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NPD Sales Results for December 2009


farnham said:
well 1up.com seems to be the only place that has some rational regards the wii.. but still in their podcasts you often hear nerdrage against the wii or just complete disinterest...
Yeah. Was lots of nerdrage against New Super Mario Bros. for example. Every single word was said with them going "I'M LYING I ACTUALLY HATE IT" in the back of their mind.

Please for the love of god stop playing the victim.


Firestorm said:
Yeah. Was lots of nerdrage against New Super Mario Bros. for example. Every single word was said with them going "I'M LYING I ACTUALLY HATE IT" in the back of their mind.

Please for the love of god stop playing the victim.
well obviously jeremy parish loved it (giving it an A+).. but the guys from at1up (a show i personally enjoy a lot more then EGM live or 1upFM) did not like it at all... which is perfectly fine as its their opinion..

i was not talking about those instances but more about the discussions shane bettenhausen, luke smith and garnett lee had back in 2006 to 2007

or the recent PAX podcast..


Kenka said:
France things. I put it here since there are no reasons I shouldn't. Sales-age Ayatollahs, please don't bring the hate.

Translation needed ? I guess not.

Thanks Kenka. Some people as usual try to argue that ww numbers have nothing to do with a NPD thread but IMHO they do have a lot to do.

There are three major markets, USA/NA, Europe/Others and Japan. The 360 always had a huge advantage over the ps3 in north america, a slightly advantage in Europe and was always behind in japan, but that never was really a problem since the ps3 had mediocre sales in japan.

Now in 2009 a lot of things changed, japan is becoming an 'issue' now since the ps3 is experiencing decent sales there, and in Europe the playstation is already second both on currently sales and LTD sales. The only thing holding the 360 advantage on ww sales now is the NA market. Thats why it's crucial for microsoft to keep theyr lead, but that seems hardly possible. 2009 was basically a technical tie.


Kaijima said:
The Nintendo brand name power argument, besides being simplistic, is also ignorant of the fact that the mainstream can't often tell the difference between brands. Everything on the Wii is a Nintendo Game or a Wii Game as far as many mainstream customers are concerned. They do recognize trademark Nintendo characters such as Mario for example. But it's not that the mainstream is stupid. The mainstream user is /not/ a hardcore gamer fanboy who cares what company published what game, who's making the most money, what game sells more units etc. But the reason why nobody picked up something like ExciteBots is because, surprise surprise, it looked stupid and unappealing. Even with "Nintendo" on the box.
Well the trademark "Wii" itself is what is recognizable, on games like Wii Sports, etc. And obviously Mario on the Mario games. But yeah actually...ExciteBots had no Mario or Wii anywhere in the title and it bombed. Neither did Punch-Out, which didn't bomb, but could have done way better. I think, they do care(even if they don't know that they do) who publishes/makes the game. Thing is they don't know that Nintendo made Excitebots because there was no Mario or Wii in the title. If it was marketed as "Wii Racing" it may have sold millions.


Tmac said:
Thanks Kenka. Some people as usual try to argue that ww numbers have nothing to do with a NPD thread but IMHO they do have a lot to do.

There are three major markets, USA/NA, Europe/Others and Japan. The 360 always had a huge advantage over the ps3 in north america, a slightly advantage in Europe and was always behind in japan, but that never was really a problem since the ps3 had mediocre sales in japan.

Now in 2009 a lot of things changed, japan is becoming an 'issue' now since the ps3 is experiencing decent sales there, and in Europe the playstation is already second both on currently sales and LTD sales. The only thing holding the 360 advantage on ww sales now is the NA market. Thats why it's crucial for microsoft to keep theyr lead, but that seems hardly possible. 2009 was basically a technical tie.



Special Note For Data Junkies: A few more tidbits from Pachter’s report that weren’t in NPD’s releases.

