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NPD January 2013 Sales Results [Up7: Wii U 57K (CNET), Vita ~35K, PS3 201K]


This is the best Metal Gear game since Metal Gear Solid 4. I expect it to sell as such.

As a Platinum Games fan and a general J-action game fan (I bought a PS3 for the express purpose of playing Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden) I wish it to be true too. I just don't see it in the realm of reality.


Everyone knows Nintendo will deliver high quality 1st party content butthis isn't about Nintendo, it's about a healthy system!!!!!!!!
The #1 issue is the lack of quality 3rd party support.

Here's a list of the notable 3rd party games being released on the Wii U for the first 6 months of this year:

Injustice: Gods Among Us
LEGO City Undercover
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - A Criterion Game
Resident Evil: Revelations

5 major 3rd party games in 6 months,5.
I would put up a list of E-shop only games but i couldn't find a single notable one being released for it the entire year!

Please, every game here is niche at best. They're notable because they're the only third party games that are coming. None of these games represent any kind of investment or widespread appeal, and none of them will set the charts on fire, no matter what console they're on.

One thing no one is talking about with regard to Wii U software sales is that launch software is still MSRPing for full price. That's crazy, because people might buy things to take risks, but not at $60. Someone might be interested in Zombi U or, god forbid, Ninja Gaiden, but they're $40 or so interested.

It's less than three months after launch, and you really think that Wii U games should be discounted already? Why? What audience is there that is willing to spend $350 on a new console but balks at spending an extra $20 on a game for it?
The Wii U has one foot in the grave. The Vita is already in its grave, and the dirt is being shoveled on.

The sales for Durango and Orbis should be very interesting.

Can you imagine those guys getting Wii U sales as well?

Oh god...I'm a bit scared for the industry right now.


Vita's numbers are disastrous, but Wii U's are much worse considering that the handheld market as a whole is smaller here than the console market.


I legitimately feel like Sony only made the Vita because they felt that had to make a successor to the PSP.

Everything about it is just so half-assed and it's obvious they don't care about it at all.


Difference between wii sports and nintendoland, despite how much they "like" nintendoland, it's not causing them to go out and by the system. Unlike wii sports


I wonder what would have happened in an alternative reality where the Wii was techwise on par with ps360 7 years ago. Would 3rd parties be on board with Nintendo again?
It's less than three months after launch, and you really think that Wii U games should be discounted already? Why? What audience is there that is willing to spend $350 on a new console but balks at spending an extra $20 on a game for it?

Apparently this one?

The software is iffy at best and clearly isn't moving the numbers anyone expected or hoped. Wii U got tagged with the "Games that aren't as good as they are anywhere else" label early and aggressive pricing is the only way to work around that right now.
New Super Mario Bros U. was a successor to one of the Wii's biggest titles and didn't seem to have much impact in driving Wii U sales. Mario Kart DD wouldn't have helped the Gamecube change its market position much at all.

NSMBU was a successor to one of the Wii's biggest selling titles, but NSMBW also released three years after the Wii launched and had built a huge following thanks to other system sellers. It would not be the type of game to convince people with NSMBW to buy a Wii U, and that is currently the problem Nintendo is going to face if it does not try pushing for more unique releases rather than sequels to its biggest Wii releases.

If anything, NSMBU should not have been Nintendo's "core" launch title, especially only 4 months after NSMB2 pushed the 3DS. Nintendo needs to build some more relevant console sellers or new properties to cause interest other than "it's Mario!"


Here's a list of the notable 3rd party games being released on the Wii U for the first 6 months of this year:

Injustice: Gods Among Us
LEGO City Undercover
Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
Need for Speed: Most Wanted - A Criterion Game
Resident Evil: Revelations

5 major 3rd party games in 6 months,5.
LEGO City Undercover is a 2nd party title. Externally developed, published and financed by Nintendo.

MH3 Ultimate is effectively an enhanced port. Also, coming out on 3DS the same day. Even the Japanese who live and breathe Monster Hunter would rather play it on a portable than on a console. Of course, they feel that way about every game franchise these days.

