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NPD Sales Results for April 2010

PepsimanVsJoe said:
Wow NPD fuck you too.

Shameful month btw. Then again my only contribution was one of those PS3s and a bunch of used games.
Why do people keep saying the sales were horrible this month? Look at last year's sales. Its a normal pattern!


RustyNails said:
Why do people keep saying the sales were horrible this month? Look at last year's sales. Its a normal pattern!

I imagine everyone saying 'wow awful sales' is a part of the pattern. :lol


Skiesofwonder said:
But yet you say that MHTri (a well known franchise title with a huge advertising campaign and major backing by Nintendo) could of sold around 80k in its first month on a console that has sold over 28M units in America (more then double the PS3) and that is as good as we should of ever hoped for?

Well, to be fair, Monster Hunter is a well known franchise that people have utterly failed to give a crap about 5 times previously. In that context, 80k is pretty phenomenal.

You can claim that nobody knew about it those 5 times, but if that's the case, how can you call it a well known franchise?

ShockingAlberto said:
I am 80% positive it is a test case for Reginleiv.

:( How do I pass this test?

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Vinci said:
If that 126k number is right, that's pretty damn good for Tri. Way to go.

Everything outside of the DS, on the other hand, is pretty sad this month.

Is this number true tho? Has is been confirmed or anything?
I mean, that'd be really, really good.

I don't see that happening, sub 80k is more probable.
Also, I think the NA/EU fans are much different than the japanese ones, over there it's got a more casual.. nay, "social" appeal, over here it's a very specific niche&hardcore title instead.
So NA/EU -> frontloaded 90% LTD in its first month; while JPN -> massive legs


GraveRobberX said:
Every time I read a new NPD thread, it's the same bullshit thrown out by Arm Chair Sales Generals saying do this and do that.
Thank god the fucking industry doesn't listen to some of you, you guys are bat shit insane


neptunes said:
How Sony's trying to run a lucrative and healthy business and out-perform themselves year over year. Companies re-brand (or re-launch) their products and services for a reason. The PSP's momentum is all but gone.

It is an valid point, in a sense... but keep in mind that also applies to two other devices that sold less than last year... It is actually no different. PSP has been selling poorly in NA forever now.


Not that great, hardware-wise.... although we are used to record months, so this is a bit more of normality returning.

NPD being even more stingy with their numbers in the future? meh. I yearn for movie box office levels of transparency and we get less and less public info instead.

Also sad that the best game of last month didn't even crack the Top 10. :(


Haunted said:
No that great, hardware-wise.... although we are used to record months, so this is a bit more normality returning.

NPD being even more stingy with their numbers in the future? meh. I yearn for movie box office levels of transparency and we get less and less public info.

Also sad that the best game of last month didn't even crack the Top 10. :(
Just Cause 2?


Sales-Age Genius
Dash Kappei said:
Is this number true tho? Has is been confirmed or anything?
I mean, that'd be really, really good.

I don't see that happening, sub 80k is more probable.
That number is true. Have no doubt about this.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
I've blinded myself from everything S&P2 related(doubly so for SMG2) but if it's anything like S&P1 it's going to be a very difficult sale for anything approaching mainstream level.

More to the point. Is the story still weird and dark as shit?
oh yes. Weirder and more nonsensical than ever.


Dash Kappei said:
Is this number true tho? Has is been confirmed or anything?
I mean, that'd be really, really good.

I don't see that happening, sub 80k is more probable.

That's a good point, and well made.
schuelma said:
126K. Which is a substantial improvement on any other Monster Hunter in the United States. Not a breakout success, but far from the bomb you idiots were calling it 5 minutes ago.
As a comparison point, consider the lifetime sales of the first two PSP games, and the first-month sales of Freedom Unite.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite - 68k (June 2009 only, from the big leak that month)

(Numbers below as of January 2008)
Monster Hunter Freedom 1 - 129k
Monster Hunter Freedom 2 - 98k


legend166 said:
Can someone please hurry up and give NPD some (legitimate) competition?

What a crappy company.
How are they crappy? Don't apply fanboy logic to what they do. They don't just report on games.


legend166 said:
Can someone please hurry up and give NPD some (legitimate) competition?

What a crappy company.

Technically, NPD doesn't have to share any of their data if they don't wish to. They are paid for their tracking service data and have been accommodating enough to share some of that information with non-subscribers for press purposes.

NPD is a lot less "crappy" if you're willing to pay the xx amount of dollars each month for their full reports. The rest of us "armchair analysts" are happy just to get any numbers to break down and discuss.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
LQX said:
How are they crappy? Don't apply fanboy logic to what they do. They don't just report on games.

They're crappy because GAF expects everything for free all the time.


Petrae said:
Technically, NPD doesn't have to share any of their data if they don't wish to. They are paid for their tracking service data and have been accommodating enough to share some of that information with non-subscribers for press purposes.

Actually, most people probably pay for their analysis, not their numbers. Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony, at least, have fairly accurate tracking of their own numbers. Also, it's somewhat less convincing to say, "Haha! We're awesome!" without any backup than it is to have an independent 3rd party say, "These guys are awesome. We have numbers that prove it."

Of course, the flip side of that is, if we had complete access to their numbers, the gaf aggregate could probably provide analysis at least as good, if not better than what NPD can provide, so they have reason to protect their information.


Petrae said:
Technically, NPD doesn't have to share any of their data if they don't wish to. They are paid for their tracking service data and have been accommodating enough to share some of that information with non-subscribers for press purposes.

NPD is a lot less "crappy" if you're willing to pay the xx amount of dollars each month for their full reports. The rest of us "armchair analysts" are happy just to get any numbers to break down and discuss.

I wonder what NPD would do if someone tried to leak the info. Probably make them disappear...
It's definitely spring. Splinter Cell did better than expected though. I think they were helped by having a lot of $40 sales everywhere near launch.

Hardware is down, but that's normal. The PSP numbers are bad, guys. Just bad. That system needs something. I don't know what, but something. A drop to $100 would be a good start.


Opus Angelorum said:
Splinter Cell : Conviction numbers are very good considering how bad a month it was overall.

It is the best opening month for a Splinter Cell game ever, no? DA didn´t even cross 400k, IIRC.
Haunted said:
Not that great, hardware-wise.... although we are used to record months, so this is a bit more of normality returning.

NPD being even more stingy with their numbers in the future? meh. I yearn for movie box office levels of transparency and we get less and less public info instead.

Also sad that the best game of last month didn't even crack the Top 10. :(

Tri, did 125k, which is ok, I was hoping barely 100k or something so it's good, and well Europeans superior taste shows yet again, Tri did crack in the Top 10 here...


I think MH3 should do well in the long run (wasn't it released near month-end anyway?).
It's the kind of game someone might talk his buddy into getting so they can play online.
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