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NPD January 2013 Sales Results [Up7: Wii U 57K (CNET), Vita ~35K, PS3 201K]

As crazy as it sounds they could make a WiiU sku without the screen. They would lose backwards compatibility with a handful of titles but would save themselves in the long run.

Wouldn't have to even change much of their core manufacturing either.


Junior Member
Do you guys think if Nintendo were getting some big third party multi-plat games such as Metal Gear Rising, Bioshock, and Tomb Raider, it would be doing any better right now?

I think so. It's software that the damn thing needs, really. The more, the merrier.
LOL at the calls for Iwata's blood. He gave Nintendo their best generation ever, but none of that matters because of a slow start for the Wii U, a situation Iwata has recently already proven capable of resolving.


Don't the Japanese have a tradition of bowing steeply when there's a fuck up? Maybe someone can find a GIF of someone bowing and contorting in a weird Kudo Tsunoda avatar type of way. It'll save Nintendo the headache.


One of them is from the guy who wanted to give Iwata a private demonstration afterwards. Sure was a fun thread. Maybe his plan would've been better...

Do we know if Iwata met him in private? It's possible this guy is to blame for the whole WiiU strategy.

Azure J

Do you guys think if Nintendo were getting some big third party multi-plat games such as Metal Gear Rising, Bioshock, and Tomb Raider, it would be doing any better right now?

It'd help a ton, but the big problems still wouldn't be addressed regarding marketing the console and market's perception of where it stands. (It's PS360 tier, I have a PS360, we've had PS360 for 7~8 years!)
Vita can fucking sell

Vita Wifi (annihilate the 3G) + 8GB Memory Card + Super StardustDelta for $199.99
Fuck throw in a $50 voucher for "Limited Time" only for 1 year PS+ to get some to go out on buy, due to it before March 1st get the extra 3 months promo running or some shit

You might get some PS3 users to run out and buy

Sony needs to learn that sometimes doing a "OMG this is a fucking steal!" can carry over sales real good
You will lock in users for PS+, so you build upon that
You will get more PS3 <==> Vita Cross Buy users
You will have more Vita users overall... FUCK!

I agree 100%, again anecdotal, but I know a lot of people just waiting to buy a vita. The thing is everyone of them are expecting what you laid out to happen. As an outsider looking in I would think the same way. Why wouldn't I think that a system struggling to sell wouldn't have a price drop any minute now?


Vita can fucking sell

Vita Wifi (annihilate the 3G) + 8GB Memory Card + Super StardustDelta for $199.99
Fuck throw in a $50 voucher for "Limited Time" only for 1 year PS+ to get some to go out on buy, due to it before March 1st get the extra 3 months promo running or some shit

You might get some PS3 users to run out and buy

Sony needs to learn that sometimes doing a "OMG this is a fucking steal!" can carry over sales real good
You will lock in users for PS+, so you build upon that
You will get more PS3 <==> Vita Cross Buy users
You will have more Vita users overall... FUCK!

I'd rather Sony not fuck themselves over to save a handheld.

Davey Cakes

I almost hate to say it, but I'm now looking forward to an Ambassador program, and possibly other incentive programs that Nintendo is going to implement in "panic mode."


Yup. We had Super Monkey Ball, Crazy Taxi, and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle by this time in the GC's life. Which surprises me looking back, as I didn't expect for SEGA to support their former rival so fervently.

This 100% correct. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was released 11 years and 3 days ago. I bought my copy and my GameCube on the 14th so 11 years ago today.


Iwata is still even CEO by then.

It is possible Iwata-san might go. If he does then I would expect Reggie to fall on the sword due to the US performance.

Not sure about Shibata-san. We haven't had any clear cut Euro performance figures. I think he comes across well in the Nintendo Direct videos. And at least Euro are getting limited console packages more than the US.


If Nintendo management changes in response to this fiasco, I do hope that Iwata is still at least the face of Nintendo in some sort of way. Unlike most Video Game CEOs, I get the impression that Iwata seems to actually care about video games, rather than being the usual corporate shill. Plus, I'd miss seeing him on Nintendo Directs and Iwata Asks :(.

Seeing Reggie nuked from Nintendo wouldn't really be that big of a loss though.


Nintendo investor sentiment, last June (5 months before the the Wii U release)

And this is BEFORE the Wii U launch. I have a feeling they're going to completely DESTROY Iwata come this June, supposing Iwata is still even CEO by then.

.....No freaking words.

Mikey Jr.

damn hang the Vita up, as sad as that makes me.

dedicated gaming handhelds are on their way out anyway, slowly but surely, so might as well cut your losses now Sony

I wouldn't hang the vita up. That would look incredibly bad on Sony I think.

Yeah, the thing sucks. But atleast put in a few more years of token support, then hang up the handheld business FOREVER.