NFS: MW is a port of a game released several months ago. Criterion is wasting their time and energy making it awesome. There's no reason for them to do this so they must be honoring a contract of some kind.

Revelaitons is a port of a game released a year ago.

Injustice: Gods Among Us is the only notable third-party title shipping on release day with its console brethren. Time will tell whether it's a competent version or not.

You would have an easer time if you said Lego City, but even then I don't think parents will be buying their kids a 300 dollar console to play the newest lego game. I don't understand why anyone thinks Lego City is actually going to drive sales. We've seen so many Lego games over the years it's not even funny. No matter how different this one is it does not change that fact. The game will also have a version (even if its not the same) on 3DS. No the first game that has a shot at pushing a significant number of Wii U's is Pikmin 3.
The latest LEGO game actually is a mover of console hardware. Unfortunately for Nintendo, that game is called Minecraft and is currently selling Xbox 360s.
Pikmin 3 isn't going to move squat.


Can you imagine those guys getting Wii U sales as well?

Oh god...I'm a bit scared for the industry right now.

If the Ouya is the most successful hardware launch of the year, I might literally cry myself to sleep. It would mean that I would be irrevocably marginalized as a consumer in this industry.


Another thing about the Wii U is that it, at the very least, has a future. We know that Smash Bros., a 3D Mario, Mario Kart, X, Zelda, and Bayonetta 2 are coming eventually. In the shorter term, we have MH, Lego, W101, and Pikmin 3. (I'm sure I'm forgetting something.)

If you didn't pick up a Wii U in November, you sure as hell weren't going to pick one up in January.

However, what about this November? It's looking like a better console... minus the launch of the PS480.
Judging by the sales of anything Metal Gear related since 4, I don't know if the brand is all that strong anymore.

I'd wager far more things against MGS: Rising (action instead of stealth, Poochie instead of Snake) than for it.

Peace walker is the only metal gear I can think of since 4 and that's more the fault of psp.


It will bomb hard. GOW3 did 1.1 million in its first month, and I'm looking at around 300k for GOW:A.
I don't think the drop will be that steep, but the lack of number will hurt it. GoW: Judgement is going to suffer the same fate, not all ironically. It will still outsell Rising though.
Sad day, sucks because the system has alot of charm, I just love the thing and hope it starts to pick up sells, also people lauging and mocking is pretty sad also, Nintendo has been great for a very long time and I think theyll bounce back.
I agree with what you said pretty much. Wii was lightning in a bottle. I'm not trying to prop up Wii Sports as a game, just as an experience. It is what sold the Wii. NSMB and Mario Kart Wii sold 20 million copies on the back of Wii sports. People who normally would not have bought a console for those games had one thanks to Wii sports and resort and Fit. Those people have no reason to buy a Wii u. A lot of them got their "gaming fix" during the height of the Wii/Rock Band fad and probably don't even play video games much anymore. There is nothing compelling about it to them, and Wind Waker HD or another NSMB or another Smash Bros won't change that.

i fully subscribe this post, even posted the same ideas many times.

Wii Fit and Wii Sports sold the Wii to the audiences, nothing involving Mario or Zelda had anything to do with it.

the Wii U has neither a novelty gimmick nor a Wii Sports type killer to attract casual crowds, right now it's aimed at the Nintendo faithful. last time a console had to be supported by them? sold 20 million, on a much healthier enviroment.

rdrr gnr

It will bomb hard. GOW3 did 1.1 million in its first month, and I'm looking at around 300k for GOW:A.
The way that game has been marketed has been atrocious, but it seems quality. I, too, think the first month sales will be worse, but it will do fine lifetime.
Another thing about the Wii U is that it, at the very least, has a future. We know that Smash Bros., a 3D Mario, Mario Kart, X, Zelda, and Bayonetta 2 are coming eventually. In the shorter term, we have MH, Lego, W101, and Pikmin 3. (I'm sure I'm forgetting something.)

If you didn't pick up a Wii U in November, you sure as hell weren't going to pick one up in January.

However, what about this November? It's looking like a better console... minus the launch of the PS480.

I agree. I think the biggest issue is that, compared to the loaded first months of the Wii, the Wii U is absolutely sparse with releases during the post-holiday season. That can cause some negative hype, as we are seeing here.

