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NPD Sales Results for December 2009


Archie said:
DJ Hero did ok. You can use the new IP excuse, but considering how massive the Hero brand was just a year ago and how much promotion they did for DJH, I personally think it is a disappointment.


But DJing doesnt have as mainstream of appeal as guitar maybe. I think its more than fine. Sets up the sequel
lordoftherink said:
MadWorld's combat was motion control based.

Oh, shit. Now I look stupid. Then what did Kaijima mean when he stated that MadWorld would have been done better on the HD consoles? gr4ph1x? His post implied that MadWorld didn't embrace its Wii features enough so I somehow took that to be no motion controls. <_<
Little Green Yoda said:
Oh, shit. Now I look stupid. Then what did Kaijima mean when he stated that MadWorld would have been done better on the HD consoles? gr4ph1x? His post implied that MadWorld didn't embrace its Wii features enough so I somehow took that to be no motion controls. <_<

People think that, some how, a black and white 4 hour beat em up would magically sell billions on the 360/PS3, despite that a similar game, God Hand, sold less on the PS2 which had a bigger user base than the 360 or PS3.


Mr. Pointy said:
Anyone have a total on Scribblenauts? I imagine 5th Cell and Warner are fairly happy about that one.

Might be the fastest selling DS game created outside of Japan. Can't think of anything else.

Eteric Rice

AceBandage said:
People think that, some how, a black and white 4 hour beat em up would magically sell billions on the 360/PS3, despite that a similar game, God Hand, sold less on the PS2 which had a bigger user base than the 360 or PS3.

This is my issue.

Me: "Man, that Silent Hill game looks really awesome."
Poster: "Yeah, to bad its only 5 hours long."
Me: "Waaat."


Firestorm said:
Original Crystal Chronicles did over a million on GCN iirc.

Probably more like half that.

The third-party on Wii situation is very simple. Third-parties screwed up humongously, and Nintendo didn't do enough to stop them from screwing up humongously.

Wii could've been a fair follow-on for PS2 in third-party sales (not as good as PS2, because nothing will match PS2 this gen, but closer than any of the competition ever had a chance to make), but they just couldn't see past the tech and the "gimmick" to making real games. Oh, well. As has been said, it's essentially a lost cause at this point for most third-parties. Wii 2 in Fall 2011 (at least in Japan), hopefully.

amtentori said:
COD MW R Wii LTD >500k
according to Destructoid

Really? Very surprising, but freaking awesome, if true.


donny2112 said:
Probably more like half that.

The third-party on Wii situation is very simple. Third-parties screwed up humongously, and Nintendo didn't do enough to stop them from screwing up humongously.

Wii could've been a fair follow-on for PS2 in third-party sales (not as good as PS2, because nothing will match PS2 this gen, but closer than any of the competition ever had a chance to make), but they just couldn't see past the tech and the "gimmick" to making real games. Oh, well. As has been said, it's essentially a lost cause at this point for most third-parties. Wii 2 in Fall 2011 (at least in Japan), hopefully.
nintendo wont abandon their huge wii user base this fast..
Eteric Rice said:
This is my issue.

Me: "Man, that Silent Hill game looks really awesome."
Poster: "Yeah, to bad its only 5 hours long."
Me: "Waaat."

Took me 7-8 hours, and the game heavily encourages multiple playthroughs (it practically says "play it over and see what happens different next time!" during the credits.
EmCeeGramr said:
Took me 7-8 hours, and the game heavily encourages multiple playthroughs (it practically says "play it over and see what happens different next time!" during the credits.

It says it like 5 times :lol But yeah. the length isn't an issue, and I'd say if you enjoyed the game you will probably want to play it at least once more to see how it changes.


farnham said:
nintendo wont abandon their huge wii user base this fast..

Not so huge (or doing so well) in Japan. :lol

Honestly, I think the success in the rest of the world has been what has caused Nintendo to let Japan languish so long. The gaming industry is so worldwide now, that Nintendo couldn't take drastic steps in Japan to fix sales without potentially messing up sales in other parts of the world as they wait for the same steps (e.g. price drops) to be taken there. A Fall 2011 launch in Japan with a Fall 2012 launch in the rest of the world would be appropriate but (unfortunately) impossible. :/
farnham said:
nintendo wont abandon their huge wii user base this fast..

