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NPD January 2013 Sales Results [Up7: Wii U 57K (CNET), Vita ~35K, PS3 201K]

"look at the 3DS"

Ok, let's look at it. It's eaten up the entirety of the progressively declining dedicated handheld market in the US. While it's only traditional competitor, and that's using the term loosely, is undergoing rigor mortis.

Do people really think the Wii U will consume the entirety of the console market?

Come holiday season and I think we'll see the X360 still consuming the entirety of the console market, Orbis and Durango included.


Unless DMC4 was going off of a Shenmue-esque budget, then this is just one of those baffling Capcom decisions.

A question I've been asking since that original reveal trailer, and have still not been satisfied with any answer.

Personally, I just think they weren't satisfied with the direction and sales (even though it reached 2.7, it had a big drop off and took 4.5 years to get to it) of the series. They essentially were stuck making derivatives if they stayed, so they opted to go with a new IP (DD, like Dahbomb said), while giving a new dev a shot at it with their own vision.

It didn't work out, of course.
"look at the 3DS"

Ok, let's look at it. It's eaten up the entirety of the progressively declining dedicated handheld market in the US. While it's only traditional competitor, and that's using the term loosely, is undergoing rigor mortis.

Do people really think the Wii U will consume the entirety of the console market?

one word:

Does ios have pokemon?


Not going to act like I care, all I really want is for the Wii U to last long enough for X to be released in the US.

Console will be worth it for that game alone.

I'm biased and dumb, though.


Wii U will pick up // just like the 3ds.

Nintendo knows what they are doing.

They are just consistently awful at launches.



Let's just say we take these numbers at face value; Why didn't they make DMC5, then? If something like that sells well, then Capcom should've been prepping DMC5 soon after their shipping numbers came out.

DMC4 sold really well, that's true. why they didn't make a DMC5 themselves? their reasoning was that they didn't have the resources and staff to allocate to it, probably most of them were sucked into RE6 (it's a huge game, regardless of what you think of it's quality, tons of stuff in it) and probably Dragon's Dogma which was supposed to be a big deal for them too as a new IP, yeah both failed but they didn't think they would, it wasn't because DMC4 sold poorly, Capcom made a gamble and they lost on all 3 fronts pretty much.
I wouldn't say Nintendo is doomed. Are they having a console that is bombing? Yes. Will it continue to bomb? Maybe. Can they fix it? Maybe.

There is a ton of maybes and reactions being thrown around right now after three months. I can't wait to see how this plays out over the next couple of years.
Not much they really can do right now but wait for the games to flow out, then drop the price when the 720 and PS4 comes out when they have an amazing fall line up.

They cant just rush out their unfinished games, then people would say WiiU has crap games even from Nintendo.

They just have to ride it out this year, but trust me Next Gen MS and Sony systems sales will be similar to these WiiU numbers next year, market is not what it was in 2006.

dat recession.


Despite the fact that DmC ended up being a solid game, it did a pretty good job of alienating some of the old Devil May Cry fans. Also, I doubt that it brought in a new audience.

Still though, about 150 million ps360 owners. What -are- they buying? Just COD?
Come holiday season and I think we'll see the X360 still consuming the entirety of the console market, Orbis and Durango included.
Quite possible. But I don't see it happening - it's not happening right now at least.
one word:

Does ios have pokemon?
What on earth does this have to do with my comment? Where did I mention iOS?

Is a console Pokemon going to turn around the Wii U?

rdrr gnr

Its not even that its a better game though. Its that everyone I know is having more fun playing it.
Does that everyone you know include your mother and your girlfriend? But, yeah, I get it. It's a testament to the inherent appeal (or lack thereof) of the game pad. I can totally understand how a group of friends could have fun; I can also understand how no one else would care.


Why would anyone be happy about this? If DmC actually kills the series, then I doubt Capcom ever goes back to the well for Devil May Cry period. It just shows that that genre of games isn't really as popular as it used to be, and its a bad financial decision to ever put another game out.

And if it had sold well they never would have gone back to DMC proper. There was no going back to the series as it was.
Umm what?

NSMBU is a game you buy when you own a system, Smash Bros is a killer app, Zelda is a Killer app, Mario Kart is a killer app.

GameCube had all 3 of those and everyone assumed as they released they would help Nintendo gain market share on MS/Sony. They all sold well but they didn't push consoles. In fact if anything, the opposite occurred and GameCube actually lost ground to Xbox as time went on. It's very likely that those games sell well to core Nintendo fans, but Nintendo's problem has never been appealing to core Nintendo fans.
Wii Sports was the Wii's killer app. Wii Sports is the difference between a Wii level success and a GameCube.
Gunpei Yokoi made what is arguably Nintendo's most profitable piece of hardware ever and got the windowseat after one flop (virtual boy).

