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NPD Sales Results for December 2009


Rush2thestart said:
I already asked this earlier but I didnt get a response... so no Rabbids Go Home sales? Ubi did say they were picking up, but that could be just in EU.
i dont think it will do horribly bad.. rabbids 1 to 3 did solid numbers and go home will probably do similar numbers.. appealing to the same crowd..
Pennywise83 said:
Konami announces Step to the beat:

Good job konami, i can't really understand why 3rd party software dont sell on the Wii...

Konami: I put a casual game on Wii. Why doesn't it sell?! It-a make no sense! :mad:


Stumpokapow said:
they mean monthly software tie ratio as in

software sold dec 2009 : hardware sold dec 2009

While the currently stated tie ratio could also be the monthly tie ratio (it's been static for a few months now), what they usually list is the LTD tie ratio, and then proceed to call it "record-breaking." It's just not clear to me what record they're breaking.
donny2112 said:
While the currently stated tie ratio could also be the monthly tie ratio (it's been static for a few months now), what they usually list is the LTD tie ratio, and then proceed to call it "record-breaking." It's just not clear to me what record they're breaking.

I always took it to mean it's the best tie ratio for that month of a system's life (month 50 right now). I also always took it to mean "we weren't #1 in any more meaningful stat, so this is what we came up with to brag about".


Souldriver said:
We from Volkswagen have decided not to introduce our hybrid car in China for the foreseeable future. If you look at the current amount of hybrid Volkswagens in China right now, namely none, it's quite clear that there's no market for this type of car over there. So why bother?

Contrarily, we have only introduced a very dated and polluting car there 2 years ago. It's not selling to hot, but at least it sold more than our Hybrid, so it's quite clear we have to continue making dated and polluting cars. It's what the Chinese market wants.

pretty apt


Wii software sales are about brand power. Nintendo has that power with "Wii", "Mario", and "Nintendo". Just look at Wii Music...that piece of trash has sold millions. 3rd parties are basically helpless against that. Their best bet is to try and emulate what Nintendo has done to feed off their success(Wii Sports/Fit rip-offs/mini-game collections).

People always saying that "3rd parties aren't even trying on the Wii". That's such a silly thing to say. Make a hardcore game on Wii? Wrong market. Make a casual game on Wii? Well, that's the way to make some money, but with an oversaturated market dominated by Nintendo it's still challenging to make much.

Epic Mickey is one beacon of hope with its strong branding around it, we'll see I guess.
DeaconKnowledge said:
Halo is in the decline stages of its product cycle. The days of it hanging with Call of Duty (which is nearing its "peak" stage) are long over.

If I were Microsoft, I'd be very reluctant to continue mining the franchise. There's only so much more the userbase will bear, especially sonce ODST brought almost nothing new to the table.

Aren't you projecting a bit here? Halo 3 is the second most popular online shooter in the world, and ODST actually increased its popularity in that space.

The userbase is quite content to play Halo 3 until something better comes along, and the Reach multiplayer is going to have 2.5 million + users in the beta.

The new GI article also promises a rather significant overhaul in the graphics engine and in the gameplay, so the SP will be a pretty big leap as well.

I wouldn't bank against its success, especially if it launches in an otherwise uneventful September.

Eteric Rice

NeoUltima said:
Wii software sales are about brand power. Nintendo has that power with "Wii", "Mario", and "Nintendo". Just look at Wii Music...that piece of trash has sold millions. 3rd parties are basically helpless against that. Their best bet is to try and emulate what Nintendo has done to feed off their success(Wii Sports/Fit rip-offs/mini-game collections).

People always saying that "3rd parties aren't even trying on the Wii". That's such a silly thing to say. Make a hardcore game on Wii? Wrong market. Make a casual game on Wii? Well, that's the way to make some money, but with an oversaturated market dominated by Nintendo it's still challenging to make much.

Epic Mickey is one beacon of hope with its strong branding around it, we'll see I guess.

If people won't buy good games on the Wii, it makes me wonder why Resident Evil 4 sold 1.5 million copies. Did these people just suddenly dissapear?

