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NPD Sales Results for December 2009

Begrudging congrats to the Wii, I'm surprised Sony eeked out a victory, I'm not sold that they will win month over month in 2010 though.

We, shall, see.
Just wow at those Wii numbers...

And I don't think it's unrealistic that Dec 2010 will yield 3m+ sales again with quite a lot of big software releases spread out through the year. Combine that with the next big casual title that Nintendo have in store(wii vitality sensor?) and we have a winner.


formerly cjelly
Tylahedras said:
Begrudging congrats to the Wii, I'm surprised Sony eeked out a victory, I'm not sold that they will win month over month in 2010 though.

We, shall, see.
I'm surprised it's that close, really, considering Microsoft didn't even turn up this Christmas.


grandjedi6 said:
Is the Wii userbase was so discerning, then why do shitty titles like Game Party sell over a million? The truth is the Wii userbase is not discerning at all. And that makes sense: when you have an install base as large and demographically like the Wii's, its userbase is going to be undiscerning for the most part (though there exists high potential that the userbase will become discerning after a while, hence why shitty minigame collections don't sell on the Wii anymore).

Still in the process of reading the thread, but this is getting too stupid:
WHAT is that "Wii userbase" you´re talking about? There were many, many shitty games that sold well on PS2, simply because of its enormous install base. But that´s got NOTHING to do with the potential sales for "gamers games" (what a shit term).

You think the Wii's "gamer" demographic is about the same amount as the PS360's?!:lol


Its such a silly argument though. On one hand people while argue that the Wii's hidden strength is that 3rd parties don't need big budgets but then on the other hand they'll complain about the Wii not having big budget games comparable to PS360 games. Its a catch-22.

No, its a matter of thinking about it for just a second. A high budget-Wii games is much cheaper than a high budget HD-game.

And really, what Wii-gamers (and Im talking about Wii-gamers that post on neogaf or other gaming boards) want are good games. That´s it. If there WERE several AAA-bombs on the Wii, you´d have reason to twist it into an argument, but there havent been any. People keep mentioning Little Kings Story, but guess what, that game isnt AAA, and neither did it have anything close to a high budget.
The high budget-AAA market on Wii is 99,9% unexplored by third parties. The only exception so far is Monster Hunter 3, which beat EVERY PS2-MH by several 100k´s.

Give the Wii an exclusive Resident Evil 6, using slightly improved RE4 assets, and you have a multi-million seller. Give it a real Final Fantasy and it will sell. And ffs, Konami, make Zone of the Enders 3 for Wii, using gorgeous cel-shading. It´d be perfect for both the wiimote and motionplus.
But that´s not happening. Capcom will put out crappy ports, SE will ignore the Wii and Konami will release another PES Wii without marketing and releasing it after the HD-versions.

"If we wait it´ll just go away."
That seems to be third parties way of thinking. And im more than happy that it´s not working out.


The Wii definitely does not excite me or gives me much interest at all BUT I can DEFINITELY appreciate that Nintendo is vastly expanding the videogames market. Great job and my hats off to them for that.


If you are a Wii owner and post on GAF and other gaming boards, I would hope you'd have a 360, PS3, or PC that was built in the last 3 years.


Junior Member
Firestorm said:
If you are a Wii owner and post on GAF and other gaming boards, I would hope you'd have a 360, PS3, or PC that was built in the last 3 years.

The PC platform is not indicative of your status as a gamer.
selig said:
That's really just bad math on your part.

The high budget-AAA market on Wii is 99,9% unexplored by third parties. The only exception so far is Monster Hunter 3, which beat EVERY PS2-MH be several 100k´s.
Well, no it's not. Just the high budget exclusive market. There's a handful of respectable multiplatform efforts on the Wii, and I think ultimately that is what is going to have to satisfy. I think the vast majority of companies are afraid of losing the prestige associated with their easy money franchises, that's why they make sure to go with the full tilt HD sequels and neglect the untraditional console/handheld. I think we've established that their MO has traditionally been to throw shit at a wall and run with what sticks. They are just afraid of their shit loosing adhesion.


Wii is officially a zombie in my book, nothing can kill it and it keeps going even when everyone thinks it's dead.


jeremy1456 said:
The PC platform is not indicative of your status as a gamer.

I'd say it's more indicative than anything else. I always laugh at all these moron fanboys arguing other whether a game looks better on the 360 or PS3 without even owning a PC.


Haha, wow. 3.8 million Wii systems. Wonder where all those analysts and third parties who were pointing at the YOY decline in system sales are drowning their bitter tears into tonight.


