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NPD January 2013 Sales Results [Up7: Wii U 57K (CNET), Vita ~35K, PS3 201K]


Hm what? NintendoLand very much makes use of the concept. Its 10 times better than Wii Sports ever was and really sells the asynchronisity the gamepad enables. I don't own a WiiU yet (finances) but it made my GOTY list last year from playing at a friend's house alone

I have never read a more wrong statement on the internet ever.

and I've read some of my own posts.

it sounds like you haven't played NSMBU...

And it sounds like you're falling into the same trap Nintendo fell into. "We just need a Mario, everything will be great!"
I don't see the WiiU ever recovering with such a lackluster lineup until possibly the fall. They utterly failed with the confusing name, lack of advertising, and very weak launch lineup - they stopped making games for the Wii ~2 years ago or so, so wtf weren't better games ready for launch? NSMBU is not exactly a killer game considering NSMB 2 was just released for the 3DS and WiiU didn't offer much over that version.

Also, it seems like the gaming industry is just dying in general due to lack of next gen launches. No one is buying games like they used to, which means that many popular franchises wont be seen on Durango/PS4. Devil May Cry is a dead franchise now, soon Dead Space will unfortunately be dead, as the game isn't selling anywhere near the 5 million EA wanted - I predict sales of about 600-800k for the first month. Aliens will major bomba which it 100% deserves. Even if Metal Gear Rising bombs, I doubt they will scrap MGS5 at least.

However, I predict a major blood bath in March, Square Enix expects big things out of Tomb Raider, hah. And I see 0 hype for either GoW game in March, both prequels oh joy..

it sounds like you haven't played NSMBU...
I'm not worried too much about Nintendo; unlike Sony, they generally manage to avoid losing fucktons of money when they mess up. At worst, I'd expect a generation like the Gamecube, where they manage to scratch out a profit.

The GBA saved the Gamecube generation from being horrible for Nintendo. The 3DS in a much more weakened position than the GBA or DS may not be able to save them this time.
Hm what? NintendoLand very much makes use of the concept. Its 10 times better than Wii Sports ever was and really sells the asynchronisity the gamepad enables. I don't own a WiiU yet (finances) but it made my GOTY list last year from playing at a friend's house alone

Well, to be honest, I haven't played much of the multiplayer games so I probably shouldn't comment much.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
DmC bombing is not a good thing, at all. It shows a major weakness in the console industry that an, arguably, well made game could bomb this badly. All of these console owners out there, tens of millions, and not even 200k can buy DmC?

I dunno, it's a worrying sign to me.
The market right now is extremely "noisy". Unless your game is one of te "it" franchises, a first party exclusive, or have money for "flood the zone" advertising... It's very easy for your product to get overlooked.


Wii U isn't a handheld. I'm talking about the consumer games market, so both consoles and handhelds from the big 3.

My bad. I got two different conversations confused from the last page. I thought you were the person asking about the next Nintendo handheld being Japan only, but that was someone else.

The console market will probably contract, but I think that the Wii (like the DS) brought in novelty gamers who were never going to stay. A lot of these people are happy to use tablets and their smartphones now.

The total US console market this generation in the US was ridiculous though. What are the Wii + 360 + PS3 at in LTD sales in the US? Approaching (or past) 100M units total? What was the total for the PS2/Xbox/GCN generation? 70M or so? Maybe a few million more if you want to throw in Dreamcast. I think that next generation may end up closer to that.


Wishing for decently made games to tank this badly is basically wishing your hobby as you know it away.

"Well the console space imploded and died and now all I got is this touchy touch scrabble rip-off bullshit but at least that dumbed down DmC bombed! yeah!"

I'd rather have nothing than mediocrity.


Stop with this horrendous bullshit. DMC4 sold the best in the series.

can we please stop with the revisionist bullshit please?

#11 highest selling title of a companies ENTIRE HISTORY is not the sign of a failing series.

Let's just say we take these numbers at face value; Why didn't they make DMC5, then? If something like that sells well, then Capcom should've been prepping DMC5 soon after their shipping numbers came out.