Also, third party support is all but gone at this point. At least the Wii was cheap thanks to the PS2 ports and super cheap releases. Now they don't even make those anymore. :/
"Wii U" not being "Wii 2" may be the single biggest error Nintendo's ever made.

It didn't even have to be Wii 2, but at least try and make the system look different and appear as a fresher brand. White plastic and the same font doesn't exactly scream "new experience come check me out!" when you walk by a kiosk.


i fully subscribe this post, even posted the same ideas many times.

Wii Fit and Wii Sports sold the Wii to the audiences, nothing involving Mario or Zelda had anything to do with it.

the Wii U has neither a novelty gimmick nor a Wii Sports type killer to attract casual crowds, right now it's aimed at the Nintendo faithful. last time a console had to be supported by them? sold 20 million, on a much healthier enviroment.

It also helped that at least in the case of Wii Sports, the software was SOLID and offered a new experience to gamers.
People assume that the next PS and Xbox will be fine, because they're selling now, but I don't know how likely that people picking up a console now will be to buy one come Christmas.

Besides, if both are available in the US for Christmas either one will cannabilse the other, or they'll both sell average. Few people will be able to afford both, I imagine. Especially if they share many of their games.


Apparently this one?

The software is iffy at best and clearly isn't moving the numbers anyone expected or hoped. Wii U got tagged with the "Games that aren't as good as they are anywhere else" label early and aggressive pricing is the only way to work around that right now.

Aggressive pricing would only work if it was for the console. Just discounting games isn't enough, as people would still need to spend far more on the console than they would on the game(s). Also, I just think that 2 months is way too early to start discounting software regardless of platform.


I suppose so. It really depends if the Monster Hunter hardcore has bought their Wii U yet. But yeah, I meant to lump MH, Lego, and NFSMWU with March (even though the latter is a late—albeit impressive—port).

The numbers for March will be telling...

NFS is a total non-factor. sub ~20,000. I'll see the WiiU jump to the 100,00 range for march, but that's it.

The nearly unprecedented lack of 3rd party support might really be a death stroke here. Even the Gamecube wasn't this bad off, as has been covered.


Because Itsuno wanted to make DD and Capcom wanted to keep the name of DMC fresh. And Inafune had a hard on for the West. It's like why they made Operation RC... I mean it's not like RE5 was a bomba and it needed a Western take.

Never did get that. With Resident Evil they've been quite content to distinguish between the major REs and the minor ones. They went as far as announcing RE6 before ORC hit the streets. With DmC, they razed the previous franchise and created a point of no return.

They threw out the "white hair" crowd (though I still doubt it is that big), the previous console crowd (halving the frame rate) and specialist crow for the NT fanbase and PC enthusiast crowd. Arguably the last group might save DmC, if they matched the console numbers it would still be pretty good.
Launch window will always be mostly ports and sparse amounts of new IP due to how everybody is getting accustomed to new hardware. There's no real way around that.

We could go back to the days of giving Japan a huge head start. Makes it hard to wait in the US, sure, but it sure makes the launch lineup look a lot better. People point to the Dreamcast as having an amazing launch, without considering the 9 months or so it was available before hitting the US.

rdrr gnr

release date is month from now. What kind of marketing were you expecting two months before the release?
Single-player first. Only now is SP having appeal. Look at how little traction the MP beta received here on GAF. I'm responsible for half the goddamn posts in that thread. I think they fucked up hype levels -- but that's okay in the long run. The game will break 2M easy.


It's the opposite problem. The Vita definitely had a targeted market. That market doesn't want it. The Wii U is supposed to be for everyone. Instead, it's a jumbled mess of ideas for no one.

I'll be honest and admit that I don't understand who the tablet function is for.

I think that the "about as powerful as the 360/PS3" aspect of the machine is the same, though. Nintendo seems to think that being equally as powerful will bring over the people who complained about the Wii not being HD.
Nintendoland would have benefited by supporting Oculus Rift. Make me feel like I'm actually at a Nintendo theme park instead of making me feel like I showed up to a mini-game festival without the right controllers.
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