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NPD Sales Results for April 2010


  • Castlevania The Advenure Rebirth
  • Contra Rebirth
Has been available for months on the Wii... :p

In any case, ..I just don't get ..the drama across every game-related website/blog.."Something is wrong" "April 2010 are a disaster of epic proportions" OMG OMG..what are we supposed to do noW?!!?

Is like the weekly Media Create sales, were many expect weekly top sellers..and the moment that the chart is full of under 10k selling games...."Japan is doomed!

Now NPD Apri l2010..
There are slow months every year..some more than others..but geeze..so much overraction across "the internets".. :lol


supermackem said:
The thing is its doing well in japan isnt it, some people are so short sighted on npd threads kill this kill that even though its doing ok in other parts of the world.:lol

By other parts of the world, you only mean Japan. The system is literally dead everywhere else. Doing well in Japan does not make up for the fact that the system is dead in 90% of the other gaming markets. This is from both a software and HARDWARE perspective.


fernoca said:
  • Castlevania The Advenure Rebirth
  • Contra Rebirth
Has been available for months on the Wii... :p

Well there's also Contra 4 and Harmony of Despair (in addition to 3 new Castlevanias for the DS already).


AniHawk said:
Well there's also Contra 4 and Harmony of Despair (in addition to 3 new Castlevanias for the DS already).
Though he'll probably add at some point about how he meant "like New Super Mario Bros" ..entirely new..etc..

Or, say about that he meant on a "good console" or an "HD console"..and get banned for it.. :p


Segata Sanshiro said:
Ehn, I'll gladly admit it, I clearly low-balled the game, and I was wrong.

Sorry to: selig, Somnid, jrricky, Grotesque Beauty, Aaron Strife, gkryhewy, and Jerry Mathers as the Beaver.

Still more accurate than people predicting 1M LTD. :lol :lol


125k with bundles? I guess that's pretty ok.

chespace said:
They're crappy because GAF expects everything for free all the time.
No, it's because we're jealous of how the film industry handles it with public box office numbers and stuff.


Diffense said:
I think MH3 should do well in the long run (wasn't it released near month-end anyway?).
It's the kind of game someone might talk his buddy into getting so they can play online.
Don't get your hopes up for that one.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
dallow_bg said:
Bit much there.

It'll crawl to maybe 250.

You know what? That's a helluva lot better than I think anyone thought it would do, especially since the Wii isn't considered a "hardcore system" by most in the industry. I'm glad it sold well for what it is.


RustyNails said:
Why do people keep saying the sales were horrible this month? Look at last year's sales. Its a normal pattern!
It's not just GAF: http://www.industrygamers.com/news/...how-something-is-terribly-wrong-says-pachter/

  • The dollar sales level of $399 million is the lowest since May 2007, when this generation was barely underway;
  • the weakest April result since 2005, when console software sales totaled only $6 billion for the full year;
  • The sequential decline of 54% is the greatest in the 11 years that we have been tracking monthly data (except for December-January declines), dwarfing the previous record of 42% set in March-April 2002.
  • For the first 13 weeks of 2010, video game software sales averaged just under $162 million; for the four weeks of April, they averaged just under $100 million;


If it was any other game like conduit 2 for example i would 125k in it 1st week was very good for a 3rd party wii game, but considering the amount of advertising and work they put into it the 125k is little disappointing, something around 200k would have been better.


Scalpel Knight said:
This has probably been asked many times, but does NPD track sales from online retailers like Amazon?

They do track Amazon just not all online sales. What % of online sales no clue.
good to see the usual wannabe-hardcore gamer-dorks bashing a game which they never played before.

you make me sick

on topic:
I'm just glad DS continues doing so well.
awesome system with awesome games


Considering the absolute horrible numbers anyone wonder where the DS would be if the unknown factor that killed everything this month was not there?

I guess if MH3 did 125k it just missed the top10 :-/
I'd say that the biggest achievement MH could ever hope to do in NA, if the game is as good as we all think it is then it'll climb its way up

iamaustrian said:
good to see the usual wannabe-hardcore gamer-dorks bashing a game which they never played before.