Nintendo Land is a game. Virtual Boy was a handheld. A bit of a difference there.
GameCube had all 3 of those and everyone assumed as they released they would help Nintendo gain market share on MS/Sony. They all sold well but they didn't push consoles. In fact if anything, the opposite occurred and GameCube actually lost ground to Xbox as time went on. It's very likely that those games sell well to core Nintendo fans, but Nintendo's problem has never been appealing to core Nintendo fans.

Xbox had Halo, whereas the GameCube did not. Not to mention the GameCube was given a bad label shortly into its lifecycle.

I do believe there is an issue appealing to core Nintendo fans and non-Nintendo fans this time around, though. There are core fans that have not yet bought a Wii U, because the lineup right now is not what they wanted. This year should start to fix some of that. The non-fans...yeah, Nintendo needs to do more than court third party ports if it wants those gamers. Casual gamers are off on their phones and tablets and PCs; getting those back will require a lot of investment. The question is where should Nintendo take it from here to get more people...more hardcore gamers...or again with the Wii crowd.
Nintendo already learned its Gamecube lessons regarding rushed releases. As much as it would frustrate everybody (Nintendo especially) to have periods of drought, it would be in everybody's best interest at this point to make damn sure that the games that do come out are spit-shined. Otherwise the Wii U will have the highly enviable position of being known for no games and bad games.


Scary looking numbers and it's a shame because the console in my opinion is really great. As it was said many times over in this thread, lack of games, price, bad marketing etc. All of these need to be remedied in a way or another for the Wii U to get into good sales territory (which is still very much possible).

I'm happy for Ni No Kuni but I was hoping for it to be one place or two higher. I almost bought a PS3 to play that game, and I most definitely will in the future.

I'm looking forward to Fire Emblem sales next month, especially with all of the difficulties that launch had. Will be interesting.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Does that everyone you know include your mother and your girlfriend? But, yeah, I get it. It's a testament to the inherent appeal (or lack thereof) of the game pad. I can totally understand how a group of friends could have fun; I can also understand how no one else would care.

It is, essentially, making me really think that the Wii initially sold on novelty. I mean, I always knew it did, but this really drives home how much the novelty must have been driving sales.


Hm what? NintendoLand very much makes use of the concept. Its 10 times better than Wii Sports ever was and really sells the asynchronisity the gamepad enables. I don't own a WiiU yet (finances) but it made my GOTY list last year from playing at a friend's house alone

Pretty clearly the market disagrees.


cool anecdotal evidence, bro. the numbers don't back it up.

People who play it seem to like it, people who haven't played it haven't played it. I'm not sure we even have the numbers to quantify it.

edit: Seems several people are making this basic mistake.
GameCube had all 3 of those and everyone assumed as they released they would help Nintendo gain market share on MS/Sony. They all sold well but they didn't push consoles. In fact if anything, the opposite occurred and GameCube actually lost ground to Xbox as time went on. It's very likely that those games sell well to core Nintendo fans, but Nintendo's problem has never been appealing to core Nintendo fans.

This is literally the most obvious point ever and 90% of gaming side can't seem to grasp it.

Nintendo staples like Mario and Zelda have been on every Nintendo system, successful or not. The breakout Nintendo systems (Gameboy, DS, and Wii) were successful because they had incredibly popular series with widespread appeal. For the Gameboy, this was Pokemon and Tetris. For the DS, this was Nintendogs and Brain Trainings (and similar accessible titles). And for the Wii, this was the entire Wii series. Point being that Nintendo greatly expanded their potential market by releasing innovative, accessible titles outside of their usual staple series. The Wii U, while it has an interesting control scheme, hasn't replicated this at all. A game like NSMB won't do much to appeal to the expanded market without breakout titles to provide an expanded base. When the expanded base is brought on, it will naturally spill over to traditional Nintendo series, bolstering their sales potential (Mario Kart was the largest beneficiary of this effect last generation).

NintendoLand is the right idea but the wrong execution. When the Wii first came out with Wii Sports, the exposure was ridiculous. It was mainstream. Everyone knew about the control scheme and what the system offered. Does the average person really care about the Wii-U or NintendoLand? What does it matter to them if NL is technically superior to Wii Sports? Where is the marketing? Where is the hype?


