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NPD Sales Results for December 2007


Eeny Meenie Penis
WoolyNinja said:
Worldwide the PS3 is sitting pretty. If you look at the PS2 #'s... the US makes up less than 1/4 (less than 45mil) of the 200mil+ PS2's sold.

The PS3 is already doing well worldwide for it's first year. US sales aren't as big a deal as most want to believe. It's a big world out there, and companies know that.

Uh.... ...? Check your numbers man.
schuelma said:
Zack and Wiki was going to bomb on whatever platform it was on. But ok, from a games perspective, then sure.

MP..I'd say its doing what it should be expected to do. It will beat MP2 and approach 1.

So the question "no-one was able to answer" wasn't all that difficult to answer.

jman2050 said:
Much like Uncharted and Ratchet?

Every NPD thread there's cries of worldwide sales (NPD is North America) and "look at 2008". This time next year we'll be hearing talk of worldwide sales and "look at 2009"... and 3 of the 5 top-selling "games" of the past year will probably be games that haven't been so much as announced yet (the other two being Brawl and GTAIV).

I put "games" in quotes for a reason. You know what it is. :lol


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
IronicallyTwisted said:
So the question "no-one was able to answer" wasn't all that difficult to answer.

Maybe I phrased it wrong- in relation to reasonable sales expectations, what games have sold a lot less than they were supposed to.

Zack and Wiki is your only real argument, and that's a pretty weak one.

MP is in line with the rest of the series, period.
schuelma said:
Maybe I phrased it wrong- in relation to reasonable sales expectations, what games have sold a lot less than they were supposed to.

Zack and Wiki is your only real argument, and that's a pretty weak one.

How can we define what something is "supposed" to sell? A game always sells exactly what it should at a given moment, because thats the market reality. If we are talking about game quality, I redirect you to MP3 and Z&W.


IronicallyTwisted said:
I'd go with "port" and "sub par rail shooter". Where is the real next Resident Evil game going again?
Sub par or not, that rail shooter is selling above Capcoms expectations. I'm very hyped for RE5 on HD systems, but I would also love to see a new RE game based on the RE4 engine for Wii. With the success of the two RE games on Wii, it's not out of the question either.


WoolyNinja said:
the 200mil+ PS2's sold.


pr0cs said:
Maybe you're seeing something I'm not but the difference I'm seeing in these number pretty much makes the entire continent of Europe irrelevant in relation to PS3 vs 360.

The difference that the ps3 out sells the 360 in japan and europe more than makes up for the amount the 360 out sells the ps3 in america.


doicare said:
The difference that the ps3 out sells the 360 in japan and europe more than makes up for the amount the 360 out sells the ps3 in america.
monthly? I doubt that.. highly.
B-Rad Lascelle said:
Every NPD thread there's cries of worldwide sales (NPD is North America) and "look at 2008". This time next year we'll be hearing talk of worldwide sales and "look at 2009"... and 3 of the 5 top-selling "games" of the past year will probably be games that haven't been so much as announced yet (the other two being Brawl and GTAIV).

I put "games" in quotes for a reason. You know what it is. :lol

Wii Fit.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
IronicallyTwisted said:
How can we define what something is "supposed" to sell? A game always sells exactly what it should at a given moment, because thats the market reality. If we are talking about game quality, I redirect you to MP3 and Z&W.

Not getting you're MP3 argument really. We have data to be able to predict how it would do, and its doing what it was expected. I'll give you Zack and Wiki if we are purely talking game quality, but to ignore the fact that it was a terribly marketed title with a confusing appeal (hardcore puzzle game trapped in a cartoon) seems very disengenuous.


Holy shit at these numbers. All hardware are pretty impressive, DS over 2 million in a month is crazy!

I'm sure it's already been talked to death in this thread, but this should put to rest the whole argument about the 360 versions outselling them for the time being.
WoolyNinja said:
Worldwide the PS3 is sitting pretty. If you look at the PS2 #'s... the US makes up less than 1/4 (less than 45mil) of the 200mil+ PS2's sold.

The PS3 is already doing well worldwide for it's first year. US sales aren't as big a deal as most want to believe. It's a big world out there, and companies know that.
i hardly ever post in these threads, but wow...

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
schuelma said:
Not getting you're MP3 argument really. We have data to be able to predict how it would do, and its doing what it was expected. I'll give you Zack and Wiki if we are purely talking game quality, but to ignore the fact that it was a terribly marketed title with a confusing appeal (hardcore puzzle game trapped in a cartoon) seems very disengenuous.

