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NPD Sales Results For December 2010 [Up5: Some Kinect/Move Data]


Unconfirmed Member
Sony PR isn't that bad. Is kinda following Apple desktop business one "we aren't the top seller, but we have quality!".


_Alkaline_ said:
You honestly think you could tell me with a straight face that GT5's sales in the US thus far are not underwhelming?
Actually I could. I wouldn't expect any racing game that aren't launch titles to be million sellers in first month. Well maybe except Mario Kart but it's not racing game but Mario game.


Batteries the CRISIS!
Freezie KO said:
To the 1.3 million people who bought a mediocre game because it had a Disney character rather than picking up Sin and Punishment 2, there is no suitable punishment in this earthly realm for you.

I guess it's a good thing I bought both, then =P

Epic Mickey is a good game. Don't hate
Polk said:
Actually I could. I wouldn't expect any racing game that aren't launch titles to be million sellers in first month. Well maybe except Mario Kart but it's not racing game but Mario game.

It's still a racing game.
kitch9 said:
Its fair to say GT5 project did ok when you think Prologue pretty much paid for development.

Is 5.5 Mill bad for GT5 I don't wtf people are on about? Won't PD have made a fortune from that?

The US just doesn't like racing sims it appears of any flavour it appears, which is maybe understandable as they don't tend to follow as many different types of racing as other parts of the world...
When you think about what GT5 has done so far, and will end up doing - it's logical to assume that the game will be fine. Sony and PD will happily create a GT6 and it will likely be financially successful too. But I, and probably many others, feel this is a flawed and limited view on the situation.

Gran Turismo is hands down the single biggest franchise that Sony holds. It is quite possibly bigger than all of Sony's other franchises combined when it comes to previous/potential sales and brand recognition. So when it comes out with a disappointing first month (there is no rational way to feel it was a good showing for this franchise) and then follows it up with another arguably soft month - it's going to cop shit. True it will end up doing fine, make plenty of money and is doing well in Europe... But let's be honest, even the people who didn't like GT5 or were on the low end of sales predictions could not have expected relatively weak sales during the holiday season for the biggest franchise that Sony owns.

So it's not about whether 5.5 million shipped is bad/good, or whether the game was worth the time/cost/sales ratio - it's a matter of disappointment. It is not okay for PD to develop a game for several years, spend shit loads of money, release a game with numerous flaws (in an otherwise near-perfect series) and then have it's first two months outsold by several titles (including sequels, new IPs and old/repeat-showing titles). PD/Sony are (or at least were) better than that, and the result is so disappointing it's worth every LOL it has received - because they fucked up, and at least in the short term, it is showing.


postaboy said:
Remember when you predicted Alan Wakes and Too Human would do 3 million + sales?

No, I expected Alan Wake to do around 500k, and I wasn't even around in GAF when Too Human was coming out.
Polk said:
It would sell at least 50% less if it was the same game but wasn't released by Nintendo and wasn't Mario branded.

So one racing game only sells lots because of its notable brand (Mario) but the other racing game doesn't sell lots despite having a notable brand? (GT)

Let's not start pretending like GT isn't huge. It's massive.

Last month it was "but it only had a few days in sales."

This month it's "but it's only a racing game."

What's next?


Polk said:
Actually I could. I wouldn't expect any racing game that aren't launch titles to be million sellers in first month. Well maybe except Mario Kart but it's not racing game but Mario game.

Except you have Need for Speed RIGHT THERE and it did over 900k this month alone, sure it has the advantage of being on a ton of platforms, but it did over a million in a comparable time frame.
Polk said:
It would sell at least 50% less if it was the same game but wasn't released by Nintendo and wasn't Mario branded.

I'm sure GT would sell 50% less if it wasn't released by sony and not branded by as a GT game.

It'd probably sell a lot like racepro or something. So i'm not sure what your argument is.
I really expected gt5 to sell better, sony really pushed this and the hype gaf made had me thinking it would sell better in the usa than other gts. Dont worry sony, europe still loves you remeber that next gen before you try and charge us £429 for your console at launch.




ShockingAlberto said:
Which is why Disney demanded it be out before it was finished.
hopefully we will get epic mickey 2 with refined controls and refined mechanics

i hear that the game itself is good but the fundamental polish is so bad that it kills everything


Flying_Phoenix said:
The Epic Mickey denials and GT vs Mario Kart is very very amusing.
mario kart managed to hold its own when GT was in its high (around GT3)

now that mario kart experienced a rennaissance in terms of popularity with MKDS and MKWii there is really no comparison
legend166 said:
Nintendo release a lot of Mario games that don't sell well.

Trying to think of a recent one...Super Sluggers? Did that game even come out? Haven't seen it anywhere in Australia.

Edit: Came out in America but not Europe or Australia.


_Alkaline_ said:
Trying to think of a recent one...Super Sluggers? Did that game even come out? Haven't seen it anywhere in Australia.