Honestly I don't think it's very smart to look at the Wii U's position and say that this is where the industry is and MS and Sony are in for the same. I think that's a weak argument that attempts to absolve Nintendo and, really, it doesn't apply because Nintendo made a lot of decisions - a lot of stupid, obvious decisions - leading up to the Wii U launch that really puts the blame squarely on them.

There were also a lot of questions with Wii U that won't be present for the next gen consoles. 3rd party support was a ? for Wii U; it won't be for Orbis/Durango. We can question the quality, the presence of "ABSOLUTE MUST HAVES" available at launch, but I don't think anybody can question whether or not games will even be there like they did with Wii U. The games will be there, and in greater number.

The online infrastructure will also be there, and more supported.

The wealth of extra entertainment features will be there and, at least in Durango's case, more supported and more reliable.

Really, the only question here is price, and if Sony and MS nail that, there's no reason they'll experience a launch or 3rd party situation that's as much of an absolute embarrassment as the Wii U.

It's not the industry. It's Nintendo. And honestly, the hardware is out, the road-map is set and the competition has seen their hand and is well in their way; those are the big problems and I don't see how Nintendo's going to turn them around. At this point, it's looking like Nintendo's going to have to focus on turning a bad situation into a little less bad one. But good? Ch...I'm not seeing it.


Do we know if Iwata met him in private? It's possible this guy is to blame for the whole WiiU strategy.

Unless I'm missing a joke here, no, the strategy had been discussed by Iwata way before this, and the guy came off as a bit crazy. Also Iwata politely pointed him to other representatives, not himself.


As crazy as it sounds they could make a WiiU sku without the screen. They would lose backwards compatibility with a handful of titles but would save themselves in the long run.

Wouldn't have to even change much of their core manufacturing either.

You're right, that does sound crazy.


What purpose does this mythical hardware serve? How does it differentiate itself from any other handheld? TV-out? Why would Nintendo merging two sources of revenue into one possibly be a good thing?

Nintendo only needs to support 1 system. The consumer has a 2 in 1 device. Their handhelds are still very popular, their consoles apparantly not. So it does make sense to merge them.


It is possible Iwata-san might go. If he does then I would expect Reggie to fall on the sword due to the US performance.

Not sure about Shibata-san. We haven't had any clear cut Euro performance figures. I think he comes across well in the Nintendo Direct videos. And at least Euro are getting limited console packages more than the US.

Well when a CEO goes and a new CEO comes in the new CEO usually cleans shop, the new CEO would likely be the one to let Reggie and co. go.


The Amiga Brotherhood
damn hang the Vita up, as sad as that makes me.

dedicated gaming handhelds are on their way out anyway, slowly but surely, so might as well cut your losses now Sony

I think Sony will give it an another year and a pricecut (at some point). If things won't improve then I see them bolting to the lifeboats and abandon ship.


Nintendo investor sentiment, last June (5 months before the the Wii U release)

And this is BEFORE the Wii U launch. I have a feeling they're going to completely DESTROY Iwata come this June, supposing Iwata is still even CEO by then.

Goddamn. Iwata has got his work cut out for him.
Damn son, with nothing announced that will actually hype up the system in the west this looks real bad for the big N. I'm just surprised at how bad the Wii U is doing, not that it's doing bad.


What Nintendo needs is to diversify its Senior Executives. Iwata is fine but they need to bring in some non Japanese to shake the boat a bit and get some outside perspectives. Nintendo is too Japan focused for its own good


What losses? I don't think they're losing any money on the things now.

For real, the Vita is a profitable enterprise at the moment selling close to no software or hardware?

I need their business model shiii

RamzaIsCool said:
I think Sony will give it an another year and a pricecut (at some point). If things won't improve then I see them bolting to the lifeboats and abandon ship.

Yeah I obviously think they will try....I just don't think it will ultimately matter.
Ain't gonna happen.

The wii U is just not a compelling purchase. It repackages wii/3ds games with current gen graphics and an esoteric controller interface that adds few truly novel experiences. It was destined to fail, and it was obvious from the lack of mainstream buzz that it would.

This is exactly how I have felt towards the Wii U since before launch.


Yeah that would totally move at least twelve units. Come on. A price drop would be nice, but vita needs big time software.

I'd buy one. I've wanted one for a while but I just couldn't justify the price. Drop the price AT LEAST $50 and pack in a bigger memory card? I'm at Best buy as soon as it's official.

Azure J

This 100% correct. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was released 11 years and 3 days ago. I bought my copy and my GameCube on the 14th so 11 years ago today.