So you want me to find games that were poorly predicted? MP3 was an awesome game and it didn't sell well. Z&W was a very good game and it didn't sell well. Of course, i'm not really making a point here, I just rose to your challenge.


doicare said:
The difference that the ps3 out sells the 360 in japan and europe more than makes up for the amount the 360 out sells the ps3 in america.
And you know this how, exactly?


oneHeero said:
Some people just like to say they are abd numbers no matter what. I mean 800k @ 400-500 bucks, but its still just "ok" when being compared to 250-350 bucks.

You don't get to disregard price when seeing what a console "should" sell. Saying "oh, well, PS3 is 100 dollars more expensive, of course it's going to get outsold," is like saying, "oh, the PS3 has a shitty library, of course it's going to get outsold."


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
IronicallyTwisted said:
How can we define what something is "supposed" to sell? A game always sells exactly what it should at a given moment, because thats the market reality. If we are talking about game quality, I redirect you to MP3 and Z&W.

Grasping for fucking straws
Grecco said:
Someone tell EA this. Because im pretty sure Boogie bombed. Or alternatively tell Capcom that RE4/UC is a mini game collaboration. Or Ubisoft on Red Steel, or Square soft on DQ Swords.
Thank you.

The simple truth is that a lot more 3rd parties have seen million sellers on the Wii then have on the PS3. GH3 was just another of a string.

That's in spite of the shovelware mentality. Meanwhile, Sony has problems selling 1st party wares, let alone 3rd party. And even trying to turn it into a Casual vs Core comes out on the side of Core over Casual with the Wii, especially in America, and seemingly in Europe.


IronicallyTwisted said:
I'd go with "port" and "sub par rail shooter". Where is the real next Resident Evil game going again?

That decision was made way back in 2005, so I don't see your point at all. It's not like Capcom decided to place RE5 on the PS3 and 360 because they were disappointed with their Wii RE efforts.
B-Rad Lascelle said:
Every NPD thread there's cries of worldwide sales (NPD is North America) and "look at 2008". This time next year we'll be hearing talk of worldwide sales and "look at 2009"... and 3 of the 5 top-selling "games" of the past year will probably be games that haven't been so much as announced yet (the other two being Brawl and GTAIV).

I put "games" in quotes for a reason. You know what it is. :lol
animal crossing is a non-game?

no, really, i don't know what it is


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
IronicallyTwisted said:
So you want me to find games that were poorly predicted? MP3 was an awesome game and it didn't sell well. Z&W was a very good game and it didn't sell well. Of course, i'm not really making a point here, I just rose to your challenge.

What is your definition of "selling well" It's comfortably over 500K in the U.S, and for a game like MP I don't see how that can be considered selling poorly.


As a 360 owner exclusively at the moment, I continue to be most pleased with the sofware sales. In a generation where the financial side of the industry is getting more attention than ever before, if you are a developer making a 'real' game with a substantial budget you just can't ignore the 360. The console could fail to sell another unit but when you have so many multi-million selling games, even more million selling games, and even a $200 game moving steadily towards platinum status, you are going to get content..period. Looking ahead to 2009 and 2010 the games that release in those years are in the early stages right now and with the 360 putting up these godly software numbers one would have to think that most would fall to the system's direction.


wow, the DS sales are great. It's not that shocking. When we were flying home for the holidays, we brought two of our DS's and played them on the plane. Most everyone around us had a DS, or talked about the DS they left back at home. It's like the iPod of gaming.


WoolyNinja said:
Worldwide the PS3 is sitting pretty. If you look at the PS2 #'s... the US makes up less than 1/4 (less than 45mil) of the 200mil+ PS2's sold.

The PS3 is already doing well worldwide for it's first year. US sales aren't as big a deal as most want to believe. It's a big world out there, and companies know that.

What console in existence has even approached 200 million units?
tanod said:
Just a quick FYI for all other Sales-Agers:

Resistance (world-wide) is at "over 2 million copies sold through"

It was on the Insomniac podcast that came out today.

According to NPD (the topic of this thread), Resistance still has not obtained a million in sales in the US. The big winner of that title for first million seller for the PS3 in the states will go to COD4.
schuelma said:
What is your definition of "selling well" It's comfortably over 500K in the U.S, and for a game like MP I don't see how that can be considered selling poorly.

I suppose my definition would be whatever I feel like, seeing as the prase "selling well" isn't exactly tangible.


IronicallyTwisted said:
Yes, we were joking about the limited 360 demographic a page back, and I certainly agree there is no PS2 of this generation that captures all audiences. I don't know how relevant Super Mario Galaxy is as a beacon of light for third parties considering its a Mario game which could very well just be selling to Nintendo fanatics as it always has. GH3 is still selling better on the 360, and its not a traditional game anyway. In fact, its pretty much the perfect game for the Wii audience.

