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NPD Sales Results For December 2010 [Up5: Some Kinect/Move Data]

Shurs said:
We can compare it to the amount shipped to North America, and Latin American countries, which seems indicative of Sony's expectations.

Shipped 1.25 million
Sold (in the US alone) 960k

I think he meant previous GTs,

GT4 - 1.1M in 2 months
GT5 - 960k in 2 months

*edit* I should add that GT4 released in February and GT5 in November, before people get mad.


chespace said:
At this point I'm starting to think releasing it in spring 2011 would have been the better choice given the heavy holiday hitters this year.

They couldn't wait because they had to force people to upgrade to firmware 3.5 as soon as possible to prevent possible piracy...


This reminds of Uncharted 2 last year, PS3 exclusives just don't do huge numbers in the US, they just sell little by little. I wish it sold more, but people chose other games ( COD).


plagiarize said:
i expected GT5 to chart in December since it released in late November and since it is Sony's biggest franchise.

that isn't a shitty metric to success.

did you expect it wouldn't chart?

I expect GT5 to continue to sell well, and it did. I'm still not understanding why it matters that it didn't chart in it's second month on the charts.
plagiarize said:
... am i supposed to reply to that sensibly?

i can't imagine what Gran Turismo 5 had in the title to combat the brand name recognition of 'Need for Speed'.
I'm just saying, it's not just "an arcade racer". Even the shittiest NFSs sold something.

chespace said:
You can move the goal post all you want, but the fact is, GT is (was) considered the bigger franchise -- the originator of the franchise, if you will.
And as such it's selling considerably better then the rest? Only slightly below GT4. Didn't Forza 2 also sold worst then 1 in the US?

You of all people know the target audience for these types of games is else where and the US is losing interest in them. Forza sold much better in Europe as well.


cakefoo said:
But there's nothing humorous about LBP2's metacritic, as it's not overcompensating if they're reporting something a platform holder would ordinarily say regardless the month's sales performance.

Dude, there's a serious disconnect here. When would they say that? In casual conversation, over a beer? Do you think they'd make a press release to tell us about that score?

The topic was sales from December and/or 2010. All the others discussed you know, their sales. That was the point of the release. So for one of two bullet points (the other being potentially one of the saddest ever) to be about pre-release reviews of a January game is pathetic.

A footnote would be one thing, if it were acting as a hint of future sales. But it's just sitting up on top of the release, with no relevance aside from trying to think of something good to say.
I expected worse from PS3 so that's nice. I would have never thought Sony would be the little guy that's hanging in there this gen. Oh times, how you change.


plagiarize said:
... am i supposed to reply to that sensibly?

i can't imagine what Gran Turismo 5 had in the title to combat the brand name recognition of 'Need for Speed'.

Nobody in the US even knows what a Turismo is, and they spelled Grand wrong!
DMeisterJ said:
I expect GT5 to continue to sell well, and it did.

Relative to GT's franchise power, that's definitely debatable.

I don't know dude. You're starting to sound like that guy covering his ears with his hands screaming at the top of his lungs "la la la they're all wrong la la la" whilst everyone else looks at him in awkward uncomfortable silence.
Metalmurphy said:
I'm just saying, it's not just "an arcade racer". Even the shittiest NFSs sold something.
the shittiest NFSs sold a lot less than Gran Turismo 1 through 4. Pro Street was something like 2.5 million all in. Undercover was worse.

these sales would be good for other franchises, but they were disappointing for a Need for Speed game.

you know, because they underperformed.
plagiarize said:
the shittiest NFSs sold a lot less than Gran Turismo 1 through 4. Pro Street was something like 2.5 million all in. Undercover was worse.

these sales would be good for other franchises, but they were disappointing for a Need for Speed game.

you know, because they underperformed.
I was responding to the comment on how Blur/SplitSecond were showing that people were loosing interest, but how Hot Pursuit proves that wrong. Doesn't' really prove it wrong imo.

I wasn't comparing NFS to GT...


Comics, serious business!
psrock said:
This reminds of Uncharted 2 last year, PS3 exclusives just don't do huge numbers in the US, they just sell little by little. I wish it sold more, but people chose other games ( COD).
When I look at amazing games like KZ2, Uncharted, LBP2, Rain, etc., I wish that the whole Sony ecosystem worked better. I wish the games sold more and I wish Sony actually made money on the whole thing. I feel these games push the envelope, push their respective genres forward, and everyone involved should be rewarded for their good work. Sony has nobody to blame but themselves. Just a massive fuck up of epic proportions.


plagiarize said:
so did you expect it not to chart?
From last months thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=24829013&postcount=812

DMeisterJ said:
I'd be truly surprised if GT5 didn't chart next month. The last few times a high profile game had launched at the ass-end of the period, it still managed to chart in the proceeding month. KZ2/inFamous/Heavy Rain all managed to do so. I'd hope that a high profile title such as GT5 with a bungled launch will manage to chart again. But with this generation, who knows.


Shurs said:
You don't think they'd produce what they expected to sell during the holidays by early December?

I expect more shipments at this point, but in-line with how it is performing for Jan as well.