No, most likely they just haven't had another game like RE4 on the Wii.

And of course a new IP isn't going to sell. You wonder why new IPs sell on the HD consoles? Multi-million dollar advertising campaigns is why. They make an event out of these types of games to get the name out.

boiled goose

good with gravy
NeoUltima said:
Wii software sales are about brand power. Nintendo has that power with "Wii", "Mario", and "Nintendo". Just look at Wii Music...that piece of trash has sold millions. 3rd parties are basically helpless against that. Their best bet is to try and emulate what Nintendo has done to feed off their success(Wii Sports/Fit rip-offs/mini-game collections).

People always saying that "3rd parties aren't even trying on the Wii". That's such a silly thing to say. Make a hardcore game on Wii? Wrong market. Make a casual game on Wii? Well, that's the way to make some money, but with an oversaturated market dominated by Nintendo it's still challenging to make much.

Epic Mickey is one beacon of hope with its strong branding around it, we'll see I guess.

Nintendo's mindshare sucked last gen.

Resident Evil is a strong brand.

Call of duty is a strong brand.

Wii music was overhyped and probably sold more than it should have, but i dont think it was a piece of trash comparable to what people refer to as shovelware. i think it proves one thing, hype sells games initially, it obviously didnt reach wii fit numbers because the consumers did not like it as much.

Mario kart wii and NSMBw are core games. Branding helps, but ppl on wii are buying and playing these games in record numbers. you can argue that trying to make a game for this market is extremely tricky or that nintendo also has the core market dominated, but the market is there.

Eteric Rice said:
If people won't buy good games on the Wii, it makes me wonder why Resident Evil 4 sold 1.5 million copies. Did these people just suddenly dissapear?

No, most likely they just haven't had another game like RE4 on the Wii.

And of course a new IP isn't going to sell. You wonder why new IPs sell on the HD consoles? Multi-million dollar advertising campaigns is why. They make an event out of these types of games to get the name out.

I think some of them might have disappeared. They either became less active or bought another console or at least do most of their single player core gaming on another console.


Don't know how accurate this is, but was part of a Destrucoid article earlier in the week.

Some take the sour grapes route, with sweeping generalizations like "M-rated games don't sell on the Wii" or "only Nintendo makes money on the console." If those statements were true, why would Excitebots -- a Nintendo-published, E-rated, "wacky" racing game -- have sold a mere 110,000 since launch in early 2009? That's one-fifth of what Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex, the M-rated port of a two-year-old PS3/360/PC game, made in less than two months. In fact, all of the other Call of Duty games released on the Wii thus far have gone on to sell more than a million copies each. That's better than Punch-Out!!, Wario Land: Shake It!, and Endless Ocean, three Nintendo-published games that weren't hampered by an 'M' rating.



speculawyer said:
So over 1/3 of those are mini-games. :lol (Actually more I think . . . Brain Academy could be called mini-games. And perhaps Link Cross-bow too?)

10 out of the top 10 feature Nintendo IP. (OK, Mario & Sonic was from SEGA but it did feature Mario . . . I'm sure it would not have sold well if it were not for Mario.)

Only 2 games in the list are 'M' rated . . . and both are Resident Evil.

And people actually wonder why Rockstar doesn't bother?
People have already debunked this post, but I'd just like to point out that the list you quoted is nowhere near complete (in fact, it doesn't even contain half of Wii's total million sellers) and as such is useless to even attempt to draw these conclusions from.
Some take the sour grapes route, with sweeping generalizations like "M-rated games don't sell on the Wii" or "only Nintendo makes money on the console." If those statements were true, why would Excitebots -- a Nintendo-published, E-rated, "wacky" racing game -- have sold a mere 110,000 since launch in early 2009? That's one-fifth of what Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Reflex, the M-rated port of a two-year-old PS3/360/PC game, made in less than two months. In fact, all of the other Call of Duty games released on the Wii thus far have gone on to sell more than a million copies each. That's better than Punch-Out!!, Wario Land: Shake It!, and Endless Ocean, three Nintendo-published games that weren't hampered by an 'M' rating.