I think one of the reasons Rock Band was left off the Wii for the time being was because of the games online focus, which Wii owners lack. It would have sold better than the PS3 version, though it would also require a much heftier software revision to get the game running on the Wii's hardware.

Whats selling on the system now are cheap mini game collaborations and Nintendo releases. The fact remains that big development studios are working on the 360 and co. which would indicate the head honchos at these publishing companies agree with me.

Well, it's true that SMG could well be selling to the same old fanatics, but the fact that it outsold SMSunshine's first several months in just two might indicate that there are some new fanatic gamers that didn't exist before, or that some Nintendo fanatics have "returned" after skipping out last generation (I'm not a Nintendo "fanatic", but I guess I'd count as well - I skipped the N64 and GC generations but bought SMG since I own a Wii). These are still traditional gamers, and even during the N64 and GC eras they weren't averse to a well-made third-party effort (RE4 being the biggest example).

And on Rock Band - um, they just released a version on PS2, which has even worse online and lower hardware capabilities...I seriously don't know what EA was thinking.

On what "sells" on the Wii, I won't deny that it's been largely dominated by first-party releases and mini-games, but I think we tend to focus too much on what charts in the top 10 while ignoring the other releases in the top 30 or cumulative sales. Lego Star Wars sold relatively well for Wii last month; Tiger Woods '08 has put in respectable numbers, etc. In fact, they've probably sold comparably to or better than their 360/PS3 counterparts.

And while it's true that the major U.S. studios are concentrating their big-budget releases on 360/PS3, and probably will for some time, I just can't see the same situation happening with major Japanese publishers for the long-term. I know some forum members think Japanese publishers are "irrelevant" or have "fallen behind", but they still pay a great deal of attention to releases by Konami, Square, Capcom, Sega, etc. Some Japanese publishers (like Capcom) will probably be fine no matter who they support, but I'd say that for most Japanese publishers who are worried about generating sales in the market they know best, the 360, and increasingly the PS3, are simply not viable options.
NeoUltima said:
Huh...In NA multiplats on ps3 tend to sell 1/3 of those on 360. (For example, 500k CoD4 ps3 and 1.5m CoD4 360) Considering its userbase is also 1/3 the 360's, they aren't that bad. Actually, AC had a higher attach ratio to Ps3 in Nov, than it did the 360. As for exclusive, Uncharted sold 323,000 in Dec+Nov. Mass Effect sold, 874,000. Uncharted actually has a slightly better attach rate than Mass Effect. Not to mention Mass Effect had built up a lot of hype prior to release; Uncharted, not so much. If both consoles had the same userbase, I would bet the software sales would be damn similar.
For perspective, never in the PS2's life did it sell multiplatform software at a rate equal to it's userbase percentage.
the US makes up less than 1/4 (less than 45mil) of the 200mil+ PS2's sold.

I know the 200mil is off by about 80 mil but is the 45 mil sold in the US correct? If thats true, I had no idea how important the US market was for Sony.
WoolyNinja said:
Worldwide the PS3 is sitting pretty. If you look at the PS2 #'s... the US makes up less than 1/4 (less than 45mil) of the 200mil+ PS2's sold.

The PS3 is already doing well worldwide for it's first year. US sales aren't as big a deal as most want to believe. It's a big world out there, and companies know that.

The PS2 has shipped about 120 million WW, and sold about 40+ million US, 40+ million PAL, 20+ million Japan.

US sales are kind of a big deal. Once again, and I've made this point just about every month, MS has sold more 360's in North America than Sony has sold PS3's worldwide, by nearly a million units. That's not insignificant.

Well, it's been said before, but the 360's software sales successes tend to be of a very specific type - M-rated, massively budgeted "hardcore" games with lots of advertising and hype, etc. For those types of games, there've certainly been more than a number of million sellers, and that won't stop anytime soon.

But the games industry isn't solely composed of those types of games. There are puzzle games, family games, platformers, (j)RPGs, etc. Those really haven't had a presence on the charts for the 360.

360 doesn't have casual/family hits?

What about Guitar Hero, Rock Band, FIFA, Pro Evo, Forza, Need for Speed, Burnout, Marvel UA, Spiderman 3, MLB 2k, Simpsons, and Madden?

Rhythm, sports, racing games, and licensed shitware seems to be selling pretty well on 360 as well. And XBLA has provided a nice alternative for devs seeking low-budget puzzle games and 2D action games (TMNT was the #1 game of 2007).