I'm telling you, there was a something going on here (not just Inafune's doing either). You can tell me it sold well and the next game would've sold equal or better, but I just don't see it. And either way, it's impossible to know now since we never got it.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
The GBA saved the Gamecube generation from being horrible for Nintendo. The 3DS in a much more weakened position than the GBA or DS may not be able to save them this time.
What will happen?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I have never read a more wrong statement on the internet ever.

and I've read some of my own posts.

All I can say is that NintendoLand has become a staple in my circle of friends and we play 2-3 hours of Mario Chase, Animal Crossing, and Luigi's Mansion like every friday night. Everyone loves it. I don't think anyone I know played Wii Sports after a week or so, except for the occasional bowling match at parties.
Hm what? NintendoLand very much makes use of the concept. Its 10 times better than Wii Sports ever was and really sells the asynchronisity the gamepad enables. I don't own a WiiU yet (finances) but it made my GOTY list last year from playing at a friend's house alone

This is just armchair analysis on my part that is slightly validated by the chasm that separates Wii from Wii U sales, but while NintendoLand may be a better game at a fundamental level, I absolutely refuse to believe that it can be argued that it sells the asymmetrical hook of the Wii U anywhere near as effectively Wii Sports sold the Wii Mote. People may have fun with Luigi's Mansion or Mario Chase, but it's a far, far cry from the reaction people had to Wii Bowling the first time they played it.


Let's just say we take these numbers at face value; Why didn't they make DMC5, then? If something like that sells well, then Capcom should've been prepping DMC5 soon after their shipping numbers came out.

I'm telling you, there was a something going on here (not just Inafune's doing either). You can tell me it sold well and the next game would've sold equal or better, but I just don't see it. And either, it's impossible to know now.

Unless DMC4 was going off of a Shenmue-esque budget, then this is just one of those baffling Capcom decisions.
You don't need to play it to know that Wii Sports was 100% DIGITAL GENIUS etched with a laser onto a disc.

Nintendoland is a huge blunder compared to it.

I kinda like Nintendoland more than Wii Sports, though. There's more variety and there's a good amount of content.
Action games like Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry aren't exactly mass market to begin with. They have a comfortable niche but they're never going to sell 5 million+.

It's no coincidence that NG3 and DmC3 have now both bombed horribly by turning off the exact fanbase that cultivates the genre.
The surprising thing is that DMC4 was doing better than NG2 (and sigma versions) sales wise and was basically the best selling H&S... but then Capcom decided to reboot it and now it's going to sell worse than NG..


Let's just say we take these numbers at face value; Why didn't they make DMC5, then? If something like that sells well, then Capcom should've been prepping DMC5 soon after their shipping numbers came out.

I'm telling you, there was a something going on here (not just Inafune's doing either). You can tell me it sold well and the next game would've sold equal or better, but I just don't see it. And either way, it's impossible to know now since we never got it.
Because Itsuno wanted to make DD and Capcom wanted to keep the name of DMC fresh. And Inafune had a hard on for the West. It's like why they made Operation RC... I mean it's not like RE5 was a bomba and it needed a Western take.


All I can say is that NintendoLand has become a staple in my circle of friends and we play 2-3 hours of Mario Chase, Animal Crossing, and Luigi's Mansion like every friday night. Everyone loves it. I don't think anyone I know played Wii Sports after a week or so, except for the occasional bowling match at parties.
Please post videos on YouTube so I can see this phenomenon in action.
Then, sell them to Nintendo so they can be employed when they relaunch the WiiU with an actual ad campaign.
Of the three, I like Mario Chase the best.
The Wii U's sales are abysmal, but really, with no post-Christmas marketing, lots of systems on shelves, and no new games since launch, what can we expect?

The system has no third party support at this time, and the only major releases that are not on other consoles are NSMBU (which can be seen similarly to NSMBW) and Nintendo Land. ZombiU is the only major third party release, and it has not been pushed well enough tbh. Also, no VC and only a handful of eShop releases really hamper the downloadable game angle with the product, too.