As a Wii U owner these numbers are horrifying, but I said it before and I'll say it again. Kill this console, start over, beef up your system specs, make the touchpad a peripheral that is optional or suffer for the next 5 years with sub Gamecube level sales. This isn't just about software, this is also about a control scheme nobody cares about as well as the console being completely underpowered. Dreamcast 2 is here.


The Wii U's sales are abysmal, but really, with no post-Christmas marketing, lots of systems on shelves, and no new games since launch, what can we expect?

The system has no third party support at this time, and the only major releases that are not on other consoles are NSMBU (which can be seen similarly to NSMBW) and Nintendo Land. ZombiU is the only major third party release, and it has not been pushed well enough tbh. Also, no VC and only a handful of eShop releases really hamper the downloadable game angle with the product, too.

January looks bad, and February will be just as bad if not worse, no thanks to Aliens and Rayman Legends both missing the month. March will start to improve thanks to ACTUAL GAME RELEASES. I suspect Nintendo will go back to actually marketing the system at the end of March, whereas for now it is all 3DS, baby.

There is little Nintendo can do at this point, and I for one think they were expecting the backlash like this as far back as early January, thus the Nintendo Direct and the delay of their Q1 lineup. I think LEGO City was meant for December (it was in the main Wii U ad), was delayed into Jan, and then sales figures came. Nintendo chose to delay its Q1 lineup ahead to the next FY, eat the losses of the Wii U this FY, and use the 3DS and yen changes to buffer the loss into a gain, albeit a very small one if at all. The end result is that this FY for Wii U looks terribad, and Nintendo is prepping for next FY to be the big one.

Wii U is failing and will continue fail this quarter and for some months into Q2. If the Wii U fails next FY, then the system will be changed and not to Nintendo management's benefit. This upcoming FY, Nintendo is going to go big with releases for Wii U (G+W, Wii Fit U, Pikmin 3, W101, Bayonetta 2, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, Wind Waker HD, Yoshi, probably Wii Sports U, Retro's Game, X...) and 3DS (Animal Crossing, DKCR3D, M+L4, Mario Golf, Pokemon X+Y...). If they fail to sell with these games, I definitely see Iwata stepping down to a smaller spot for a new President, for better or worse for us gamers. Of course, if those games don't sell, Nintendo is screwed in more ways than you think. :/


Didnt see your post before I wrote mine, exactly Nintendo is just gonna eat it right now until Spring thru fall and see how things pick up, nothing they can do right now.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Eh, kind of expected, but this is so bad its actually funny. There's nothing on the system that is going to convince someone to buy it right now, and a lot of people dont even know what it is. As has been said 1000000x, once Mario, Zelda, Smash come out the sales will get a huge boost. Until then I think we can expect these shitty numbers to continue.


Still though, about 150 million ps360 owners. What -are- they buying? Just COD?

The market is incredibly top heavy at the moment, and even those games are in YoY decline. Probably why every publisher is going for broke trying to turn anything they possibly can into a CoD mega hit (EA with Dead Space, for example).

Dammit. Now I'm convincing myself that the market actually IS shrinking.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
It's kind of bizarre to see Wii Sports retconned into the Jesus Fucking Christ of all mainstream video games.

Also maybe a little hyperbole there, because part of what made Wii lightning in a bottle wasn't just one game, it was time, circumstance, and position.

Tetris likely wouldn't have made the splash it did had it been released now, today, in this gaming market and current global culture.

Wii Sports is great and WSR even better. But the original did benefit from incredible mystique and hype built up around Nintendo's "bizarre" new game console, that the mainstream press did no small part in helping to create curiosity about. Wii also launched in a world where every mainstream person was not already playing easily accessible games on their phones every day, and was now used to the idea of video games as just another form of entertainment.

Let's not go too crazy building up Wii Sports just to ensure the shadow cast over Wii U's "complete and total failure in every conceivable way" is long.


Still though, about 150 million ps360 owners. What -are- they buying? Just COD?

There were about 150M PS2 owners as well. Why did no game on that console sell more than 15M worldwide? Why was the highest selling PS2 DMC entry only able to move 2.2M units?

People have disparate tastes.
As a Wii U owner these numbers are horrifying, but I said it before and I'll say it again. Kill this console, start over, beef up your system specs, make the touchpad a peripheral that is optional or suffer for the next 5 years with sub Gamecube level sales. This isn't just about software, this is also about a control scheme nobody cares about as well as the console being completely underpowered. Dreamcast 2 is here.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Pretty clearly the market disagrees.