Welcome to the internet


UPDATE 3-Sony shares slide as investors look beyond cost cuts
* Shares lost 6.8 pct, the largest fall in a year

* Annual operating profit forecast misses consensus by 23 pct

* Euro,lack of hit products capping share gain-fund managers

* Stringer should stay, reform slower w/out him-fund managers

By Kiyoshi Takenaka

TOKYO, May 14 (Reuters) - Sony Corp (6758.T) shares fell nearly 7 percent in their biggest tumble in a year after the electronics maker disappointed investors with a cautious forecast and worries mounted the euro could dull the pace of its recovery.

Sony, which once ruled the game and electronics industries with the PlayStation console, Walkman music player and Trinitron TV, is also struggling to regain its reputation as an innovator of hit products, clouding its long-term prospects.

Chief Executive Howard Stringer receives high marks from investors for cutting much of the fat out of the sprawling conglomerate through a series of major restructurings since the former journalist took the top job in 2005.

But it has fallen behind Apple (AAPL.O) in portable music players and Nintendo (7974.OS) in video games, while Samsung Electronics (005930.KS) is in a different league in terms of profitability. The South Korean rival's operating margin was 8 percent last year, four times Sony's forecast for this year.

"It seems to me they're barely managing to keep up," said Takeshi Osawa, senior fund manager at Norinchukin Zenkyoren Asset Management. "In the past they often developed new products with which to compete.. but at this point it seems they're just sort of making one product after another."

Sony returned to profit last year by shedding jobs, shutting plants and cutting procurement costs, and expects a fivefold jump in operating profit to 160 billion yen ($1.7 billion) this year, though that was a quarter below what the market was expecting.

Sony Chief Financial Officer Nobuyuki Oneda said that the potential impact of Greece's debt problems had not really been factored into its forecast. Another worry is a weaker euro, given Sony gets about a quarter of its sales from Europe.

The euro was trading at 115.94 yen EURJPY= on Friday, while Sony's earnings forecast, announced on Thursday, was based on an assumed euro/yen rate of 125 yen. A one yen appreciation against the euro reduces Sony's annual operating proift by 7 billion yen.

"There's just no way to tell which direction the euro will go from here. Under the circumstances, we cannot just chase Sony higher on hopes of continued earnings expansion," said Mitsushige Akino, chief fund manager at Ichiyoshi Investment Management.


Sony fell 6.8 percent to 2,950 yen on Friday, the sharpest percentage fall since last May and underperforming a 2.3 percent fall in the electrical machinery index .IELEC.T. Sony volume spiked to 23 million shares, nearly four times the average over the past month.

The sharp slide amid heavy volume suggests some investors are skeptical of Sony's ability to switch gears and capitalise on growth opportunities, rather than growing profits mainly through restructuring.

Chief Executive Howard Stringer believes the arrival of 3D film and television will likely play to Sony's strengths as both an electronics and entertainment company with a wide business portfolio that ranges from movies to theatre-use projectors.

Sony plans to offer 3D TVs and 3D-ready games in June. But it will be a few months behind Samsung and Panasonic Corp (6752.T) in bringing 3D TVs to market, and the earnings impact should be limited over the near term.

Friday's tumble, however, should not be viewed as a call from the stock market for Stringer's departure, fund managers said.

Stringer, a native of Wales and one of the few non-Japanese to head a major Japanese company, has worked hard to break down the barriers among various business groups within the company.

That effort, carried out under the "Sony United" slogan, helped ensure victory in the high-definition disc format war with Toshiba Corp (6502.T), when Sony's game, movie and electronics divisions threw their weight behind Blu-ray technology.

"He has been doing the right thing and his strategy and direction should be commended. I believe the market would like him to take care of Sony a while longer," said Naoki Fujiwara, fund manager at Shinkin Asset Management.

Although Stringer has not always managed to make drastic change at Sony, the pace of change would have been considerably slower under a Japanese boss, Ichiyoshi's Akino said.
What a doom and gloom article :(


iamaustrian said:
good to see the usual wannabe-hardcore gamer-dorks bashing a game which they never played before.

it´s really true. the "hardcore"-gamers here on gaf most used the term "hardcore" falsely for so long time that we´re now missing a proper term for MH3. In some reasonable alternative reality, MH3 would be a hardcore-game. But in this reality, where GTA, GoW and FF are hardcore, it cannot really be described.