January looks bad, and February will be just as bad if not worse, no thanks to Aliens and Rayman Legends both missing the month. March will start to improve thanks to ACTUAL GAME RELEASES. I suspect Nintendo will go back to actually marketing the system at the end of March, whereas for now it is all 3DS, baby.

There is little Nintendo can do at this point, and I for one think they were expecting the backlash like this as far back as early January, thus the Nintendo Direct and the delay of their Q1 lineup. I think LEGO City was meant for December (it was in the main Wii U ad), was delayed into Jan, and then sales figures came. Nintendo chose to delay its Q1 lineup ahead to the next FY, eat the losses of the Wii U this FY, and use the 3DS and yen changes to buffer the loss into a gain, albeit a very small one if at all. The end result is that this FY for Wii U looks terribad, and Nintendo is prepping for next FY to be the big one.

Wii U is failing and will continue fail this quarter and for some months into Q2. If the Wii U fails next FY, then the system will be changed and not to Nintendo management's benefit. This upcoming FY, Nintendo is going to go big with releases for Wii U (G+W, Wii Fit U, Pikmin 3, W101, Bayonetta 2, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Wind Waker HD, Yoshi, probably Wii Sports U, Retro's Game, X...) and 3DS (Animal Crossing, DKCR3D, M+L4, Mario Golf, Pokemon X+Y...). If they fail to sell with these games, I definitely see Iwata stepping down to a smaller spot for a new President, for better or worse for us gamers. Of course, if those games don't sell, Nintendo is screwed in more ways than you think. :/

rdrr gnr

All I can say is that NintendoLand has become a staple in my circle of friends and we play 2-3 hours of Mario Chase, Animal Crossing, and Luigi's Mansion like every friday night. Everyone loves it. I don't think anyone I know played Wii Sports after a week or so, except for the occasional bowling match at parties.
NintendoLand does not do for the Wii U what Wii Sports did for the Wii -- even if it is a better 'game.' By that measure, NintendoLand is an abject failure.


God damn at those Wii U numbers. Nintendo's gonna need a hell of a lot more than what they've shown so far to save the system at this point.


if NSMB couldn't drive sales, Mario Kart/Smash Bros/Zelda won't either.

An issue I find, and why I didn't give a shit about the game until the announced DLC was that it was launched not even four months after another New Super Mario Bros game. I can only imagine sales ate into both titles, given how closely they were released between one another. Interest for NSMBU could have vanished after the reception of NSMB2, and I know I'm speaking from personal experience here. :p


Not what I'm referring to. Pachter specifically predicted a new Wii model - not a successor - a few years back that would output HD. You know, because nobody liked the Wii since it only did 480p. That was the "Wii HD", and it never appeared.

Pachter predicted a Wii HD. I can't recall if he ever specified the capabilities of such a hypothetical machine, but I only ever took it to be a faster, more capable follow up to the Wii that could support the HD games of its competitors without abandoning the Wii base. That is exactly what the WiiU is, only at least 2 years too late.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
You don't need to play it to know that Wii Sports was 100% DIGITAL GENIUS etched with a laser onto a disc.

Nintendoland is a huge blunder compared to it.
Do you think the man behind Nintendoland, Katsuya Eguchi, should be fired? As an example?
Seriously, the nintendo is "doomed" shit never stops here.

AND YOU GUYS ARE ALWAYS WRONG. Nintendo realized their product isn't delivering so they increase software output and sales always follow..

3DS is just about to hit it's stride. I can see 3DS even surpassing DS sales by the end of this year, in the same respective time frame.


Do you think the man behind Nintendoland, Katsuya Eguchi, should be fired? As an example?

Of course not. It's not his fault he was told to make that turd.

Seriously, the nintendo is "doomed" shit never stops here.

AND YOU GUYS ARE ALWAYS WRONG. Nintendo realized their product isn't delivering so they increase software output and sales always follow..

3DS is just about to hit it's stride. I can see 3DS even surpassing DS sales by the end of this year, in the same respective time frame.

how old are you?