Most Mario games do sell pretty well. That doesn't really explain why Mario Kart is so popular though.
_Alkaline_ said:
Trying to think of a recent one...Super Sluggers? Did that game even come out? Haven't seen it anywhere in Australia.

Pretty much all of the Mario sports games sell like shit, but Mario Kart.

When a Mario game sells significantly more than any other Mario game released this gen (including the mainline entries), it's clearly obvious that Mario isn't carrying the lionshare of its weight.

Gran Turismo 5 has sold well for a game, but not for a Gran Turismo game. This is a series that its entries were almost unrivaled in sales. The original Gran Turismo was the best selling Playstation game ever and the third entry was one of the best, if not the best, selling Playstation 2 game ever. The series is clearly at a decline, at least in North America.

But being honest it was only a matter of time.


Balb said:
Most Mario games do sell pretty well. That doesn't really explain why Mario Kart is so popular though.
its the same as brawl or nsmbwii

those games are really great for multiplayer sessions with friends. i cant think of any 360 or ps3 game that offers a similar experience in a 3 to 4 player environment

Flying_Phoenix said:
Pretty much all of the Mario sports games sell like shit, but Mario Kart.

When a Mario game sells significantly more than any other Mario game released this gen (including the mainline entries), it's clearly obvious that Mario isn't carrying the lionshare of its weight.

Gran Turismo 5 has sold well for a game, but not for a Gran Turismo game. The series is clearly at a decline, at least in North America.

golf and tennis are both millionsellers and strikers did pretty good as far as i know

selling 10 million + ? no

selling like shit ? far from it


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Glad, DKCR and Mickey did as well as they did. DKCR is a wonderful platformer and this result should strengthen Nintendo's believe in platformers. Epic Mickey was very important for Nintendo and Spector alike. Had this game not sold, it would be a given that Nintendos 3rd Party support would deminish further. Successful as it is I can see Spector doing another game for Wii oder Wii's successor in a similar vein. Considering that Mickey was a great game despite a few flaws that's good news.


It seems like all the sudden everyone around me has Dance Central. Lots of casuals too. Not surprised it is a 'breakout hit'.
_Alkaline_ said:
So one racing game only sells lots because of its notable brand (Mario) but the other racing game doesn't sell lots despite having a notable brand? (GT)

Let's not start pretending like GT isn't huge. It's massive.

Last month it was "but it only had a few days in sales."

This month it's "but it's only a racing game."

What's next?

"It didn't do bad for such a small userbase"

"Sold on par with other PS3 exclusives"

Just a guess. Others can share their own.


Reading Sony's press release it sounds like they were the only ones to have YOY growth in software, does anyone know if this is true (someone posted Xbox had 44% software growth)?
Wow at DKCR. One of these days I'm going to need to buy it. Don't quite get the sales of dance games but then I didn't get how a game with a plastic guitar sold well either.

Flying_Phoenix said:
The Epic Mickey denials and GT vs Mario Kart is very very amusing.
Indeed, was afraid the thread was going to die off there before DmeisterJ brought it back with his, ahem, "dedicated" defense of GT5. Also, poor smilies.


Pride said:
Reading Sony's press release it sounds like they were the only ones to have YOY growth in software, does anyone know if this is true (someone posted Xbox had 44% software growth)?

They were the only ones to have 32% growth.


Pride said:
Reading Sony's press release it sounds like they were the only ones to have YOY growth in software, does anyone know if this is true (someone posted Xbox had 44% software growth)?

To be fair, reading Sony's press release it sounds like they were the only ones to have exactly 32% growth. As in, the others might have been higher. But that's too stupid to be true, so they may have had the highest growth.
RedStep said:
To be fair, reading Sony's press release it sounds like they were the only ones to have exactly 32% growth. As in, the others might have been higher. But that's too stupid to be true, so they may have had the highest growth.

Agreed, but given the press release lists a January game getting good reviews as one of two highlights for December...you just never know with Sony.


Welp pretty disappointing numbers for GT5 I'd say, then again it's HUGE in Europe not exactly in NA if GT5P is any indication....

Absolutely delighted over Epic Mickey and DKCR!
The fact that in 1 month in the US it did better than Other M will ever do LTD worldwide also bring warmth
I'll stop talking about it promise when I sell the thing, promise it's this weekend I swear

On the MK thing, Mario Kart is pretty fucking huge and it's NOT because of Mario....it's because it's MARIO FUCKING KART.
Did everyone forget that MARIO KART is a franchise in the same right that Pokemon, Wiifit and the other?
I mean we get one each gen after all and it's not popular because of Mario, not anymore for a long time at least.


Zoramon089 said:
I love all the posts saying "Not surprised EM sold well". The back treading is hilarious
EP surprised the hell outta me, almost as much as Wii numbers. Never, never thought Wii would sell as well as it did last month. Crazy.


Instigator said:
Edit: removed because this place can't handle it.

Basically, a series in decline.

I was going to feel bad that I quoted the picture and got him banned, but this edit took my guilt away.
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