* Guitar Hero: Van Halen sold “slightly less” than 75,000 units across all platforms.
* The Saboteur sold less than 125,000 units.
* Borderlands‘ sales were “in line” with Wedbush’s estimate of 300,000 units.
* WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 sold “slightly less” than 500K.

Since the title's launch in October, the original DJ Hero has sold over 800,000 units in the U.S., according to NPD.
Eteric Rice said:
Question, how much does Nintendo stock cost right now? And whats the minimum amount you can buy?


Not sure if you can just buy one share or not. A word of warning. Nintendo stock has been stagnant for a very long time, and its heyday has since passed. At this point, I'm not sure what can move the stock, other than Nintendo announcing Wii 2/DS2 or something big.


Second-rate Anihawk
DJ Hero did ok. You can use the new IP excuse, but considering how massive the Hero brand was just a year ago and how much promotion they did for DJH, I personally think it is a disappointment.

Jocchan said:
To be fair, you could get it for free back in September. Any one else who bought the game was either ignorant of the promotion or was a giant Van Halen fan and wanted two copies of the game.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Archie said:
To be fair, you could get it for free back in September. Any one else who bought the game was either ignorant of the promotion or was a giant Van Halen fan and wanted two copies of the game.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I wonder how many free copies they ended up giving away.


Second-rate Anihawk
Jocchan said:
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I wonder how many free copies they ended up giving away.
GH5 sold ~500k in September, but of course not everyone redeemed their copy, especially considering how convoluted the whole fucking process was. They could have been nice and let you redeem it on a website, but noooo. I had to print out a proof of purchase, a redemption form and some other crap and mail it to somewhere in Minnesota.
Eteric Rice said:
Question, how much does Nintendo stock cost right now? And whats the minimum amount you can buy?

Forget about it, one of basic rules of investing - when you want to buy, the stock will fall a moment later. Regular folks are always off in their investment timeline. Besides, 1-year spread is only 17USD, you would need a lot to make some money on that.

Eteric Rice

Castor Krieg said:
Forget about it, one of basic rules of investing - when you want to buy, the stock will fall a moment later. Regular folks are always off in their investment timeline. Besides, 1-year spread is only 17USD, you would need a lot to make some money on that.

I'm gonna wait for it to drop of course.

It seems Nintendo comes out with some huge hit every few years, though. I'll probably try to buy when we're in between one of those hits.

Example, pokemon in 1998, DS later on, Wii afterwards.
nextgeneration said:

Not sure if you can just buy one share or not. A word of warning. Nintendo stock has been stagnant for a very long time, and its heyday has since passed. At this point, I'm not sure what can move the stock, other than Nintendo announcing Wii 2/DS2 or something big.

Didn't a year or two ago someone post about how they bought a bunch of Nintendo stock, and then it was just recently bumped showing that he had lost a majority of that money? :lol


Karma said:

Because if they dont keep the lead in their home market, their WW lead will plummet. I won't be surprised if in 12 to 18 months the ps3 LTD ww sales pass microsoft's xbox 360.
Tmac said:
Because if they dont keep the lead in their home market, their WW lead will plummet. I won't be surprised if in 12 to 18 months the ps3 LTD ww sales pass microsoft's xbox 360.

You forget that last year was the year of the PS3 and the next will be bussiness as usual.

It looks more like a tie to me though. In second place... leagues behind.... I feel a Seinfeld reference coming up.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
nextgeneration said:

Not sure if you can just buy one share or not. A word of warning. Nintendo stock has been stagnant for a very long time, and its heyday has since passed. At this point, I'm not sure what can move the stock, other than Nintendo announcing Wii 2/DS2 or something big.

Right now I'm not sure I want to buy stock, period.

Nothing is set in stone right now, it was very easy for me to see Nintendo dominating this generation because they were very clear about what they were doing, and hid their strategy in plain sight. If you study previous gaming leadership, it was always about expanding the market and creating new territory.