I feel like its a combination of not being as disruptively novel as the Wii Remote was and almost as importantly not being as visually fun as the Wii was. The WiiU has a much harder sell in most traditional forms of advertisement.


Nintendo already learned its Gamecube lessons regarding rushed releases. As much as it would frustrate everybody (Nintendo especially) to have periods of drought, it would be in everybody's best interest at this point to make damn sure that the games that do come out are spit-shined. Otherwise the Wii U will have the highly enviable position of being known for no games and bad games.

People have no patience though. And this is where Nintendo made a huge mistake. If they expanded their internal teams enough during the Wii era, then the launch wouldn't be the disaster it is now.

As a Wii U owner these numbers are horrifying, but I said it before and I'll say it again. Kill this console, start over, beef up your system specs, make the touchpad a peripheral that is optional or suffer for the next 5 years with sub Gamecube level sales. This isn't just about software, this is also about a control scheme nobody cares about as well as the console being completely underpowered. Dreamcast 2 is here.

How would that work? Every Wii U owner, the early adopters, would be pissed off. And it sends a really bad message.
Pachter predicted a Wii HD. I can't recall if he ever specified the capabilities of such a hypothetical machine, but I only ever took it to be a faster, more capable follow up to the Wii that could support the HD games of its competitors without abandoning the Wii base. That is exactly what the WiiU is, only at least 2 years too late.

He specifically said it would play Wii games in HD, which the Wii U doesn't do.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Still though, about 150 million ps360 owners. What -are- they buying? Just COD?

From the Top 10 you can see what they are buying

Just because DmC is created doesn't mean it will rake in profits

The market didn't like it, didn't want it, so it didn't buy it, don't cop out the title bu bu but it only did "200K" of 150 million users, what's wrong with them?....

Nothing, you win some, you lose some

I'm more impressed Far Cry 3 a game released after Black Friday in a dead month that is December is selling!


Still though, about 150 million ps360 owners. What -are- they buying? Just COD?
Paying for Xbox LIVE Gold so they can watch Netflix.
FIFA Ultimate Team Cards.
Skylanders figures.

They're buying the above 4 things.

Meanwhile, the 100 million Wii owners are buying Just Dance 4.

Dreamcast owners should be insulted by the comparison.
I sure was... but I didn't want to post a comment about it. This is totally a Saturn situation and not a Dreamcast.
The DC was ambitious, groundbreaking, had amazing titles, was a graphical tour de force and pioneered console Internet connectivity.


FroJay said:
As a Wii U owner these numbers are horrifying, but I said it before and I'll say it again. Kill this console, start over, beef up your system specs, make the touchpad a peripheral that is optional or suffer for the next 5 years with sub Gamecube level sales. This isn't just about software, this is also about a control scheme nobody cares about as well as the console being completely underpowered. Dreamcast 2 is here.

Dreamcast owners should be insulted by the comparison.

But seriously, I can't imagine Nintendo giving up after three or four months of sales, especially since this is their flagship product. This was the product of billions in research and development costs; can we really expect them to just do it over, especially now? And Nintendo, internally, has a pipeline of its own software for this console. What happens to that?
Next month is going to be really interesting.

Rising's sales will tell us a real story.

Rising initially wont do that much better, maybe 100k more at best.

but what i do expect to happen is rising to have much more legs than DmC. I reckon it will hit 1.5 mil lifetime.

considering it was probably alot lower budget and developed in a much shorter time I think konami will see that as a success.

The real story will be GOW:A sales in march.


There is no excitement for Wii U. You know you're gonna get Mario and Zelda, but there is no excitement like anticipating and speculating about Bungie's Destiny, the new game from the former COD dev or the next Houser game.
GameCube had all 3 of those and everyone assumed as they released they would help Nintendo gain market share on MS/Sony. They all sold well but they didn't push consoles.

They certainly did push consoles, at least in the sense that GC would surely have sold considerably worse without them.


GameCube had all 3 of those and everyone assumed as they released they would help Nintendo gain market share on MS/Sony. They all sold well but they didn't push consoles. In fact if anything, the opposite occurred and GameCube actually lost ground to Xbox as time went on. It's very likely that those games sell well to core Nintendo fans, but Nintendo's problem has never been appealing to core Nintendo fans.
Wii Sports was the Wii's killer app. Wii Sports is the difference between a Wii level success and a GameCube.

I agree on that, but he was acting as if WiiU sales would still be 55K if those games were on the WiiU now, I highly doubt that.
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