This reminds me, where the fuck is SEGA? Usually we'd have a Sonic game and something from the Dreamcast-turned-Public-Domain library by now on a new console.


formerly cjelly
Vita can fucking sell

Vita Wifi (annihilate the 3G) + 8GB Memory Card + Super StardustDelta for $199.99
Fuck throw in a $50 voucher for "Limited Time" only for 1 year PS+ to get some to go out on buy, due to it before March 1st get the extra 3 months promo running or some shit

You might get some PS3 users to run out and buy

Sony needs to learn that sometimes doing a "OMG this is a fucking steal!" can carry over sales real good
You will lock in users for PS+, so you build upon that
You will get more PS3 <==> Vita Cross Buy users
You will have more Vita users overall... FUCK!

Why even bother?

Sony have proven they do not give a single fuck about supporting the thing themselves or nurturing third party support.

Cut support now and concentrate on PS4.
Do you guys think if Nintendo were getting some big third party multi-plat games such as Metal Gear Rising, Bioshock, and Tomb Raider, it would be doing any better right now?

I don't know how much of an impact those games would have in terms of people buying wiiU for them, but I do think it would build consumer trust in the device overall.
Q 4
My question is on how you plan to market Wii U and what tactics you will employ. With Wii you were able to create a lot of buzz around the time of its launch, particularly in the U.S., and I believe there was a considerable stock shortage between January and March after its year-end launch. On the other hand, while Nintendo 3DS did well at launch, the following three months was a particularly difficult period for the system. With these two points in mind, what kind of marketing message are you planning to send out, and how are you going to market Wii U in terms of software? You also mentioned the home console business is very important in the U.S. market. What kind of marketing strategy do you plan to take in the U.S.?

A 4


In retrospect, one important aspect of Wii was that it came bundled with "Wii Sports" for everyone who purchased the system in the overseas markets to experience. Of course there were some people who praised "Wii Sports" as being revolutionary even before its launch, but if we had simply expected everyone who bought a Wii system to play, say, a Zelda game, to also buy "Wii Sports," I don’t think we would have been able to deliver this title to everyone. However, at the risk of sounding extreme, everyone in the overseas markets received a copy of "Wii Sports" even if they did not want to as it was bundled with Wii hardware for quite some time. And it was only natural for them to have a go at the game at least once since they had it in their possession. It was not hard to see instantly that "Wii Sports" was vastly different from any game they had played before, and it was also very easy to pick up and play. People who purchase new gaming platforms are usually the ones in the family that love games, and they purchase them because they have a game in mind that they want to play. But with "Wii Sports," they started to engage others to play and have fun together, and as things turned out, I think this chain of new consumers was the reason behind why things progressed well with Wii. It would indeed be nice if we could say that we planned everything from the start. But the truth of the matter is that we did not know how to attract everyone to "Wii Sports," but we thought about how we could achieve it, and came up with some ideas. I would be lying if I said that we had a firm belief of what was going to happen, but this is our analysis of what has happened with Wii.

As for Nintendo 3DS, the problem was that consumers could not experience 3D unless they actually took it in their hands. We could not advertise it on TV as TV images did not pop out. So, we concluded that if we could have people experience and be excited about Nintendo 3DS, they would share their excitement with others. As is the case with any new product, the first people to buy a new platform are the ones that are eager to experience new things. Then it gradually spreads to other consumers, but there are two types of consumers: those we can directly deliver our messages to, and those who don’t have the intention of listening to our messages in the first place. Among the second category of consumers, some are nevertheless interested in what other people are doing around them. I think the difference between Wii and Nintendo 3DS was that while Wii resonated well with such consumers too, Nintendo 3DS did not. For a product to achieve a high level of market penetration, this is a hurdle that it must overcome, and in Japan we are already past that stage, and in a sense, more and more people are saying that Nintendo 3DS is the platform to play games. If you look at how pre-orders are doing at the moment, it is not an exaggeration to say that Wii U is sure to sell well in this holiday season, as many of you are probably thinking. But we realize the biggest challenge is to make sure that Wii U sells well even in the next year after the holiday season, and we are working on that too. Nintendo tends to release too many titles at the launch of a hardware system and as a result suffers a drop in new games for quite some time after launch, and for the Wii U launch, we are being very careful not to let it happen. Fortunately, third-party publishers overseas are launching many titles for us this time, and we were able to push back the release of some of the titles that we had originally intended to release as launch titles until next year. We are also looking to have many people experience "Nintendo Land," which comes bundled with the Wii U DELUXE SET in the overseas markets, as this is a title that the actual players will appreciate more than the spectators. While we have no way of telling whether "Nintendo Land" will do what "Wii Sports" did, we are hoping to promote word-of-mouth communication among consumers, and at the same time, we will continue to supply software to provide new content that consumers will talk about even after January. The combination of these two things is what we think will keep our momentum going after January next year.