Also, if the 125k figure is correct, that´s a good start.
Sony!!! I think its time for you to release that PSP emulator or PSP hardware unit so I can play your awesome PSP games on my f******g TV comfortably on my couch. I will pay as much as what you sell the PSP for. DO IT!!!


That's really good for Monters Hunter, at least I wans't expecting the game to sell that much.
I still have to pick my copy so I'll add to those numbers :D


Host Samurai said:
Sony!!! I think its time for you to release that PSP emulator or PSP hardware unit so I can play your awesome PSP games on my f******g TV comfortably on my couch. I will pay as much as what you sell the PSP for. DO IT!!!
Yeah All PSPs have done that for a while...


Host Samurai said:
Sony!!! I think its time for you to release that PSP emulator or PSP hardware unit so I can play your awesome PSP games on my f******g TV comfortably on my couch. I will pay as much as what you sell the PSP for. DO IT!!!
Hm, now that you mention it why does the PSP not have an emulator on PC like comparable systems? GBA, DS, DC, Gamecube, PS2, Wii... but no PSP emu!


What a terrible NPD month and thread....
donny2112 said:
Unless they bomb/overship, and then they do. e.g. Animal Crossing, Excitebots, NPC.
I saw Excitebots and Animal Crossing for $53.99 +tax in NY on Monday and I was like WTF, no!!
TheOddOne said:

The article is true really. Sony's fall from grace has been quite spectacular as it happened so rapidly and can be seen in pretty much every single one of its major product lines. In discussions here, we often trot out little victories like the Slim, a profitable PS3 four years into this generation, or even the PSP in Japan as a sign of change or hope but I wonder about the meaning of all that when the company itself is severely ill.


Haunted said:
Hm, now that you mention it why does the PSP not have an emulator on PC like comparable systems? GBA, DS, DC, Gamecube, PS2, Wii... but no PSP emu!
Same reason there isn't a good one for the Xbox I suppose? Small demand since it generally doesn't have a lot of big exclusives.
There is an emulator for PSP called JCPSP, but I haven't used it so I don't know if it's any good or not. The compatability seems pretty low judging by the compatability guide in their forums, but some noteworthy games such as Crisis Core are playable.


Haunted said:
Hm, now that you mention it why does the PSP not have an emulator on PC like comparable systems? GBA, DS, DC, Gamecube, PS2, Wii... but no PSP emu!

There's games that actually interest people on the systems you quoted so there's your reason for a working emulator for them, seeing psp software sales I can't say they're on the same league there

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
The problem with MHT is that they didn't release enough bundles!

I can't find one at any GS nearby. Hate GS, but I have credit I want to put toward it.


Dascu said:
Same reason there isn't a good one for the Xbox I suppose? Small demand since it generally doesn't have a lot of big exclusives.
Mael said:
There's games that actually interest people on the systems you quoted so there's your reason for a working emulator for them, seeing psp software sales I can't say they're on the same league there
Damn, you guys are harsh. Poor PSP.


Quadrangulum said:
The article is true really. Sony's fall from grace has been quite spectacular as it happened so rapidly and can be seen in pretty much every single one of its major product lines. In discussions here, we often trot out little victories like the Slim, a profitable PS3 four years into this generation, or even the PSP in Japan as a sign of change or hope but I wonder about the meaning of all that when the company itself is severely ill.

Let's save a phrase like "severely ill" for corporations on the verge of bankruptcy or insolvency, which no one is suggesting of Sony.

I think a more measured description would be: Sony is in danger of falling behind their competitors in virtually every product market, which will stifle future growth opportunities, which in turn puts them at risk of takeover or M&A down the line.

The way to stimey these concerns is for Sony to reinvent themselves. They still have time to do that. The problem -- that is, the reason share prices just fell -- is that there are no signs of a convincing reinvinention. Restructuring handles the immediate losses, but it doesn't remove the core problems that got you in trouble in the first place.
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