Nintendo is either going to launch the next DS that fall, or the next Wii. I'm thinking it's going to be the DS, with the Wii 2 following the year after (2012). Who knows though, the DS2 could come out March 2011, with the Wii 2 coming out November 2011. I think the way that Nintendo's software line-up for the Wii is falling, it looks like a 2012 release though. All their major studios will have had titles that have/will come out either in 2009 or in 2010 (minus Retro), which means their next games will likely be ready ~2012.


donny2112 said:
Not so huge (or doing so well) in Japan. :lol

Honestly, I think the success in the rest of the world has been what has caused Nintendo to let Japan languish so long. The gaming industry is so worldwide now, that Nintendo couldn't take drastic steps in Japan to fix sales without potentially messing up sales in other parts of the world as they wait for the same steps (e.g. price drops) to be taken there. A Fall 2011 launch in Japan with a Fall 2012 launch in the rest of the world would be appropriate but (unfortunately) impossible. :/
they already have a 10 million userbase in japan.. thats hardly "not so huge".. especially if the next competitor doesnt even have a 5 million userbase..

Stopsign said:
Nintendo is either going to launch the next DS that fall, or the next Wii. I'm thinking it's going to be the DS, with the Wii 2 following the year after (2012). Who knows though, the DS2 could come out March 2011, with the Wii 2 coming out November 2011. I think the way that Nintendo's software line-up for the Wii is falling, it looks like a 2012 release though. All their major studios will have had titles that have/will come out either in 2009 or in 2010 (minus Retro), which means their next games will likely be ready ~2012.

the DS launched in 2004.. a DS 2 in 2011 or 2012 would mean that the DS enjoyed a 7 to 8 year life cycle (or even more)...

boiled goose

good with gravy
AceBandage said:
People think that, some how, a black and white 4 hour beat em up would magically sell billions on the 360/PS3, despite that a similar game, God Hand, sold less on the PS2 which had a bigger user base than the 360 or PS3.

Black and white has always sounded like a lame excuse to me. I would think that its style would be one of the main draws for the game.

I will give you that the length and some fairly bad reviews turned it from must -buy to weekend rental, but black and white is not a realistic reason why madworld bombed. Bayonnetta is doing much better on HD consoles compared to madworld, if it was bombing on wii, what would be the excuse? starring female character?? (some used this as an excuse for ME not selling btw... )

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
Little Green Yoda said:
Oh, shit. Now I look stupid. Then what did Kaijima mean when he stated that MadWorld would have been done better on the HD consoles? gr4ph1x? His post implied that MadWorld didn't embrace its Wii features enough so I somehow took that to be no motion controls. <_<

Okay, I should have made it clearer, my bad. Yes, MadWorld uses some motion controls. But there's nothing about it that screams "this is unlike anything you can get on PS3 / 360". Go look at what people like to say about Twilight Princess and its "tacked on" Wii Waggle for swinging the sword.

Much of MadWorld's appeal was also not about motion controls but attitude, presentation, massive boss fights, and yes, the graphics. The art style and graphics was in fact, the calling card the game had in most of its hype; not the fact that it used basic motion control elements.

Having such a game on the HD twins, where it could have been expanded with leaderboards, possibly online co-op play, and so forth, in all honesty might have been the best destination for the project. And while it's a stereotype I now invoke knowingly, the gritty "super bloody beat-em-up with adult language" theme might have appealed to more core gamers with a 360 than what core gamers were looking for on the Wii.

The problem that core games on the Wii face is that they need to put Wii features front and center; ideally, they have to be predicated on doing something special you can't get anywhere else, or the basic equivalent thereof. (Mapping MadWorld's conventional fighting action to buttons instead of Wiimote swipes.)

Plus, there's the cliche that MadWorld tried to play on: that core games = teh mature = teh blood fatalities n' cursing. There's also the fact that there are already plenty of proud teh mature super violent and bloody games in multiple genres on the market. I'd wager MadWorld was just not exciting in concept, theme, presentation, or execution, to the average Wii core gamer.

So okay, there's the expanded detailed explanation for the suggestion that MadWorld was put on the wrong platform - and for the wrong reasons.

Bonus round: now here's a good one. From one perspective, another "core game", Muramasa: The Demon Blade, is quite conventional and even supports a Gamecube controller. Ironically, there /is/ a reason to put such a game on the Wii - the fact that making such a lush 2D game requiring that much art would be very difficult on an HD console due to resolution and the required assets. A team like Vanillaware is best served with working on the Wii, for instance. Also, Smash Bros. is a core game, first party even, with "conventional" game play. However, Smash Bros. does focus on local multiplayer, something the Wii puts front and center, and it does cater to what the Wii core gamer wants. It is not, however, a "teh casualzz" game.