If true then that's pretty darn good, considering that it's an extremely late port that has had to compete with Modern Warfare 2! (Oh and it didn't get a single bit of advertising either, Activision don't even acknowledge its existance on its website :lol)
amtentori said:
Wow, first time a gaming news site says something like this!

Also reveals that LTD of reflex is over 500k... US only?

Edit: Hope they are not using banned site numbers... :/
That excitebots LTD is close.....

They aren't. Edit: The banned site has them slightly lower.
Penguin said:
Don't know how accurate this is, but was part of a Destrucoid article earlier in the week.


3) Don’t forget to add some action

A lot of developers seem to think that if they leave action out of their Wii games, no one will mind. They have been proven to be wrong. Zack and Wiki, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, and Ju-On: The Grudge are just a few examples of Wii games that suffered from non-traditional combat systems that de-emphasize action.

yeah man, zack and wiki needed some fucking combat up in that bitch

When I first heard about Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, I was really excited. It seemed like common sense to apply Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition’s awesome combat system to the game. Then I found out the game would have no combat at all.

Then I canceled my pre-order. The game had gone from being something I knew I'd love to something I might like, and for a videogame, that's the kiss of death.

the fuck is this shit


France things. I put it here since there are no reasons I shouldn't. Sales-age Ayatollahs, please don't bring the hate.


Après un début d'année 2009 au ralenti, les ventes de consoles de jeux ont bien rebondi au second semestre de l'année, principalement sur les toutes dernières semaines. Selon les chiffres que LSA s'est procurés auprès d'éditeurs de jeux (bref résumé des études GfK), il se serait vendu en France en 2009 à peine moins de consoles de salon (2,7 millions) qu'en 2008 (2,85 millions). Selon un constructeur, c'est le résultat positif des baisses de prix des machines qui a permis au marché de rebondir. Sony -qui baissé le prix de la PS3 de 100 euros- est ainsi le grand vainqueur de l'année 2009. Avec quelques 900 000 Playstation 3 vendues sur l'année, le constructeur rivalise presque avec Nintendo et ses 1,2 million de Wii écoulées. Et avec les sorties attendues de blockbusters en 2010 (Gran Turismo 5, God of War 3, Final Fantasy XIII...), l'avenir est radieux pour la console du japonais. Pour la XBox 360 de Microsoft, l'année a été positive aussi même si la baisse de prix de sa rivale HD lui a fait plus de mal qu'escompté en fin d'année. Pour Nintendo en revanche, l'année est plutôt négative en terme de volume de ventes. Deux gros bémols toutefois: le niveau des ventes et le parc de consoles Nintendo restent à des niveaux très élevés et par ailleurs l'éditeur Nintendo place tout de même quatre jeux dans le top 5 annuel des ventes de softs. Pour le japonais, des rumeurs de plus en plus insistantes de sortie prochaine d'une Wii HD se font jour. Rumeurs régulièrement démenties par les intéressés.

Ventes de consoles en France sur l'année 2010 (source constructeurs, origine GfK)

DS: 1,85 million (2,25 millions en 2008)

Wii: 1,2 million (1,6 million en 2008)

PS3: 900 000 (708 000 en 2008)

XBox 360: 600 000 (566 000 en 2008)

PSP: 420 000

Parc de consoles en France début janvier 2010 (LTD):

DS: 8,4 millions

Wii: 4,1 millions

PSP: 2,6 millions

PS3: 2,1 millions

XBox 360: 1,7 million

Top 5 des ventes de jeux en France en 2010:

1. Wii Sport Resort (Wii): 623 000 ex

2. New Super Mario Bros Wii (Wii): 606 000 ex

3. Mario Kart Wii (Wii): 584 000 ex

4. Wii Fit (Wii): 523 000 ex

5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3): 430 000 ex

Translation needed ? I guess not.


Kenka said:
If CoD : MW Reflex is anywhere close to 500k in the US, Just Dance must have sold a ****load of copies this month.