Everything is tsundere to me
selig said:
No, its a mater of thinking about it for just a second. A high budget-Wii games is much cheaper than a high budget HD-game.

And really, what Wii-gamers (and Im talking about Wii-gamers that post on neogaf or other gaming boards) want are good games. That´s it. If there WERE several AAA-bombs on the Wii, you´d have reason to twist it into an argument, but there havent. People keep mentioning Little Kings Story, but guess what, that game isnt AAA, and neither did it have anything close to a high budget.
The high budget-AAA market on Wii is 99,9% unexplored by third parties. The only exception so far is Monster Hunter 3, which beat EVERY PS2-MH be several 100k´s.

Give the Wii an exclusive Resident Evil 6, using slightly improved RE4 assets, and you have a multi-million seller. Give it a real Final Fantasy and it will see. And ffs, Konami, make Zone of the Enders 3 for Wii, using gorgeous cel-shading. It´d be perfect for both the wiimote and motionplus.
But that´s not happening. Capcom will put out crappy ports, SE will ignore the Wii and Konami will release another PES Wii without marketing and releasing it after the HD-versions.

"If we wait it´ll just go away."
That seems to be third parties way of thinking. And im more than happy that it´s not working out.
You know, you're right, Little King's Story isn't an AAA game. LKS is a GOD TIER SUPER ULTRA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-GAME. But one should not have expected it to sell because it's too good for that.

anyway, RE6 should show up on the Wii, but I don't think Capcom should feel it has to be exclusive, and should instead do what Na'gai suggested and lead it on the Wii, upscale for other consoles.

Konami, make Zone of the Enders 3 for Wii
This would put a number of GAFers on suicide watch. :lol


Looking forward to Silent Hill numbers, I reckon they made the right call going SD for this one (since the sales of SH5 were a bomb for a HD console, but would have been alright for SD - plus Shattered Memories is actually good)
selig said:
No, its a matter of thinking about it for just a second. A high budget-Wii games is much cheaper than a high budget HD-game.

"If we wait it´ll just go away."
That seems to be third parties way of thinking. And im more than happy that it´s not working out.

Actually the dev costs for a real MW2 for Wii would be equivalent. Or even more expensive because you have to reverse train the staff. The demand for visual fidelity and performance in the genre is so great you'd have to work damn hard to make it look and play slick. Almost all games with realistic visuals start that way and build downwards.

Marketing costs and publishing costs are identical no matter what console and that is over half your budget anyway.

It is working out for publishers. The number of games selling quite well over the last few months and even over the year is astonishing on the HD consoles. If a little known non marquee titles like Borderlands, Infamous, or Red Faction, have been lighting up sales over the year everyone should be doing pretty well, let alone the MW2s, AC2s, ODSTs, UC2s, and L4Ds, of the industry.

The industry is pretty healthly and I think most publishers in that space this year have had million plus sellers. This is going to continue into next year with its insane slate of titles. If 3rd parties are bitching about cast it isn't because of their efforts on the 360 or PS3.


Regulus Tera said:
Well, I don't think you're usually one of those people who bitches in topic after topic about not getting enough games on Wii so that should be fine. It's those people who really need to take a step back and realize they should be buying the system with the games they want rather than buying the system with the brand they worship.

jeremy1456 said:
The PC platform is not indicative of your status as a gamer.


Warm Machine said:
Actually the dev costs for a real MW2 for Wii would be equivalent. Or even more expensive because you have to reverse train the staff. The demand for visual fidelity and performance in the genre is so great you'd have to work damn hard to make it look and play slick. Almost all games with realistic visuals start that way and build downwards.
If this was true, then making a AAA HD game now would cost the same as making a AAA PS2 game would have 5 years ago. The costs have increased by 2-3 times.

That's just not how games are made. You overshoot by a little, yes, but you don't shoot for the sun when you only need to hit the moon.


Firestorm said:
Well, I don't think you're usually one of those people who bitches in topic after topic about not getting enough games on Wii so that should be fine. It's those people who really need to take a step back and realize they should be buying the system with the games they want rather than buying the system with the brand they worship.


handhelds don't exist now? I think there's that thing called the DEE ESS.

I haven't paid much attention to consoles outside of trying to get into the FFXIV beta, and I signed up for the PC one too.

firestorm, you're better than pandering like that. It's ok to be passionate and show preference, just don't be a retard about it.


tak said:
Wii is officially a zombie in my book, nothing can kill it and it keeps going even when everyone thinks it's dead.