So yes, a counterpoint is that there is a little /more/ to the issue than just making sure every core game on the Wii is a pure motion interface game. In this case though, I think the MadWorld example still stands. MW had neither the gameplay nor the content/theme to excite Wii core owners.


Linkup said:
You just know that ubi will spam the wii with Just Dance sequels and then wonder why the sales aren't what they expected. Just Know, that will be the game show spin off.

Just Dance: All Night Long Edition

Just Dance: Till The Break Of Dawn Edition

Just Dance: Shake Your Groove Thing Edition

boiled goose

good with gravy
Kaijima said:
Okay, I should have made it clearer, my bad. Yes, MadWorld uses some motion controls. But there's nothing about it that screams "this is unlike anything you can get on PS3 / 360". Go look at what people like to say about Twilight Princess and its "tacked on" Wii Waggle for swinging the sword.

Much of MadWorld's appeal was also not about motion controls but attitude, presentation, massive boss fights, and yes, the graphics. The art style and graphics was in fact, the calling card the game had in most of its hype; not the fact that it used basic motion control elements.

Having such a game on the HD twins, where it could have been expanded with leaderboards, possibly online co-op play, and so forth, in all honesty might have been the best destination for the project. And while it's a stereotype I now invoke knowingly, the gritty "super bloody beat-em-up with adult language" theme might have appealed to more core gamers with a 360 than what core gamers were looking for on the Wii.

The problem that core games on the Wii face is that they need to put Wii features front and center; ideally, they have to be predicated on doing something special you can't get anywhere else, or the basic equivalent thereof. (Mapping MadWorld's conventional fighting action to buttons instead of Wiimote swipes.)

Plus, there's the cliche that MadWorld tried to play on: that core games = teh mature = teh blood fatalities n' cursing. There's also the fact that there are already plenty of proud teh mature super violent and bloody games in multiple genres on the market. I'd wager MadWorld was just not exciting in concept, theme, presentation, or execution, to the average Wii core gamer.

So okay, there's the expanded detailed explanation for the suggestion that MadWorld was put on the wrong platform - and for the wrong reasons.

Madworld should have had online leaderboards on wii but didnt.
It is a freaking score based brawler. It was a decent, but disappointing, almost half assed game.

Why? Cost.

Something you failed to factor into your analysis and was probably one of the reasons madworld was developed for wii.

Eteric Rice

Kaijima said:
Okay, I should have made it clearer, my bad. Yes, MadWorld uses some motion controls. But there's nothing about it that screams "this is unlike anything you can get on PS3 / 360". Go look at what people like to say about Twilight Princess and its "tacked on" Wii Waggle for swinging the sword.

Much of MadWorld's appeal was also not about motion controls but attitude, presentation, massive boss fights, and yes, the graphics. The art style and graphics was in fact, the calling card the game had in most of its hype; not the fact that it used basic motion control elements.

Having such a game on the HD twins, where it could have been expanded with leaderboards, possibly online co-op play, and so forth, in all honesty might have been the best destination for the project. And while it's a stereotype I now invoke knowingly, the gritty "super bloody beat-em-up with adult language" theme might have appealed to more core gamers with a 360 than what core gamers were looking for on the Wii.

The problem that core games on the Wii face is that they need to put Wii features front and center; ideally, they have to be predicated on doing something special you can't get anywhere else, or the basic equivalent thereof. (Mapping MadWorld's conventional fighting action to buttons instead of Wiimote swipes.)

Plus, there's the cliche that MadWorld tried to play on: that core games = teh mature = teh blood fatalities n' cursing. There's also the fact that there are already plenty of proud teh mature super violent and bloody games in multiple genres on the market. I'd wager MadWorld was just not exciting in concept, theme, presentation, or execution, to the average Wii core gamer.

So okay, there's the expanded detailed explanation for the suggestion that MadWorld was put on the wrong platform - and for the wrong reasons.

Who's to say they would have added online co-op? Maybe leaderboards, but they could have done that on the Wii as well.

I don't think Bayonetta has online either.
CreatureX3 said:
So what are the "Top 10 U.S. console games" for the current generation?