Look at this:

Top 5 game sales worldwide (Amazon.com)

North America:
1. Just Dance (Ubisoft)
2. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo)
3. Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)
4. Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo)
5. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)



Eteric Rice said:
If people won't buy good games on the Wii, it makes me wonder why Resident Evil 4 sold 1.5 million copies. Did these people just suddenly dissapear?

No, most likely they just haven't had another game like RE4 on the Wii.

And of course a new IP isn't going to sell. You wonder why new IPs sell on the HD consoles? Multi-million dollar advertising campaigns is why. They make an event out of these types of games to get the name out.
What I mean by wrong market is that more can be made from a ps3/360 'hardcore' game than a Wii game. Fact is the hardcore gaming crowd is mostly on the HD consoles. A hardcore game, say an fps, is going to sell more on the HD consoles. CoD:WaW is a good example. All 3 console versions got relatively equal reviews, however the Wii version, while still successful, came nowhere near the success of the HD versions. The market for those types of games is primarily on the HD systems.

RE4 had the benefit of being an early release, and highly acclaimed. I would say that yeah, those people did effectively disappear, to the other two consoles.
Yes, a profit can be made with hardcore games on the Wii. But more can be made on the HD twins...You choose the market where you can make the most profit. Not a hard concept to grasp.

(I'm not sure why you are bringing up advertising. Even with the advertising 3rd parties[especially new ips] will not be able to match the power of Nintendo's properties, is all I was saying there.)


Onesimos said:
Look at this:

Top 5 game sales worldwide (Amazon.com)

North America:
1. Just Dance (Ubisoft)
2. New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo)
3. Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo)
4. Wii Fit Plus (Nintendo)
5. Wii Fit Plus with Balance Board (Nintendo)


Worldwide ?


[Nintex] said:
I like how IGN went from <3 Wii to a bunch of Wii trolls that would put the most hardcore NeoGAF Wii haters to shame.
ign is not the only ones there

gametrailers.com, 1up.com, giantbomb.com, the co op show..

i think pretty much every gaming journalism outlet hates the wii..

but then again they never loved the GC either

boiled goose

good with gravy
Kenka said:
It has been written by GAFfer.

For sure (?)

Holy shit...

I think he could argue which is better, that is completely fair and an opinion.

The problem is the language used to troll NSMBWii.
Calling it a DS port? really?

If new levels, new weapons or upgrades, better graphics, new mechanics only make NSMBWii are remake or an enhanced port, then what the hell are every sequel ever released in the history of videogames??????

NSMBWii is a brand new freaking game.... whether you like it or not is up to debate... :/
oh IGN...
NeoUltima said:
RE4 had the benefit of being an early release, and highly acclaimed. I would say that yeah, those people did effectively disappear, to the other two consoles.
Yes, a profit can be made with hardcore games on the Wii. But more can be made on the HD twins...You choose the market where you can make the most profit. Not a hard concept to grasp.

Profit? You keep using that word...
oh yeah well my genesis game has an extra level
no way the snes game has better graphics and music

excuse me, but with my turbografx cd version *is given a wedgie*

boiled goose

good with gravy
farnham said:
ign is not the only ones there

gametrailers.com, 1up.com, giantbomb.com, the co op show..

i think pretty much every gaming journalism outlet hates the wii..

but then again they never loved the GC either

1up actually does a good job reviewing Wii games now. When they do it they do it without the weird agendas that IGN seems to have...


amtentori said:
Mario kart wii and NSMBw are core games. Branding helps, but ppl on wii are buying and playing these games in record numbers. you can argue that trying to make a game for this market is extremely tricky or that nintendo also has the core market dominated, but the market is there.
I personally don't consider the 'core' Nintendo games(mainly the two you mentioned) to be 'core' or 'casual'. They really appeal to both crowds, though more so to certain groups depending on the game. Nintendo has that universal appeal that the third parties cannot just replicate over night. Nintendo(and its properties) has developed into one the most powerful/valuable brands in the world, deserving of course. I assume Mickey/Disney has similar appeal which is why I think Epic Mickey has potential to sell on par with MKWii, NSMBW, etc.

lowlylowlycook said:
Profit? You keep using that word...
And...? That's what matters to the bottom line. What word would you prefer?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Stridone said:
How is that a meltdown?

