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NPD Sales Results For December 2010 [Up5: Some Kinect/Move Data]


legend166 said:
I was going to feel bad that I quoted the picture and got him banned, but this edit took my guilt away.

That's probably one of the reason he was banned anyway I think it'll be better to wait when all's said and done before saying that GT5 is actually in any decline.
For all we know it could be doing incredible in Europe (or not),
but seriously if the marketing was the same to the one we got here it's not surprise at all it did so bad.
_Alkaline_ said:
RIP Instigator. :(
It's not like insulting the mods after using content from an unreliable source banned for a reason got him any points.

Crazy. This is almost like the 16 bit generation in America.

Replace Sega with MS, and it's strikingly similar. Of course Sony being there makes it distinct, but still. Microsoft and Nintendo have done something mighty impressive coming off of last generation. The 360 has like an 8 million unit lead on the Xbox and its pace has actually sped up this past year.

Then there's the GCN to Wii. Fucking drastic. Sony and Nintendo like inverted positions. But even the 3rd place system is ahead of last gens 3rd placer with another year or two of sales left. It's going to be a much larger market when all is said and done.
The comparison to GT4's first sales numbers just don't work. There is a big difference releasing in the slower months of the year to your first 2 months being November and December. GT5 is only 2-300K behind at this point but now as it moves into the slower months that gap is sure to increase.

I also don't know why anyone would expect GT5 to have anywhere near the same sort of legs that the previous games had. PS3 games in general are far more frontloaded. The PS2 went on to sell like 20 million more consoles (US alone) after the release of GT4 and this no doubt helped it's legs. The PS3 won't be selling anywhere near that many consoles in the future and this will affect it's legs.

I also would like to know where Baki is to see if he will back up his guarantee that GT5 will reach 10 million WW. GT5 is going to fall short of GT4's numbers by 4-500K in Japan and i don't see it passing 2 million in the US.

In order for GT5 to sell 10 million WW it will have to sell over 7 million copies in Europe alone. For some perspective the best selling GT ever only sold around 6.5.

I think GT5 will top out between 8-9 million. Considering GT3 sold 15 million or so and GT4 sold over 11 million GT sony can't be that happy with these sales. The fact that it was in development for 6 years and clearly the most expensive GT to make isn't that great either.

Edit:I'm not saying 10 million is impossible as the series has seen growth in Europe over time. I do think its very unlikely.


D-Pad said:
And what a damn fine one it was at that. How much did it sell?

Surprisingly well. Dunno if we'll get a 16-Bit version of 3D Dot Game Heroes, but the first game did well enough that we might get it.


I've never heard of udraw. Weird.

Pretty amazing at how well Epic Mickey and DKCR did. I don't think anyone would have pegged both of them to be in the top 5.

boiled goose

good with gravy
seady said:
Surprise at how well the 3rd party Wii games are selling.

Just Dance 2 and Epic Mickey are both good games that are sadly hated by the hardcores.

But for different reasons. :p
One is a fun casual game, one is a mediocre core game.

Polk said:
It would sell at least 50% less if it was the same game but wasn't released by Nintendo and wasn't Mario branded.

That would still be over 10M WW

Mario Kart is a bigger beast than mario


I´m very happy for Rare to finally have another breakout million selling hit. Well deserved.
Hardwarewise: with the 360 not having a cut in years, and slowing sales for Wii and PS3 I expect price cuts on all three this year.


Also - Harmonix is redeemed. Rock Band hasn't been doing too hot for a while, it'll be interesting to see what they're going to do now. DC2 and a new IP? Is DC2 going to remain Kinect only or will it be multiplatform?


szaromir said:
Also - Harmonix is redeemed. Rock Band hasn't been doing too hot for a while, it'll be interesting to see what they're going to do now. DC2 and a new IP? Is DC2 going to remain Kinect only or will it be multiplatform?
Did Harmonix take the DC IP with them when they went independent?
szaromir said:
Is DC2 going to remain Kinect only or will it be multiplatform?

I'd say it's unlikely to be available on anything other than Kinect, considering the uniqueness of the control method.

Although they could use the branding for a Just Dance competitor (with Move).

TheOddOne said:
Did Harmonix take the DC IP with them when they went independent?

According to reports, Harmonix own the rights to Dance Central.


Opus Angelorum said:
I'd say it's unlikely to be available on anything other than Kinect, considering the uniqueness of the control method.
It could be fitted to work on other control methods, but it will not have Kinects full features I guess.


Still interested in seeing PSP hardware numbers as well as Goldeneye sales figures.

Would also be interesting to see the Super Mario All-Stars sales to see how many Nintendo actually shipped to the US.
Epic Mickey is a funny one to me.

At first I thought it would be a huge success. Because of brand, Warren Fucking Spector, and thriving mainstream 3rd party Wii software.

Then the market changed, and Wii software dropped like a rock, around the same time we started getting disappointing demos of EM. By the time it was getting close to launching the Wii market was a fraction of what it once was and early reviews hadn't been exactly kind.

I really doubted it's chances.

And yet...


Opus Angelorum said:
I'd say it's unlikely to be available on anything other than Kinect, considering the uniqueness of the control method.

Although they could use the branding for a Just Dance competitor (with Move).
Yeah, the controls don't matter as long as there's money to be made. :p I guess it boils down to Microsoft, if they can offer Harmonix good enough contract.


More than a member.
some people must forgot that GT5 sold already like 5millions? GT5 prologue did 5 millions !