If separating out by platform, then I believe it is:

Wii Play, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit, Modern Warfare 2 (360), Halo 3, Wii Sports Resort, NSMB Wii, SSBB, Modern Warfare (360), World at War (360)


Jocchan said:
I agree, except I think the situation you're describing is the current one and not the one we were presented with in 2006 and 2007.

Absolutely. Very important distinction. Very much incorrect, otherwise.


amtentori said:
Let's talk about something else...

So will PS3 2010 LTD > 360 2010 LTD?

Well PS3 outsold the XB since the Slim launched both in the US and worldwide. Probably will stay that way until 3D&Wand/Natal launch and then it depends on price drops and quality of games.
Grooski said:
Well PS3 outsold the XB since the Slim launched both in the US and worldwide. Probably will stay that way until 3D&Wand/Natal launch and then it depends on price drops and quality of games.

If you keep making fibs like this, your nose is going to grow.

Tmac said:
Because if they dont keep the lead in their home market, their WW lead will plummet. I won't be surprised if in 12 to 18 months the ps3 LTD ww sales pass microsoft's xbox 360.

Even *IF* this happens, the only people who will care will be fanboys since the system will not lose any support at all. At this point in this generation the roles are set and aren't likely to change. Look at how poorly the PS3 was selling last year and it still got the vast majority of third party support. You think that Sony and MS switching sales this year is really going to change anything? 18 months from now, the 360 will have been out for 6 years!!! That's how long it was between the PS2 and the PS3 release. If your competitor that had 75% of the market last gen barely outsells your product 6 years after you came out when the normal life span is 5 years... I don't think anyone is really going to care at that point.

So outside of silly fanboys ranting and posting "return of the king" gifs... what is going to change even if the PS3 does make up the 360 lead? We are coming into our 5th year of the generation of consoles. Not much is going to change for the HD twins outside of the motion stuff.


donny2112 said:
Not so huge (or doing so well) in Japan. :lol
Are you sure you don't want to amend this statement? The original comment that you were responding to had to do with Nintendo not wanting to abandon the Wii prematurely because of how well their software sells (at least that's how I took it - referring to the mammoth userbase that they've created for their own software).

PS2 Top 10 in Japan (All publishers combined)

3,555,469 - Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
2,325,215 - Final Fantasy X
2,322,541 - Final Fantasy XII
1,960,937 - Final Fantasy X-2
1,614,806 - Dragon Quest V: Tenkuu no Hanayome
1,438,743 - Gran Turismo 3 A-spec
1,197,349 - Dynasty Warriors 4
1,129,196 - Kingdom Hearts II
1,116,786 - Winning Eleven 6 International
1,100,238 - World Soccer Winning Eleven 7

Nintendo Wii Top 10 in Japan (Only Nintendo 1st-party games)

3,592,834 - Wii Sports
3,555,555 - Wii Fit
2,742,849 - Wii Play
2,740,644 - New Super Mario Bros. Wii
2,495,816 - Mario Kart Wii
1,880,838 - Super Smash Bros. Brawl
1,641,373 - Wii Sports Resort
1,422,007 - Wii Fit Plus
1,354,885 - Mario Party 8
1,206,563 - Animal Crossing: City Folk

All by themselves, Nintendo's Top 10 Wii games have already outsold the Top 10 all-time PS2 list in Japan. And the Wii is still only 3 years old! A number of the titles on the Wii top 10 will continue selling significant amounts and increasing their numbers quite a bit more in the future. Not to mention any new titles that Nintendo might release that might add themselves to this list.

Nintendo hasn't had any problems at all selling software in Japan. The Wii has been a software nirvana from the greatest of all possible gods for Nintendo 1st-party software. Even in Japan. So I'm not sure why you would try suggesting that Japan has somehow been weak for Nintendo's Wii software. That isn't true at all.
KuwabaraTheMan said:
If separating out by platform, then I believe it is:

Wii Play, Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit, Modern Warfare 2 (360), Halo 3, Wii Sports Resort, NSMB Wii, SSBB, Modern Warfare (360), World at War (360)

Madden NFL 2007 you forgot.. Also Guitar Hero 3.

elrechazao said:
borderlands passed that a while ago

Anyone have a LTD for them by platform?


Eteric Rice said:
I'm gonna wait for it to drop of course.

It seems Nintendo comes out with some huge hit every few years, though. I'll probably try to buy when we're in between one of those hits.

Example, pokemon in 1998, DS later on, Wii afterwards.
Forget buying stock, with that kind of insight you need to get down to Merrill Lynch and get yourself a 6 figure job.