Exactly. The author has had these feelings since the beginning. The only difference is now this viewpoint is apparently encouraged at IGN.


okay so daemon hatfield says that new super mario bros should have been released on wiiware.. neglecting the 2.8 million sales they achieved last month in NA alone..

this guy seriously should replace iwata.. he will bring nintendo to its former (gamecube) glory
"so how did mario sell more even though splosion man has like a gazillion more levels and super better graphics!? well, i think it's because people like mario a lot, and because nintendo can market mario more."
-an editorial by daemon hatfield, age 12


amtentori said:
1up actually does a good job reviewing Wii games now. When they do it they do it without the weird agendas that IGN seems to have...
well 1up.com seems to be the only place that has some rational regards the wii.. but still in their podcasts you often hear nerdrage against the wii or just complete disinterest...

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The Nintendo brand name power argument, besides being simplistic, is also ignorant of the fact that the mainstream can't often tell the difference between brands. Everything on the Wii is a Nintendo Game or a Wii Game as far as many mainstream customers are concerned. They do recognize trademark Nintendo characters such as Mario for example. But it's not that the mainstream is stupid. The mainstream user is /not/ a hardcore gamer fanboy who cares what company published what game, who's making the most money, what game sells more units etc. But the reason why nobody picked up something like ExciteBots is because, surprise surprise, it looked stupid and unappealing. Even with "Nintendo" on the box.

Most 3rd party releases on the Wii actually suffer from assuming that the customer is a moron. Wii game packaging, covers, presentation, are cheap and insulting. (Even Nintendo gets this wrong sometimes.) Even on some good games, they're not presented in an appealing way. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories' crappy photoshop cover with its cheap font looks like more Wii shovelware, some faux-mature game.

To the hardcore, people buying games (or not) for what the box art looks like is an old joke used to make fun of "casual" buyers. But really, it shouldn't be a joke. For most people, video game box art /is/ the only commercial they'll ever see for a game - think of it that way. And bad boxes that make the game look trashy are negative advertisements.

Bad box art and stupid blurbs on the back that talk down to people are not the only reason 3rd parties are failing, of course; but it's just one more sign of how almost everything is being done wrong. Publishers have gotten used to having a voracious, practically captive audience with the hardcore and core gamers. (How many great games have bad presentation, bad packaging, bad commercials, but GAF members buy them anyway without a second thought?) The expanded audience is a harder sell and you have to approach them with your best foot forward while wearing a nice, clean suit, so to speak.

The music games, ironically, tend to have good presentation and packaging, good ads, good box art, etc, precisely because most music games have taken the mainstream and expanded audience seriously (because they KNOW that such games have super-wide appeal and aren't the exclusive province of niche, hardcore geeks). I also noticed that the packaging and presentation of EA Sports Active is Serious Business.

Also, about the argument that the core have /left/ the Wii after Resident Evil 4 and whatnot, there's a tiny bit of truth to that in that a lot of core gamers are so incredibly petty and fickle that yes, they sold their Wii the moment they beat Mario Galaxy because it was still a stinky casual trashbox. However, with 65 million consoles out there, PLENTY of core gamers have one. The real problem is that core gamers with a Wii bought one expecting experiences that took full advantage of what made the Wii unique.

Core gamers did not buy the Wii to play Mad World, a beat-em-up that would have been better on an HD console. Resident Evil 4 sold well because it was bloody OBVIOUS that Wii control would make a great game that was begging for pointer aiming, superior. I'd wager that most core gamers just are not excited by the kinds of "teh mature" games put on the Wii since most are experiences they could get on a 360 but with superior graphics.

... entirely aside from the fact that mature is not a genre, and an M-rating means exactly jack squat aside from your game has swear words and blood. But the industry hasn't grasped that yet in the last ten years so no reason they should now.

(Starting a countdown until someone runs in and posts a terrible cover to a Wii game that sold well anyway to prove that presentation doesn't matter. LOL?)
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