GT5 won already a shitload of money.... the normal one will go to 10 with time


AdventureRacing said:
For some perspective the best selling GT ever only sold around 6.5 million

6.5 millions "only" ?? man, standards here are getting ridiculous. It's been months since I last read a sales thread, now I remember why.


Top PlayStation Highlights
- PS3 was only console to have 32% increase in software sales YOY.
- LittleBigPlanet 2 currently has a Metacritic score of 94, which makes it one of the Top 10 PS3 games of all times.

Funniest PR in a while.


Opus Angelorum said:
Certainly, and selling over 1 million units in under two months will help them make that decision.
Which most companies consider an incentive to expand to more platforms as the franchise is well received. At te same time Epic is staying 360 only with Gears, so MS can offer enough to keep their partners happy.
Lince said:
6.5 millions "only" ?? man, standards here are getting ridiculous. It's been months since I last read a sales thread, now I remember why.
The point is no matter the quality this one isn't on pace to get a sell through rate likes its predecessors.

It could have legs... I don't know exactly what the rate is for GT's. Not a series I follow generally, but it happens. You still got a great game didn't you? Don't worry about it until they get really really low.

Then it becomes like 2D style platformers for the two prior generations. You get badass resurgences later though. If 2D platformers are anything to go by.


WTF @ Epick Mickey numbers :O
There was some positive buzz about it's pre-order numbers and etc. but I didn't expect it to do so well after lackluster performance in europe. Then again you yanks sure love that rat while we europeans perfer that duck in sailor suit.


Epic Donald incoming.

I don't post very often in these threads, but the performance of Epic Mickey and DCKR are great surprises to me. Since DCKR was in the Top Ten most DL torrent list from a while back, I really doubted it would be in the NPD Top Ten this month too.

And hopefully Epic Mickey sold enough to get another disney inspired platformer going.


My impression from PRs in OP:
MS: We had the best year ever and Kinect is selling great!

Nintendo: We are still on top, both on handhelds and consoles. Watch out for the awesome 3DS coming this March.

Sony: Sigh, we must write something.
Lince said:
6.5 millions "only" ?? man, standards here are getting ridiculous. It's been months since I last read a sales thread, now I remember why.

You need to learn to read. I wasn't implying that 6.5 million was a small number in fact quite the opposite. Maybe try actually reading the post properly next time before rushing in on the defensive.

If thats the best you can contribute i don't think anyone will miss you in sales threads.


Top PlayStation Highlights
- LittleBigPlanet 2 currently has a Metacritic score of 94, which makes it one of the Top 10 PS3 games of all times.

I cannot see the how the fuck the Sony PR mentions LBP2 here.


So.. will the biggest looser for analysts still be Nintendo ? after all its HW sales are down from last year, and it seemed like each month of last year the company was picked on it because it couldn't get back to its former record sales...


Mojojo said:
So.. will the biggest looser for analysts still be Nintendo ? after all its HW sales are down from last year, and it seemed like each month of last year the company was picked on it because it couldn't get back to its former record sales...

Rethorical question?
I mean they claimed Nintendo was the biggest loser in 2006, 2007 AND 2008, what would stop them now?


Mojojo said:
So.. will the biggest looser for analysts still be Nintendo ? after all its HW sales are down from last year, and it seemed like each month of last year the company was picked on it because it couldn't get back to its former record sales...

In between they grew until they became Japan's second most valuable stock. It is not the case anymore but it is pretty telling.

Dead Man

chris0701 said:
I cannot see the how the fuck the Sony PR mentions LBP2 here.
That's what they've got. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I'm pretty sure we've seen MC scores in PR before, and preemptive hyping, this just combines them.


Mojojo said:
So.. will the biggest looser for analysts still be Nintendo ? after all its HW sales are down from last year, and it seemed like each month of last year the company was picked on it because it couldn't get back to its former record sales...

If Nintendo announces a new console at E3 and going by past history, it would probably not be released until 2012. I imagine that would hurt sales of the Wii after E3 due to folks waiting on the new console.
Sony will probably rebound a bit this next year in the US. They do have some decent games coming out.
The 360 had a big bounce due to the slims and then Kinect. But they said they had to use January and February production units to meet demand in December. The Xbox 360 will probably be down for the next few months due to supply issues and Kinect sales falling off.
I can see Sony gaining on the Wii and 360 the first quarter of 2011. I can see the Wii being down in sales in 2011. I can also see the 360 being down until the new Kinect games start coming out in March and April.
Since analysts go month by month, they will be jumping on the Wii as its sales decline. But the 3D DS will make them praise Nintnendo's achievements in the spring.
The 360 will probably be the console that will be jumped on the hardest by the analysts after it slumps after this latest NPD report.


Why wouldn't they mention LBP2? It's out next week and it's one of the most critically acclaimed games of the generation. If there was a Halo game out next week you can bet that MS would be mentioning it in their PR.
Withnail said:
Why wouldn't they mention LBP2? It's out next week and it's one of the most critically acclaimed games of the generation. If there was a Halo game out next week you can bet that MS would be mentioning it in their PR.
Because the PR is a response to December/2010 NPD sales and not upcoming releases?


GrotesqueBeauty said:
Because the PR is a response to December/2010 NPD sales and not upcoming releases?

So why does the MS PR mention Gears 3?

Don't get me wrong, the Sony PR is terrible. But they have every right to be pleased with the reception of LBP2 and bring it up as a success for the platform.


DCKR deserves those sales and more.
Epic Mickey's rebound is really pretty amazing.
GT5 really didn't do too bad. :p


They have every right to say whatever they like. They could try list warz, even. But everyone else still has every right to mock them mercilessly.
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