Would it be straight forward enough to say now that ps3 and wii are just starting to reach their peak, whilst 360 is somewhere in the plateau region? By virtue of being the older system more people have already decided if or when they will buy one, but for the two other systems that midpoint is not yet reached.
Just seems to me to be a standard pattern for a 5 to 7 year cycle.
Magnitude is a different matter though, but the pattern is pretty standard I take it.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Regulus Tera said:
If true, that's actually not bad...

that was probably close to what was shipped initially.
Nintendo already stopped shipments for the game and you could find bundles with wii wheel for less than 20 bucks months after release...

so it is not like it has been selling slow but steady, it probably wont sell much more.


Grooski said:
Well PS3 outsold the XB since the Slim launched both in the US and worldwide. Probably will stay that way until 3D&Wand/Natal launch and then it depends on price drops and quality of games.
Xbox 360 - 215,400
PS3 - 210,000

PS3 - 491,800
Xbox 360 - 352,600

PS3 - 320,600
Xbox 360 - 249,700

Xbox 360 - 819,500
PS3 - 710,400

PS3 - 1.36 million
Xbox 360 - 1.31 million


Neo Member
OldJadedGamer said:
If you keep making fibs like this, your nose is going to grow.
Well...he's right. By 151k in the USA. WW maybe...idk

Aug 210000
Sep 491800
Oct 320600
Nov 710400
Dec 1360000
Tot 2882800

Aug 215400
Sep 352600
Oct 249700
Nov 819500
Dec 1310000
Tot 2731800​

Even *IF* this happens, the only people who will care will be fanboys since the system will not lose any support at all. At this point in this generation the roles are set and aren't likely to change. Look at how poorly the PS3 was selling last year and it still got the vast majority of third party support. You think that Sony and MS switching sales this year is really going to change anything?

So outside of silly fanboys ranting and posting "return of the king" gifs... what is going to change even if the PS3 does make up the 360 lead? We are coming into our 5th year of the generation of consoles. Not much is going to change for the HD twins outside of the motion stuff.

No..It will be tougher and tougher for Microsoft to get exclusives (DLC or games) from third party developers. It's common sense. And if they get exclusivity, it'll cost MS more since there is not two 360 for each PS3 like early 2009 (fyi it is now 1.67:1 or 5:3) and that is in MS strongest market, the USA.


BlackNMild2k1 said:
Can someone please do a recap of all the sales info found in this massive thread?

I'm just gonna list everything I've run across in this thread so far.

PS3 UNCHARTED 2: ~950k (1M LTD)
Assassins Creed 2 [PS3] 417,000
I remember earlier in the thread, something about this..
I think it was that Sony released a list with the top sellers or something for the PS3 in 2009, and Assassin's Creed II was #3, before Uncharted 2 (#4); but using the ACII number from December (posted above) and the number from November; the total is: 865,400...then that means that Uncharted 2 is "<865k"...

percephone said:
Well...he's right. By 151k in the USA. WW maybe...idk
Seeing now, it was mainly a matter of wording. He said "it outsold it since the Slim was released", yet there were 2 months when it didn't (August and November)..it still sold more overall.


amtentori said:
Wow, first time a gaming news site says something like this!

Also reveals that LTD of reflex is over 500k... US only?

Edit: Hope they are not using banned site numbers... :/
That excitebots LTD is close.....

I hope the CoD: MW Reflex number is true. That would be amazing. The game is a port of a two year old game and had nearly no marketing. I remember the first videos shortly before release. And they came not from Activision... If it's true this would be again a proof that there is a demand for such titles!


GC|Simon said:
I hope the CoD: MW Reflex number is true. That would be amazing. The game is a port of a two year old game and had nearly no marketing. I remember the first videos shortly before release. And they came not from Activision... If it's true this would be again a proof that there is a demand for such titles!
Yeah, proof that 2 year old ports sell would be great.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
AceBandage said:
People think that, some how, a black and white 4 hour beat em up would magically sell billions on the 360/PS3, despite that a similar game, God Hand, sold less on the PS2 which had a bigger user base than the 360 or PS3.
Four hours? I beat it in less than 4, and I usually take my time when playing a game.
Anyway, MadWorld was a fun game but extremely rough on the edges and with many design choices screaming lack of budget so loud that my ears still hurt after nearly one year.
I'd totally play a sequel, but if they somehow made one (they probably won't) I'd not bite for full price again.