:lol good description

The wii is really strange. Two different relative families of me bought a wii at christmas. i tried to tell them about some good "games" but they are only interested in games with "fit", "party" etc. in the title. They don't even want Mario Galaxy :(


Firestorm said:
Well, I don't think you're usually one of those people who bitches in topic after topic about not getting enough games on Wii so that should be fine. It's those people who really need to take a step back and realize they should be buying the system with the games they want rather than buying the system with the brand they worship.


Who exactly is bitching that Wii doesn't get enough games?
Donos said:
:lol good description

The wii is really strange. Two different relative families of me bought a wii at christmas. i tried to tell them about some good "games" but they are only interested in games with "fit", "party" etc. in the title. They don't even want Mario Galaxy :(
I have this problem when friends buy the 360! They only want Modern Warfare and Army of Two and don't really give a shit about Tales of Vesperia and EDF. :(


Junior Member
donny2112 said:
So the Wii was down 5.6% on the year. With all the "doom" and "Wii's bubble is deflating" articles, that's got to be pretty embarrassing for a lot of gaming media.

To be fair sales didn't really pickup until the price drop.

Not to mention noone could have predicted nearly 4 million sales for December.
legend166 said:
I'd say it's more indicative than anything else. I always laugh at all these moron fanboys arguing other whether a game looks better on the 360 or PS3 without even owning a PC.

He didn't come back to clarify so I could be wrong, but it's possible that he meant that one could have a PC from the last few years that isn't used for games. So just having a decent PC doesn't indicate that a person is a gamer, where having a 360/PS3 would.

That said, it's a strange point and I'm not sure I see why it's relevant.

Yes Boss!

Regulus Tera said:
You know what's funny? I still haven't bought Mario Kart Wii.

I want to, I just keep postponing it for whatever reasons. I wonder if there are people like myself all around.

I bought it day one (with an extra wheel) but never played it. And, yeah, I'm about as big of Nintendo consumer out there. Did log about 50 hours in Excite Bots and, though.


jim-jam bongs said:
He didn't come back to clarify so I could be wrong, but it's possible that he meant that one could have a PC from the last few years that isn't used for games. So just having a decent PC doesn't indicate that a person is a gamer, where having a 360/PS3 would.

That said, it's a strange point and I'm not sure I see why it's relevant.

Because obviously you can only enjoy video games as a hobby if you own an HD console. The past 30 years of gaming don't mean shit, you know?


Warm Machine said:
The industry is pretty healthly

no, it´s really not. And you´re delusional if you keep insisting on "down training", wtf

theBishop said:
What is a "real final fantasy" in 2010? Is Crisis Core "real final fantasy"?

FF15. Wasnt that hard to figure out, was it.

Firestorm said:
Well, I don't think you're usually one of those people who bitches in topic after topic about not getting enough games on Wii so that should be fine. It's those people who really need to take a step back and realize they should be buying the system with the games they want rather than buying the system with the brand they worship.

This is a sales age-topic. And that´s the great thing about sales: They´re not open to personal opinion. So what current sales are telling, is: 3rd parties are not putting the right software on the Wii.
Now, what that "right software" is, is open to discussion, but seeing how there´s simply nothing on par with their HD-efforts, it´s pretty clear imo. Also, beyond all the sales-talk, it IS pretty ignorant to tell a 50 mio. install base´s audience to buy another system. THere´s not 50 mio. soccer moms. And it´s not as if Nintendo´s own "core games" havent sold millions...they have.

It´s amusing how some people honestly think there´s a conspiracy against third-parties and people buying only Nintendo games just because. Someone already explained it: Brand loyalty is something that´s earned. That´s where third parties have f***** up big time, and that´s where they have to start from new.


Hero said:
Who exactly is bitching that Wii doesn't get enough games?
Exactly. People (well, myself, for one) are simply trying to understand the inverse relationship between Wii hardware sales and third-party support, and trying to understand a market that is considered "unpredictable" and stupid by third-party publishers.

Western third party developers have undergone huge losses in the past year, and I don't think the economy itself can be blamed. Wanting third parties to enjoy excellent profits (not just excellent if slightly narrow sales) is not bitching in the least.
Hero said:
Because obviously you can only enjoy video games as a hobby if you own an HD console. The past 30 years of gaming don't mean shit, you know?

Hey I don't disagree with your point, but my interpretation was that he was just making a distinction between gaming devices and devices that can play games.


Karma said:
How do you know the numbers in Europe? Also, Software and profit is the only numbers that matter.
Sony publishes their worldwide numbers for their investors every quarter and sometimes -like in E3, CES- they mention their WW sales. They became public.