Would be nice to have some Reach figures.


Fredescu said:

I also posted this:

Normally I 100% agree with this sentiment, but GT is a series that has historically sold over longer periods of time relative to it's opening number. I'm not saying it will continue to chart in the coming months, but that's generally what happens, so I'm taking a 'wait and see' approach to GT5.




I do feel sad that you felt the need to go through the last NPD thread for my posts though. Creepy.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
_Alkaline_ said:
Relative to GT's franchise power, that's definitely debatable.

Or, it's an indicator of GT's franchise power today.

Honestly, I think regardless of your console/franchise allegiance, all sim racer fans were watching the performance of GT5 closely to see if it would curb the hypothesis that sim racers just don't appeal to the U.S. install base like they used to in gen 5 and 6.

So far, this does not bode well for old school racing sims who have simply not evolved their game design or accessibility -- at least in the U.S. market.
DMeisterJ said:
I also posted this.
erm, that quote sounds like it's supporting your belief it would chart in December, not contradicting it.

so you waited to see if it charted in December and now you are truly surprised that it didn't? yes? why are you truly surprised? is it because you expected it to do better than it has?

you wanted to know why i thought it had underperformed. i told you why, because i expected it to chart and it didn't. you made out like my expectation was somehow unrealistic, or irrelevant. so i asked you if you expected it not to chart.

you didn't answer.

so i asked again.

and you still didn't answer.

now i understand why.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Metalmurphy said:
Or, it's an indicator of the US market today. You should check the PAL threads. Funny how you pop your head here but not there ain't it?

It's probably both, and the truth is somewhere in-between.

Why's it funny? I live in the U.S. and am primarily interested in the U.S. market since it affects my gaming habits. I don't go hanging out defending shit in the Media Create threads either. No big deal.

Plus, I simply haven't had time to engage with GAF much these days. NPD is always fun though. :)


_Alkaline_ said:
You don't find it in any way funny that in a press release for the biggest sales month of the year, Sony only had two (yes two) highlights and one of them was concerning reviews for a game that wasn't even released until January?

Sigh. Why am I responding to this?
I don't know, can you blame them if the rest of their report would have been miserable? It's not funny because of LBP2's presence, but rather an absence of anything good to say. That people are selectively quoting the statement about LBP2 and laughing doesn't make sense.

Sorry I'm not into the whole salesage culture, ready to gang up on the worst-performing companies month in and month out. That gets monotonous.
2D Platformers are back, baby!

Retro officially confirmed as Donkey Kong Country house for the next 9 years.

I hope the people "sad" about Just Dance don't have copies of Dance Central in their XBox 360s.

To the 1.3 million people who bought a mediocre game because it had a Disney character rather than picking up Sin and Punishment 2, there is no suitable punishment in this earthly realm for you.


plagiarize said:
erm, that quote sounds like it's supporting your belief it would chart in December, not contradicting it.

so you waited to see if it charted in December and now you are truly surprised that it didn't.

you wanted to know why i thought it had underperformed. i told you why, because i expected it to chart and it didn't. you made out like my expectation was somehow unrealistic, or irrelevant. so i asked you if you expected it not to chart.

you didn't answer.

so i asked again.

and you still didn't answer.

now i understand why.

No, my two posts contradict each other because in the one I quoted, I said that GT games sold over time, so it could chart again, but I'd wait and see. In the one the other guy quoted, I said I'd be surprised, but then I said who knows if the game can chart again. Both statements didn't say either way whether I expected it to chart again or not. (which is why I didn't answer).

Now back to the question at hand, why does it matter if the game charts considering it already charted, and the bottom game of the top 10 sold 900k? What does the chart position have to matter when the sales are that high?

Fredescu said:
Google searches are effortless, don't be sad.

Then I feel sad that you need to google search my posts to prove someone wrong on the internet :/
DMeisterJ said:
I was about to help you out, because I coincidentally (and I'm not ironic) stumbled upon that comment just now.

This whole Gran Turismo debate, isn't it basically gaf that once again has made the series sound bigger and more important than it actually is? Especially in the US? I mean, looking at the sales figures, they're certainly disappointing: a bit less than it's predecessor in the same time period, but GT5 had holiday sales which GT4 hadn't. So I guess it should have done about 1.5 million by now, going by reasonable predictions. No?

But the vitriol about GT5 not doing as well as expected seems the result from how gaf has talked about the franchise and game in advance of its release. There's been talked a lot about the game, and it was on many people's mental list as "the biggest savior for Sony this year", think of the chalk board meme. At a certain point this idea starts leading its own life, magnifies itself, and becomes an expectation that simply cannot come true, followed by an immense backlash, as witnessed in this thread.

I'm not saying the above is true, it's just how I perceive things. GT5 underperforms, but it is not a total bomb. Gaf has no mercy for the sales numbers and the people who defend it, because the expectations were build up too high.

Chris R

So what does the ps4 need to do to get back to ps2+ levels? Its obvious sony screwed up big time this go around, but I believe they can turn it around, just don't know exactly what they have to do :/
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