i remember a thread on neogaf from about 10 years ago wondering if nintendo was creatively bankrupt. i didn't agree with it at the time, and i still don't think they were. but they are now.
there was a spark in the creation of the wii and the ds. touch handhelds hadn't ever really been done before- not for gaming, and not on such a grand scale. they threw in some other things too, but ran on the touch screen as the main selling point. and it worked. it worked because it sparked the imagination of people within nintendo. people who thought, why not a pet simulator? why not a collection of small brain exercises? these were demonstrations that were easy to understand, and probably weren't meant to become the 20m+ selling franchises they grew into. but the ideas came from a good place. they came from experimentation and imagination.
the same happened with the wii. yeah, motion control gaming had existed before this console, but no one ever gave it a serious shot on a grand scale. again, there was a spark of excitement and imagination. one rectangular device could mean so many different things: a sword, a bat, a tennis racket, a flashlight, a steering wheel, etc. it's a simple and appealing idea. to improve matters, it was seen as different from video games in the past. similar to how brain age was 'good for you', wii sports was also seen as good for you in that it got you up and moving around in your leisure time.
with the 3ds, they didn't have a good idea or a spark. they had messed around with 3d gaming a long time, but they never had the software to back it up. to this day, i'm left wondering why it was necessary, and the only answer i can come up with is that they were trying to bank on the 3d boom going on at the time. even during panic mode, they made no effort to showcase games that were not only obviously better with 3d, but were essentially impossible to replicate without it. their answer to its poor sales was to do what they did during the gamecube: lower the price, rush out some games, and rely on the tried and true above all else. to this day, there still isn't a breakout hit like nintendogs or brain age, and that rests entirely on the shoulders of the software manufacturers.
and finally there's the wii u. i think there's more you can do to promote the wii u than you could have with the 3ds. it's the same position though- nintendo took something that was popular, and slapped it on one of their systems hoping they could gain popularity through some sort of osmosis. again, no thought to actual software, or any spark of imagination. that's the deep, underlying problem with the console. nintendo doesn't really know what they have. this is outlined by their upcoming lineup and plan to save it through software like mario kart, mario, smash bros, and the same zelda game that failed to make the gamecube relevant. nowhere is there something groundbreaking or terribly unique.
i give them a year. that's a year to make this not an utter disaster, and bring it closer to the 3ds's level of failure. sony did it with ps3, and nintendo did it with the ds. the problem is parents won't buy a console for their kids to play mario. they'll buy a handheld for that. so nintendo will need to start appealing very strongly to everyone like they did the wii, and they'll have to do so when there's actually something worth advertising.
it's strange- the e3 2011 demo was actually a bunch of pretty easily-communicated ideas. and they botched that messaging in every market. show people switching from the game to their tablet so someone else can watch tv. that's one commercial. show someone using tvii with netflix, hulu, etc. that's another commercial. show a family playing games together. that's another commercial. the wii u launch commercials were like a weird mix of the kinect and gamecube launch commercials. loud and weird and stupid.
we're already seeing new bundles coming up. zombi u in the us, and monster hunter 3 in europe. those won't do anything at all, but we're starting to see nintendo get aggressive with the machine. for the short-term, we'll probably see even more bundles crop up. i think it's too late, and there will need to be a gigantic shift somewhere for people to take note, or some outstanding piece of software that no one saw coming and everyone has to have (wii fit u won't be that thing).