlayStation Portable 176,000
Game Boy Advance 136,000
PlayStation 3 127,000

Gulp! I think some developers may be directed by higher ups to rethink strategy and platform of choice or exclusivity. Ko... cough, cough. M...cough, cough..d.
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