They're still in synch with market expansion, but their next context of use will be the deciding factor on whether they continue their massive leadership or not.

If a year from now the economy is truly safe and the Vitality Sensor works, you can probably then buy Nintendo stock. If The Vitality Sensor works, their next paradigm is a done deal. They're going to follow it up with something really, really massive.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
ratcliffja said:
If you pass up on games like Muramasa and A Boy and His Blob because you don't think they'll visually wow you, then you're in for a surprise. They are both beautiful games, especially the former, even if they're in SD.

In all honesty Muramasa ranks among the best looking games of the entire generation. It's the most unbelievable 2D I've ever witnessed.


farnham said:
well obviously jeremy parish loved it (giving it an A+).. but the guys from at1up (a show i personally enjoy a lot more then EGM live or 1upFM) did not like it at all... which is perfectly fine as its their opinion..

i was not talking about those instances but more about the discussions shane bettenhausen, luke smith and garnett lee had back in 2006 to 2007

or the recent PAX podcast..
so you were talking about 3 - 4 years ago?


You just know that ubi will spam the wii with Just Dance sequels and then wonder why the sales aren't what they expected. Just Know, that will be the game show spin off.

Gwanatu T

Junior Member
Souldriver said:
In light of the these recent numbers, I think that the GamesIndustry's top 10 selling games for 2010 will be right on the mark. Really solid predictions from them.

Games expected to be the biggest sellers in 2010

* 1. Halo: Reach
* 2. Final Fantasy XIII
* 3. StarCraft II
* 4. Call of Duty 7
* 5. FIFA 11
* 6. BioShock 2
* 7. Mass Effect 2
* 8. God of War III
* 9. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
* 10. Gran Turismo 5

Yeah, it's even more impressive and considerably less accurate that there's no Wii games in there.
Can someone please do a recap of all the sales info found in this massive thread?

I'm just gonna list everything I've run across in this thread so far.


Spirit Tracks > 600k
50k > Silent Hill > FF:CC:TCB

NPD LTDs: (not exact)

WII WII FIT PLUS: ~3.52 million

360 LEFT 4 DEAD 2: ~1.47M

PS3 UNCHARTED 2: ~950k (1M LTD)

Hardware LTD:

PS2: ~45.3 million
NDS: ~38.7 million
Wii: ~27.1 million
360: ~18.6 million
PSP: ~16.8 million
PS3: ~11.1 million

[ALL] The Beatles: Rock Band - 357,000

[ALL] The Beatles: Rock Band - 1,180,000
[ALL] Guitar Hero 5 - 996,000

Assassins Creed 2 [PS3] 417,000
Borderlands ~300,000
The Saboteur < 125,000
GH:Van Halen [All systems] < 75,000

DJ Hero > 800,000 (LTD)
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 < 500k (LTD)

CoD4:MW[REFLEX] ~ 500k
Excitebots LTD 110k

I don't remember who posted what, but that's all I've seen so far.
Is all of this accurate?


Shadowlink said:
Anyone know how much CB sold? Or will we find out once the top 20 releases? I have a bad feeling it's not in the Top 20. :(

Are you talking about Crystal Bearers? I thought AniHawk posted earlier that it was below Silent Hill:SM, which itself sold below 50K. So not well.

Off-topic, but I don't know if it deserves the sales in the first place - I've only played the first few hours, but combat's pretty frustrating and repetitive and it's super-linear, and it doesn't seem like much of a Final Fantasy game. Art direction and characters are nice though.


iamaustrian said:
another thing: that "gamers buy ps3/xbox360; people buy Wii" arguement has to be the dumbest line I have ever read.
I'm a gamer and I play Wii. If my grandma buys a Wii and plays it, she's a gamer too. It doesn't fucking matter what she plays or for how long she plays. She is gaming after all, which makes her a gamer. That stupid statement is the same old shit as "hardcore VS casual".
I hate hate hate when people try to divide gamers into certain types.That's console-racism deluxe.
It's by far the biggest downside this generation (for me)

No. You are wrong. The word 'gamer' is essentially short for 'games enthusiast'. A 'gamer' is a person who identifies as a gamer, a person who, if you asked them, "What are your hobbies?" would say that they play games.