We can extrapolate "European" numbers substracting NA and JAP numbers from these wordwide numbers.

These numbers for the investors are the real ones, they obviously won't lie to them. We know this numbers up to 30th September 2009. At the end of the month we will see the results of the quarter ending 31th Dec 2009.


PSGames said:
To be fair sales didn't really pickup until the price drop.

Not to mention noone could have predicted nearly 4 million sales for December.

Sales didn't pick up after the price drop. It spiked but was still down yoy for several months. That fact probably exacerbated the criticism, which fairly or unfairly painted it as a bubble, though what a strange bubble it is. Nintendo just had a very strong November/December.

And consider this, The 3.8 million figure is just US only. If you include Canada, that number is just colossal. Easily 4.2 to 4.5 million hardware units moved in one region in one month.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Firestorm said:
Well, I don't think you're usually one of those people who bitches in topic after topic about not getting enough games on Wii so that should be fine.

No, I've bitched plenty about S&P2 not being out for Q1. And since that's worth like ten games, it kinda applies.
tak said:
Wii is officially a zombie in my book, nothing can kill it and it keeps going even when everyone thinks it's dead.

I think Microsoft is banking on Wii to have peaked in December 2009 with them releasing Natal this year. But if Nintendo can push through almost 4m consoles again this December, given that Natal is directly aimed at the same market, then Natal will be literally obliterated.

I think Microsoft has its toughest year ahead in terms of what they ultimately want to achieve. Sony has steered away from their motion control method being 'for the casuals' and tried to make it seem more like a gamer's solution, not putting them directly in Nintendo's (and the critics') line of fire.

Personally, I can't wait. I honestly think this is going to be one of the most interesting years in gaming for a long time from a business standpoint. There's also a ton of awesome games coming out this year too, so it's great from that standpoint too :)


selig said:
It´s amusing how some people honestly think there´s a conspiracy against third-parties and people buying only Nintendo games just because. Someone already explained it: Brand loyalty is something that´s earned. That´s where third parties have f***** up big time, and that´s where they have to start from new.

I agree with this; you build a base - brick by brick - and that base supports you.

But that ship has sailed, for 3rd parties, on the Wii. Downsize lads and focus on the HD twins and their redheaded PC step-brother...
legend166 said:
I'd say it's more indicative than anything else. I always laugh at all these moron fanboys arguing other whether a game looks better on the 360 or PS3 without even owning a PC.
Except when they laugh at you for being the moron because the game isnt on pc .....

and lol at the people talking about shit from like the 80s you know its 2010 right?


Good point. Almost everybody seems to doubt that Nintendo could possibly launch Mario Galaxy 2, Zelda Wii and Metroid: Other M in the same year -- same holiday season no less -- but with Natal and the Wand coming out, I couldn't think of a better time for Nintendo to release three AAA Wii titles in a row.

And I'd throw in a New Yoshi's Island Wii and/or a Mario Party X too if I were them :D
legend166 said:
It wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo dropped the Wii to $150 to coincide with the Natal launch. Just for the lols.
Indeed, although if they did that it'd make Natal look like competition. Wii Relax will probably be the new megagame with legs later in the year. Zelda, Metroid and Galaxy will get some of the core gamers back on board too. Wii will undoubtably have yet another strong year ahead. Which is why I wonder what the hell MS (or Sony for that matter) is going to do trying to counter it.

We still don't know anything. Natal and Dildo are ultimately just hardware. It's the software and marketing that sells. And right now we still don't know what MS or Sony's motion controlled big guns are going to be. Or what their marketing strategy will be either.


legend166 said:
It wouldn't surprise me if Nintendo dropped the Wii to $150 to coincide with the Natal launch. Just for the lols.

Very likely to see the Wii Slim by then. As I noted in the other thread discussing a possible Wii upgrade, the compulsive obsession with graphics has kind of blinded most people to the obvious.

Nintendo will disappoint most people on GAF again because Wii slim will be in SD, but it'll be more of a DSi type of upgraded than a straight slimming down of the console. Motion plus inclusion, a revised pack-in title, Zelda Wii launching alongside, expanded on-line etc.

I think unless they're totally off their game and think they've won, and nothing about what they've done lately has indicated that, they've been given the greatest gift since they gifted Sony the dual shock by unveiling the N64 a year before it was ready to market. There's basically 12 to 16 months for them to formulate a response, and develop new games before NATAL is even ready to go to market.
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