Let's just say we take these numbers at face value; Why didn't they make DMC5, then? If something like that sells well, then Capcom should've been prepping DMC5 soon after their shipping numbers came out.

I'm telling you, there was a something going on here (not just Inafune's doing either). You can tell me it sold well and the next game would've sold equal or better, but I just don't see it. And either way, it's impossible to know now since we never got it.

Capcom's ludicrously stupid business plan to try to appeal more to the West by contracting Western independent developers happened.

Has that paid off for them at all? Aren't the most successful Capcom games of this generation the internally developed RE5, RE6, Street Fighter 4, and Marvel Vs. Capcom 3? Why was this ever seen as a good idea?
Seriously, the nintendo is "doomed" shit never stops here.

AND YOU GUYS ARE ALWAYS WRONG. Nintendo realized their product isn't delivering so they increase software output and sales always follow..

3DS is just about to hit it's stride. I can see 3DS even surpassing DS sales by the end of this year, in the same respective time frame.

That poor stride, what the heck did it do to you?! :(
"look at the 3DS"

Ok, let's look at it. It's eaten up the entirety of the progressively declining dedicated handheld market in the US. While it's only traditional competitor, and that's using the term loosely, is undergoing rigor mortis.

Do people really think the Wii U will consume the entirety of the console market?
Do you think the man behind Nintendoland, Katsuya Eguchi, should be fired? As an example?

Eguchi led the development of Wii Sports and its sequel. He has clout that will take more than Nintendo Land to destroy.

"look at the 3DS"

Ok, let's look at it. It's eaten up the entirety of the progressively declining dedicated handheld market in the US. While it's only traditional competitor, and that's using the term loosely, is undergoing rigor mortis.

There is a reason Nintendo is releasing as many 3DS games as it is now. The 3DS was saved in Japan, and it was pulled back from critical condition in America, but the last holiday was a fumble. We can only say the 3DS is in a bad spot if Pokemon X&Y fail to swing sales this upcoming holiday in the US.


DmC bombing is not a good thing, at all. It shows a major weakness in the console industry that an, arguably, well made game could bomb this badly. All of these console owners out there, tens of millions, and not even 200k can buy DmC?

I dunno, it's a worrying sign to me.

Despite the fact that DmC ended up being a solid game, it did a pretty good job of alienating some of the old Devil May Cry fans. Also, I doubt that it brought in a new audience.
So by that logic the Resident Evil series is in amazing shape then? Because RE6 is their 4th best selling game of all-time...

considering the sales of RE:ORC, I think from a purely sales point of view the series has a well way to go before it falls off, no matter the quality of the games yes.

Just because you or I don't like it doesn't mean the game didn't and as a series does not still make vast amounts of money.

Unlike DmC when compared to DMC4. It has failed both its original fanbase AND commercially. Big difference.


Unconfirmed Member
Let's just say we take these numbers at face value; Why didn't they make DMC5, then? If something like that sells well, then Capcom should've been prepping DMC5 soon after their shipping numbers came out.

I think they commented that the numbers were weak in the US. Probably in proportion to population/user base. The numbers were always god domestically

So they tried to change the image and appeal to western tastes with the reboot.

That plan just happened to backfire and lead to a decline in sales both domestically and in the west.

I'm telling you, there was a something going on here (not just Inafune's doing either). You can tell me it sold well and the next game would've sold equal or better, but I just don't see it. And either way, it's impossible to know now since we never got it.


The only conclusion to draw from here is that DmC under Ninja Theory didn't work.

How they decided to proceed with the franchise based on that lesson remains to be seen, but I doubt it will involve NT.


Holy shit those numbers Wii U numbers are awful. I think Nintendo needs to go beyond panic mode at this point to right the ship.

Not much they really can do right now but wait for the games to flow out, then drop the price when the 720 and PS4 comes out when they have an amazing fall line up.

They cant just rush out their unfinished games, then people would say WiiU has crap games even from Nintendo.

They just have to ride it out this year, but trust me Next Gen MS and Sony systems sales will be similar to these WiiU numbers next year, market is not what it was in 2006.
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