You think that means that there are a shit ton of Wii Us sitting in a warehouses somewhere that Nintendo thought for sure they would need to meet demand? This is just so sad now. If nintendo disappears from the console market, I have a bunch of friends who will end up never playing a console game again in their lives.
I think they intended to have supply to meet their forecasts yes.

I also think that they've probably factored in things like ramping up production and economies of scale, allowing for future cost reductions... so I'm curious where this leaves them regarding profitability and room to move on price.


IIRC Sony is either right at break even on the Vita or is losing a little bit on hardware.

If they drop the price by $100 they are in essence doubling down on their initial Vita investment and re-launching. This is not sound business IMO. Those upfront cost for starting a system are already gone and sunk, you cant worry about them. Also the climate for a dedicated handheld is not big enough for two companies. Nintendo has already proven it has won this handheld race. No doubt about that. The smarter move is to ride out this wave, keep the price high and make it profitable on the hardware side. Drop price when its profitable to do so. Software will sell like garbage and the only games we will get for Vita are first party and/or cross-buy titles, but you don't risk bleeding money, money Sony doesn't have, on a device that shouldn't exist in 2013.

There's no way they're losing money per vita sold, as consumers will more than likely buy software with their hardware, and a Memory card to boot. They can do it, they just have to employ the razor>blades model they've used in the past. specifically during the first two years of the PS1 and PS2. where they made money off software and accessories.

Besides, isn't the Vita using hardware components that are now commonly used in mid-range android handsets? That has to drive down the BoM for the Vita.


Nintendo needs to put this thing into peoples' hands. They need to do what they did with Wii and really stress that people try it first. "Playing is believing" and all that.
I played NSMBU and Nintendoland on launch week.
After a couple hours, I was quite content to keep playing Nintendo games on my 3DS.
Where Monita isn't barking gameplay instructions at me like I'm handicapped and where NSMB is already available.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
The wii u needed a wii sports, mario64, or a brain training. There was nothing nothing new and exciting about the wii u. The damn thing is collecting dust already just like my wii before it.
I think they need someone from the outside of Nintendo as well, they need someone to really turn that place on its head.

Worked great for Olympus... Seriously though, some fresh ideas and a clear vision of what the audience wants would be nice.

I think Reggie needs to be gone too, I can't stand his smugness in the interviews he gives.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Ninty is in a clusterfuck

It's not selling anywhere near or above the other competitors models of this gen, and the other 2 are watching what is transpiring and can adjust quickly at their newer models

So WiiU right now has to battle PS3, 360, Vita, 3DS, with Orbis and Durango around the corner
Let's not forget Smartphones & Tablets/Phablets

They don't stand out at all

Seriously one thing that fucked WiiU over is account management
You can't just push your stuff onto the next platform
Wii > WiiU is an archaic structure

PS3 > Orbis
360 > Durango
Will have close to a seamless transition, the BC may come to play, but the companies are investing into those sectors to keep their consumers appeased


Price drops would certainly help the Wii U and Vita to some extent, but as many have pointed out the biggest problem by far is software. A $50 drop on both would be nice, but ultimately would probably move only fractionally more units.

And this is BEFORE the Wii U launch. I have a feeling they're going to completely DESTROY Iwata come this June, supposing Iwata is still even CEO by then.

Unless something drastic happens in the next few months I expect Iwata is gone, regardless how much this is (or isn't) his direct fault. I personally give it a 50/50 on him lasting until E3, which is sad because I love Iwata :(


Bring back Arakawa.

Yamauchi's son-in-law didn't want to lead the company.

I love Iwata's mindset as the CEO. He's honest, self-deprecating, and is fine wearing a Luigi hat in front of an internet audience. I don't know if the power of Wii U (and it's the power of Wii U that has truncated its game supply; too low for third-parties and too high for quick turnaround first party games) was his call, but it was a mistake. The controller is good, but somehow it is just way too much of the cost of the console. Higher power, less cost. Those two don't go together. We'll see if it turns around, but it doesn't look good from the third-party perspective. Even if the market doesn't immediately take to PS4/720, I have a hard time believing they'll sell 11K / week in their first January.

We'll have better perspective on this in two years, but it's hard to see this working out to a good success for Nintendo long-term. Still do not want a console/handheld hybrid from them, though, and I still do not think it would be more profitable for Nintendo in the long run to go that route.
For real, the Vita is a profitable enterprise at the moment selling close to no software or hardware?

I need their business model shiii

Yeah I obviously think they will try....I just don't think it will ultimately matter.

You misunderstand me. When they build a Vita, and sell it. Even though they're selling abysmally right now, they're not losing money on them being made.

We could get into some bullshit argument on opportunity cost w/ that money and what they're giving up but that's besides the point :p


These numbers are pretty bad. But Nintendo will release software that will sell the console. Plus they have the 3DS to soften the blow.

I don't think the ps4 or 720 will sell as well as everyone thinks.
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