Everyone plays games, but not everyone considers it a major, or even notable, facet of their lifestyle. There are millions of people who probably spend several hours a week playing video games but, if you asked them what their hobbies are, wouldn't even think to say they play video games. The difference between a 'gamer' and everyone else is that a gamer thinks of themselves as a gamer. Everyone else just sort of plays games sometimes.


Shadowlink said:
Anyone know how much CB sold? Or will we find out once the top 20 releases? I have a bad feeling it's not in the Top 20. :(
There was never any chance in hell of it coming anywhere near the top 20 in December. Sold < 50k. Most optimistic scenario is it sells similarly next month.
jgwhiteus said:
Are you talking about Crystal Bearers? I thought AniHawk posted earlier that it was below Silent Hill:SM, which itself sold below 50K. So not well.
Well it released in the last week of December, so hopefully it keeps on selling this month.


Don't like continuing a discussion that's been done to death, but with the advice of "third parties should just move on and stick with the PS3 / 360, and there's no point of continuing the discussion of Wii third parties at this point" - isn't this actually the time third parties need more than ever to think about what they'll be doing in the future?

Assuming games have 1-3 years development time, any decisions third parties make today won't come to fruition until this cycle is nearing the end, or someone's jumped the gun and started the next cycle. As someone pointed out earlier, the problems revealed this generation (splitting audiences, difficulty reaching an "expanded" audience, rising development costs) won't just solve themselves the next with a simple "restart". I agree discussion of "should I develop for Wii/PS3/360" is getting kinda moot, but isn't this a critical period to think of how the next generation will be handled, and make changes if necessary?


Trucker Sexologist
rpmurphy said:
How will SMG2 do this year compared to the first one? Will it gain some greater interest from the success of NSMB?
I think it'll do around the same. Nintendo really needs a bridge game. The difficulty gap between SMG and NSMB is massive.
Kaijima said:
Core gamers did not buy the Wii to play Mad World, a beat-em-up that would have been better on an HD console. Resident Evil 4 sold well because it was bloody OBVIOUS that Wii control would make a great game that was begging for pointer aiming, superior. I'd wager that most core gamers just are not excited by the kinds of "teh mature" games put on the Wii since most are experiences they could get on a 360 but with superior graphics.

I don't believe MadWorld flopped because it didn't offer motion/pointer controls. If it had been multiplat, that would be a good argument but I'm not so sure it holds that much weight when you're talking exclusives. Did SSB:B suffer in sales because it didn't utilize the trademark controls of the Wii? Unless your argument hinges on gamers purposely boycotting MadWorld in hopes that it ends up being up-ported to the HD consoles...

Without getting into whether or not a sizable "core" gamer audience exists currently on the Wii, motion controls (like touchscreen controls for the DS) shouldn't be shoehorned into the game just to make it different or to justify its existence as a Wii game. That's the kind of thinking that results in some of the shovelware we see all too often. Just make fun, enjoyable games.

EDIT: Also, is there any ETA for the "crossing of streams" with regards to Wii vs PS360 sales in the U.S.? I know talk of that has died down during the Wii's "down" year but this month's NPD makes me wonder.
Little Green Yoda said:
I don't believe MadWorld flopped because it didn't offer motion/pointer controls. If it had been multiplat, that would be a good argument but I'm not so sure it holds that much weight when you're talking exclusives. Did SSB:B suffer in sales because it didn't utilize the trademark controls of the Wii? Unless your argument hinges on gamers purposely boycotting MadWorld in hopes that it ends up being up-ported to the HD consoles...
MadWorld's combat was motion control based.
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