Il Comodino

sorry about his english
percephone said:
Well...he's right. By 151k in the USA. WW maybe...idk

Aug 210000
Sep 491800
Oct 320600
Nov 710400
Dec 1360000
Tot 2882800

Aug 215400
Sep 352600
Oct 249700
Nov 819500
Dec 1310000
Tot 2731800

What kind of totals are these? They are wrong, the correct totals are:

Ps3 total = 3.092.800

360 total = 2.947.200


Yawn at the discussion going on about third parties.

But I am so happy for NSMBWii, M&LBIS, and Scribblenauts (personal talked up customers to pick up during holidays):D


The other discussion that is interesting is Halo: Reach. No doubt it will sell but will someone enlighten me as to how or why it will sell more than Halo 3 when ODST couldn't even on a bigger userbase?


jrricky said:
The other discussion that is interesting is Halo: Reach. No doubt it will sell but will someone enlighten me as to how or why it will sell more than Halo 3 when ODST couldn't even on a bigger userbase?

As someone who only casually plays HALO titles, HALO:ODST seemed like a stopgap while Reach is the next big thing.


jrricky said:
The other discussion that is interesting is Halo: Reach. No doubt it will sell but will someone enlighten me as to how or why it will sell more than Halo 3 when ODST couldn't even on a bigger userbase?


jrricky said:
The other discussion that is interesting is Halo: Reach. No doubt it will sell but will someone enlighten me as to how or why it will sell more than Halo 3 when ODST couldn't even on a bigger userbase?
Halo: Reach = Halo 4
Sho_Nuff82 said:
Aren't you projecting a bit here? Halo 3 is the second most popular online shooter in the world, and ODST actually increased its popularity in that space.

The userbase is quite content to play Halo 3 until something better comes along, and the Reach multiplayer is going to have 2.5 million + users in the beta.

The new GI article also promises a rather significant overhaul in the graphics engine and in the gameplay, so the SP will be a pretty big leap as well.

I wouldn't bank against its success, especially if it launches in an otherwise uneventful September.

I'm not banking against Halo's success. Reach will be successful as well.

What i'm saying is that Halo, Like GTA, is in nearing the decline stage of its product cycle. Namely, it's best selling days are long behind it. It's nothing against Halo and i'm not trying to downplay the monster success it's already had. However the reality is that Halo is no longer the definitive shooter on the 360 as it was with the XBOX, and is mired in strong competition, and by proxy those things, in addition to the semi regular releases (despite the amount of content) will hurt it.

It's like the 16-bit wars after Mario Bros. came out, and Sonic, Ristar, Kirby, et al shared company with Mario. At one time, the Mario series was the only game in town and as a result, the sales were in the stratosphere. Now, with increased competition, while Mario still did the best by a comfortable margin, it success was drastically reduced over previous efforts. With subsequent Mario releases, the franchise did less and less, in no small part to not being the only game in town.


DeaconKnowledge said:
I'm not banking against Halo's success. Reach will be successful as well.

What i'm saying is that Halo, Like GTA, is in nearing the decline stage of its product cycle. Namely, it's best selling days are long behind it. It's nothing against Halo and i'm not trying to downplay the monster success it's already had. However the reality is that Halo is no longer the definitive shooter on the 360 as it was with the XBOX, and is mired in strong competition, and by proxy those things, in addition to the semi regular releases (despite the amount of content) will hurt it.

It's like the 16-bit wars after Mario Bros. came out, and Sonic, Ristar, Kirby, et al shared company with Mario. At one time, the Mario series was the only game in town and as a result, the sales were in the stratosphere. Now, with increased competition, while Mario still did the best by a comfortable margin, it success was drastically reduced over previous efforts. With subsequent Mario releases, the franchise did less and less, in no small part to not being the only game in town.
GTA is in the decline because GTA4 was such a bad game, not because of the competition in the genre. While Halo has much fiercer competition, Reach can still significantly outsell H3. The game seems to be a big leap forward both for the franchise and in many aspects for the genre and unlike innovation that Brink/Rage/whatever else might bring to the table, Bungie and Microsoft will make sure that they won't go unnoticed. In short, everybody will know about Reach and everybody will want Reach.


500k for MW on Wii?

Hmmm... I thought that EEDAR analyst said MW will most likely underperform when compared to World at War. But if the 500k number would be correct, it needs 250k in sales to match WaW Wii.
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