Nameless said:
when you have so many multi-million selling games, even more million selling games, and even a $200 game moving steadily towards platinum status, you are going to get content..period.
The funny thing is I remember people saying "launching first means nothing, brand recognition is everything and the 100+ million PS2 gamers will stick with the brand they know" seems really foolish now.
this generation in North America will be won on games and price alone. Launching first means you will likely control both.
IronicallyTwisted said:
I suppose my "definition" would be whatever I feel like, seeing as the prase "selling well" isn't exactly tangible.
Well if you want to take "selling well" as hitting over a million units then the 360 has 33, the Wii has 14, and the PS3 has 3.

Off the top of my head. The vast majority for the 360 are 3rd party, about six for the Wii are 3rd party, and maybe one of those three for the PS3 are 3rd party. The most profitable options are obvious.


Sho_Nuff82 said:
360 doesn't have casual/family hits?

What about Guitar Hero, Rock Band, FIFA, Pro Evo, Forza, Need for Speed, Burnout, Marvel UA, Spiderman 3, MLB 2k, Simpsons, and Madden?

Rhythm, sports, racing games, and licensed shitware seems to be selling pretty well on 360 as well. And XBLA has provided a nice alternative for devs seeking low-budget puzzle games and 2D action games (TMNT was the #1 game of 2007).

GHIII and Rock Band I'll give you, even if they are massively budgeted/hyped games. I don't remember Simpsons 360 selling that well, or Spiderman 3 for that matter (I thought it did best on PS2? Maybe I'm remembering wrong for both).

But are we really categorizing FIFA, Pro Evo, Forza, Need for Speed, Burnout, MLB 2K and Madden as "casual" titles now? Then why the heck have NeoGAF members been complaining so much about "casual" gamers if that's what causal meant? I don't think sports games and racers fall within the "casual" definition (which is admittedly subjective), and those types of games are still targeted at a pretty specific demographic - male, 18-34 years old, which the 360 has no lack of. There are other demographics that publishers might hope to get sales from as well...(kids and females specifically).
jgwhiteus said:
Well, it's true that SMG could well be selling to the same old fanatics, but the fact that it outsold SMSunshine's first several months in just two might indicate that there are some new fanatic gamers that didn't exist before, or that some Nintendo fanatics have "returned" after skipping out last generation (I'm not a Nintendo "fanatic", but I guess I'd count as well - I skipped the N64 and GC generations but bought SMG since I own a Wii). These are still traditional gamers, and even during the N64 and GC eras they weren't averse to a well-made third-party effort (RE4 being the biggest example).

And on Rock Band - um, they just released a version on PS2, which has even worse online and lower hardware capabilities...I seriously don't know what EA was thinking.

On what "sells" on the Wii, I won't deny that it's been largely dominated by first-party releases and mini-games, but I think we tend to focus too much on what charts in the top 10 while ignoring the other releases in the top 30 or cumulative sales. Lego Star Wars sold relatively well for Wii last month; Tiger Woods '08 has put in respectable numbers, etc. In fact, they've probably sold comparably to or better than their 360/PS3 counterparts.

And while it's true that the major U.S. studios are concentrating their big-budget releases on 360/PS3, and probably will for some time, I just can't see the same situation happening with major Japanese publishers for the long-term. I know some forum members think Japanese publishers are "irrelevant" or have "fallen behind", but they still pay a great deal of attention to releases by Konami, Square, Capcom, Sega, etc. Some Japanese publishers (like Capcom) will probably be fine no matter who they support, but I'd say that for most Japanese publishers who are worried about generating sales in the market they know best, the 360, and increasingly the PS3, are simply not viable options.

I forgot about the PS2 version of Rock Band, so my speculation before was pretty much worthless. It should have been on the Wii, for sure. Theres nothing I disagree with here, except that I think 360/PS3 sales will be close to Wii sales at the end of the generation, and that third parties will stick with the 360/PS3 over the Wii. But thats just my cocktail of hopes, dreams and crystal balls.
Son.Ralph.Funk said:
So SMG has reached nongame status? Great! Congratulations Nintendo! You've got yet another nongame for one of your systems. :lol

On another note, when I first started visiting this site a number of months ago, the NPD threads were always filled with lots of funny gifs. What happened? Are they not allowed anymore? They were my favourite threads on all the internetz.

Mod's banned gif posting in the NPD thread for one month and it hasn't been the same since...it has taken alot of fun out of the sales threads imo.
Thunder Monkey said:
Well if you want to take "selling well" as hitting over a million units then the 360 has 33, the Wii has 14, and the PS3 has 3.

Off the top of my head. The vast majority for the 360 are 3rd party, about six for the Wii are 3rd party, and maybe one of those three for the PS3 are 3rd party. The most profitable options are obvious.

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