How is it suspicious this month when they haven't been doing it for years? PS4 has been in the lead every month minus December. There's literally nothing you can read into them not giving numbers out.
I'm sorry, I don't want to go around in circles with you, but not providing numbers and still claiming victory is very suspicious. Just as suspicious as combining console hardware in your quarterly and yearly fiscal reports. This is common sense. Only fanboys would be offended by such obvious logic.
I just want to know the actual numbers. It's not too much to ask. Even though I am a junior member I have been watching GAF for years. I remember the glory days of NPD threads when we got numbers for everything. It was immediately suspicious when Sony hardware dropped off the map, and it happened just as the Wii and the 360 were starting to rival the PS3 in North America.
So I'm sure you can see why I feel as I do.